Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The regular meeting of the Columbus Board of Health was held in the

Administration Conference Room of the Health and Human Services Center on

Wednesday, March 22, 2006, at 1:00 P.M.


James A. Lawrence, D.D.S.

H. Banks Carroll, M. D.

Mrs. Brenda Dozier

Mr. Isaiah Hugley, City Manager


Mayor Bob Poydasheff

James H. Sullivan, M.D.

Howard Willis, M. D.


Mr. J. Ed Wilson, For Mayor Poydasheff

Bill Rumer, Attorney

Zsolt Koppanyi, M. D.

Ed Saidla

Margaret Gosden

Pam Middleton

LaQuita Rogers

Nannette Turner

Dr. Carroll called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the

minutes of the last meeting. A motion was made by Ms. Dozier, seconded by Dr.

Lawrence and approved by those members present.

Dr. Carroll asked if there was any Old Business and referred to the Action

List. Ms. Gosden stated there were no items to be discussed at this time.

Dr. Carroll asked if there was any New Business to bring before the Board. Ms.

Gosden stated there was an item of equipment to be purchased requiring approval

from the Board. Ms. Gosden stated there is a new standard of care applied in

the Women?s Health Program. Women who undergo depo provera shots as their

choice of birth control require an annual bone density screening. The agency

owns one screener which is occupied and booked most of the time. A second

machine is needed to be used in Women?s Health. A price of $7,995.50 was

obtained from the Instrument House for an Ultrasonic Bone Sonometry with a

carrying case. Ms. Gosden asked for the approval of the purchase in order to

meet the standard of care. Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the

purchase of this piece of equipment. A motion was made by Dr. Lawrence,

seconded by Ms. Dozier and approved by those members present.

Dr. Carroll asked if there was any other New Business to be discussed.

Dr. Carroll stated there were two Excused Absences for today?s meeting the

first being Dr. Sullivan who is ill and Dr. Willis who had a previous

appointment. Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to accept the Excused Absences. A

motion was made by Dr. Lawrence and seconded by Ms. Dozier and approved by

those members present.

Dr. Carroll asked Dr. Koppanyi for the Director?s Comments. Dr. Koppanyi stated

that in response to the MMRS monies, the Sheriff?s Department will do a CERT

Training for the Emergency Response Team. Nine weeks ago the training started

with fifty-two people. At this point, forty people have completed the rigorous

three hour/nine week course. They were given some basic equipment to take with

them. The participants are all average middle-aged to older persons who were

very anxious to participate in the course. The people come from various

backgrounds. There are going to be several more groups that will be training

here in Muscogee County.

Dr. Koppanyi stated that public health has been working very closely with other

agencies in the city on pandemic flu plan preparedness. This is a very complex


Dr. Koppanyi stated that yesterday he received a slide show of a mosquito

trailer that was bought out of CDC?s monies to study the different mosquitoes.

Dr. Carroll asked if there was any other comments from Dr. Koppanyi.

(Noted- Mr. Hugley came in late but he voted ?yes? on all three actions by the


Dr. Carroll called on Pam Middleton for the financial report for February,


Dr. Carroll called on Nannette Turner, Cancer Coalition for the presentation to

the Board.

Mr. Hugley asked if he might speak to the Board Members. He stated that he is

the President of the West Central Georgia Cancer Coalition and works closely

with Nannette Turner as the Executive Director. The Cancer Coalition has an

excellent active Board. State Representative Debbie Buckner is the Vice

President and President Elect. Representation from all of the local hospitals

and interested persons throughout the counties served, is the hallmark of the

organization. Mr. Hugley wanted the Board Members to know that he is involved

with the Cancer Coalition and wants to enjoy the relationship with the health

department in that regard. The Cancer Coalition has received designation as a

501C3. The Coalition is in the third year having had as past president Nancy

Johnson of the John Amos Cancer Institute. Mr. Hugley was elected as President

this year. Mr. Hugley stated there was a grant received through the John B.

Amos Cancer Institute. This grant was received through Congressman Sanford

Bishop?s office. They are working to establish a letter of agreement on the

deliverables with the John B. Amos Cancer Institute. They are also working on

a letter of agreement with the Health Department. Dr. Carroll asked if there

were any questions for Mrs. Turner.

Dr. Lawrence asked if Dr. Shaw was still retiring at the end of the month. Mr.

Saidla said yes that was true and Dr. Downer is on board already. Also, Dr.

Carroll stated that he was standing in for Dr. Sullivan who was not present at

today?s meeting. We have not heard about his condition lately but will check on


Mr. Saidla said that the information was presented regarding House Bill 1331

and everyone should have received a copy and also a copy is in the Board

Members Books. Mr. Saidla said that Bill did not come out of the House. There

are several bills circulating through the House and one in the Senate to

establish study committees to look at public health, particularly the funding

for Public Health Nurses and the over all mission of public health. Luckily

House Bill 1331 did not go through. We will not be loosing almost 4 million

dollars projected had it passed.

Dr. Carroll asked for any other business. There being none, the meeting was


Respectfully submitted:


Pam Middleton, Secretary


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