Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members


NHCSB Meeting Minutes for June 9, 2014


A Community Mental Health / Developmental Disabilities / Addictive Diseases



P.O. Box 5328

2100 Comer Avenue (706) 596-5582

Columbus, GA 31906 FAX (706) 596-5589

Serving Residents of Chattahoochee, Clay, Harris, Muscogee, Quitman, Randolph,

Stewart and Talbot Counties

or 24-Hour Emergency Services Call (706) 323-0174 or Toll Free (800) 241-3659


Expanded Jail Services: The contract for New Horizons to provide mental health

services at the Muscogee County Jail is on the agenda for a vote at tomorrow?s

City Council meeting. The ground work has been done and some contract

adjustments made. It has been a long process, but we anticipate services will

begin April 1st.

Case Management Services:

Cornerstone Upgrades:

Crisis Stabilization Unit Update:

Serving Residents of Chattahoochee, Clay, Harris, Muscogee, Quitman, Randolph,

Stewart and Talbot Counties

For 24-Hour Emergency Services Call (706) 323-0174 or Toll Free (800) 241-3659

Andrea responded that the CSB names varied and the Board asked to table the

vote until the next meeting to review other options.

DBHDD REDESIGN: Andrea reported that while we currently have a contract to

serve GIA consumers, the FY16 contract will switch to fee for service. There

are many details involved in the redesign and meetings/trainings scheduled.

Lyn added there are eighteen standards, scored and rated differently, for core

providers to adher to. Initially, we will receive technical assistance once a

month for a year. In the future, our scores will determine the amount of

technical assistance we will receive. Mr. Shorter asked if the standards

could be reviewed at the next meeting. Andrea responded that board training

will be scheduled to review the redesign standards, some of which apply to the

Board, more closely.

ANNUAL EVENT: David Wallace announced that Frank Thomas from Columbus,

Georgia, who will be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame this summer, will

be the guest speaker at the Annual Event on November 13th. Jimmy Blanchard

is being considered as the Impact Award winner. The Development Advisory

Board will meet tomorrow to further discuss the event. David also

announced the New Horizons video, produced and shown for last year?s event, was

submitted and won a National Telly Award. A press release announcing the

award will be forthcoming. The video had a tremendous impact and was a great

effort by consumers and staff.

RESPECT INSTITUTE: Cheryl Williams reported that twelve consumers

participated in a three and a half day training presented by the Respect

Institute based in Atlanta. The training teaches and empowers consumers to

tell and share their stories in a variety of arenas. Three of the twelve

were chosen to speak at the graduation ceremony at the conclusion of the

training. One of the three, David Harvey, shared his compelling life story of

treatment and recovery with the Board.

LEGISLATION CONCERNING CSBs: Tom Tebeau presented information on Senate Bill

349 to the Board. The new law will reduce the Board in one respect, but

increase it in another. The initial Board composition will be reduced from

eleven to nine, one from each county we serve and two from Muscogee County.

One optional member may be appointed by the Board. Elected officials from

three counties providing the most funding to the agency, Muscogee, Harris, and

Chattahoochee, will also be appointed to the Board. While not yet mandated,

eventually 50% of the Board must consist of consumers or family members of

consumers and also must reflect the social and cultural makeup of the

population we serve. Three of the current Muscogee County Board members, Nancy

Schroeder, Sandra Gill, and Anne Hopp, and one Quitman County member, Linda

McElroy are up for reappointment. M/S/P Nancy Schroeder/Anne Hopp to

recommend to the County Commission of Quitman County the reappointment of Linda

McElroy to the Board, Board approved. Anne Hopp reported she is now a

resident of Harris County. M/S/P Kittye Crockett/Anne Hopp to recommend to

the City Council of Muscogee County the reappointment of Nancy Schroeder to the

Board, Board approved. Board members discussed the appointment of an optional

member. M/S/P David Ranieri/Nancy Schroeder to appoint Sandra Gill as the

optional Board member, Board approved. Andrea Winston discussed nominations

for elected officials and stated either the Board could make nominations or the

governing body in the counties could choose an official. M/S/P Kittye

Crockett/David Ranieri to table discussion of elected/appointed officials for

review at the next Board meeting, Board Approved.

Serving Residents of Chattahoochee, Clay, Harris, Muscogee, Quitman, Randolph,

Stewart and Talbot Counties

For 24-Hour Emergency Services Call (706) 323-0174 or Toll Free (800) 241-3659

ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR FY15: Andrea announced it is time to elect Board

officers for FY15 and it was recommended that the current officers continue

their duties. M/S/P/ David Ranieri/ Kittye Crockett that current officers,

Wesley Shorter, Board Chair, Nancy Schroeder, Vice Chair, and Carol Greer,

Secretary, continue to serve another term, pending notice from Carol Greer who

was not in attendance, Board approved.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Andrea reported that the GACSB Board Retreat in Dublin,

Georgia May 15th-16th was very informative with much information on CSB

Boards presented. A section meeting, where Board members would meet with other

CSB Board members is being planned. More information on the upcoming meeting

will be presented in the future. DBHDD contracts for FY15 have not been

received, but we do not anticipate many changes other than intensive case

management services being added. The Pataula Drug Court Contract will not be

renewed for FY15. The Muscogee County Jail Contract will increase from

$634,000 to $650,000. The GACSB Annual Conference will be held in October at

Lake Lanier. DBHDD Redesign and Oversight will be more closely reviewed in

the July Board Meeting as well as discussion and revision of New Horizons

ByLaws. We will not have a Board meeting in August.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Judge Joe Bishop presented Board members with a folder

containing documents including the State Investigative Report, New Horizons

Internal Report, and other correspondence/letters relating to staff misconduct

with Drug Court participants at Randolph County SARC and the Pataula Drug Court

Contract. Judge Bishop expressed his passion and concern for the drug court

participants; discussed problems/delays in getting a copy of the State

Investigation; reported communicating with DBHDD Commissioner Berry regarding

New Horizons letter of intent not to renew the Drug Court contract; and, voiced

concerns about disclosure and transparency, to include no indication that a

vote was taken on the hiring of the Executive Director in the Board minutes.

Judge Bishop commented that the interim director and staff at Randolph SARC

were doing a great job, but that they were only there temporarily until

permanent positions could be filled. He reported he had contacted

Commissioner Berry and that as of July 1st, a new provider would provide

services for the Pataula Drug Court program. Board members expressed concern

and embarrassment over the inappropriate staff behavior; asked the Judge if he

had received all information he requested; and, asked if he had considered that

the Director had done all she knew to do? Mr. Shorter added that he was glad

the consumers? needs were addressed promptly; that it was unfortunate the

relationship with New Horizons and the Drug Court program had been severed;

and, that he hoped trust could be rebuilt.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, M/S/P Nancy Schroeder/David

Ranieri for the meeting to adjourn at 5:40 p.m., Board approved.


Wesley Shorter


Serving Residents of Chattahoochee, Clay, Harris, Muscogee, Quitman, Randolph,

Stewart and Talbot Counties

For 24-Hour Emergency Services Call (706) 323-0174 or Toll Free (800) 241-3659


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