Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



NO. ____

An Ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Columbus Code by creating the Office of

Crime Prevention Board and Office of Crime Prevention; providing for

appointment of Board members; providing terms of office; providing duties for

said Board; and for other purposes.




Chapter 2 of the Columbus Code is hereby amended by adding a new Article XIX to

read as follows:

?(a) Mission and Goal of the Office of Crime Prevention

The mission of Office of Crime Prevention is to provide leadership on effective

and cost-efficient ways to prevent and to reduce crime by identifying truly

outstanding crime prevention programs that meet a high scientific standard of

effectiveness and that are innovative initiatives that help stop crime before

it starts.

The goal of the Office of Crime Prevention is to enhance and improve the

services offered by various departments and agencies with an aim toward

reducing crime and to directly impact the mission of preventing crime. The

Office of Crime Prevention will work to streamline and coordinate crime

prevention efforts in our city, and to ensure a high level of accountability to

the citizens of Columbus, Georgia who passed the Local Option Sales Tax in the

summer of 2008.

(b) Office of Crime Prevention Board

Composition of the Board

There shall be an Office of Crime Prevention Board that shall be made up of

seven (7) members, including the chairperson. Each member, including the

chair, shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall be confirmed by the Columbus

Council. Terms of office for a member of the Board shall be three years except

in the initial configuration of the Board as provided below.

Of the seven seats on the Board, one shall be held by a representative selected

from the law enforcement agencies, including the Muscogee County Sheriff?s

Office, the Muscogee County Marshal?s Office, and the Columbus Police

Department. The representative shall serve a one-year term and may be

reappointed for one additional consecutive one-year term.

Of the seven seats on the Board, one shall be held by a representative of the

educational community in Muscogee County to include but not be limited to the

Muscogee County School District, Columbus Technical College, and Columbus State

University. The representative shall serve a three-year term and may be

reappointed for one additional consecutive three-year term.

Of the seven seats on the Board, one shall be held by the current chairperson

of the Public Safety Advisory Commission. The representative will serve on the

Board of the Office of Crime Prevention for the duration of his/her term as

chairperson of the Public Safety Advisory Commission.

One of the remaining four seats shall be designated by the Mayor as the

chairperson of the Office of Crime Prevention Board. The member designated as

Chairperson shall serve a three-year term and may be reappointed for one

additional consecutive three-year term, but such reappointment does not

automatically confer the status of Chairperson to the Board member filling the


Of the remaining three seats, the Board members shall be named at large. In

the initial year of operation, one member shall serve a three-year term, one

member shall serve a two-year term, and one member shall serve a one-year

term. The order of terms shall be established by lot. Each of these three

members shall be eligible to serve one additional consecutive three-year term.

The Board shall establish a regular meeting schedule, and generally shall meet

at least once per month at a time and place designated by the Board. One

member selected by the Board shall serve as Secretary, and shall keep the

regular minutes of meetings and transmit the same to the Clerk of Council.

(c) Duties of the Office of Crime Prevention Board

The Office of Crime Prevention Board shall recommend to the Columbus Council

the process and method for awarding service agreements to various agencies for

the delivery of crime prevention programs.

Once the process and method for awarding service agreements is established, the

Board shall review and select for recommendation to the City Council those

service agreements that meet the standards and criteria for funding.

(d) Criteria for Selection of Vendors

The Board shall establish the criteria for selection of vendors eligible for

funding from the Columbus Consolidated Government. The criteria shall include,

but not be limited to, those elements that will help fulfill the mission of the

Office. The criteria may be revised from time to time. It is anticipated

that, for the first several years of operation, funding will be confined to

those agencies within the City of Columbus or other governmental agencies.

Criteria shall include specific components which identify truly outstanding

crime prevention programs that meet a high scientific standard of effectiveness

and that are innovative initiatives that help stop crime before it starts.

Programs selected for inclusion may fall anywhere along the services continuum

from early prevention to aftercare programs for offenders. Some programs may

target more than one issue, age group and population. The duration of programs

selected may be multi-year programs, but shall not receive funding for more

than two years without reapplication. The programs selected for inclusion

should address one of the five areas of emphasis noted by the Mayor?s

Commission on Crime Prevention, namely, recreation, education, employment, drug

prevention and intervention, and community policing.

(e) Service Agreements

In order to obtain funds from the Local Option Sales Tax for crime prevention

programs, an agency must enter into a written service agreement with the

Columbus Consolidated Government.

Each service agreement will contain, at minimum, the following elements:

(1) A completed application form (approved by the Board and the Columbus

Council) to be executed by the chief executive officer or chairperson of the


(2) A full description of the proposed program that will utilize the funds from

the City.

(3) A budget showing the proposed use of the funds from the City.

(4) The agency?s current fiscal year budget showing all other funding received

by the agency requesting funds, to include all grants, endowments, and all

other funding from all sources.

(5) The goals of the program proposed by the agency and a timeline for meeting

those goals.

(6) The method by which the agency and the City will measure the attainment of

the goals of the program.

(7) An agreement to allow authorized representatives of the City access to the

agency?s financial records as they pertain to the service agreement program.

(8) Any other element as authorized by the Board or the Columbus Council.

(f) Director of the Office of Crime Prevention

The Office of Crime Prevention shall be established as an entity in the Mayor?s

office. The operating budget for the office shall be a part of the budget for

the Mayor?s Office, and shall be shown as a separate section in the Columbus

Consolidated Government?s Fiscal Year Budget to be approved by the Columbus

Council during regular annual budget deliberations.

A position of Director of the Office of Crime Prevention shall be created by

separate ordinance of the Columbus Council. This position will have oversight

of City controlled funds used to support crime prevention activities within the

community. The director will effectively build relationships with community

organizations, businesses, and law enforcement to aggressively promote the

Office of Crime Prevention and its mission.

The Director of the Office of Crime Prevention will have no jurisdiction over

any of the law enforcement agencies in the City of Columbus. This office is

for crime prevention, not law enforcement. The office will work with the

various agencies as appropriate.

Major Duties

The major duties of the Director of the Office of Crime Prevention shall be as

outlined in the official job description for the position.

At a minimum, the Director shall develop and design the procedure to be used by

groups seeking service agreements between agencies and the City of Columbus for

crime prevention programs, to include methods that will be used to measure

program success and provide accountability of the programs that use City

controlled funds.

The Director will plan and coordinate crime prevention programs and activities

in association with law enforcement agencies, other governmental agencies,

community businesses and non-profit organizations. The Director will actively

seek and evaluate crime prevention programs from other jurisdictions, and seek

to implement programs as appropriate. The Director will also identify, apply

for and administer federal, state, foundation and other grant programs relating

to crime prevention to further the goal of the Columbus Crime Prevention


The Director will develop and oversee the operating budget of the Office of

Crime Prevention, and will serve as liaison to the Board of the Office of Crime



All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia,

held on the 13th day of October, 2009; introduced a second time at a regular

meeting of said Council held on the ____ day of ____________, 2009, and adopted

at said meeting by the affirmative vote of ______ members of said council.

Councilor Allen voting_________________.

Councilor Anthony voting_______________.

Councilor Baker voting_________________.

Councilor Barnes voting________________.

Councilor Davis voting_________________.

Councilor Henderson voting_____________.

Councilor Hunter voting________________.

Councilor McDaniel voting______________.

Councilor Pugh voting__________________.

Councilor Woodson voting_______________.

____________________ __________________

Tiny B. Washington Jim Wetherington

Clerk of Council Mayor


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