Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated Government of

Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changes certain boundaries of a district

located northwest of the Veterans Parkway-Williams Road intersection from SFR1

(Single Family Residential 1) / GC (General Commercial)/ PUD (Planned Unit

Development) Districts to PMUD (Planned Mixed Unit Development) Zoning District.


That the Zoning Atlas on file with the Planning Department be, and the same is

hereby amended by changing the following described property from SFR1 (Single

Family Residential 1) / GC (General Commercial)/ PUD (Planned Unit Development)

Districts to PMUD (Planned Mixed Unit Development) Zoning District:

All that tract or parcel of land lying in and being Part of Land Lot 40, 8th

District and Part of Land Lots 263, 269, 270 and 294, 19th District, Columbus,

Muscogee County, Georgia, being more particularly described as follows:

BEGINNING at an iron stake marking the intersection of the northwesterly line

of Veterans Parkway and the southerly line of Land Lot 269, 19th District;

thence South 87 degrees 19 minutes 15 seconds West, along the southerly line of

said Land Lot 269, 488.57 feet to an iron stake which marks the common corner

of Land Lots 269, 270, 294 and 295, 19th District; thence South 87 degrees 10

minutes 30 seconds West, along the southerly line of Land Lot 270, 59.38 feet

to an iron stake; thence South 87 degrees 27 minutes 54 seconds West, along the

southerly line of said Land Lot 270, 91.06 feet to an iron stake; thence South

87 degrees 20 minutes 33 seconds West, along the southerly line of said Land

Lot 270, 621.51 feet to an iron stake; thence South 03 degrees 03 minutes 51

seconds West, 637.26 feet to an iron stake on the northerly line of Williams

Road, thence (the next six calls will be along the northerly line of Williams

Road) North 71 degrees 20 minutes 55 seconds West, 240.71 feet to a concrete

monument; thence westerly, along the arc of a counterclockwise curve with a

radius of 2,939.79 feet, 480.97 feet to a concrete monument; thence North 19

degrees 57 minutes 42 seconds East, 67.11 feet to a concrete monument; thence

North 79 degrees 50 minutes 19 seconds West, 41.62 feet to a concrete monument;

thence South 19 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds West, 65.63 feet to a concrete

monument; thence westerly along the arc of a counterclockwise curve with a

radius of 2,939.79 feet, 261.67 feet to an iron stake; thence leaving Williams

Road, North 03 degrees 13 minutes 04 seconds East, 332.39 feet to an iron stake

on the southerly line of said Land Lot 270; thence South 88 degrees 19 minutes

57 seconds West, along the southerly line of said Land Lot 270, 374.08 feet to

an iron stake; thence North 01 degree 40 minutes 03 seconds West 1,640.0 feet

to an iron stake; thence South 88 degrees 01 minute 58 seconds West, 648.69

feet to an iron stake on the easterly right-of-way line of Norfolk-Southern

Railroad; thence (the next three calls will be along the easterly right-of-way

line of Norfolk-Southern Railroad) North 13 degrees 37 minutes 52 seconds East,

20.0 feet to an iron stake; thence northerly along the arc of a

counterclockwise curve with a radius of 1,457.68 feet, 612.73 feet to an iron

stake; thence North 10 degrees 27 minutes 11 seconds West, 866.15 feet to an

iron stake; thence leaving said railroad right-of?-way, North 88 degrees 45

minutes 49 seconds East, 1,432.37 feet to an iron stake; thence North 88

degrees 47 minutes 17 seconds East, 500.15 feet to an iron stake; thence North

01 degree 24 minutes 17 seconds West 2,279.36 feet to an iron stake in the

center of a Gas Line Easement; thence North 69 degrees 10 minutes 38 seconds

East along the center of said Gas Line Easement, 1,014.17 feet to an iron stake

on the easterly line of said Land Lot 263; thence South 01 degree 44 minutes 33

seconds East, along the said easterly line of Land Lot 263, 2,671.38 feet to an

iron stake which marks the common comer of Land Lots 263, 264, 269 and 270,

19th District; thence South 01 degree 57 minutes 25 seconds East, along the

easterly line of said Land Lot 270, 2,364.85 feet to an iron stake; thence

North 87 degrees 23 minutes 45 seconds East, 1,030.26 feet to an iron stake on

the southwesterly line of American Way; thence southeasterly along the thence

South 37 degrees 13 minutes 52 seconds East, along the southwesterly line of

American Way, 98.71 feet to an iron stake on the

southwesterly line of American Way, along the arc of a counterclockwise curve

with a radius of 619.71 feet, 156.39 feet to an iron stake; northwesterly line

of said Veterans Parkway; thence southwesterly, along the northwesterly line of

Veterans Parkway, along the arc of a counterclockwise curve with a radius of

2,889.93 feet, 1,032.63 feet to an iron stake at the POINT OF BEGINNING.

