Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # _____

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Agenda Report #

TO: Mayor and Council

SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding with Chattahoochee Rowing Limited

INITIATED BY: David Arrington, Deputy City Manager

Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of

Understanding with Chattahoochee Rowing, Ltd., for Master Planning for a rowing

facility to be located on City owned property.

Background: Chattahoochee Rowing Ltd., a non-profit group, has expressed

a desire to develop a world-class rowing facility in Columbus at Rotary Park

extending north along the Riverwalk to the Trade Center. The development of

such a facility will provide numerous positive benefits to the community. With

a focus on recreation, athletics and education, this project will enhance the

quality of life for Columbus residents by:

? Providing an additional opportunity for healthy, wholesome recreation

creating a stronger and healthier community.

? Enhancing and maximizing the linkage from Uptown Columbus to South Columbus

and Fort Benning.

? Generating significant educational, team building and leadership

opportunities for community children and youth ? especially at-risk children by

teaching sportsmanship, teamwork, responsibility and leadership.

? Increasing the positive public image of Columbus, GA ? A great place to live

and a city that cares about its diverse citizenry, providing opportunities for


? Creating competitions and events that attract significant local audiences and

increase tourism from regional and national audiences thereby producing

considerable economic impact and opportunity.

Analysis: The Master Planning and potential development of a rowing

facility, if deemed feasible, will be at the full expense of Chattahoochee

Rowing, Ltd. The City will cooperate in the planning process and insure that

current recreation facilities and services provided at Rotary Park and other

locations within the planning area are not negatively impacted. Any impacts

will be fully mitigated by the developer. Once completed, the Master Plan

will be presented to Council for approval. If approved by Council, a land

lease will be negotiated to facilitate the development of the facility. The

specific terms of the Memorandum of Understanding are listed below.

1. Master Planning and Feasibility Study: The City agrees to participate with

the developer?s Feasibility and Master Planning efforts for the rowing

project. All costs associated with the development will be at the expense of

the developers. The City will not incur any costs associated with the

development of plans for the rowing facility. The City will participate by

providing any and all information to the developer or consultants hired by the

developer as part of the master planning process.

2. Scope of Study: The proposed area for the location of the rowing facility

is Rotary Park and vacant City property adjacent to Rotary Park extending north

to the Trade Center. The study may encompass property outside this area as

necessary to accommodate the required elements to facilitate rowing activities

and competitions.

3. Preservation of Existing City Facilities and Services: The developer

understands the need to preserve any and all existing City facilities and

services currently provided at the Rotary Park locations. The master plan or

any subsequent development can not have an adverse impact on the recreational

services currently offered to the public at this site. Any proposed impacts

must be fully mitigated to the satisfaction of the City by the developer at the

developer?s cost. The developer agrees to coordinate with all stakeholders in

the area of the proposed development to include but not limited to the owner of

Bull Dog Bait and Tackle, Civil War Naval Museum, Parks and Recreation, and the

Trade Center.

4. Final Approval of Master Plan: If the development of a riverfront rowing

facility is deemed feasible and a master plan is fully developed, the master

plan will be presented to Columbus Council for approval. Upon approval by

Columbus Council and evidence of sufficient capital is raised to develop the

facility by the developer, the City agrees to negotiate in good faith with the

developer a lease agreement for City property for implementation of the plan.

If at such time, property adjacent to the currently owned City property comes

into possession of the City, the City agrees to provide the developer first

right of refusal to lease the additional property for a period of 365 days from

the date the property is developable.

5. Binding Affect: The MOU sets forth the understanding and commitment of the

parties and may be modified and amended by a more definitive agreement, but the

obligations of the parties set forth herein are intended to be binding upon the

parties, subject however, to the prior approval of the MOU by Council of the

City and the board of Developer.

6. Governing Law: This MOU will be governed by and construed in accordance

with the laws of the State of Georgia.

7. Notices: All notices and other communications permitted or given in

connection with this MOU shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been

properly given if delivered in person, or by courier, or sent by United States

mail, Registered or Certified, Return Receipt Requested, to the addresses set

forth below or to such other address as may be from time to time specified by

written notice delivered in accordance herewith:

8. Authorization to apply for Grant Funding: The City Manager is authorized to

approve the application for grant funding as identified for this project. The

application for any grant funding shall not require a match by the Consolidated

Government unless otherwise approved by Council. The City Manager is further

authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to receive grant funds

and facilitate the completion of the project.

Financial Considerations: The City will not incur an expense with this project

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement: None

Legal Considerations: Council must approved the Memorandum of Understand.

Recommendations/ Actions: Authorize the City Manager to execute a Memorandum of

Understanding with Chattahoochee Rowing, Ltd. for Master Planning for a rowing

facility to be located on City owned property. And further authorize the City

Manager to apply for grant funds in support of the project provided the grant

does not require a match by the City.


NO. _____




WHEREAS, Chattahoochee Rowing Ltd., a private non-profit group, has expressed

interest in developing a world-class rowing facility on City owned property

along the Chattahoochee River in the area of Rotary Park extending north along

the Riverwalk to the Trade Center; and,

WHEREAS, the development of the Master Plan for the facility will insure all

current recreation services provided at Rotary Park will remain whole and any

potential impacts to the facility and services will be fully mitigated at the

developer's cost if the plan is ultimately implemented; and,

WHEREAS, the sport of rowing provides an excellent opportunity for healthy,

wholesome recreation and generates significant educational, team building and

leadership opportunities for community children and youth; and,

WHEREAS, The development of a rowing facility in Columbus will produce a

significant economic impact and enhance the linkage between Uptown Columbus,

South Columbus and Fort Benning.


That the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a Memorandum of

Understanding with Chattahoochee Rowing, Ltd., for master planning and other

purposes of rowing facility on City owned property. The City Manager is

further authorized to apply for grant funds in support of the Master Plan and

implementation of the plan provided there is no City match required for the



Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

the _________day of _____________, and adopted at said meeting by the

affirmative vote of _____________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting __________.

Councilor Baker voting __________.

Councilor Barnes voting __________.

Councilor Henderson voting __________.

Councilor Huff voting __________.

Councilor McDaniel voting __________.

Councilor Turner Pugh voting __________.

Councilor Woodson voting __________.

________________________ _________________________

Tiny Washington, Clerk of Council , Mayor


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