Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

January 11, 2010

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

January 11, 2010, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Philip Thayer

Dr. Carole Rutland

Karl Douglass

Mayor Jim Wetherington

Absent: Billy Blanchard

It was noted that Treasurer Billy Blanchard?s absence from this meeting

was excused.

This being the first meeting of the new year, election of Officers was

in order. The following Officers were nominated:

Office 2010

Chairman Philip Thayer

Treasurer Billy Blanchard

President Robert L. Tant

Secretary Emory E. Blount

Following discussion motion was made and second to elect the above

Officers for the calendar year 2010. Motion carried.

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular meeting on December 14, 2009, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

The Financial Report for the month of December including Ft. Benning

was presented to the Board. Motion was made and second to accept the reports.

Motion carried.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by the Finance and Customer Services Department.

Customer Services

All activities in support of Customer Services (Meter Reading/Meter Services

and Customer billing) remain current for this cycle.

1,742 average work orders completed each month, in addition to +/- 33,800

average reads per month.

20,310 work orders completed in 2009

Staffing: (1) Supervisor and (6) Meter Readers

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by Engineering and Field Services.

Ft. Benning BRAC Update

There are 13 BRAC projects ? (9) funded through the Corp ? (4) funded through

contract mod and bond issue with the CWW.

The first (9) projects are substantially completed and placed into service.

These projects provided additional distribution and collection system capacity

and connection points for the Corp of Engineers BRAC Development.

Ft. Benning Fire Hydrant Replacement

In 2009 CWW inspected 1,029 fire hydrants on Ft. Benning. It was determined

that (76) fire hydrants were inoperable and non-repairable. Through December

2009, (73) of the fire hydrants have been replaced. The final (3) hydrants are

scheduled to be replaced in January 2010.

The total project budget is $300,000 and the total cost to date is $206,256.

Field Services

Wastewater crews are investigating areas prone to overflows in heavy rains

including Standing Boy Court, 19th Avenue and 23rd Street, and East Lindsay &

Flint. Potential solutions being considered include rerouting where smaller

mains intersect larger mains.

Distribution crews repaired over 20 leaks including an 8? main break on

Schomburg Road, which required two (2) Hydra-stops to limit the number of

customers who would be out of service while the repair was made. The only

customers affected were in Sugar Mill Apartments who were out of water from

midnight until 3:30 a.m. (3.5 hours). Crews were on site for 16 hours to make

the necessary repair.

Ft. Benning Field Services

Ft. Benning crews helped repair road behind fields at SCWRF due to severe


The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by the Strategic Planning and Employee Services


Strategic Planning

January 21, 2010 ? A Strategic Planning workshop is scheduled at the Cunningham

Center for Leadership Development, CSU, for Strategy Team Leaders and Assistant

Team Leaders.

Strategic Planning will represent CWW, joining 21 regional, national and

international utilities, in partnering with EMA, Inc., as a participant in AWWA

Research Foundation Project No. 4232 (Forecasting the Future: Progress, Changes

and Predictions for the Water Sector).

Strategic Planning will represent CWW as a facilitator at The Utility

Management Conference 2010, scheduled February 21-24, in San Francisco, CA.

Employee Services

Lawson Software Implementation. Employee Services continues the implementation

of the new Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and Payroll System from

Lawson Software. The new HRIS database will store each CWW employee?s personal

and benefits information, including job, certification, workers compensation

and training. Employee Services continues development sessions in preparation

for a fully functional system in January 2010.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by the Environmental and Communication Services.

Environmental Compliance

The Environmental Compliance Department held a Backflow Prevention (BFP)

recertification class for persons holding a Georgia License for the testing of

backflow prevention devices.

The Environmental Compliance Department is in the process of re-permitting 30

industrial users.

Water Quality Monitoring

All required sampling for the year has been completed.

Dr. Morton Reed, Lab Manager, was granted a Professional Engineer?s License in


Information Services

The IS staff presented a demonstration of an Information Portal System to

Senior Management during December.

The HR/Payroll system was placed into production on December 21st.

The IS Department continues to do its part to be ?green? by recycling computer


Communications and Continuous Improvement

Bill insert for January ? eTAP/Low Income Credit

Television Promotional Advertisement will focus on e-TAP (Electronic

Transaction and Payment)

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by the Water Resources, Managed Maintenance and

Security Departments.

South Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month 55.48 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month 67.79 mgd

An extremely wet month kept us very busy handling high flows and process

control issues.

Billy Jackson (Apprentice Process Control Specialist) attended the 40 hour

Basic Wastewater Course in Carrollton. He is scheduled to take the Class 3

Wastewater exam in January.

North Columbus Water Resource Facility

Average Daily Flow for Month 23.61 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month 25.91 mgd

The new raw water tank is being filled six feet each day. This is needed to

test the integrity of the tank and allow concrete to settle. Once the tank is

full, it will be tested for leakage and then placed on line. This should occur

in January 2010.

