Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members


REGULAR MEETING - 2:00 P.M. ? November 3, 2010

A regular meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals was held Wednesday, November

3, 2010, at 2:00 P.M., on the First Floor of the Columbus Consolidated

Government Annex Building located at 420 10th Street.

Members Present: Mr. Wright Wade

Mr. Ray Brinegar, III

Mr. Bill Hart

Mr. Tom Moore

Members Absent: Mr. Perry Borom

Others Present: Mr. Will Johnson, Planning Department

Mr. Daniel Stegall, Planning Department

Also present representing the Inspections and Code Enforcement Department were

Mr. Danny Cargill, Secretary of the Board, Ms. Jacqueline Goodwin, Acting

Recording Secretary, and Mrs. Marsha Thomas, Zoning Technician.

Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Mr. Wright Wade, Chairperson.


CASE NO. BZA-10-10-5213--GRANTED

Mr. Ken Avery, appeared before the Board for 4404 Reese Road, to increase the

sign square footage from 6 square feet allowed to 66 square feet shown. The

property is zoned SFR2.

Mr. Avery stated that he submitted the plans as the whole monument was designed

when he filed his application. (Mr. Avery presented pictures of the sign to

the Board.) He stated that he had written on the application 11? x 6? (66

square feet). The sign itself within the monument is approximately 13 ? square

feet. The church has been at that location since 1984. There is wire

lettering on the face of the building, but is very ineffective.

Mr. Wade stated that this is an existing building and is zoned residential.

Being that the church is in a residential zone, it is only allowed 6 square

feet for the sign, and Mr. Avery is asking to put a brick monument with a sign.

Mr. Hart asked if the sign would be a new sign on the property.

Mr. Avery replied that it is a new sign. (Presented pictures to the Board of

other signs including the sign in Monroe.)

Mr. Hart asked Mr. Cargill what constitutes the sign, the size or the structure.

Mr. Cargill replied that in the ordinance it gives you two different things,

and using the more restrictive one would be the entire structure.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Hart moved to approve the appeal based on no

opposition, and the request for the sign square footage is barely larger than

the square footage allowed. Mr. Moore seconded the motion, and the motion was

carried unanimously.


Mr. Todd Rodgers, Greyden Engineering, Ms. Getra Thomason, and Mrs. Lucy Jones,

all representing Chick Fil A, appeared before the Board to appeal the Decision

of the Building Official for 6517 Kitten Drive, to allow the drive thru to face

the corridor arterial roadway not allowed by the Unified Development Ordinance,

Sec. 2.5.19. U.S. Highway 80 Overlay District. The property is zoned GC.

Mr. Rodgers stated that the highway overlay does not allow a drive thru lane to

face the arterial road, which is Beaver Run. What we have done to make

accommodations is a cross section. We will do a berm up to the property line,

and have a 3? foot wall that drops the drive thru down to hide the cars. In

addition to that, we will scatter maples, oaks, tall grasses approximately 3

feet tall, and 6 feet tall hollies to hide the menu board. To allow us to do

this, we are requesting relief from the Highway 80 Overlay District.

Mr. Wade pointed out that the building was attractive, and asked if that was

the standard type building that they normally have everywhere.

Mr. Rodgers replied that it is one of the standards.

Ms. Thomason expressed that we have added a lot of elements to the building.

Mrs. Jones stated pointed out that the brick color will match the entrance to

the shopping center. They have been wonderful to work with, and have exceeded

all expectations.

Mr. Brinegar asked how far does the drive thru run from Beaver Run Road.

Mr. Rodgers replied that presently it is approximately over 80 feet of right of


Mr. Johnson, Planning Department, stated that they were in approval, and

everything has been done properly. They did their homework.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Moore moved to overturn the Decision of the

Building Official and grant the appeal request based on no opposition, plus

they have done a good job in their homework in trying to accommodate any

problems that may have occurred. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hart, and

carried unanimously. Mr. Wade added that the Planning Department had met with

them previously, and worked out any problems that may have had, in which they

were in favor of what accommodations they had done.


Mr. George Clarity, representing Mr. Kazunori Nakamura, appeared before the

Board to request a variance from the zoning ordinance for 6416 Williamsburg

Drive, to reduce the side yard setback requirement from 8 feet required to 4

feet shown, to erect a metal carport to a single family residence. The property

is zoned SFR3.

Mr. Clarity stated that they are before the Board to request a side variance

for this project.

Mr. Wade asked if there was a parking pad in the rear.

Mr. Clarity replied that there is a parking pad.

Mr. Moore asked if there was a house to the right, and have someone spoken to

the neighbors.

Mr. Clarity replied that he had not, but Mr. Nakamura has spoken to the


Mr. Wade pointed out that it is a shed roof, and has gutters to keep the water

back onto the street.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Brinegar moved to approve the appeal request

based on no opposition, and the neighbors were in agreement with controlling

the water with the existing parking pad on the structure. The motion was

seconded by Mr. Hart, and carried unanimously.


Mr. Wade stated that the next case is a variance request from the zoning

ordinance for Mr. Jose Gutierrez, 2243 Simmons Avenue, to reduce the rear

setback requirement from 30? to 18?-6? shown, and to reduce the side setback

requirement from 8? required to 6?6? shown. The property is zoned SFR3. This

case was tabled at the last meeting, October 6, 2010, due to lack of


No one was in attendance to present the appeal request to the Board. Also,

there was no opposition present for this appeal.

Mr. Brinegar moved to deny the appeal request due to lack of representation.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Hart, and carried unanimously.


Mr. Hart moved to excuse Mr. Perry Borom, due to a business appointment. The

motion was seconded by Mr. Moore, and carried unanimously.


The minutes of the regular meeting of October 6, 2010 were presented for

approval as written.

Mr. Moore moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of October 6,

2010. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hart, and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned

at 2:16 p.m.

Wright Wade William L. Duck, Jr.

Chairperson Secretary

Perry Borom Danny Cargill

Vice Chairperson Acting Secretary


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