Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




SEPTEMBER 16, 2014

A Special Called meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to

order at 9:03 A.M., Tuesday, September 16, 2014, on the 2nd Floor of the

Citizens Service Center, located at 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, Georgia

Honorable Teresa Tomlinson, Mayor, presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Teresa Tomlinson were Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn

Turner Pugh, Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker, Jerry Barnes, and Judy W.

Thomas. Deputy City Manager David Arrington, City Attorney Clifton Fay,

Assistant City Attorney Lucy Sheftall, Clerk of Council Tiny Washington and

Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis were also present. Councilor Bruce Huff

took his seat at the Council table at 9:10 a.m. Councilor Evelyn Woodson took

her seat at the Council table at 9:57 a.m.

*** *** ***

ABSENT: Councilors Glenn Davis, Berry Henderson and Charles E. McDaniel Jr.

were absent. City Manager Isaiah Hugley was absent, but was represented by

Deputy City Manager Arrington.

*** *** ***

INVOCATION: Led by Mayor Teresa Tomlinson.

*** *** ***

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by the Student Council from Rigdon Road

Elementary School.

---------------------------------------*** ***


Mayor Tomlinson said we are probably going to be struggling with having a

quorum on today and said we have two items that are on second reading, which

would require a vote of the Council and then asked City Attorney Fay to present

his two second reading items for a vote and then we can come back to the first

reading after the Work Session Agenda.





__ ____

An Ordinance ? Authorizing ?working spouse? eligibility for coverage in

the Columbus Consolidated Government Employee/Retiree Self Funded Medical

Benefit Plan conditioned upon payment of a monthly surcharge of $371.45; and

for other purposes. Councilor Allen moved the adoption of the ordinance.

Seconded by Councilor Barnes. There was an inconclusive vote of four to two,

with Councilors Allen, Barnes, Thomas and Turner Pugh voting for the motion and

Councilors Baker and Huff voting against the motion.

City Attorney Fay pointed out that he would bring the ordinance back at

the next regular meeting on next Tuesday.

*** *** ***



An Ordinance (14-49) ? Rezoning properties located at 1450 and 1454 54th

Street, from LMI (Light Manufacturing/Industrial) zoning district to GC

(General Commercial) zoning district. The purpose of the rezoning is for

business and professional offices/building construction office and shop.

Councilor Thomas moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those six members of Council present at the

time, with Councilor Woodson having not yet arrived and Councilors Davis,

Henderson and McDaniel being absent for this meeting.

Mayor Tomlinson said we can come back to the first reading items, which

will be open for discussion as she doesn?t think there will be any issues with

any of them.

---------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: The City Attorney?s Agenda is continued below.

---------------------------------------*** ***




Mr. Phil Tomlinson came forward and introduced the other two members of

his committee, who was present along with him this morning; Ms. Marquette

McKnight and Mr. Justin Krieg who has been working on the City Village Concept.

He said Justin Krieg with Historic Columbus has been leading the project and

has primarily being doing all of the work. He said they would like to take a

few minutes of the Council?s time this morning to go through this matter. He

said many of the Council members went on a tour with them a few weeks ago and

he is hopeful that you found that was very eye opening. He said they are

excited about this concept and thinks it is one of the next big things for our


Mr. Justin Krieg, acting as spokesperson for the group, then came forward

and made a twenty minute presentation and provided the following information,

as outlined below as it relates to the proposed development of City Village.


Owner Occupied Housing: 12.9%

Mean Family income: $14,223 (3rd lowest in Muscogee County, Census tract 1600)

55% of the Population lives in Poverty (17% Georgia)

Serves as Gateway to Columbus

Entrance to Uptown and Whitewater

Source: 2012 U.S. Census Bureau


Most property appears to have passed through Family estates

Investment/Rental Property

City owned property (nearly 45% of land area)

(50 out of an estimated 350 parcels)

Primary zoning is RMF-2 (up to 16 units per acre) and general Commercial


Executive Committee

Marquette McKnight

Phil Tomlinson

Teresa Tomlinson

David Arrington

Hal Averett

Elizabeth Barker

Marcus Gibson

Jackie Lowe

Philip Thayer

Len Williams

Mr. Krieg said they have approximately 56 other individuals who are

interested in this concept and have attended many of the stakeholder?s

meetings. He also showed several photos to indicate the conditions of the area

along the stretch of 2nd Avenue going into downtown Columbus. He said there are

a number of houses boarded up on 2nd Avenue.


Code Violations

3rd Poorest Census Tract in Muscogee County

2nd Avenue Corridor

1st Avenue Disconnect

Absentee Property Owners

Infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, Substation)


Gateway entrance into Columbus

Affordable Housing

Existing housing stock

Housing authority site

Riverfront Property

Proximity to major employment centers



Columbus Regional

Columbus State University

Multi-modal Transportation


Streets (most w/ Sidewalks)

Public Transportation

Infill Development

Commercial and Residential

Control of vacant land

Mr. Krieg said they have been in contact with Len Williams and Amy Moore

of the Housing Authority, who also serves on the steering committee and said

that both of them have endorsed the idea of the possible redevelopment of Chase


Next Steps?

