Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



Applicant: William C. Pound

Owner: St. Francis Hospital

Location 4131, 4137, 4143, 4149, 4153, and 4201 St. Francis Avenue (now part of

2122 Manchester Expressway)

Acreage: 12.091 acres

Current Zoning Classification: RO (Residential-Office) with conditions

Proposed Zoning Classification: RO (Residential-Office) with amended conditions

Current Use of Property: Parking lot

Proposed Use of Property: Parking lot

Council District: District 8 (McDaniel)

Planning Advisory Commission's Recommendation: Approval to delete condition #2 of Ordinance

02-47 to permit commercial driveway access to St. Francis Avenue.

Planning Departments Recommendation: Approval to delete condition #2 of Ordinance 02-47 to

permit commercial driveway access to St. Francis Avenue.

Fort Benning's Rcommendation: N/A

DRI Rcommendation: N/A

General Land Use: Consistent

Planning Area D

Land Use Designation: Mixed Use

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within a floodway and floodplain area.

The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a Site

Development Plan permit, if a permit is required.

City Services: Property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: The Traffic Engineering Division reviewed a traffic impact study

requested by the Planning and Engineering Department to assist in determining

the affect new development on the St. Francis Hospital Campus would have on

traffic for the surrounding area. The traffic impact study indicated that the

surrounding streets, intersections and proposed driveways would not cause any

level of service to exceed ?C? therefore the Traffic Engineering Division

concluded the two new commercial driveways would satisfy the City?s


Surrounding Zoning: North ? RO (Residential-Office)

South ? RO (Residential-Office) / SFR3 (Single Family Residential 3)

East ? SFR3 (Single Family Residential 3)

West ? SFR3 (Single Family Residential 3)

Reasonableness of Request The request is consistent with the Future Land Use Map of the

Comprehensive Plan of Columbus. Furthermore the request is compatible with

existing land uses in the immediate vicinity of the St. Francis Hospital

Campus. Furthermore a traffic impact study was submitted concerning the affect

site development would have on the surrounding intersections and roads. The

traffic impact study satisfies the City?s requirements even with the two new

commercial driveways into St. Francis Avenue.

School Impact There will be no impact on neighboring schools.

Buffer Requiremnts

The proposed development shall have a Category C buffer requirement along all

property lines bordered by the SFR3 zoning districts. The 3 options under

Category C are:

1) 20 feet with a certain amount of canopy trees, under story trees, and shrubs

/ ornamental grasses per 100 linear feet

2) 10 feet with a certain amount of shrubs / ornamental grasses per 100 linear

feet and a wood fence or masonry wall

3) 30 feet undisturbed natural buffer.

Attitude of Property Owners: Fifty-eight (58) Property owners within 600 feet were

notified of the rezoning request. The Planning Department has received three

inquiries concerning this rezoning.

Additional Information: In February of 2000 City Council conditionally approved the rezoning

of 0.76 acres at the north corner of Woodruff Road and St. Francis Avenue from

R2 (Low Density Residential) to AO (Apartment Office) for expansion of parking

space. Please reference the attached ordinance #00-21 for further details of

the rezoning.

In June of 2002 City Council conditionally approved the rezoning of 1.67 acres

of the subject property from R2 (Low Density Residential) to AO (Apartment

Office) for further expansion of parking space. The above-described property

was rezoned with the following conditions: 1.) All lighting shall be directed

internally using deflectors. 2.) No access shall be permitted onto St. Francis


Please note that since adopting the Unified Development Ordinance in 2005, R2

(Low Density Residential) is now classified as SFR3 (Single Family Residential


AO (Apartment Office) is now classified as RO (Residential Office).

The applicant is proposing to have condition #2 deleted from ordinance 02-47.

Please reference the site plan for exact location of the property. By deleting

condition #2, the applicant would be permitted to have access to St. Francis


As indicated on the site plan this portion of the property would have one of

two proposed commercial driveways having ingress/egress from St. Francis

Hospital Campus to St. Francis Avenue.

Attachments: Aerial Land Use Map

Planning Area D Future Land-Use Map

Site Plan

Ordinance 00-21

Ordinance 02-47

Traffic Engineering Division Letter


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