Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


August 28, 2018


Approval is requested to enter into a supplemental agreement with the Georgia

Department of Transportation (GDOT) to adjust the engineering services and ROW

budget for the TIA Spiderweb Network Project. The Spiderweb Network Project is

a 2012 Transportation Investment Act (TIA) project for the development of a

bridge over the Norfolk Southern railroad that crosses Buena Vista Road near

the intersections of Illges and Andrews Roads. The project was approved by the

voters in 2013, for total budget of $40 million dollars. As the project has

developed, so have the costs to complete the necessary engineering. The

original budget set the cost at $2,484,684 for preliminary engineering, with

the understanding that a cost to provide the final plans would be established

later. That cost has now been determined to increase by another $2 million for

a total of $4,484,684.


Approval is requested for the Sheriff?s Office to enter into an MOU with the US

Marshals Service to receive $2,042.17 in funding, or as otherwise awarded, with

no local match required, for the purchase of 3 computer tablets, 20 bluetooth

earbuds and 20 tactical flashlights, for use in the Columbus 2018 Sex Offender

Detail operation in conjunction with the USMS, and to amend the

Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of the award.


Approval is requested authorizing renewal of the Medicare eligible healthcare

plan benefits and the United Healthcare Medicare Advantage plan. The renewal

will become effective January 1, 2019.


Approval is requested of items "A" to "I":

A. Inmate Medical & Pharmacy Services for Muscogee County Jail (Annual


B. Inmate Medical & Pharmacy Services for Muscogee County Prison (Annual


C. Alcohol Management Services for Columbus Civic Center (Annual Contract)

D. Plotter Printer & Scanner Services (Annual Contract)

E. Agricultural Chemicals (Annual Contract)

F. Tasers and Related Accessories for Marshal's Office

G. Georgia Subsequent Injury Trust Fund (SITF) Annual Assessment

H. Upgrade of the Business Licensing/Occupation Tax System and Permit

Management System

I. Heavy-Duty Chairs for the E911 Center

-- Emergency Purchase - Moving Services


- - Sheriff's Office Update - Donna Thompkins, MCSO

- - Government Center Update/Maintenance - Pat Biegler, Public Works Director

- - Government Center Update/Repairs/Construction/Insurance - John Hudgison,

Inspections and Codes Director and Pam Hodge, Deputy City Manager

- - Transportation Update - Pam Hodge, Deputy City Manager (Delayed)

- - Finance Monthly Update, Angelica Alexander, Finance Director

Bid Advertisements

(Schedule opening bid dates)

August 29, 2018

1. Uniforms for Public Safety Departments (Annual Contract) ? RFB No.


Scope of Bid

Provide uniforms for Columbus Consolidated Government Public Safety Departments

on an ?as needed? basis. The term of this contract shall be for two (2)

years, with the option to renew for three (3) additional twelve-month periods.

September 12, 2018

1. Pine Grove Municipal Solid Waste Landfill C&D Area 3 and Citizen Drop-Off

Area ? RFB No. 19-0007

A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference/Site Visit is scheduled at 1:00 PM (Eastern) on

Wednesday, September 12, 2018. Vendors shall convene at Columbus Recycling and

Sustainability Center, which is located at 8001 Pine Grove Way, Columbus,

Georgia 31907; the Site Visit will commence immediately after the Pre-Bid

Conference. Vendors will be allowed a 10-minute grace period for the Pre-Bid

Conference. Any vendor who is not present in the aforementioned location,

within 10 minutes after the time slated for the beginning of the Mandatory

Pre-Bid Conference, shall not be allowed to participate any further in the bid


September 14, 2018

1. Naming Rights Consulting Services ? RFP No. 19-0005

Scope of RFP

Columbus Consolidated Government (the City) invites qualified consultants to

submit proposals to provide a valuation study and assist or in whole find a

sponsor for naming rights at the Columbus Civic Center and Ice Rink.

2. Staffing Software ? RFP No. 19-0004

Scope of RFP

Provide Columbus Consolidated Government with a cloud-based staffing software

solution to be used by the Fire and EMS Department.

3. Instructors for Parks & Recreation Programs (Annual Contract) ? RFP No.


Scope of RFP

The Columbus Consolidated Government is seeking to contract with qualified

instructors to provide/lead various instructional programs for the Parks and

Recreation Department. The term of this contract shall be for one (1) year,

with four (4) extension options.

September 26, 2018

1. Pine Grove Municipal Solid Waste Landfill C&D Area 3 and Citizen Drop-Off

Area ? RFB No. 19-0007

Scope of Bid

The project consists of providing all labor, materials, tools, equipment,

services and incidentals, and performing all work required to construct in

place and ready to operate a Construction and Demolition Landfill Cell

consisting of approximately 43,307 CY of excavation, 15,425 CY of structural

fill, sediment pond cleaning, 1,789 SY of all-weather access road, and erosion

and sedimentation control items.

Additionally, the project includes an Alternate Item No. 1: Citizens Drop-Off

Area, which involves 625 CY of excavation, 11,373 CY of structural fill, 385 LF

of concrete retaining wall, gravity sewer piping, asphalt, concrete and gravel

pavement, and erosion and sedimentation control items.

September 28, 2018

1. Recruitment Advertising Services ? RFP No. 19-0007

Scope of RFP

The Columbus Consolidated Government invites qualified firms to submit

proposals to provide the Columbus Police Department with a 3:00 to 4:00 minute

documentary style video for recruiting purposes. In addition, the vendor should

also be able to provide other advertising media in the form or brochures,

billboards and other media resources to aid in the recruitment and retention of


Time is of the essence; therefore, the ability to immediately start on the

project and provide a quality, finished product as soon as possible will be a

major consideration in awarding of the contract.


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