Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

MINUTES # 05-11

The Columbus, Georgia, Board of Tax Assessors met Monday, February 14, 2011 at

9:00AM with Chairman Lawton Grantham, Assessor Ann Grantham, Assessor Pat

Hunter and Assessor Scott Boyce present. Also present was Chief Appraiser Betty

J. Middleton. Assessor Derrick Shields was absent.

Assessor Ann Grantham made the motion to approve Min#04-11. Assessor Scott

Boyce seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Met with Residential Division Manager Bob O?Brien, reviewed and approved the


2011 Map Splits: 6

2011 Field Review: 1

Res Div Mgr Bob O?Brien presented the requests for non-taxability for parcel

Ids 071 052 004, 071 052 008, 071 052 011, 071 052 015 (Britt David Baptist

Church); 029 009 007, 029 020 001 (Grace Baptist Church) and 145 009 002A

(Upatoi United Methodist Church) which were field reviewed by staff. Assessor

Ann Grantham made a motion to approve the requests for non-taxability for PIDs

071 052 004, 071 052 011 and 071 052 015 for 2011 as being used for religious

purposes and to deny tax exempt status for PID 071 052 008 since it is not used

by the church. Assessor Pat Hunter seconded the motion, motion carried with

Assessor Scott Boyce recusing himself. Res Div Mgr Bob O?Brien stated that PID

145 009 002A is used as a parsonage and PIDs 029 009 007 is being prepared to

use for church purposes and 029 020 001 is being used for church purposes. The

Board of Tax Assessors approved the applications for non-taxability for 2011

without a motion.

Met with Commercial Division Manager Linda King. Com Div Mgr Linda King

informed the Board that the Development Authority supplied all the information

needed to move forward with a bond project. She told the Board that the

Development Authority wanted to meet with the Board for a summary of their

process. The Board requested Com Div Mgr Linda King to set up the appointment

on a Monday if possible. She also stated that she had worked 2 ? days getting

up information requested by the Fire Department

Page 2


Met with Personal Property Division Manager Oliver Juhan, reviewed and approved

the following:

Assessment Corrections: 2(-)


Pers Prop Div Mgr Oliver Juhan discussed return mail on boats valued less than

$7,500 with valid registrations with the DNR and are unable to locate a new

address. The Board said to leave the accounts on the tax roll until the

registrations expire.

The Board of Tax Assessors relocated from the Conference Room to the Rotunda

Room at the Learning Center to view a presentation concerning the Hexion appeal.

Adjourned 12:00Noon.




______________ _______________ ____________ ___Absent_____


L E Grantham Jr A C Grantham P B Hunter Derrick

Shields Scott L. Boyce

Chairman Assessor Assessor

Assessor Assessor


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