Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


DATE: June 4, 2010

TO: Mayor Wetherington

Each Councilor

FROM: Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council

SUB: New Horizons Community Service Board


The term of office of Ms. Suzanne Goddard on the Community Service

Community Service Board will expire on June 30, 2010.

Ms. Goddard is eligible to succeed herself for a second term of office,

and we have received the official appointment form requesting that she be




JULY 21, 1999

CREATED BY: Community mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse

service boards, in conformity with the areas established pursuant to the

subsection (b) of Code Section 37-2-3. Disability services program shall be

governed by the community service board, which shall be established as a public

agency. The Board shall hereafter be known as the New Horizons Community Mental

Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Service Board.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the New Horizons Community Board shall be to govern

publicly funded programs for purpose of providing certain disability services.

The New Horizons Community Service Board exists for nonprofit and public

purposes, and it is found and declared that the carrying out of the purposes of

each community service board, which shall be established as a public agency.

The Board shall hereafter be known as the New Horizons Community Mental Health,

Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Service Board is exclusively for public

benefit and its property is public property. The definition of ?disability? and

?disability service? in these bylaws shall be identical to the definition of

those terms spelled out in O.C.G.A. sections 37-2-2(4) and (4.1)

MEMBERS APPOINTED BY: Members shall be appointed by the county governing

authorities from nominations by the boards of commissioners of the counties

within the boundaries of the community service board.

Each county with a population of 50,000 or less according to the United States

decennial census of 1990 or any future and census shall appoint one member to

the board.

Each county with a population of more than 50,000 according to the United

States decennial census of 1990 or any future and census shall appoint one

member for each population increment of 50,000 of any period thereof.

The appointment or appointments for each county shall be made by the county

governing authority.

The county governing authority shall appoint a consumer of disability services,

a family member of a consumer, and advocate for disability services, or a local

leader of businessperson with an interest in mental health, mental retardation,

and substance abuse; provided however, that for counties with more than one

appointment, the county governing authority shall seek to ensure that such

appointment represent various groups and disability services.


The chief executive or a designee of the chief executive of each county

governing authority or municipal governing authority which contributes funding

or resources which equal or exceed one-half of one percent of the budget

allocation from the regional board for disability services within the area

governed by the New Horizons Community Service Board shall serve as and

ex-officio, voting member of the New Horizons Community Service Board. The

accounting procedure to determine whether a county is entitled to an ex-officio

member shall be done in compliance with HB:100/ACT552.

A member of the Regional Board may not also serve as a member of the Community

Service Board.

In Making appointment to the community service board, the various county

governing authorities shall ensure that appointments are reflective of the

cultural and social characteristics, including gender, race, ethnic, and age

characteristics, of the regional and county populations. The County governing

authorities are further encouraged to ensure that each disability group is

viably and capably represented on the community service board, and in making

nominations for such appointments the board of health shall consider.

TERMS OF OFFICE: The regular term of office for New Horizons Community Service

Board members shall be two years. A member may serve no more than two

consecutive terms. The term of a member shall terminate upon resignation,

death, or the inability to serve due to medical infirmity or other incapacity.

The Board shall make reasonable accommodations for members who are

incapacitated and/or have a disability. Vacancies on such boards shall be

filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

The Chairperson of the Board shall notify the appropriate county governing

authority immediately of any vacancy and the necessary qualifications for a

nominee created by a member unable to serve his/her full term. The Board shall

request that the county governing authority submit, as soon as reasonably

possible, the name of an individual to fill the unexpired term. Any person

appointed to serve out an unexpired term will be eligible to serve two

additional two (2) year terms.

Membership of the initial New Horizons Community Service Board shall be

staggered terms. One-half of the membership will serve for a period of two

years and one-half of the membership will serve for a period of one year. Any

Board member who will serves an initial term of less than two years mat be

eligible to be reappointed for two consecutive two-year terms. The New Horizons

Community Service Board members will be conducted in a fair unbiased manner.


Each member of the New Horizons Community Service Board may, upon approval by

the Board, receive reimbursement for actual expenses not to exceed the per diem

allowed legislative members of interim study committees of the General Assembly

and the same mileage allowance for use of a personal car as that received by

state employees or a travel allowance of actual transportation cost if

traveling by public carrier.

POWERS, DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The New Horizons Community Service Board

shall govern the provision of disability service within the boundaries of the

community service board.

The New Horizons Community Service Board shall be responsible for adopting

bylaws and operational policies and guidelines in conformity with procedures

established by the Division and the Regional Board. These bylaws shall address

board appointment procedures, initial terms of board members, the staggering

terms, a mechanism for ensuring that consumers of disability services and

family members of consumers constitute a majority of the appointed board

members, and a mechanism for ensuring equitable representation of the various

disability groups. The regular term of office for each community service shall

be two years. Vacancies on such board shall be filled in the same manner.

