Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



WHEREAS, on July 8, 1992, Columbus Georgia and the Medical Center Hospital

Authority entered a 30-year contract for the provision of medical care for

indigent persons and prisoners pursuant to Georgia law;

WHEREAS, under the contract, payments have been made to the Medical Center

Hospital Authority based on the value of the tax digest for Muscogee County;

WHEREAS, the Mayor and City officials have worked with Medical Center Hospital

Authority officials to draft the attached First Amendment which allows Columbus

to make payments for indigent and prisoner care based upon actual ad valorem

taxes collected instead of the digest value amount;

WHEREAS, this Amendment will save Columbus taxpayers substantial monies during

the remainder of the contract term;

WHEREAS, the attached First Amendment has been approved by the Medical Center

Authority at its meeting on June 5, 2014;

WHEREAS, this Council deems it appropriate to authorize the Mayor to execute

the attached First Amendment To Contract For The Provision Of Hospital Care To

Indigent Persons Residing In Columbus, Georgia And Prisoners.


We hereby authorize the Mayor to execute the attached First Amendment To

Contract For The Provision Of Hospital Care To Indigent Persons Residing In

Columbus, Georgia And Prisoners. This First Amendment to said Contract shall

be effective July 1, 2014.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

10th day of June, 2014, and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of

______ members of Council.

Councilor Allen_____________.

Councilor Baker_____________.

Councilor Barnes____________.

Councilor Davis_____________.

Councilor Henderson_________.

Councilor Huff______________.

Councilor McDaniel__________.

Councilor Pugh______________.

Councilor Thomas____________.

Councilor Woodson___________.

__________________________ ___________________________







THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into on this ____ day of June , 2014, to be

effective July 1, 2014, by and between COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, a consolidated

city-county government as a political subdivision of the State of Georgia

(hereinafter referred to as ?Columbus?), and THE MEDICAL CENTER HOSPITAL

AUTHORITY OF COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, a public body corporate and politic existing

under the Georgia Hospital Authorities Law (hereinafter the "Authority"),

amending that certain contract between them dated July 8, 1992.

W I T N E S S E T H:

WHEREAS, Columbus and the Authority entered into a contract between them dated

July 8, 1992 effective as of July 1, 1992, for the provision of hospital care

to indigent persons residing in Columbus, Georgia, and for the provision of

hospital care to prisoners; and

WHEREAS, Columbus and the Authority desire to make certain modifications to

said contract;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants

and agreements contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration,

the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and intending to

be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree and contract as follows:

1. Section 7 of the contract executed on July 8, 1992 is deleted in its

entirety and a new Section 7 shall be substituted as follows:

7. Payments by Columbus to the Medical Center Hospital Authority for

hospital care (including physician services, inpatient services, outpatient

services, emergency room services and outpatient pharmacy) rendered to indigent

residents of Columbus, Georgia qualifying for coverage under this Agreement and

for acute inpatient hospital care and outpatient hospital care rendered to

prisoners of Columbus.

Columbus shall pay to Authority for the hospital care which the Medical

Center renders to eligible indigent residents of Columbus, Georgia and certain

physician services provided under contract to the Medical Center for the care

of eligible indigent residents of Columbus, Georgia and for the acute inpatient

hospital care and outpatient hospital care which Medical Center renders to

prisoners of Columbus, funds provided for in this Section 7 as follows:

(a) Columbus shall levy a three mills (.003) ad valorem tax on the

taxable value of the real and personal property tax digest to pay for the

hospital care which the Medical Center renders to eligible indigent residents

of Columbus, Georgia and certain physician services provided under contract to

the Medical Center for the care of eligible indigent residents of Columbus,

Georgia. Beginning July 1, 2014, Columbus shall pay to the Authority the

actual collected amount resulting from such levy including any past due amounts

collected for tax years 2014 and after. Payments shall be made to the Authority

based on actual collections beginning in September, 2014 and each month

thereafter on the last business day of each month throughout the term of the


(b) In any contract year in which the ad valorem receipts paid by

Columbus to the Authority to administer the delivery of hospital care and those

physician services provided under contract to the Medical Center to eligible

indigent residents of Columbus, Georgia shall exceed the Indigent Care

Utilization for provision of such care to all eligible indigents under this

Agreement (who are not Prisoners) rendered by Medical Center, Authority shall

refund to Columbus an amount equal to 50% of the Surplus (as defined below)

within thirty (30) days of the final accounting by Medical Center for provision

of such care, but not later than October 1 of the subsequent contract year.

The Indigent Care Utilization shall be the total of the billed charges for

indigent care provided by the Medical Center for eligible individuals under the

contract discounted by fifty (50) percent (The total charges for Indigent Care

Utilization discounted by fifty (50) percent shall be referred to as the

Discounted Billed Charges Rate), and the direct cost without markup of

professional services rendered by physicians under contract to the Medical

Center for the care of eligible indigent residents of Columbus. Surplus is

defined as any positive amount remaining when the total indigent care

utilization (hospital services plus contracted physician services) calculated

at the above referenced rates is subtracted from the total amount of payments

made pursuant to subsection 7(a) above.

(c) Beginning July 1, 2014, Authority shall provide Prisoner Care

defined as acute inpatient hospital care and outpatient hospital care,

including urgent and emergent care as well as Jail Clearance Care rendered in

the Emergency and Trauma Center, which is provided by Medical Center Personnel

at Medical Center facilities to prisoners of Columbus, Georgia at the

Discounted Billed Charges Rate as defined in paragraph (b) above. Jail

Clearance Care is defined as medical services rendered to individuals who are

en-route to jail under police escort and who may not be released by Medical

Center Personnel without notifying the police whether or not the individual is

under arrest at the time medical services are provided. For each contract

year, the first $500,000 of Prisoner Care calculated at the Discounted Billed

Charges Rate will be provided by Medical Center and Authority at no cost to

Columbus, except for payments required under subsection 7(a) herein;

thereafter, the Authority shall bill Columbus and Columbus shall pay Authority

for Prisoner Care Medical Center provides at the Discounted Billed Charges

Rate. Such amounts will be billed to Columbus annually, with a monthly

explanation of benefits provided to the representative designated by Columbus

for the purpose of medical contract review. When in accordance with Paragraph

5(c) of the agreement, Columbus elects for the Medical Center to arrange for

acute inpatient and outpatient hospital care rendered to prisoners of Columbus

by licensed independent practitioners not employed by Medical Center, those

independent practitioners will bill Columbus for reimbursement of such patient


(d) For purposes of this Section 7, the Billed Established Charges for

any contract year shall be the charges customarily applied to Medical Center

patients generally. Provided however, for purposes of this contract, the

aggregate Billed Established Charges for any subsequent contract year shall be

limited to 110% of Medical Center?s aggregate Billed Established Charges for

services rendered during the previous contract year.

2. The remainder of the contract executed on July 8, 1992 remains unchanged.

3. This amendment shall be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which

shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and

the same instrument.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, acting by and through their

duly authorized officers, have caused this amendment to be executed in at least

two counterparts to be effective as of July 1, 2014.


By: ____________________________________

Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor

Attest: ________________________________

Sandra T. Davis, Deputy Clerk of Council



By: ____________________________________

Michael Gorum, M.D., Chairman

Attest: ________________________________

Karen Smith, Assistant Secretary


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