Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated Government of

Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changes certain boundaries of a district

located at 4647 & 4651 Milgen Road (parcels 083-044-001A & 083-044-002) from

LMI (Light Manufacturing & Industrial) Zoning District to GC (General

Commercial) Zoning District.


That the Zoning Atlas on file with the Planning Department is hereby

amended by changing the following described property from LMI (Light

Manufacturing & Industrial) Zoning District to GC (General Commercial) Zoning


Parcel One:

All that tract and parcel of land situate, lying and being in Land Lots 6 and 7

of the 8th District of Muscogee County, Georgia, and being more particularly

described as follows, to-wit:

BEGINNING at an iron pin located at the point where the southwesterly line of

the property now or formerly owned by Alexander Brothers Lumber Company

intersects the northwesterly margin of the 100-foot right-of-way for Milgen

Road in Land Lot 6 of said 8th District and from said point of beginning

running thence in a southwesterly direction along the curve formed by said

northwesterly margin on the 100-foot right-of-way for Milgen Road, said curve

having a radius of 1,860.08 feet, a distance of 270.0 feet to an iron pin;

running thence North 31 degrees 19 ? minutes West a distance of 249.04 feet to

an iron pin located on the southeasterly margin of the Right-of-way for the

Southern Railway, running thence in a northeasterly direction along the curve

formed by said southeasterly margin of the right of way for the Southern

Railway a distance of 237.0 feet to an iron pin located at the point where said

southwesterly margin of the property now or formerly owned by Alexander

Brothers Lumber Company intersects said southeasterly margin of the

right-of-way for the Southern Railway; running thence South 38 degrees 42

minutes East along said southwesterly margin of the property now or formerly

owned by Alexander Brothers Lumber Company a distance of 242.27 feet to the

iron pin which marks the point of beginning of the property hereby conveyed.

The property hereby conveyed is more particularly shown upon a map or plat

entitled ?Survey for Northgate Development Corporation, lying in Land Lots 6 &

7, 8th District, Muscogee County, Georgia?, prepared by Moon, Meeks &

Associates, civil Engineers, Columbus, Georgia, under date of June 1, 1967; and

is the same property conveyed cby Thomas F. McManious and James E. McManious to

Industrial Metal Fabricators, Inc. on November 20, 1968, by Warranty Deed

recorded in Deed Book 1370, page 592, in the Office of the Clerk of the

Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.


All that lot, tract and parcel of land situate, lying and being in Land Lot Six

(6) and Seven (7) of the 8th District of Muscogee County, Georgia and being

more particularly described as follows:

BEGINNING at an iron pin on the northwesterly line of Milgen Road, 588.92 feet

northeasterly as measured along the curved northwesterly line of Milgen Road

from an iron pin located at the northeast intersection of Milgen Road Burnham

Boulevard; running thence North 27 degrees 48 ? minutes West, a distance of

249.44 feet to an iron pin; running thence in a northeasterly direction along

the southeasterly line of the Southern Railroad right-of-way, a distance of

84.69 feet to an iron pin; running thence South 31 degrees 19 ? minutes East, a

distance of 249.04 feet to an iron pin; running thence in a southwesterly

direction along the curved northwesterly line of Milgen Road, a distance of 100

feet to the point of beginning.

This is the same property conveyed by Thomas F. McManious and Inez McManious to

Industrial Metal Fabricators, Inc. on January 5, 1978, by Warranty Deed

recorded in Deed Book 2436, page 095, in the Office of the Clerk of the

Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.


All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Columbus, Muscogee

County, Georgia, and being known and designated as Part of Land Lot 6 of the

8th District of said County and contained within the following metes and

bounds, to-wit:

COMMENCING at an iron located on the Northwesterly side of Milgen Road 2081.06

feet Southwesterly (as measured along the Northwesterly side of Milgen Road) of

an iron located where the Easterly boundary line of Land Lot 6 of the 8th

District of said County intersects the Northwesterly side of Milgen Road and

from said beginning point running thence Southwesterly along the northwesterly

side of Milgen Road and along a curve having a radius of 1910.08 feet and a

distance of 50 feet to an iron; thence North 38 degrees, 59 minutes West a

distance of 242.87 feet to an iron located on the Southeasterly side of the

right-of-way of the Southern point of beginning and being shown on a map made

by Moon, Meeks & Patrick, Inc., Civil Engineers, entitled ?Section One, Milgen

Railroad a distance of 40 feet to an iron; thence South 41 Plat Book 54,

Folio 6, in the Office of the Clerk of the degrees, 21 minutes East a

distance of 242.58 feet to the Road, Industrial Area?, dated April 16, 1973 and

recorded in Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.

This is the same property conveyed by Thomas F. McManious and Thelma L.

McManious to Industrial Metal Fabricators, Inc. on March 13, 1985, by Warranty

Deed recorded in Deed Book 2436, page 096, in the Office of the Clerk of the

Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.


All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 6 of the 8th Land

District, Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia, described in the certain

Right-of-Way Deed dated October 30, 1987 from Industrial Metal Fabricators,

Inc. to Department of Transportation recorded in Deed Book 2878, page 278, in

said clerk?s office; and

All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 6 and 7 of the

8th Land District, Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia, described in that

certain Warranty Deed dated June 9, 2009 from Industrial Metal Fabricators,

Inc. to Columbus, Georgia recorded in Deed Book 9728, page 240, in said Clerk?s


The above described properties are rezoned subject to the following


1. A ten-foot buffer shall be provided along the rear property line facing the

Fall Line Trace trail. The buffer shall consist of a fence and two deciduous

large maturing trees per 100 lineal feet and 20 shrubs and ornamental grasses

per 100 lineal feet, all as approved by the City Arborist.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia

held on the 10th day of May, 2016; introduced a second time at a regular

meeting of said Council held on the day of __________, 2016 and

adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of members of said


Councilor Allen voting__________.

Councilor Baker voting__________.

Councilor Barnes voting_________.

Councilor Buck voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting__________.

Councilor Henderson voting______.

Councilor Huff voting___________.

Councilor Pugh voting___________.

Councilor Thomas voting_________.

Councilor Woodson voting________.

___________________________ ______________________________



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