Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

January 9, 2012

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners of

Columbus, Georgia was held at the office of the Columbus Water Works on Monday,

January 9, 2012, at 1:30 p.m., the following Commissioners being present:

Philip Thayer

Carole Rutland

Karl Douglass

Absent: Billy Blanchard

Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

It was noted that Treasurer Blanchard and Mayor Tomlinson?s absences

were excused.

This being the first meeting of the new year, election of Officers was

in order. The following Officers were nominated:

Office 2012

Chairman Philip Thayer

Treasurer Billy Blanchard

Interim President Billy Turner

Secretary Emory E. Blount

Following discussion, a motion was made and seconded to elect the above

Officers for the calendar year 2012. Motion carried.

Receipt of the Minutes of the regular meeting on December 12, 2011, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

Receipt of the Minutes of the called meeting on January 4, 2012, was

acknowledged by the Board and approved as written.

Cliff Arnett introduced Mr. Daniel McCabe an employee of the Columbus

Water Works to the Board. Mr. McCabe was asked to attend the meeting so that

he could be recognized due to his retirement. The following resolution was

presented as follows:

A Resolution

Whereas, Daniel F. McCabe, has been an employee of the Columbus Board

of Water Commissioners since December, 1983, is retiring; and,

Whereas, Daniel F. McCabe, has served in the capacity of Equipment Mechanic II

in the Managed Maintenance Department with the Columbus Water Works; and,

Whereas, Daniel F. McCabe, has performed in an outstanding and productive

manner throughout his twenty-eight years of service;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Board of Water Commissioners of

the City of Columbus, Georgia, on behalf of all the people of the City, hereby

publicly expresses appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Daniel F. McCabe for

his diligent and faithful service on behalf of the Columbus Water Works; and,

Be It Further Resolved that this resolution be spread upon the official

minutes of this Board this ninth day of January, 2012, and that the Secretary

of this Board be directed to furnish copies of this resolution to the said

Daniel F. McCabe and to the Clerk of Council of Columbus, Georgia.









After presenting the resolution to Daniel McCabe, the Board congratulated him

on his many years of service with the Columbus Water Works.

Secretary Blount provided information to the Board regarding refinancing of the

2003 and 2005 Bond Series. He advised that according to information provided

by Merchant Capital, LLC, the current savings on the Series 2003 Bond to be

refunded is estimated at $2,503,767 and the savings on the Series 2005 Bond to

be refunded is estimated at $1,331,496. Secretary Blount advised the Board

that this was information for future action and a recommendation would be

provided at a later date. Also, Secretary Blount advised that a new Master

Bond Indenture needs to be adopted before any additional bonds can be issue.

Secretary Blount gave a status report to the Board on the Modification of Bond

Authorization. The schedule of events is as follows:

Initial drafts of the Master Indenture, an example of a First Supplemental

Trust Indenture pursuant to which a normal series of fixed rate bonds may be

issued, and a form of the Resolution of the City authorizing the execution and

delivery of such documents, were circulated on November 30, 2011 for review by

an internal working group consisting of CWW management and legal and financial

advisors to CWW.

After review and discussion, a second draft of the Master Indenture was

circulated to the internal working group on December 8, 2011.

Based upon progress made to date, a report was delivered to the CWW Board on

December 12, 2011.

Further comments on the current draft of the documents have been received, and

a third draft is scheduled for circulation during the week of January 9, 2012.

Upon review and approval by CWW management, the third draft will be circulated

to the City Attorney for review and approval.

Upon receipt of questions, comments and approvals from the City Attorney, a

final draft will be submitted to the CWW Board for final approval.

Upon approval by the CWW Board, the Final Resolution will be submitted to the

City Council for consideration and, if appropriate, adoption. This will

conclude the process for closing the lien of the 1985 Ordinance and authorizing

the issuance of all future series of Bonds under the terms of the new Master


Secretary Blount asked the Board for their comments on moving forward with a

Resolution or an Ordinance approving a new Trust Indenture, which will allow

for the issuance of future revenue bonds. After discussion, it was agreed to

move forward with a Resolution which will be approved at the February Board


The Financial Report for the month of December including Ft. Benning

was provided to the Board. Motion was made and seconded to approve the

reports. Motion carried.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by Engineering and Field Services.


Veterans Parkway/Hamilton Road Water Storage Facility ? The contractor has

completed the pedestal section and the bow. Sandblasting and painting are

being done at this stage. Valve vault building has been constructed. Tie-in

connections to the existing system are scheduled for March. Overall project

completion is anticipated for April 2012.

North Columbus Water Resource Facility Upgrade

The contractor has completed installing new under drain system, new media and

new valving and controls in filter buildings 1 and 2 with air blower piping new

being installed. Work in filter building 5 has started. High Service Motor

replacement is finished and contractor is finalizing the replacement motors in

the Raw Water Pump Station. Project is 65% complete and is scheduled for

completion in July 2012.

Distribution ? Columbus

Installed 8? HydroStop and replaced hydrant on Springer Street.

Collection System Columbus

For 2011, our crews responded to after hour calls in 49 minutes (average):

Repaired sewer connection at the MCSD Administration Building where a light

pole had been placed through the pipe.

I & I Crews

Repaired a 6? sewer connection that was abandoned but never plugged. We have

corrected many of these eliminating a major source of I&I.