City Village Selection Committee

Reviewed 9 proposals

Interviewed the top 3 consultants

Recommended the #1 consultant to Council

Begin master planning process with Consultant

Expected to last nine months

After the conclusion of his presentation, Mr. Krieg then offered to

respond to questions of members of the Council.

Mayor Tomlinson said she would hope that we see more, and more stakeholder

driven opportunities for improved neighborhoods in our City. She said this area

is next to one of the highest violent crime rates in our city. She said these

redevelopment efforts have been shown in other cities to lower crime, as well

as. improve schools and provide great communities for mixed affordable


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said when we talk about redevelopment we have to

also look at the traffic side of it, as well as the safety aspects of it. She

said that reinforces the fact that you probably don?t want that many

residential properties facing Second Avenue, but more of your commercial type

properties. She said she was glad that we had the presentation, because

initially she was under the impression that it went up to Bibb City, but said

it doesn?t.

Discussion continued on this subject for some additional ten minutes with

Mayor Tomlinson and members of the Council expressing their views, with Ms.

McKnight and Mr. Krieg also responding to questions of members of the Council.

Councilor Thomas said as we go through this process, she is hopeful that

some of those historical properties are enhanced and preserved. She said she is

talking particularly about the old Macheny School. She said she would hate to

see the school torn down, and yet it needs to be in line with what else is

going on in that area. She said she would hope that we keep some of those kinds

of things in mind as we move through there.

After Mr. Krieg concluded his presentation and responded to further

questions of the Council, Mayor Tomlinson said the reason you are here is

because you came forward for the approval of an RFP and said there was some

money change. She said at one point, it was talked about as a grant and then it

came up as another funding source, which somewhat surprised us. She said as you

heard from the Council, this really needs to come from a source, such as grant

monies or other types of funding that are pigeonholed for these types of

things; not money that can be used for insurance, raises, public works and

other things we need to be doing.

Mayor Tomlinson then called on Deputy City Manager Arrington to inform the

Council of a funding source that they were able to come up with.

Deputy City Manager David Arrington said as Mr. Krieg has shown, the City

has made a major investment over the years in property in this area from the

standpoint of blight removal to opportunity purchases in conjunction with the

old Second Avenue Redevelopment Plan. He said we have reached that critical

mass to where this property needs to be redeveloped. However, the City is not

in the redevelopment business; therefore, we have to partner with other

agencies and organizations to do that. He said he really appreciates the

stakeholders that we have involved in this effort to enter into this

public/private partnership. He said it could be a public, public/private

partnership because the Housing Authority also is a major stakeholder in

property ownership in this area.

He said they were looking at a grant opportunity that they did apply for

on last year, but said they were not selected for that grant; therefore, they

looked for other funding opportunities. He said after presenting this matter to

the Council at the last meeting, they have gone back and looked at other

funding opportunities and said there are two sources that they have identified.

Funds that are from the old UDAG program; the down payment assistance program

that was terminated a number of years ago, but we are still receiving proceeds

from the loan repayments. He said since the UDAG program is not a viable

program; we could use those, as those funds that come back to us are

unrestricted and are placed into an account.

He said we have used those funds in the past for a number of the flood studies

when we had the major flooding issues. He said that account now has about

$130,000 in it.

He said the other funding source that they felt was appropriate in this

case because as Justin has indicated there are two funding sources where we

acquired property in this area, which is the Community Development Block Grant


and the other is the general funds.

Deputy City Manager Arrington said with the Community Development Block

Grant funds, we will be required to provide low to moderate income home

ownership or housing opportunities in this area. He said we do have some

funding in the Community Development Block Grant from prior years unallocated

or unused funds. He said we felt like for the planning of the redevelopment of

this area, that the Community Development Block Grant funds would be an

appropriate funding source in part for this effort, with the understanding that

there would be planning for the redevelopment of this area to provide low to

moderate income housing, which is one of the goals of this effort to provide a

mixed income community.

He said what they will bring back to the Council is two funding sources to

fund the $225,000 study. The first would be $125,000 from the UDAG funds and

the other will be $100,000 from the prior year?s unused funds from the

Community Development Block Grant funds.

After the final discussion on this matter, Mayor Tomlinson then pointed

out that there will be a resolution that will come before the Council on the

City Manager?s Agenda.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said if any members of the Council have any

questions before next Tuesday, to get your questions to Deputy City Manager


*** *** ***


Celebrating a ?Doable City!?

Ms. Betsy Covington, President of the Community Foundation came forward

and read the following statement as outlined below.

As most of you know, the Community Foundation is now a $100 million public

foundation geared toward helping people use the tools of philanthropy to

improve their communities? now and forever. I appreciate the chance to come

before you today. Thank you, Mayor Tomlinson, for this opportunity. I?m here to

let you know of some conversations that have been taking place lately in our

community. While they?re not ?new ideas? ? some people who are aware of the

concepts of Smart Growth and New Urbanism have been talking about them for

years ? and you?ve shown your support for the ideas by recently passing the

Complete Streets Ordinance. Truly, the idea of building a ?Doable City? is

hitting Columbus at what may be a pivotal point in city?s evolution.