The New Horizons Community Service Board, to the maximum possible, shall

coordinate disability services with related activities of the Department,

judicial, correctional, educational, social and other health services agencies

and organizational, both private and public.

The New Horizons Community Service Board shall provide to the Department or the

appropriate Regional Board or both, upon request, complete access to,

including, but not limited to, authorization to examine and reproduce, any

records required to be maintained in accordance with contracts, standards, or

rules and regulations of the Department of Human Resources or pursuant to the

provision of Title 37, O.C.G.A., et. seq.

The New Horizons Community Service Board shall comply with the provisions of

Chapter 20 of Title 45, relating to state personnel administration, and each

employee of such board shall be covered employee as defined in Code Section

45-20-2, subject to the rules and regulations of the State Merit System.

The New Horizons Community Service Board shall cooperate with the Division of

Mental Health Retardation and Substance Abuse Director?s emergency powers as

stated in O.C.G.A. 37-2-10 upon failure of the community service board to

establish and administer its program.


The New Horizons Community Service Board shall not deny disability provided by

the state to any person based on age, gender, race, ethnic origin, or inability

to pay.

The Community service board shall be a public body, but shall not be considered

as an agency of the state, or any specific county or municipality. The New

Horizons Community Service Board is a public agency in its own right and shall

have the same immunity as provided for counties. No county shall be liable for

any action, error, or omission of the community service Board.

The New Horizons Community Service Board may make and enter into all contracts

necessary and incidental to the performance of its duties and functions,

The New Horizons Community Service Board may acquire and dispose of real and

personal property (Additional parameters for acquisition and disposal may be

desirable or may be addressed in policies and procedures.)

The New Horizons Community Service Board may contract to utilize the services

of the Department of Administrative Services, the State Merit System of

Personnel Administration, the state auditor, or any other agency of state,

local, or federal government.

MEETING DATE: The New Horizons Community Service Board shall meet at least

quarterly, and all such meetings and any bylaws shall be open to the public, as

otherwise required under Georgia law. Meetings shall be publicly announced by

the Board, in conformance with the provisions of the ?Open Meetings Act?

sections 50-14-1 et. seq.



Organization: New Horizons Community Service Board, Mental Health, Developmental

Disabilities & Addictive Diseases No. of Members 4

Address: P.O. Box 5328 Columbus, GA 31906-0328 Phone:

Fax: 706-596-5583


Contact: Jenn Green Title: Executive


General Counsel: N/A

Meeting Date: 2nd Monday of every month - 2100 Comer Ave., Columbus, GA 31904

Charge/Mission: The purpose of the New Horizons Community Board shall be to

govern publicly funded programs for the purpose of providing certain disability

services. The New Horizons Community Service Board exists for nonprofit and

public purposes, and it is found and declared that the carrying out of the

purposes of each community service board, which shall be established as a

public agency. The board shall hereafter be known as the New Horizons Community

Mental health, Developmental Disabilities, and Addictive Diseases Service Board

is exclusively for public benefit and its property is public property. The

definition of "disability services" in these bylaws shall be identical to the

definition of those terms spelled out in O.C.G.A. sections 37-2-2(4) and (4.1)

Board Member: Sandra V. Gill SD-29 1059 Leaf Brook Drive Midland, GA 31820-5502 Appointed By:




Term Begins: 07/01/2008 Term Ends: 06/30/2011

Board Member: Suzanne Goddard SD-15 (Appt. 3-29-05)

637 First Avenue, Columbus, GA 31901 Appointed By: Council


(fill) Ben Richardson


Term Begins: 07/01/2007 Term Ends: 06/30/2010

Board Member: Ann Hopp SD-29

6100 Whitesville Road Columbus, GA 31904 Appointed By: 7-1-05/06-30-08



Term Begins: 07/01/2008 Term Ends: 06/30/2011

Board Member: Nancy Schroeder SD-15 3519 Malatche Drive Columbus, GA 31907 Appointed By:




Term Begins: 07/01/2008 Term Ends: 06/30/2011

Board Member: Appointed By:

Term Begins: Term Ends:

Board Member: NA Appointed By: NA

Term Begins: NA Term Ends: NA

Board Member: NA Appointed By: NA

Term Begins: NA Term Ends: NA

Board Member: NA Appointed By: NA

Term Begins: NA Term Ends: NA

Board Member: Appointed By:

Term Begins: Term Ends:

Board Member: Appointed By:

Term Begins: Term Ends:

Additional Info:


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