Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) for Columbus,

Georgia so as to revise provisions related to appeals, watershed variances; and

for other purposes.




Chapter 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

5.4.2. to add subsection C to read as follows:

C. Appeals to Council. Appeals to council shall conform to

Section of this ordinance.

Chapter 9 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 9.2.4.F.1 to add subsection (B) to read as follows:

(B). Wireless Communication Facilities. A decision by the Board

regarding an administrative appeal may be appealed to Council. The

appeal shall be filed within ten (10)

days of final decision by the Board.

Chapter 9 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 9.2.5.J.8(A) to read as follows:

(A). Appeal from a decision of the Uptown Facade Board shall be made within

30 days to the Board of Zoning Appeals as provided in Section 10.11.7

of this ordinance.

Chapter 10 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by creating

Section to read as follows: Watershed Protection Variances.

A watershed protection variance may be granted by the Council of Columbus

subject to the requirements of this Section.

A. Criteria for Variances. Watershed protection variances shall be limited to

relief from the following requirements:

1. If the applicant complies with the buffer widths and required practices, he

or she can secure no reasonable return from, nor make reasonable use of, his or

her property. Merely proving that the variance would permit a greater profit

from the property shall not be considered adequate justification for a

variance. Moreover, the local government shall consider whether the variance is

the minimum possible deviation from the buffer widths that shall make

reasonable use of the property possible; and

2. The hardship results from application of the buffer widths to the property

rather than from other factors such as unrelated deed restrictions; and

3. The hardship is due to the physical nature of the applicant's property, such

as its size, shape, or topography; and

4. The applicant did not cause the hardship; and

5. The variance is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the

riparian buffer widths and required practices and preserves the purpose

thereof; and

6. In granting the variance, the public safety and welfare have been assured,

and the quality of downstream water, including but not limited to water used to

supply public drinking water, has been maintained or improved; and

7. The applicant certifies that the applicant has not and does not intend to

apply for a variance from the minimum buffer requirements contained in the

Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act for the same perennial stream or

streams for which a variance is sought pursuant to this paragraph.

B. Administrative Approval. The Director of Engineering, upon finding that a

watershed protection variance meets the standards for approval contained in

this Section, may administratively approve such watershed protection variance

within and not exceeding the following parameters:

The Engineering Department may allow a reduction of the 150-feet buffer

requirement of the 7-mile radius area of the Lake Oliver water supply reservoir

down to a 100-foot buffer along the banks of the reservoir boundaries.

The Director of Engineering shall grant a variance based on the criteria as set

forth in Section

Chapter 10 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 10.11.7 to add reference to the Uptown Fa?ade Board to read as follows:

Section 10.11.7. Variance from a Certificate of Appropriateness.

Any person adversely affected by any determination made by the Board of

Historic Architectural Review and/or the Uptown Fa?ade Board relative to the

issuance or denial of a certificate of appropriateness may appeal such

determination to the Board of Zoning Appeals.

A. Applications for Appeal.

1. Maximum Filing Period. Appeals must be filed with the Board of Zoning

Appeals within 15 days after the issuance of the determination or in the case

of a failure of the Board of Historic Architectural Review and/or the Uptown

Fa?ade Board to act, within 15 days of the expiration of the 45-day period

allowed for the board action.

B. Standards for Granting an Appeal.

1. Actions by the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Board of Zoning Appeals may

approve, modify, or reject the determination made by the Board of Historic

Architectural Review and/or the Uptown Fa?ade Board.

2. Criteria for Determination or Decisions. Determinations may only be made

if a majority of the members of the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that the

Board of Historic Architectural Review and/or the Uptown Fa?ade Board abused

its discretion in reaching its decision.


All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are

hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

11th day of May, 2010 introduced a second time at a regular meeting of said

Council held on the ______ day of ________, 2010, and adopted at said meeting

by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting____________.

Councilor Anthony voting__________.

Councilor Baker voting____________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting____________.

Councilor Henderson voting________.

Councilor Hunter voting___________.

Councilor McDaniel voting_________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________.

______________________________ ______________________________



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