Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



JANUARY 7, 2009


Chairman David Cassell, Mr. Peter Bowden, Mr. James Brooks, Mr. Ronald Parker,

Ms. Diane Quick and Lt. Julius Ross.



A meeting of the Taxicab Commission was held in the Ground Floor Conference

Room of the Government Center. Chairman Cassell noted that a quorum was present

and called the January 7, 2009 meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:

Chairman David Cassell immediately called attention to the December 3, 2008

minutes. Mr. Peter Bowden made a motion for acceptance of the minutes,

seconded by Ms. Diane Quick and carried unanimously by those six members

present for this meeting.

Old Business:

A) Taxicab Commission?s Web Site:

Chairman Cassell opened the meeting by welcoming the newest Commissioner, Mr.

Ronald Parker, to the Taxicab Commission. Chairman Cassell said during the

last meeting we discussed building a web site for the Taxicab Commission. He

said Lt. Ross volunteered to meet with the IT Department to discuss generating

a website for the Taxicab Commission.

Lt. Ross said he had a preliminary discussion with the IT Department before the

December 3rd meeting. He said he had gotten a good commitment from them that

they would be able to prepare the web site. He said he has not made any new

contact with them since the last meeting. Lt. Ross said he would like to have

some discussion with the Commission concerning the mission statement. He said

previously the Commission agreed to put the mission statement on the web page.

He said instead of putting the whole paragraph on the page, we should consider

reducing it. At this time, Lt. Ross gave a copy of the mission statement to

each member of the Commission. He said the first area of the mission statement

highlighted in blue, is something that he wants to take before the City

Attorney to recommend that the Convention and Visitors Center become a

permanent position as opposed to an at-large position. He said his idea of the

Commission?s duty is to educate the public, and said it is not a part of the

Commission?s mission to act as a legislative group or design and recommend

changes to the law. He said most of the issues that have been coming up, have

been efforts to change and improve the laws. He said if there is a complaint

about the way the laws are being enforced, the complaint should go through a

completely different process. He said to his understanding, the paragraph

highlighted in green says the Commission?s duty is to serve the citizens.

Mr. Peter Bowden suggested that the paragraph be modified to say, ?The

Commission shall ensure that the drivers properly serve the public? with a list

of supporting bulleted points.

Lt. Ross said we went through a time period where we decided to make it

available for the public to come in and make recommendations. He said we

should put more controls on the recommendations that are being made by the

public. He suggested that the recommendations be submitted in written form.

He said the recommendations should be in the form of a proposal or something of

that nature other than just a few words scribbled on a page. He said he would

like to have the details of what they are requesting sent to the Commission in

advance. He also suggested that there be a five-minute rule that applies. He

said the recommendations and suggestions that are made by the citizens should

be within the Taxicab Commission?s mission statement. He said they should not

bring forth things such as: taxes, the paint schemes of the cars, pay increase

or anything that is out of the jurisdiction of the Commission. He said there

should be a place on the website that entails what the Commission will

entertain from a citizen who is bringing forth an issue.

Chairman Cassell suggested that if a citizen were to bring forth an issue that

is out of the jurisdiction of the Commission, the Commission would respond and

give direction as to who to contact for that particular problem.

Mr. Brooks said what do we do when it comes to the rates. He said the

Commission must come up with a solution as to serve the citizens and be fair to

the cabdrivers who are trying to make a living. Mr. Brooks said the Commission

makes recommendations to City Council to set rates and they depend on the

research and background information submitted by the Commission.

Chairman Cassell said we have the freedom, as a Commission, to discuss what

ever we feel may be pertinent to the industry, but when we look at the mission

statement and identify the purpose of our being, it is to serve the citizens.

Lt. Ross said there is no other board or Commission that serves an employee.

He said this is a City Commission that is designed to serve the public. He

said maybe we could talk about making a change in the ordinance that says

?every five years the taxicab rates would be reviewed?. He said if it is

written in the ordinance it would be a service to the public whether they pay

more or less.

Lt. Ross said continuing with the mission statement issue, as a Commission we

should generate a bulleted list of items that we would like to have in the

mission statement. He said he would like for the mission statement to be

reflected in the ordinance.

Chairman Cassell suggested that the Commissioners make a list of what they

think the Taxicab Commission should be about. He said we would bring our ideas

back to the table at the next meeting and have a discussion pertaining to the

individual thoughts. He said we would try to consolidate the ideas into one

document that could be taken to the City Attorney.

Ms. Quick said if all of the Commissioners would make their list or points and

send them to her by email, she would consolidate the list and try to come up

with some suggestions and email them back to each member.

Mr. Brooks asked if there were guidelines pertaining to the public speaking at

the meetings.

Secretary Tameka Colbert informed Mr. Brooks that the guidelines were

established in one of the meetings and said the only available written

guidelines are the ones that appear on the application to appear before the


Lt. Ross said this information should be made available on the web page as well

as the form to fill out to come before the Commission.

Ms. Quick suggested placing the Commission?s yearly meeting schedule on the web

site at the beginning of each year.

Chairman Cassell said he would generate a calendar to point out all of the

meeting dates of the Commission.

B) Vacant Commission Seats

Chairman Cassell said we would like to ask the Clerk?s Office to make the

Council aware of the vacant seats on the Commission. He said the Chamber of

Commerce?s position is vacant, along with the Airport and an at-large position.

New Business:

A) Taxicab Driver?s Test

Mr. Brooks asked Mr. Bowden what could be done to educate cab drivers about the

events and attractions of the city. He said most people that come from out of

town don?t know where anything is in the city; therefore, they sit in their

hotel rooms the whole time.

Mr. Bowden said he has some information that he could bring that would point

out the actual activities of the typical visitors and it may help create some

discussion about how we might create a new tool or resource to help educate the

drivers so they can better serve the public.



Note: Mr. Peter Bowden left the meeting at 4:06 p.m.



Lt. Ross said the Police Department created a test that they require the

company owner to administer to their drivers. He said he is wondering if the

format should be changed to include some of the information that would be

provided by Mr. Bowden. He said it is time for the questions to be redone

because it has not been updated in quite some. He said now would be a good

time to review and incorporate it into the awareness project.

Meeting adjourned @ 4:17 p.m.


Tameka J. Colbert

Recording Secretary


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