She said we want for Columbus to be a successful city where people believe

they ? and their children ? have a say in their future. Where citizens are

engaged in civic life, enjoy gathering together in public spaces, and can

easily move around for recreation or transportation. We want this to be a city

that attracts creative thinkers and entrepreneurs who ? statistics show us --

increasingly choose where they want to live first and either find ? or create ?

jobs second.

Ms. Covington said what we?re seeing is cities that can affect this

transformation by activating some of their best public spaces. She said there

are four things that she will highlight in her presentation this morning, which

is outlined below.

Share some of what we learned at the Doable City Forum / Copenhagen Deeper Dive

Introduce you to our new vocabulary concepts

Give you a few of the ?next step? ideas that are popping up

Announce a great opportunity for Columbus

Ms. Covington also said in the next few minutes, she will:

Bring you up to speed on some of the standout things we learned at the Doable

City Conference in June

Let you hear a little about what we see as next steps for our community

Give you a chance to offer ideas / ask questions

Ms. Covington said the conference was organized by the 8-80 Cities Group,

which helps design and improve cities around the world. She said as Gil Penoza,

ED of 8-80 Cities, says: By 2050 the world population is expected to increase

by 2.3 billion?, and urban areas are expected to gain 2.6 billion in

population. Closer to home, over these 40 years the population of the US will

increase by 130 million and over 50 million homes will be built. She said from

these projected numbers, it is clear that urban areas will absorb all of the

world population growth expected in the next four decades as well as additional

migration from rural populations.

Cities are now faced with a multitude of quality of life issues: pervasive

traffic, climate change, skyrocketing obesity rates, and a lack of affordable

housing ? the solutions to which are game-changers for city building.

Ms. Covington said but some of the brightest urban visionaries, including

those we heard from at the conference, are people who give us hope as their

work demonstrates that the solutions to our most urgent challenges are in fact

doable. She said their trip was sponsored by Knight Foundation, which believes

that democracy thrives when people and communities are informed and engaged.

She said the Knight Foundation enables and promote philanthropy that inspires,

facilitates and fosters a vibrant and engaged Chattahoochee Valley.

She showed a photo of the team that took the trip, which included the

following individuals

Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

Richard Bishop, Uptown Columbus

Neil Clark, Hecht Burdeshaw

Anne King, MidTown, Inc.

Ken Henson

Marquette McKnight, City Village Project

Becky Rumer, Synovus Foundation

Ms. Covington said that they also

Learned how to conduct a walkability audit for city streets

And we quickly learned the importance of footwear that supports walkability

She said they boldly mastered the art of urban cycling (especially with

the help of protected bike lanes). And we learned that, in Chicago, the

installation of a protected bike lane along a main corridor resulted in an

immediate 50% increase in bike usage.

And as we learned that the benefits of using our largest public land

asset ? our streets ? better pay big returns for cities in terms of

Public Health

Economic impact & increased economic mobility

Social integration & happier residents

Environmental impact ? more trees, fewer cars

She said a number of her slides that she is showing here today are

borrowed from presentations made at the conference.

Ms. Covington said there were three main things at the conference that

resonated with her:

(1) Increasingly, as creative, entrepreneurial, successful people can live

anywhere they want to live, they will choose cities that promote happiness.

The key questions: how do we want to live? (Cities are only a means to a way


life.) Now cities aren?t about efficiency. They?re about how to attract and

retain the best people.? ? Gil Penalosa

(2) Our streets should dignify all travelers. Not just about biking & walking

for recreation, but for transportation.

?Walking, cycling, public transit is a sign of public respect for all people.?

? Gil Penalosa. In the South, issues of race/class

Ms. Covington said if all of our streets are our largest public spaces, how are

we using them to serve ALL of our population?

(3)Good city development puts People First

The purpose of cities is to maximize the exchange between people

Complete Streets make $$ count

Can no longer afford to spend $1 of transportation dollars on work that doesn?t

increase property values.

Do more than accommodate

Commuting makes people less happy than anything else in life.

We should do more than just accommodate other forms of travelers, but said we

should plan for success

Use the right design guidance

Use the right design guidance that?s out there

Plan for different outcomes

Ms. Covington said as one of our speakers said, ?You know you?re building

a healthy city when you see unescorted children in downtown.? She said in

Columbus, we?re on the right track, but we can still do better. She said but

we still have a ways to go; therefore, let?s use what this group learned to

help us all make a difference.

She said certain words are creeping into our vocabulary here in Columbus.?

Words like Minimum Grid

Protected Bike Lanes

Activated Public Spaces

?Transportation? (not ?Alternative Transportation?)

Dignity for All

She then introduced new concepts: Impatiens/Orchids:

IMPATIENS refers to short-term ideas that are low cost, low risk, high

visibility and can be implemented in less than one year.

