Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # 1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

April 12, 2011

Agenda Report # 624

TO: Mayor and Council

SUBJECT: Benefits Manager Contract

INITIATED: Human Resources Department

Recommendation: Approve a resolution authorizing negotiations for a 1-year

benefits manager contract with Northwestern Benefits Corporation of Georgia.

Background: The City entered a 2-year contract with the current benefits

manager effective June 1, 2009 and expiring on May 31, 2011. The contract

allows annual extensions for up to three (3) additional one (1) year terms,

unless either party gives written notice to the other at least sixty (60) days

before the expiration of the initial or any subsequent term.

Although the contract with the current benefits manager will not be renewed,

the original RFP contains a provision allowing contract negotiations with the

second highest rated proposal. That proposal was submitted by Northwestern.

During the initial contract period, the benefits manager concept has

demonstrated a capability to provide savings and services not otherwise

available to the City. Although we have experienced significant savings to

date, we believe that the real value from having a benefits manger will occur

over the next several years as we address more difficult issues including cost

containment and cost sharing strategies, value-based benefits design, employee

accountability (wellness, care management, culture change, etc.) and

cost/benefit analysis of a possible employee/retiree clinic.

Analysis: Starting with the Benefits Manager RFP process, the City has

invested significant productive resources in transitioning responsibilities to

the benefits manager that continues to strengthen control over our

multi-million dollar benefits investment. If we don?t contract with another

benefits manager, we will be required to invest significant unproductive

resources in the recovery of data, functions and contract administration

currently outsourced to the benefits manager.

CCG full time employment has increased by 180 full time employees since January

2008, with no corresponding increase in Human Resources staffing. The benefits

manager concept was developed as a means of outsourcing what was becoming an

unmanageable workload created by our growing employee population in a manner

that would also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our benefits

management at little to no cost. Without a benefits manger, additional HR

staffing is urgently needed to enable reabsorbing the outsourced benefits

management functions.

Northwestern maintains a customer service center in Atlanta and a local office

located at 5820 Veterans Parkway. In addition to their local presence,

Northwestern has a confirmed reputation for providing excellent benefits

management services to many other clients, including several Georgia counties

and cities.

Financial Considerations: There is no additional cost to the City for

contracting with Northwestern, as payment for services will continue to be from


Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement: Although an exact number cannot be

calculated, continuing to utilize a benefits manager is expected to generate a

continued positive financial impact. Managing benefits internally will create

necessary but recurring annual expenses for employee salaries, operating

expenses and consultant fees.

Legal: Authorization of Council to negotiate a contract with Northwestern is


Recommendation/Actions: The City Manager, Human Resources Director, Finance

Director and Internal Auditor recommend the proposed contract negotiations with






WHEREAS, the City entered into a two-year contract for benefit management

services on June 1, 2009, that will expire on May 31, 2011; and,

WHEREAS, the contract with the existing benefits manager will not be renewed,

the original RFP contains a provision allowing contract negotiations with the

second highest rated proposal; and,

WHEREAS, the second highest rated proposal was received from Northwestern

Benefits Corporation of Georgia.


That the City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into negotiations for a one

(1) year benefits management contract with Northwestern Benefits Corporation of



Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

on the_______ day of ________________, 2011 and adopted at said meeting by the

affirmative vote of ______ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting _______________.

Councilor Baker voting _______________.

Councilor Barnes voting _______________.

Councilor Davis voting _______________.

Councilor Henderson voting _______________.

Councilor Huff voting _______________.

Councilor McDaniel voting _______________.

Councilor Thomas voting _______________.

Councilor Turner-Pugh voting _______________.

Councilor Woodson voting _______________.

_____________________________ _________________________

Tiny Washington, Clerk of Council Teresa Pike

Tomlinson, Mayor


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