Ft. Benning System

Completed an 8? HyroStop and installed a new water valve on Wold Avenue.

Repaired 12? A/C water main on 2nd Infantry Division Road.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by Strategic Planning and Employee Services


Strategic Planning

On November 30th, Savonne Monell and Paula Goble participated in a web

conference with representatives from UtilityWorks, Inc., a company that

provides Software as a Service (SaaS) technology with the use of OneView

Performance Management, a ?cloud? based software and Effective Utility

Management (EUM) Business Intelligence & Performance Management Solution.

The OneView Performance Management System identifies and utilizes hundreds of

KPIs (key performance indicators) crucial to utility management. OneView loads

data into a dashboard to compare desired targets and actual results. In

addition, users can also compare their results to over a thousand other

utilities in the country based on size and region.

Currently, Strategic Planning is reviewing the information provided by

UtilityWorks and conducting a cost-benefit analysis to determine the full value

of this program before proceeding with a recommendation.

Employee Services

On December 13th, Savonne Monell, and Paula Goble attended the 2011 Diversity

Conference held in the Cunningham Center at Columbus State University. The

theme this year was: ?Together: Moving Columbus, GA Forward,? with the purpose

of ?Exploring Diversity & Inclusion as an Economic Driver in our Community.?

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by Information Services Department.

Information Services

The Maximo 7.5 Upgrade has been completed. Over the New Year?s Eve weekend the

final production upgrade was performed and the Go-Live occurred on Tuesday,

January 3rd. The completion of this project was required as a precursor to the

implementation of the Maximo Mobile Work Order System (Syclo) which is

scheduled to begin on January 9th, and will provide the ability for Maximo work

orders to be received and completed by workers in the field using mobile

handheld devices.

A total of ten desktop computers were replaced during December, seven for the

Customer Service Department and three for the Managed Maintenance Department.

These replacements were completed as part of the budgeted desktop replacement

plan for the 2011-12 fiscal year.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by the Water Resources, Managed Maintenance and

Environmental Compliance Departments.

South Columbus Water Resource Facility

Crews are taking out the old air piping and installing fine air diffusers in

the basins at the SCWRF. This will improve our aeration process and improve

biological treatment capabilities.

The filter media was replaced in the air scrubber system for the influent pump

controls at the SCWRF.

Average Daily Flow for Month ? 24.65 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month ? 46.94 mgd

Managed Maintenance

Preventive maintenance work orders ? 81%

Planned maintenance man-hours ? 35%

A defective motor contactor for the thickened sludge holding tank was replaced

at the SCWRF.

The influent flow meter at the South Commons CSO was repaired.

Two discharge valves were rebuilt in the NCWRF pump station.

Removed the mixer from the recycle tank at the NCWRF for repair.

North Columbus Water Resource Facility

Construction continues on the filters at the filtration plant.

Both raw water traveling screens have been rebuilt and are back in service.

Plant personnel are in the process of cleaning sedimentation basin #7 and

flocculator. During this time, measurements are being verified for the tube

settlers for this basin. This is the last basin that has to have tube settlers


Average Daily Flow for Month ? 23.83 mgd

Maximum Daily Flow for Month ? 26.60 mgd

Water Quality Monitoring/Environmental Compliance

CWW and the Ft. Benning Environmental Services group have joined forces to help

reduce stop ups in the sewer system on base due to grease and rags from

residential customers.

CWW?s Partner in Education, Richards Middle School, held its yearly Science

Fair. Employees from both Water Quality Monitoring (WQM) and Environmental

Compliance (ECD) were judges at this year?s event.

The ECD has been working to replace grease traps at Ft. Benning that have been

identified during the first year of maintenance as failing due to improper

installation or too small for the load from the dining facility. A new 2,000

gallon grease trap was installed at Building #5021.

ECD has recently repaired some major backflow devices at Ft. Benning that have

either been broken valves or moved from alignment with their water mains.

These devices have been 10? backflow preventers and installed in vaults.

There were a few water complaints for the month of December.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Management gave a brief update on the following activities for the

month of December conducted by the Division of Communication, Security and

Safety Programs.

Security & Safety

The Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) Committee will meet on January 25,

2012. LEOP is designed to address natural and manmade hazards that could

adversely affect the county. Brookie Tate has been a member of this committee

since 2007, and has assisted them in live drills and exercises, emergency

planning and risk assessment methodologies. He is our expert liaison for

Columbus Water Works Chemical Spill Response and Recovery Planning.

Community & Corporate Events

Columbus Water Works 2011 Christmas Fellowship and Awards Program was held on

Friday, December 9, 2011.

Becky Butts received her Certificate for 35 years of dedicated service.

CWW partnered with the Open Door Community House to collect toys and clothing

for the needy families in our area.

On December 8, 2011, Richards Middle School held its Annual Science Fair.


The bill insert and the television spots for January will be focused on ?eTAP

(electronic Transaction and Payment)?.

The Board acknowledged Management?s report.

Chairman Thayer recognized Mr. Billy Turner, who graciously agreed to

be Interim President of the Columbus Water Works until the search for a new

President has been completed. Mr. Turner thanked the Board for this


At this time, Secretary Blount asked the Board and staff to have a

moment of silence in remembrance of former President Bob Tant who passed away

December 19, 2011.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.


Emory E. Blount, Secretary


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