TO: Mayor and Councilors DATE: December 1, 2006
FROM: Isaiah Hugley, City Manager SUBJECT: Referrals ?
November 21 & 28
Please see responses to the referrals from November 21 & 28, 2006 Council
Meetings below.
Carver High School Students:
Have the staff to send an article to the National League of Cities, as well as
GMA regarding the Carver High School Diversified Cooperative Training Program
working as poll workers in the various precincts during the November 7, 2006
General Election. (Request of Councilor Turner Pugh)
Response ?Staff is working on this issue and will provide a copy of the
information that will be provided to NLC and GMA.
Parking Citations:
Have the staff to consider adding the $1.00 fee to the cost of those unpaid
parking citations. Also, have the staff to look into the system that North
Carolina has with respect to tickets received in that State. (Request of
Councilor Woodson)
Since we have the ability to track parking citations and expedite the process,
let?s have the staff to notify Uptown in order for them to get the word out to
the businesses; in order for them to pass it on to the employees letting them
know there will be an aggressiveness in this area. (Request of Councilor Allen)
Have the staff to determine whomever Mr. Charles Tate talked in Atlanta, he
would like to request that we pass through our legislative delegation to
follow-up the inactivity of that individual because our State agencies are
supposed to be a resource for the community throughout Georgia. (Request of
Councilor Henderson)
Response ?This issue was listed on the Work Session Agenda on November 28,
2006, but was delayed until a future meeting because of a luncheon meeting
concerning TAD.
Have the staff to provide a list of all receivables that we have outstanding
for us
to discuss publicly, and determine how we can come up with some suggestions on
being able to make sure we get those monies in. (Request of Councilor Turner
Response ?There will be a presentation at the Council Meeting on December 19,
2006, to address this referral.
Leash Law:
Have the staff to determine if there are monies out there that we are not
collecting, we need to find out why. (Request of Councilor Turner Pugh)
Response ? Staff is working on this concern and will provide a report..
Fire Department:
Have the staff to outline the procedure for hiring in the Columbus Fire
Department?s and provide the information to the Council. (Request of Councilor
Response ?This referral has been sent to Chief Jeff Meyer, Fire/EMS Department
for a response.
Bradley Theatre:
Let?s continue the discussion of the issue with the Bradley Theater an hour
before the next Council meeting and let?s have a report from the Police Chief
of Major Graham to actually show what the considerations are as to whether
there are any violations being made with respect to the operation of this
facility. (Request of Mayor Poydasheff
Have the staff to also bring back something in the audience that deals with a
number of required security personnel at events for this facility as well.
(Request of Councilor Turner Pugh)
After the City Manager talks with the Chief of Police and other public safety
officials, as well as others involved in this particular matter that you bring
in the owner and make it clear as to what is expected henceforth with regard to
the facility and any other facilities that are similar situated. (Request of
Councilor Hunter)
Response ?We are working on scheduling a meeting with all parties to discuss
this issue and will provide a report to Council.
Water Works:
Have the staff to provide information on the Federal Clean Water Act and let?s
do a presentation during a Council Work Session so that we can clarify some
issues for the citizens and how we are going to comply with the legislation
here locally. (Request of Councilor Davis)
Response ?Please see report attached.
Year End Audit Report:
Have the staff to provide a copy of a year-end unaudited budget variance report
from the past fiscal year. (Request of Councilor Turner Pugh)
Response ?Staff is working on this referral and will provide a report.
Potentially Dangerous Dogs:
Have the staff to see what other cities and counties are doing as far as
potentially dangerous dogs are concerned. Also, bring back a recommendation
as to the fines for the violation of the ordinance. (Request of Councilor
Turner Pugh)
Have the staff to also check what other cities and provide do some research as
to the issue of large dogs and what they are doing to protect citizens against
those animals. (Request of Councilor Davis)
Response ?Staff is working on this referral and will provide a report.
Property Relocation Options Presentation:
Make sure a copy of the presentation is provided to the members of the
Council. (Request of Councilor Davis)
Response ?A copy of this presentation was emailed to Councilor Davis and a copy
is included in the Council Books and ECAP for information.
Information Material
- Transfer of Property behind Gardiner Drive
Agenda Report/Resolution/Maps
- Relocation Policy ? Business/Residential
Agenda Report/Resolution
-SOA Protest Expenses
Memo from Lisa Goodwin, Deputy City Manager
-Councilor Woodson Inquiry
Columbus Fire & Emergency Medical Services Hiring Process
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