Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item #__


Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

February 11, 2014

Agenda Report # __

TO: Mayor and Councilors

SUBJECT: Health Insurance ? Active Employees and Pre-65 Retirees

INITIATED BY: Human Resources and Finance Department

Recommendation: Approval is requested of a resolution authorizing rate changes

for Health Insurance for Active employees and Pre-65 Retirees and modifications

to the plan benefits.

Background: The Columbus Consolidated Government provides a health insurance

program to its employees and retirees. The current program is self insured for

employees and pre-65 retirees and their dependents. The rates are adjusted

annually based on the costs of the plan.

Analysis: The shortfall to the Health Insurance Fund is estimated to be $2

million based on the expected costs provided by Northwestern Benefit

Corporation of Georgia, our benefits consultant.

Financial Considerations: The Health Insurance Fund is an Internal Service

Fund and must be balanced each year.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact: The expected impact from the plan

modifications is $1 million.

The impact of the premium rate changes is estimated to be $0.669 million, for a

total of $1.669 million.

Legal Considerations: The Columbus Council must authorize any rate changes and

plan modifications to the self-insured Health Insurance program.

Recommendations/Actions: Approve a resolution authorizing the rate changes for

Health Insurance for Active employees and Pre-65 Retirees, and modifications to

the plan benefits.


NO. ____

WHEREAS, the Columbus Consolidated Government offers a self-insured

healthcare plan to its active employees and pre-65 retirees; and,

WHEREAS, the cost of the plan is comprised of plan benefits, employer

contributions, and employee/retirees contributions; and,

WHEREAS, the Columbus Consolidated Government evaluates and adjusts, if

needed, plan benefits and contributions annually based on the expected cost of

the plan; and,

WHEREAS, the Columbus Consolidated Government must authorize

implementation of the recommended changes and options.


That the City Manager and/or his designee are hereby authorized to

implement the following changes to the plan benefits, adjust the employee and

pre-65 retiree premium rates effective June 1, 2014.

HMO Out-of-Pocket $1500/$3000 (Individual/Family)

HMO deductible $500/$1000 (Individual/Family)

HMO copays $30/$40 (Primary/Specialist)

POS/PPO Out-of-Pocket $2800/$5600 (Individual/Family)

POS/PPO deductible $500/$1000 (Individual/Family)

POS/PPO copays $30/$40 (Primary/Specialist)

No Changes to the Health and Wellness Center Plan

Active Employees

HMO Monthly Rate POS/PPO Monthly


Employee $92.80 $98.87

Employee + Spouse $227.20 $234.91

Employee + Child(ren) $211.15 $218.38

Family $286.73 $297.56

Pre-65 Retirees


Monthly Rate

Pre-65 Retirees POS/PPO

Monthly Rate

Employee $164.54 $171.94

Employee + Spouse $310.06 $324.02

Employee + Child(ren) $288.24 $301.22

Family $455.57 $476.09

Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia,

held the 11th day of February, 2014 and adopted by the affirmative vote of

_________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting __________

Councilor Baker voting __________

Councilor Barnes voting __________

Councilor Davis voting __________

Councilor Henderson voting __________

Councilor Huff voting __________

Councilor McDaniel voting __________

Councilor Turner Pugh voting __________

Councilor Thomas voting __________

Councilor Woodson voting __________

_________________________________ ___________________________

Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor


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