ORCHIDS refer to longer term public space improvement ideas that are higher

cost, require more planning and resources and would take two to five years to


Ms. Covington said right now we are looking for some impatiens that we can

get going immediately. She said among the ideas to consider, showed a photo of

a stamp pavement crosswalk, what some other cities are doing, to include having

a stop, wait and wave and/or a sign that says Bicycle Friendly Community. She

said as you know the Mayor has set the goal of making Columbus be the State?s

First Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community within the next year. Mayor

Tomlinson said it?s the Silver Level.

Ms. Covington said today they will be rolling out the Knight Cities

Challenge. She said across the country Knight is announcing that they will give

away $5 million across 26 Knight Cities. She said anyone in the community can

enter, and you can enter multiple times. She said governments can enter, as

well as citizens and non-profits, businesses, anyone who wants to enter.

She said Knight is looking for big fresh ideas that can largely be

implemented in about one year that focuses on one or all of these three key

drivers to city success:

Attracting talented people

Expanding Economic Opportunity

Creating a culture of Civic Engagement

Ms. Covington said the contest will run from October 1 ? Nov. 15 and in

the first round of applications will ask two questions: What is your idea? What

do you hope to learn from it? She said they will be sharing the ideas with them

from Columbus at the Community Foundation and said they will be taking a look

at some of the ideas and will be sharing them with their donors. She said she

thinks this offers an excellent possibility for us to tackle some of the

impatiens that we see around our community. She said this calls for new ways of

thinking; as they are not looking for the same old things, but are looking for

real creative thought. She said for additional information, individuals may go

to their website at

Ms. Covington concluded her presentation with the following quote: ?The

right to the city is far more than the individual liberty to access urban

resources: it is a right to change ourselves by changing the

city."............................ David Harvey, 2008. Happy City

Mayor Tomlinson thanked Ms. Covington for her presentation and what the

Knight Foundation does for the community. She also made comments regarding her

trip to Copenhagen.

*** *** ***


Mayor Tomlinson said the Council is interested in the funding today. She

said on last week we heard about how much this system is needed. She said

everybody knows that this is needed, so she don?t think we need to concentrate

on that as much, but said we do want to know more about how it?s going to be

paid for, how much it is going to cost and if that price tag is all


Attorney Randy Lomax came forward and said he represents both the Tax

Assessors and Tax Commissioner?s Office, and the other departments who will be

affected by the Oasis software, and hardware upgrade and property review. He

said there are several people present with him today, with the most important

person being Finance Director Pam Hodge, who will be telling us how we are

going to get the money to pay for this upgrade. He said there are also two

representatives from Tyler Technology present, Mr. Steve Chrysael, Senior

Account Executive and

Ms. Mary Griffin, who will be the individual working with them doing the

hands-on work to help us implement this.

He said if we go forward with this, we will start working within the next

4 to 6 weeks and said we have a 60-page document, which he and the Assistant

City Attorney will have to review. He said that they will then go into a

planning stage, which will take approximately two months; and after that we

will start on the hands-on project, which will be the implementation of the

software and hardware.

Ms. Pam Hodge, Finance Director, came forward and said the cost of the

system has been broken out. She said there are really two projects, the

software upgrade and the reappraisal process. She then went into some details

in outlining the cost as highlighted below.


ias World Upgrade


iasWorld License $787,150

Oracle License $ 24,650

Implementation Services $1,869,315

GIS Parcel Conversion $ 75,000

Hardware $200,000

Reappraisal $1,700,000

Total Cost


Annual Maintenance $184,560

Ms. Hodge said the annual maintenance will cover any upgrades to the

system going forward, but said there could be implementation cost with an

upgrade depending on how much is done in-house with our IT Department and how

much is required from the vendor for data conversions or special reports. She

said there is additional cost for the upgrades to the system going forward, but

said it is very minimal. She said she just wanted to make sure that we state

that clearly at this meeting today.



GMA Lease Purchase Program

Annual payments for 5 years estimated at $550k-$600k beginning in FY16 (depends

on interest rate)

?OLOST Infrastructure ?Technology Improvements






IT $250,000 $125,000$210,000

iasWorldUpgrade 0 0600,000

Stormwater 750,000 375,000630,000

Roads 2,642,601 1,000,0002,228,715

Facilities 750,000 375,000630,000

Cost Allocation 28,774 100,981120,000

Personnel 75,580 74,36580,000

Reserve 0 2,448,3690

Debt Service 5,403,045 5,401,2855,401,285

TOTAL $9,900,000 $9,900,000$9,900,000

Finance Director Hodge said the impact to the future OLOST infrastructure

allocations is represented in the far column under the FY-16 option. She said

she just wanted to make sure that the Council is aware that we will have to

reallocate the OLOST allocations from the projects that are currently funded

through OLOST and $600,000 will be diverted to this upgrade lease repayment.

She said she has provided the Council with the FY-14 & FY-15 budgets so that

you can see where those allocations have been in the past. She said in FY-15 in

the current fiscal year, there was a reserve created to assist with the fund

balance requirements of $2,448,000. She said that particular reserve was not

in the FY-14 budget; therefore, she provided you with several years, so that

you can see the allocation of the projects. She said what she has done in the

FY-16 options is to spread that $600,000 between the other projects. She said

you could reduce just one. She said this is just an option.