The contractor working on the sludge collection equipment replacement project

completed the mechanical installation in sedimentation basin six. The

electrical work is underway and startup should be conducted during the first

week of January. Installation of walkways on sedimentation basin two has


CWW received the resignation notice from David Marion, the NCWRF Superintendent

during December. David was employed by CWW for 24 years. David has chosen to

take a job with another utility in Florida.

James Stephens, Assistant Superintendent of the SCWRF since September 2009 will

become the new Superintendent of the NCWRF. James was also previously the

NCWRF Assistant Superintendent from June 1998 until September 2009. James has

many years in the water industry and his leadership will ensure the

continuation of a long history of excellent water treatment plant operation and

maintenance for CWW.

Frank Dunmire is the new Assistant Superintendent of the NCWRF.

Managed Maintenance

72% of planned work orders completed

56% of planned man hours

Repaired over hang security lights at Main Office

Replaced motor on Bar Screen #3 at South Columbus Water Works

Replaced pump moisture detection switches on wet well pumps at South Commons

CSO Facility

Performed dielectric absorption and testing on #4 Raw Water Pump at NCWRF


Installation and activation of the CWW Employee Access Control Security System

at the Service Center was completed on December 30, 2009.

Brookie Tate, CWW Security Coordinator, was nominated to attend the FBI?s

InfraGard Citizen?s Academy.

CWW was the first utility in Georgia to upload their Resourcing Equipment Data

in the new Georgia Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (GAWARN) System.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave the Board a brief update on wet weather impacts on

sanitary sewer systems.

Perspective: 2009 has been one of the most challenging years in CWW?s history

for managing flows in the sewer system due to extreme rainfall.

2009 Sanitary Sewer Overflows

Over the past 130 years of rain fall records, 2009 is the wettest for

Columbus. This rainfall has resulted in high groundwater levels, localized

flooding, and at times, constant inflow and infiltration into the sanitary

sewer system, resulting in SSOs.

In 2009, CWW has reported 52 SSOs to the EPD. Thirty-Nine of these are due to

wet weather.

CWW?s Sewer Systems

The majority of the Columbus and Ft. Benning sewer systems flow by gravity.

These gravity lines occur in drainage basins, much like streams.

Columbus Sewer System Basin

Sewer Service Area: 75,000 acres

Sewer Connections: 62,000

Gravity Sewer: 4,970,000 L.F.

Manholes: 23,000

How does rain and ground water get into the sewer system?

Leaky manholes

Manhole lid submergence

Leaky pipe joints

Leaky connections

Storm drain connections

Private property connections (root drains, yard drains, French drains,

collapsed laterals)

During periods of high rainfall and high ground water these inflow and

infiltration sources exceed the flow capacity of the sewer system.

Leaky Joints (Infiltration)

Approximately 60% of the gravity sewer system is comprised of un-reinforced

concrete pipe and vitrified clay pipe. Neither of these types of pipe was

designed/manufactured/installed with water tight joints. In periods of high

ground or shallow lines with water pooling above, these pipes essentially serve

as ?French drains? allowing ground and surface water into the sanitary sewer

system. The more prolonged these periods of sewer system inundation, the

greater the volume that enters the sewer system.

Manhole Lid Submergence

Manholes along streams in low areas, or street gutters can take on significant


CWW has been installing inflow restrictor plates since the March 2009 SSOs

(approximately 50 have been installed with more occurring).

Storm Drain Connections

Street curb inlets are occasionally found connected to a sanitary sewer. These

connections can discharge high volumes of water into the sanitary sewer and can

quickly use up the capacity.

The City is notified to disconnect these storm lines.

Private Property Connections

I&I reduction studies have shown that private property contributions can make

up 50% to 70% of the extraneous flows during wet weather.

Roof Drains

Missing Cleanout Caps

Yard Drains

French Drains ? Collapsed Laterals

CWW I&I Actions in 2009

Smoke tested sewers in Lakebottom and East Lindsey Creek

TV inspected sewers in these areas

Point repairs on public sewer

Storm sewer disconnections

Notification to private property owners to disconnect storm inflow

Manhole inflow restrictor pans installed

Sewer lines rehabilitated and/or replaced

Lift stations modified Control strategy

Raised manholes

Future Action

Negotiate Consent Order with the EPD

Increase investigative efforts in Lakebottom, Green Island Hills and Main Post

(Ft. Benning)

Prioritize I&I areas and repair/rehabilitate within funding limitations

Following discussion the Board acknowledged Management?s report.

President Tant advised the Board that he met with several water utility

representatives in Atlanta on Thursday, January 7th in anticipation of the

legislature?s upcoming convening. The Governor?s committee submitted a report

to the Governor, which brought back their recommendations and decided the only

thing they could really address was conservation and leak detection and

prevention in distribution systems. President Tant stated he would keep the

Board updated on any new information.

President Tant provided the Board with the following items of


Thank you note to Becky Butts from Richards Middle School

Thank you note to Paula Goble and Savonne Monell from Bridge of Columbus

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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