A parcel of land lying in a portion of land lot 269 and 295 of the 19th land

district, City of Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia. Being more particularly

described as;

Commencing at the northwest corner of land lot 295 of the 19th land district,

City of Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia; thence north 87 degrees 15 minutes

21 seconds east, a distance of 548.55 feet to the southerly margin of Veterans

Parkway and the Point of beginning; from said point of beginning along Veterans

Parkway a curve to the right having a radius of 2839.93 feet, an arc length of

1048.20 feet a chord distance of 1042.26 feet and bearing north 42 degrees 20

minutes 44 seconds east; continue north 52 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds east,

a distance of 292.63 feet; thence leaving the southerly margin of Veterans

Parkway South 03 degrees 07 minutes 49 seconds east, a distance of 940.37 feet;

thence north 87 degrees 20 minutes 23 seconds west, a distance of 256.68 feet;

thence south 17 degrees 11 minutes 13 seconds west, a distance of 327.34 feet;

thence north 89 degrees 56 minutes 28 seconds west, a distance of 791.86 feet

to the southerly margin of Veterans Parkway; thence along said southerly margin

a curve to the right having a radius of 2839.93 feet, an arc length of 332.42

feet, a chord distance of 332.23 feet and bearing North 28 degrees 25 minutes

07 seconds east to the point of beginning. Said described tract containing 17.2

acres more or less.

Excluded from the above-described tract but completely surrounded by the land

described above is a 2.02 acre tract in Land Lot 270, 19th District, identified

as Parcel 073-021-001 on the Columbus-Muscogee County Tax Map, owned by Cephus

E. Williams, Jr.

Area of above described property excluding property of Williams is 257.5 acres.

The above-described property is being rezoned with the following conditions and

major amendments (attached):

1. Phase 1, as shown on the attached Koonce Place site plan shall be limited to

eighty (80) percent of development up to 5 years from the date of this

ordinance (October ___, 2015). Specifically, the eighty (80) percent shall

apply to commercial and residential development. Therefore, per the

aforementioned site plan, commercial development shall be limited to 341,000

square feet and residential development (to include multi-family housing),

shall be limited to 394 units.

2. Simultaneously, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is proposing

the widening of Veterans Parkway to four lanes with a median. Should the

widening of said road project be bid out and awarded for construction by the

aforementioned deadline date of October ___, 2015, then the developer/property

owner shall be permitted to move forward with the final twenty (20) percent of

commercial and residential development for Phase 1 as well as future Phases 2

and 3.

3. If the Georgia Department of Transportation has not bid out and awarded for

construction said road project prior to the aforementioned date of October ___,

2015, then the developer/property owner of the subject property shall be

required to meet with the Columbus Consolidated Government's Planning

Department to review the potential impact the remaining development project may

have on the adjoining roadways and surrounding property owners. Both the

Planning Department and the developer shall be required to come to a consensus

during this meeting on the action or steps that need to occur before the

project may resume. Should either the Planning Department or the developer

fail to agree on this action or steps, the matter shall be required to go back

to the Council for further action, which may require the project to be subject

to the zoning procedures section of Unified Development Ordinance. No

additional site development or building permits shall be allowed until this

condition has been met.

4. The developer shall be responsible for any and all transportation

improvements that are located on or directly connect the property to Veterans

Parkway and Williams Road.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

12th day of October, 2010; introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the day of ____________, 2010 and adopted at said

meeting by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting ___________________.

Councilor Anthony voting__________________.

Councilor Baker voting____________________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________________.

Councilor Davis voting____________________.

Councilor Henderson voting________________.

Councilor Hunter voting___________________.

Councilor McDaniel voting_________________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________________.

______________________________ _____________________________



Planned Mixed Unit Development Plan

A Koonce Property

Williams Road and Veteran's Parkway, Columbus, GA

Ordinance Ordinance Requirements Requested Variance


Table 2.5.2 Minimum Perimeter Buffer: 50 feet abutting nonresidential future land use

Minimum Perimeter Buffer: 25 feet abutting nonresidential land use

Table 2.5.2 Minimum Side and Rear Perimeter Buffers: 100 feet abutting residential

future land use designation Minimum Side and Rear Perimeter Buffers: 50 feet abutting

residential future land use designation

Table 2.5.2 Minimum Side Perimeter Buffers: 100 feet abutting residential future land

use designation Minimum Side Perimeter Buffers: 25 feet side buffer along north

property facing the existing school site

Table 2.5.2 Minimum Side Perimeter Buffers: 50 feet abutting nonresidential future

land use designation Minimum Side Perimeter Buffers: 25 feet side buffer along

commercial site at intersection of Veterans Parkway and Williams Road

Table 4.3.3 Office Parking Spaces: 1 per 250 GSF of floor area Office Parking Spaces: 1

per 285 GSF of floor area

Table 4.3.3 Restaurant Parking Spaces: 1 per 75 GSF of floor area Restaurant Parking

Spaces: 1 per 125 GSF of floor area

Table 7.8.1 Width of Right-of-Way Local Commercial and Residential Streets: 60 Feet Width

of Right-of-Way Local Commercial and Residential Streets: 50 feet

Table 7.8.6 Width of Road Way Local Commercial and Residential Streets: 31 Feet Width of

Road Way Local Commercial and Residential Streets: 25 feet

Table 7.8.4 Minimum Radius of Curve of Center line for Streets: 150 feet Minimum Radius of

Curve of Center line for Streets:

100 feet

Section 7.8.4

Dimensional Standards Curb Height: 6 inches Curb Height: 4 inches

20 feet easement for private alley


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