Ms. Hodge then responded to several questions of members of the Council.

Finance Director Hodge responded to questions of Councilor Allen, as it

relates to vehicle replacement, saying that we have a reserve in the OLOST for

vehicle replacement for public safety, but said this is just the

infrastructure, and we did not have a reserve for vehicle replacement in the

Infrastructure. Councilor Allen said he knows that he is mixing two different

subjects now, but said he would like for us to think about vehicle replacement

in the general fund, as well. He said he thinks that is necessary and it

should be a proactive issue that we should take. He said he wanted to make sure

that those budgetary items would not be affected.

Deputy City Manager Arrington made comments regarding the concerns

expressed by Councilor Woodson, pointing out we would have a third funding

source for roads and resurfacing and said if we need to make an allocation, we

could do that from the TSPLOST fund.

Mayor Tomlinson said as you go forward in the negotiations, it is our

understanding that this is all inclusive. She said there will be some support

from our IT Department, but she believe it was cleared up on yesterday, but

that this price tag includes the vendor largely taking on the burden of this

conversion process. She said we don?t want any surprises.

Attorney Lomax said that is correct. He said they will be here from the

very beginning to the time that we go live and stay with it for a period of

time to make sure we know how to run it.

Finance Director Hodge continued with providing information regarding the

funding for this upgrade.


General Fund

FY15$490,000 (Cash payment delayed to FY16)

FY16$660,000 plus $490,000 from FY15 deferral



(Estimated at 4 days of Fund Balance over 3 years)

Possible increased digest to offset cost of reappraisal

Competing needs for the General Fund

Department budget reductions in FY15

Economic Development

After more than forty-five minutes of discussion on this matter, Finance

Director than concluded her presentation.

Councilor Baker said he believes this will be the same timeframe that the

BTW revitalization payments will come due. He then asked if we have clarified

those funds or if any of them will have to come out of the fund balance or the

Community Development Black Grant funds.

Director of Finance Hodge said they will have a plan to come back to the

Council with the funding for the Housing Authority?s BTW revitalization

payments. Mayor Tomlinson said she believes that those payments were postponed

for FY-15, but will come up in FY-16.

Director of Finance Hodge said that is correct, she said they will come up

in FY-16.

Councilor Baker said that is his concern; if the technology and the BTW

revitalization payments hit all at the same time, the fund balance is going to

be an issue.

Deputy City Manager Arrington said they are looking at another funding

option for that to bring back to the Council. He said they have to get some

questions answered first. He said they will be bringing that back at some point

in the future to talk about the BTW Revitalization payment.

Mayor Tomlinson said we will bring back the item for the funding for the

Tax Assessors/Tax Commissioner?s software upgrade on the City Manager?s Agenda

on next week for approval.

After further discussion on this matter, Attorney Lomax and Director of

Finance then responded to further questions of members of the Council.

After more than sixty minutes of discussion, this subject matter was


*** *** ***


Mayor Tomlinson said we have a situation where we have a lot of Ferrell

cat communities in our city and said they are operating in the shadow largely

and said this is a way that we can stop that population increase.

She said we did have a citizen who came forward on our public agenda at

the last Council meeting, who showed a video from Miami, Florida where they are

having problems with people that are hoarding. She said she wanted to remind

the Council of something. She said shortly after she came into office, we begin

working on the Animal Care & Control Center and were besieged by emails from

No Kill Columbus saying that we should stop euthanizing animals right away. She

said we implemented the ?Save the Pet Program?. She said this City will not

allow warehousing and said sometimes that has some circumstances. She said

that is a form of animal cruelty and that is the reason we don?t allow


Ms. Pat Biegler, Director of the Public Works Department came forward and

made some remarks regarding hoarding and then called Ms. Drale Short to come

forward to make the presentation.

Ms. Drale Short presented the following information as it relates to the

Columbus Animal Care & Control Program, as outlined below.


What happened in Miami, could not happen here:

State Law Prohibits abandoning of animals

CACC met w/Dept. of Agriculture and went over our process

Local Ordinance Regulates Community Cat Program (CCP) or Trap/Neuter/Release


Hoarding exists in every community.

Hoarding exists here in Columbus, Georgia.

Columbus Animal Care and Control has always addressed hoarding issues.

Most hoarding cases develop from individual mental issues.


Hoarding is not the result of TNR (Trap/Neuter/Release).

Hoarding will happen whether we have a CCP, practice TNR or not.

The Miami film showed a shelter dropping cats off at a residence in an

uncontrolled manner.


The CACC hoarding investigative processes used to bring forth compliance and

resolution includes working with the following agencies:

APS (Adult Protective Services)

State Inspector/Dept. of Agriculture

Rabies Control Officer

Local Rescues


Trap and Kill Method

Discontinued the trap/kill method when we obtained the Pet Smart Charities


Prior to being awarded these grants we impounded on average 3,254 cats and

killed on average 2,286 cats per year. (2010-2013 stats)

Since inception of these grants we have impounded 3,295 cats and have

euthanized 1,055 cats.


