Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Public Safety Advisory Committee

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Call to order

Chairperson Greg Wagner called to order the regular meeting of the Public

Safety Advisory Committee at 4:03 p.m. on Thursday, April 21, 2011 in the

Community Room of Public Safety Center.

Roll call

Deborah Gasaway conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:

Daniel Williams, Charles Kurtz, Laverne Lee Brown, Andrew Hollomon, Gregory

Wagner, Jeremy Hobbs and Genience Grandville.

Absent: Valerie Thompson, Margaret Shafter and John Pezold

Welcome and Introduction of Public Safety Committee Members

Chairman Wagner welcomes the committee. During the roll call Chairman Wagner

asks each member introduce themselves to each member of the committee.

Approval of minutes from last meeting

The minutes were approved as read by each member, motion by Daniel Williams and

seconded by Andrew Hollomon.

Chairman Wagner asked that a copy of the minutes be sent to him so he could

forward a copy of the minutes to Ms. Judy Wilkinson.

Chairman Wagner addresses the committee

Chairman Wagner explains to the committee that anyone can bring a complaint to

the committee and they will listen and try to direct them for help

Chairman Wagner explained the two issues Ms. Wilkinson had:

The way her case was investigated by Columbus Police Department

Alcohol Ordinance

Chairman Wagner explained the case has not been disposed of yet and the court

is still open, a pending case since Ms. Wilkinson has some complaints

concerning her case and could go back to court to have it heard.

Ms. Wilkinson would like the city to change the alcohol ordinance. The city is

looking at creating an Alcohol Ordinance Advisory Committee. At this time there

are two ordinances, State law and City, and the city is looking at their

ordinance, but at this time cannot supersede the State.

Handouts to the committee on the Code of Ordinances, Article XVIII. ? Public

Safety Advisory Commission, Section 2-234.

Chairman Wagner explains to the group that he has had meetings with the Mayor,

Chief Boren, Major Randy Robertson from the Sheriff?s Department concerning an

ordinance amending Section 2-234 of the Columbus Code, Public Safety Advisory

Commission, ?(n) Notwithstanding any provision of this Code section, the

Commission may by majority vote refer any citizen complaint to the respective

Department Head of any public safety department covered by this Article.?

A lengthy discussion between committee members on their concerns on how this

ordinance change will affect the committee.

Chairman Wagner explains that part of this ordinance came about because

citizens were going to City Council and complaining about different areas of

Public Safety which should have been forwarded to the appropriate public safety

departments and not been presented at the City Council Meetings.

Committee Members Discussion

Members discussed complaints on police officers and how it is handled by the

police department, the Office of Professional Standards.

The Columbus Police Department does training on how to treat the public.

How the police help the elderly.

How helpful the Columbus Police helps the public.

Group Discussion on Amended Ordinance, Section 2-234

Who or how is the group going to determine how the committee addresses a


Is there an application that the complainant should present to the committee?

Who will make the decision on who gets referred or to get the person to the

right department or agency?

Chairman Wagner addresses questions on who can be referred

Anyone who has a complaint can be seen before the Public Safety Advisory


A letter should be presented to the group explaining why a citizen would like

to speak before the committee.

A 30-day notice to the committee so a meeting can be set up on the next agenda.

A committee member will make a motion to refer a complaint and a vote among the

committee members on the appropriate area to refer the complaint.

Chairman Wagner addresses a question by Mr. Charles Kurtz.

A question was presented to Chairman Wagner from Mr. Charles Kurtz on the

committee going to different sites like the Fire Department, Sheriff?s

Department, and Marshal?s Office and having the departments give a presentation

to the members.

Several members suggested they would like to visit the different areas of

Public Safety. Several suggestions were provided:

Tour of the jail

Police Ride-a-long

Taser Training

FATS Machine

K-9 Unit

Discussion on public groups involved with police and the community

Committee members discussed the different groups that help within the community

National Night Out

Citizens Law Enforcement Group

Citizens Service Center

Discussion concerning safety issues in Columbus, Georgia

Committee members had lengthy discussion about the safety of citizens while

visiting the downtown area of Columbus Georgia.

Who provides public safety while in the downtown area of Columbus?

Columbus Police Department


Chairperson Wagner thanks everyone for attending the meeting and the next

meeting will be held on Thursday, July 21, 2011. A motion to adjourned the

meeting by J. Hobbs and seconded by D. Williams. Mr. Wagner adjourned the

meeting at 5:04 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Deborah Gasaway

Minutes approved by: The Public Safety Advisory Committee on Thursday, July

20, 2011.


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