Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: June 24, 2009- Place: CHD- Health & Human Services Bldg., LDR

Presiding: H. Banks. Carroll, M. D.

Attending Members: Carlos Wise, M. D., Isaiah Hugley, City Manager,

Ms. Brenda Dozier

Absent Members: James Lawrence, D.D.S., Todd Jarrell, M. D., Mayor Jim


Others Present: Mr. Bill Rumer, Attorney, Ed Saidla, Pam Middleton, Eileen

Albritton, Sheila Mayfield, Pam Fair, Joanne Strickland, Brenda Forman, Jerome

Deal, Charlene Ellis, Secretary

Special Guests: None


Agenda TopicDiscussionDecisionResponsibility

I. Call to orderDr. Carroll called the Columbus Board of Health to order at


II. Approval of MinutesDr. Carroll asked if there were any questions or

comments on the previous minutes received (May 27, 2009). Dr. Carroll asked for

a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by Ms. Dozier, seconded by

Mr. Hugley and approved by those members present. None

III. Excused AbsencesDr. Carroll stated there are two Excused Absences for

today. Dr. Lawrence is out of town and Dr. Jarrell was called in on an

emergency. Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the Excused Absences. A

motion was made by Mr. Hugley, seconded by Ms. Dozier and approved by those

members present.None

IV. Financial ReportDr. Carroll asked Joanne Strickland to present the

financial report to the Board.

Ms. Strickland presented the FY2010 Public Health Budget for the final


Ms. Strickland stated that the financials are on target and there are no issues.

Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the FY2010 PH Budget. A motion was

made by Mr. Hugley, seconded by Dr. Wise and approved by those members present.


V. Old BusinessNoneNone


VI. New BusinessNoneNoneNone

VII. Equipment Dr. Carroll asked Mr. Saidla to present the Equipment Requests

to the Board.

1-New ID Printer to replace credentialing printer. Old printer is five (5)

years old. Cost of new printer is $2,875.00.

2-Purchase a new truck mounted fogger for the Adult Mosquito Program. Purchase

price of $6,800.00 complete.

MMRS Funds:

3-(A)Purchase a 48? Trailer-for the Columbus Fire and Rescue/Urban Search and

Rescue Team - $21,700.00.

(B)Purchase for Chattahoochee and Stewart Counties ? Cardiac Monitors for

Ambulances - (2)Monitors at $8,500.00 each.

(C)Ham Radio Tower replacement and equipment replacement - $10,500.00 and an

upgrade to coverage with a cost of $6,500.00.Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to

approve the purchase of the ID Printer. A motion was made by Mr. Hugley,

seconded by Ms. Dozier and approved by those members present.

Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the purchase of a new fogger. A

motion was made by Mr. Hugley, seconded by Dr. Wise and approved by those

members present.

Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve 3-A, 3-B and 3-C. A motion was made

by Ms. Dozier, seconded by Mr. Hugley and approved by those members present.


VIII. District Health Director?s ReportDr. Carroll asked Mr. Saidla if there

were any comments from Dr. Koppanyi (Dr. Koppanyi is attending a meeting in

Atlanta with the new Director, Dr. Medows.) Mr. Saidla stated that Dr. Koppanyi

would be giving an update summary from the meeting at a later date. NoneNone

IX. PIODr. Carroll asked Ms. Fair for an update since the last board meeting.

Ms. Fair stated that today on WTVM-Channel 9 at 5:30pm there would be a Local

Health Care Reform and Ms. Eileen Albritton would be representing public health

on the panel.

Also, National HIV-Testing Day is scheduled for Saturday, June 27,


X. Environmental HealthNo ReportNoneNone

XI. PresentationNo PresentationNoneNone

XII. AdjournedWith no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by

Dr. Carroll, Chairman. All members present were in favor. NoneNone

Columbus Board of Health

Respectfully submitted by: Charlene Ellis, Secretary




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