Fails to curtail population growth


Leads to compassion fatigue:

High employee turnover in shelters

Taints public image

Publicly unpalatable


Cats can become sexually active as young as 4 months.

Females will remain in heat or cycle quickly until they are mated.

Females can give birth to 2-4 litters per year.

Litters average 3-5 kittens

(One female, 4 litters = 20 kittens x 5 females @ 20 kittens each = 100


per year.)


Ms. Short highlighted the 2010 ? 2013 statistics for reducing the cat



What is Trap, Neuter & Release?

Trap/Neuter/Release is the non lethal alternative to the trap-and-kill method

of controlling cat populations.


Pilot Program started in September 2013

Pet Smart Charities Grant for $58, 250

A total of 1,036 Cats went through TNR Program


- Launched August 2014

- Grant Award is $600,000.00

- Our goal is to have 2,000 cats go through this program each year

for the next 3 years.

- Any cat deemed unhealthy by a participating

licensed Veterinarian will be euthanized, unless

medically Best Friends will accept those costs.


Long term, TNR lowers the numbers of cats in the community more effectively

than trap-and-kill.

Good Samaritans in our neighborhoods provide food, water and shelter for

community cats, and TNR provides a non-lethal, humane way to effectively manage

these community cat populations.

Our programs will afford friendly cats or young kittens the opportunity to be

placed into forever homes.

Stopping the breeding and removing some cats for adoption is more effective

than the traditional trap-and-kill method in lowering the numbers of cats in a

community long-term.

TNR reduces shelter admissions and operating costs.

Creates a safer community and promotes public health by reducing the number of

unvaccinated cats.

TNR improves the lives of free-roaming cats. Males no longer fight over

territory or female cats and female cats are no longer forced to endure the

physical and mental demands of giving birth and fending for their young.

Sterilizing community cats reduces or even eliminates the behaviors that can

lead to nuisance complaints.


TNR Controls Nuisance Behavior

Dramatically less noise/no mating or fighting

Dramatically less smell/no spraying from male cats

Less roaming

Controlled breeding

No kittens

Increased mediation/educational opportunities to resolve neighbor disputes.


Provide non-lethal, proactive strategies

Deter cats away from areas where cats are not wanted (e.g., backyard, garden)


ACC/BF has purchased ?Scarecrows? to be loaned to residents.

Other deterrents:

Cat Scats

Coffee Grounds

Citrus peels

Lattice fencing for flower beds

After the conclusion of her presentation, Ms. Short offered to answer

questions of the members of the Council, but there were none.

*** *** ***


Ms. Reather Hollowell, Director of the Department of Human Resources came

forward and made a presentation, in which she responded to questions and

concerns that were made at a previous Council meeting. She provided the

following information as outlined below.

She said there are two primary provisions of the ordinance that was

adopted in 2001 and was revised in this year?s budget, and then outlined those

two provisions, which are highlighted below.

Ordinance 14-25, Section 33 (Replaces Ordinance 01-49, Section 20)

All retirees who are Medicare eligible and were hired on or after July 1, 2001

will not be eligible for participation in the Columbus Consolidated Government

(CCG) Employee/Retiree Self Funded Medical Benefit Plan. To the extent the

City identifies and offers a Medicare compatible insurance plan for Medicare

eligible retirees, 100 percent of the costs associated with that plan will be

borne by those participants, and the City will assume no liability for any

benefits payable to participants under that plan.

All employees who were hired on or after July 1, 2001 who retire while

enrolled in the CCG Employee/Retiree Self Funded Medical Benefit Plan and begin

to draw pension benefits prior to becoming Medicare eligible, and any

non-Medicare eligible dependents covered at the time of the employee?s

retirement, may remain a part of the CCG Self Funded Medical Benefit Plan until

they become Medicare eligible; provided however, the premiums for plan members

in this category will be set in accordance with the guidelines set forth in

section 31 above.

Any retiree who discontinues his or her participation in the CCG Self Funded

Medical Benefit Plan or any Medicare compatible insurance plan offered by the

CCG will forfeit any future right to re-enroll himself or any dependents in

either plan.

Section 20 of Ordinance No. 01-49 is specifically repealed and replaced by

this section.

Ms. Hollowell said how this matter became a point of discussion is that a

pre-65 retiree, who is a retired police officer, came forward and talked about

an incident that is going to impact him. She said he is a pre-65 retiree, who

has his spouse as a dependent on his health insurance. She said his question

was, if he takes his spouse off of his insurance; because he was concerned

about the spousal surcharge being increased from $50.00 a month to $371.45 per


She said he wanted to know if he took his spouse off of his coverage and

allow her to go be on her employer?s health insurance, could she come back on

the City?s plan. She said the answer to that question for today, is no. She

said she would not be eligible to come back on for any reason.

Ms. Hollowell said we do have some exceptions that will allow dependents

to come on the plan of a pre-65 employee, as well as a post-65. She then

outlined those exceptions, which is listed below.


New Dependent




Legal Guardian

She said these are the current exceptions that allow for dependents of

those retirees to come back onto the plan and said this is not being proposed

to be changed. She said once a retiree, pre or post; once they leave, they

cannot come back onto the plan, as this remains in tact, and we are proposing

that it stays in tact; however, for their dependents these are the exceptions.

