Recreation Advisory Board
Monthly Meeting
March 25, 2015
Shirley Winston Recreation Center
? Welcome?????????????????????????...??.Irene Pate
? Roll Call??????????????????????????..Becky Glisson
Board Secretary
? Approval of Minutes
? Director?s/Staff Report????????????????????..James Worsley
? Open Discussion?????????????????????????Irene Pate
? Closing
The next RAB meeting will be held April 29th at Pop Austin Recreation Center
March 25, 2015
Fluellen Recreation Center
12:00 noon
Members Present: Mike Peacock, Carl Brown, Willie Dickerson, Derrick
Members Absent: Tracy Belt, Irene Pate, Andre Dye, Vanessa Jackson, Bob Johnson
City Staff Present: Teresa Snellings, Becky Glisson, Holli Browder, Tommy
Groce, Shelley Tippens, Millie Del Toro
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:07.
Roll was taken.
Carl Brown brought it to our attention that the minutes of the last meeting
inaccurately reflected board members present and absent from the February
Becky advised she will change the February minutes and will send them
with the March minutes. She also asked that when she sends them out after each
meeting that the board check them then and let her know of any mistakes or
changes to be made.
There was not a quorum at the meeting so the minutes of the last meeting could
not be approved.
Becky also advised that due to the fact that there has been no quorum
at the last few meetings that we still cannot approve the minutes from the
September, October and January minutes. These will have to be approved when we
have a quorum.
Antonio Owens, Director of Shirley Winston Recreation Center, gave a brief
overview of the center and the programs and events happening there. He also
mentioned that they just planted 100 trees on the campus of the center.
Shirley Winston has an exercise program for persons over 40 with about 80
participants both male and female. He invited all of the board to come and
Director/Staff Update
Holli Browder: (Assistant Director) Please check the minutes when you receive
them from Becky and if there are any changes, let her know then and she will
change them.
Also, spoke on the fact that there were not enough members in the room for a
quorum and we have not been able to approve minutes. Please remember the
by-laws and if you are not here for three consecutive meetings, please recuse
yourself from the board.
Carl Brown asked if minutes could be approved by email and Holli
informed him that they could not.
Millie Del Toro: (Community Schools) Spring Break Camp is going good and we
have 107 children signed up this year. We are also getting ready for Summer
Camp and registration will start on April 20th.
Shelley Tippens: (Community Schools) Nothing further to report.
Becky Glisson: (Finance) Northing further to report.
Teresa Snellings (Recreation Services): We just had the finals to the
basketball league we started in house. It went pretty good. We started out
with 7 teams but ended up with 6. We are going to try to expand it during the
summer. We did not charge a fee last time and had trouble getting officials,
etc. We are looking at going back to charging a small fee to take care of
those expenses.
The city wide Easter egg hunt is April 4th for ages 1-12 years old. She
invites the board to come out to the event.
April 20th the Senior Section is taking a trip to Memphis and Tunica
The Senior Picnic will be May 14 with a rain date of May 21. It will be held
at Cooper Creek Park.
Kids in the Park Day is May 16th.
We just held a neighborhood health care joint event with Mercy Med which Fox
Community Center. We had it last Thursday and it went very well. This was
done for a person in the neighborhood who passed away due to a lack of health
Seniors are getting ready for the season of strawberry and peach picking.
Tommy Groce (Park Services): We are right in the growing season. We are doing
our best to make sure everything is cut and kept on a good schedule.
In the athletics area, the last of the little leagues open up.
Adult softball has started and they will be playing four nights a week. Senior
softball starts on Monday the 30th.
Holli Browder: (Assistant Director) We just had the Empty Bowl event and it was
not as successful as last year. We made $7300 which is 43,800 meals. There
was another event the week before and weather may have been a factor. We are
going to work with that other group and see if we can work together so that our
events don?t overlap.
The bids are back on the Columbus Aquatic Center and we have a meeting in the
next couple of weeks. We will have to go to Council on this. USA Pools last
day is April 27th. If you know anyone that is interested in working for us,
please send them our way.
Sorry for the late notice but if you could help us out it would be great. We
are applying for the Playful City status and need letters of support from
citizens and/or businesses. If you could write a letter for us that would be
extremely helpful. They need to be turned in to us by Friday.
Updates from the Board:
Derrick Greene: The City Wide Easter Egg hunt should bring in about 2000 to
3000 children. He looks forward to this event each year and is sure it will be
great! He invites the board to come for the event.
Carl Brown: Nothing to report.
Willie Dickerson: Nothing to report.
Mike Peacock: Leagues are starting this week. They are having the usual
problem with parking. There are a couple of police officers that come to help
out there and the law enforcement presence seems to help a little. Nothing
will solve it until parking tickets are given out.
The Board asked him to check on work orders that have been done such as the
lights being replaced. This has become a safety issue and if anymore go out
they will be in the dark.
Tommy will check on the work order. Tommy also explained about the truck being
too big for some things and not being able to be used when it is wet. They
have a lot of issues with the truck.
He was asked to check on the work order for the safety fence around the
dugouts. They have purchased the materials but the work has not been done.
Tommy will check on this also.
Mike and Tommy had discussion on the work on the fields and what they are
doing. Mike also said that the Tball field is being used more as a practice
field and the scoreboard came in.
Carl Brown asked whether or not when purchasing the truck was the size
not taken into consideration.
Tommy explained that the truck was purchased by Public Works for a lot of
different things and they chose the truck best suited for that. It has to be
that size for other areas such as Golden Park, Memorial Stadium and South
Commons, etc.
Mike Peacock asked Tommy if he knew if they were turfing Kinnett Stadium.
Tommy is unsure as we don?t have anything to do with school district items but
thinks there is an RFP out.
With no further discussion, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Our next meeting will be April 29th at Pop Austin Recreation Center.
Meeting Adjourned 12:56 pm.
Becky Glisson
Recording Secretary
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