Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Crime Prevention Board

Minutes of the Meeting

April 21, 2010

3:00 P.M.

Board Members Attending: Mike Gaymon (Chair), Sharon Cox-Bevley, Julius

Graham, Marjorie Newman, Kim Peters, Nancy Rinn

Board Members Excused: Peggy Connell

Also Attending: Director Seth Brown, Lt. Giff Anthony (Muscogee County

Sheriff?s Office), Judy Thomas (Executive to the Mayor)

The meeting was called to order by Chair Mike Gaymon. Minutes were approved as


Chair Gaymon reminded the group that a permanent secretary is needed for the

group. Judy Thomas will serve as secretary until a permanent one is selected.

Chair Gaymon requested that Board Members submit to him or to Seth Brown any

items that the Board member would like to be placed on the agenda. Each

meeting an update from the various committees will be automatically on the

agenda, and reports updates are available.

The Committees and the chairs of each are:

Parks and Recreation Sharon Cox-Bevley

Education Peggy Connell

Drug and Alcohol Prevention Kim Peters

Employment and Jobs Mike Gaymon

Community Policing Julius Graham

Topics covered under each report at this meeting included:

1. Parks and Recreation:

Areas of concern to be identified

Correlation between crime and location of rec center services

Staffing and programming


Out of school suspension

Drug and Alcohol Prevention and Intervention

Juvenile Drug Court

Mental Health Court

Adult Drug Court

Employment and Jobs

Columbus Tech and Transition Center working together

Need to pull other state agencies together

Community Policing

Lists to be compiled of Neighborhood Watch programs with support to be


DARE and GREAT programs

Challenge: funding needs for programs

Director Seth Brown gave his first report to the Board of his activities during

the two weeks he has been employed.

Application review: Seth asked Board members to review the draft he has

provided and send suggestions for revision, deletions, additions to him by the

next meeting of the Board. Once finalized, the application will be available

on the Office of Crime Prevention section of the City?s web site.

Scoring detail and evaluation instrument was also shared and Seth asked for

comments on these instruments also.

Overview of Key Activities Since Employment:

Met with Sgt. Major of Fort Benning Military Police

Met with representatives of the Juvenile Drug Court

Attended the Downtown Elementary School ?No Place for Hate? ceremony

Met with Tommy Purdue, Georgia State Probation Officer

Met with Marshal Greg Countryman to discuss his programs

Had a briefing from the Columbus Police Department on the GREAT program

Met with Chris Brown, Public Services Special Enforcement Officer

Met with Major Mike Massey, Muscogee County Sheriff?s Office to discuss

Sheriff?s Office programs

Met with representatives of the Adult Drug Court

Met with Tony Adams, Director of Parks and Rec and made arrangements for

briefing and tour of all facilities April 30 (Sharon Cox-Bevley will also


Seth requested updated information for Board Contact list.

Seth shared the March 2010 Financial Report for the Office.

Under New Business, Margie Newman shared her experiences visiting with the East

Highland Neighborhood Watch group and encouraged other Board members to attend

similar meetings. She also reported on the South Columbus Library Program

administered by Christopher Warren, Director at South Columbus.

Kim Peters reported on a proposed summer intern program

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

The next meeting of the Board will be May 19, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in the Ground

Floor Conference Room of the Government Center.

Respectfully submitted:

Judy Thomas

Executive to the Mayor


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