Ms. Hollowell said the question was, if a spouse or dependent of that

retiree leaves, can that person come back on. She said if the Council elects to

make a change, then yes. She said that could be another election under the

exceptions? provision that would allow a spouse to come back onto the plan; but

said that would be with certain provisions, meaning that the spouse or

dependent would need to show that they had previous coverage within the last

30-days. She said that is the lost of coverage that could be added back. She

said they would have to present that coverage. She said she thinks that is an

exception that would fit well in these categories and said it wouldn?t be an

undue burden for the City to administer.

She said one of the discussions about bringing that spouse or dependent

back on, whether we bring them back on at 100% of the cost of the coverage,?.

after some discussion on that with the staff and our benefit consultant, we

think that the cost would be nebulous. She said if we are going to allow for a

loss of coverage for the spouse or the dependent, we would bring them back on

the tier that they fit in, without saying that they would need to come on at

the full cost of coverage. She said if the retiree just has him/her and the

spouse on; then they would come back on that particular tier, and paying that

spousal rate, not the surcharge; because loss of coverage means that they don?t

have a job, or they are not employed; so they would come back on at that rate,

or if it?s a family, or a dependent, then they would come back on at that rate.

Ms. Hollowell said that is the option that could be elected, if you want

to amend that ordinance. She said what you would be amending is just the

provision under the exceptions to allow for a loss of coverage and said they

would have to fit in that particular category.

After concluding her presentation, Ms. Hollowell then responded to several

questions of members of the Council.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said as it relates to the ordinance regarding

the spousal surcharge, how does it impact the employee whose spouses work;

whether it?s pre-65 or post-65, or this other ordinance. She said because we

have not approved or disapproved the proposal for the $371.45. She said she

knows that it would not become effective until January 1st, but said if we

don?t approve it, then those spouses are automatically off of our insurance


Ms. Hollowell said as of January 1, 2015 that is correct.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said if we go back and approve the spousal

surcharge, would they be able to come back and apply for that. Ms. Hollowell

said yes. She said if you approve the spousal surcharge that is now in the

ordinance, then that means they will be eligible for coverage on January 1,

2015. She said they will continue to have coverage until December 31, 2014.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said, while we will have open enrollment on

October 1st there are other companies who are now in open enrollment; they will

have to be placed some place. She said if they go and get coverage with their

employer; then in essence they would have left our plan. She then asked, what

happens, we will allow them to come back.

Ms. Hollowell said if they elect coverage and bypass open enrollment, then

on January 1st, they are on the coverage of their employer; then they will stay

on their plan until open enrollment of 2015. She said it all depends on what

you do with this ordinance, because right now there is no provision, January

1st for anyone to come back.

After continued discussion on this matter, members of the Council

expressed their further views on this subject, and Ms. Hollowell responded to

those questions and concerns of the Council. Councilor Woodson then asked that

an ordinance be brought forth to amend the ordinance to allow for an exception.

Councilor Baker said before the ordinance is brought back, he would ask

Ms. Hollowell to provide the Council with something, in writing, explaining

that if the individuals are allowed to come back on the plan, at what rate will

they be allowed to come back. He said he doesn?t have a problem with how they

drafted the ordinance in 2001, and said he don?t have a problem with looking at

it again, but he is somewhat confused as to what rate they come back at; and if

you are certain that it?s not going to be cost prohibitive. He said he would

like to have some clarification on that before we vote on it.

Ms. Hollowell said she would provide the Council with that information;

however, she will go ahead and share that they will come back at the rate that

is already in place. She said whatever the rate is for pre-65 retirees;

whatever their premium rates are. She said if it is a dependent coming back on,

they will come back on at whatever that rate is as well. She said she will

provide those rates to the members of Council.

Councilor Baker said he would also like to have a statement from the

consultants of the economic impact of that on the plan.

Ms. Hollowell said it will not be cost neutral, but said it will not be

something that will be an exceptional amount of cost. She said it will be

difficult to say overall, how much the cost will be, because you don?t know how

many people might come back. She said we think that we are talking about a

small window of folks, because we are talking about dependents; those who had

coverage and then they lost their coverage, because it has to be within that

30-day window. She said we think it?s going to be a small group of people, but

she will speak with our consultant and get something more definitive so that

you will feel better and have a better appreciation for what we are talking

about, if you vote yes, let?s change this.

Councilor Baker said regarding the other ordinance that we have been

wrestling with, the $371.45 premium as it relates to the spousal surcharge,

said he is not a big fan of it, but said if everyone wants it, he could live

with it. He said he don?t like the fact that we have the dollar amount in the

ordinance; the $371.45. He said he thinks that makes it subject to political

manipulation. He said that is an actuarial number and said we really shouldn?t

have authority over that number. He said in his opinion, he thinks the

ordinance should stop when it say, an amount determined by our consultants; and

then the administration publishes the rate. He said because if it gets

to$321.00 or $421.00 in the ordinance and we say that?s too high, let?s just

hold it at $300 or cut it to $200; you can?t do that.

Councilor Baker said it is a zero percent subsidized number , it?s 100

percent self-supporting, so that number has to be whatever it is and he don?t

think we should have control over that number. He said that is what concerns

him, we are taking an actuarial number and making it subject to political

manipulation, if possible, and said that is what bothers him. He said if it

just said, it is purely subject to the calculations by the actuary and it is,

whatever it is; then he can support it, if we needed to just get pass it and

move on. He said putting the number in the ordinance is what bothers him. He

said if some people leave that

option because it is too expensive and then next year you have fewer people,

then it?s not $371, but it becomes $471, and then the next year, $571. He said

it just become so easy, to just say, let?s hold it. He said we shouldn?t have

authority over that number that number has to be self-supporting.

Mayor Tomlinson then said when the ordinance comes back up, you can amend


Councilor Baker said that is Councilor Davis? ordinance and said he

probably should have some feedback on it. Mayor Tomlinson said next week will

be our last opportunity to amend it before open enrollment. She said if we

don?t everybody will be excluded and there won?t be any option.

Councilor Thomas said it was her understanding of the ordinance as it was

presented to us; that while it didn?t say what Councilor Baker is saying, she

understood that is what it meant.; that this year, $371 was the surcharge. She

said she certainly would not have any problem with us saying that the actual

dollar amount shall be calculated by the actuaries. She then asked if we could

make that amendment today.

City Attorney Fay said the ordinance is still on the table and said if

you wanted to propose an amendment, you can do that. He said just remember

that the 371, the ordinance that is on the table, only amends a particular

section of the annual budget ordinance. He said this number could certainly

change every year, that?s why it?s in the chart of your premium rates and it is

in this section of the annual budget ordinance.

Councilor Thomas said since the administration has heard this

conversation, and it may be that whenever we come back on next week that

perhaps there can be whatever we need to do, you will find that the majority of

the Council agrees with Councilor Baker; that we anticipate that the number

will change from year to year depending on the cost and the number of people

involved. She said she would request that the staff take a look at that and

brings us something back that accomplishes what Councilor Baker has suggested.

Councilor Baker said it is an annual election to offer the option, not to

specify a dollar amount. He said if at some point, it gets cost prohibitive,

the option isn?t to say that it?s too expensive, let?s reduce the cost, but the

option at that point would be let?s terminate the option. He said that?s the

only thing that concerns him is the dollar amount.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked what needs to be done today, in order

to change the wording. She said she understands that it?s Councilor Davis?s

ordinance, but because of the timeframe in which we have to do business, we

need to do something.

City Attorney Fay said you can offer an amendment to the ordinance that?s

on the table, to say that the monthly surcharge approved by the Finance

Director based upon actuarial calculations.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then moved the approval of the amendment to the

ordinance. Seconded by Councilor Woodson.

City Attorney Fay said this will not change what the amounts are for this

year in the charts with all your premiums.

Mayor Tomlinson then called the question on the motion for the amendment

to the ordinance, as moved above, which carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilor Allen being absent for

the vote and Councilors Davis, Henderson and McDaniel absent for this meeting.

City Attorney Fay said we can take a vote on the ordinance as amended;

however, it was decided that we wait until next week when Councilor Davis is


Councilor Woodson said with us voting on this next week, asked if the

ordinance that she requested with regards to adding an additional exception

needs to come forward on next week, or would it have to wait.

After further discussion, it was decided that the ordinance would have to

come back as a first reading on next week.

---------------------------------------*** ***





An Ordinance ? Repealing Ordinance No. 99-21 so as to replace existing

Personnel Review Board Policy 220-505 with a new policy which shall be

designated as Policy Number 220-505 and for other purposes.

Councilor Thomas said she would like to have a copy of Policy 220-550 that


being repealed in this proposed ordinance.

*** *** ***




A Resolution (294-14) ? Commending and expressing our deep appreciation to

Ms. Margaret Cruz for her contributions and care for homeless individuals in


Columbus community. Councilor Barnes moved the adoption of the resolution.

Seconded by Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those six members of

Council present at the time, with Councilor Allen being absent for this vote and

Councilors Davis, Henderson and McDaniel absent for this meeting.

---------------------------------------*** ***


MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: Minutes of the September 9, 2014 Council Meeting and the August 26, 2014

Executive Session of the Council of the Consolidated Government were submitted

and approved upon the adoption of a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh

and seconded by Councilor Woodson which carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilor Allen absent for this

vote and Councilors Davis, Henderson and McDaniel being absent for this


---------------------------------------*** ***





A Resolution (295-14) ? Authorizing payment of Attorney Fees which may be

incurred for legal services rendered regarding various city issues during

fiscal year 2015. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the

resolution. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilor Allen absent for this

vote and Councilors Davis, Henderson and McDaniel being absent for this


*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before the Council, Mayor

Tomlinson then entertained a motion for adjournment. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh

so moved. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six

members of Council present at the time, with Councilor Allen being absent for

this vote and Councilors Davis, Henderson and McDaniel being absent for this

meeting, with the time of adjournment being 12:00 p.m.

*** *** ***

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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