Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




The ANIMAL CONTROL ADVISORY BOARD met TUESDAY, January 5, 2010, at 2:30 P.M. at

the Animal Care & Control Center.


Tom Bryan Daniel Smith Gary Stickles

Jean McKee Dr. John Blozsies (1) Vacancy

Kathy MCCarley David Mackie

Virginia Norman Drale Short

Chris Brown


Officer Gerald Stewart, AC Supervisor

Officer Clifford Pass


Bob Robbins, PAWS Director

John Beasley, Dog Owner

Lawrence Nelson, Victim

Mr. Whitaker, Attorney (Nelson)


Tom Bryan called the meeting to order at 2:33 P.M.

Tom Bryan asked the board members to introduce themselves.

Tom Bryan read the ordinance for classifying ?Potentially Dangerous? dogs.

Tom Bryan called for the case of John Beasley?s dog, Rock, classified

?Potentially Dangerous?.

AC Officer Pass told the board when he retrieved the dog that it was calm and

only showed danger when people were around the owner. Officer gave information

on the fencing for this dog.

Drale Short informed the board that this was the 2nd bite and the owner was

with the dog at the time of both bites.

Drale Short asked Mr. Nelson, victim, to tell the board what occurred.

Mr. Nelson stated that he was called to the fence of Mr. Beasley and while

standing there talking, the dog, for no reason, lunged over the top of the

fence and bit him on his arm.

Drale Short asked Mr. Nelson why he did not press charges.

Mr. Nelson stated that he did not want anything to happen to the dog, but if he

had to do it over again that he would press charges because Mr. Beasley was not

cooperative with him and the dog bit for no reason.

Drale Short showed Mr. Nelson a picture of Mr. Beasley?s dog and asked him to

verify that this was the dog that bit him.

Mr. Nelson verified that it was the dog.

Attorney Whitaker informed the board that Mr. Beasley?s insurance company was

being uncooperative in taking liability. Mr. Beasley had not reported the bite

to his insurance company.

Drale Short called for John Beasley, owner of the dog.

Mr. Beasley stated that Mr. Nelson was arguing back and forth across the fence

when the dog bit.

The board asked Mr. Beasley about the conduct of the dog.

Mr. Beasley admitted that the dog got out but was only aggressive when inside

the fence.

Drale Short asked Mr. Beasley to step outside.

The board discussed the incident and the statements and decided unanimously to

uphold the classification of ?Potentially Dangerous?.

Tom Bryan informed Mr. Beasley of the board?s decision and Mr. Beasley was

given instructions on registering his dog.

Drale Short went over the requirements of the ordinance for board meetings. She

informed the board they would only meet when there is business for the board to

meet on.

Drale Short went over recommendations for ordinance changes.

Drale Short informed the board of two critical bites that occurred and the


Brianna Watkins ? 11 yrs - Celia Dr.

Identified the dog we have in custody as the dog that attached her. The dog is

on Police hold at the Animal Control Center.

Brianna Watkins is recovering well.

Mr. Johnson ? 74 yrs. - Kolb Ave.

Mauled by 2 Pit Bulls that was surrendered to the Animal Control and were


Drale Short informed the board that a recommendation of Spay/Neuter charges be

raised from $25.00 to $50.00 to cover the cost of the surgery and care of the


Drale Short informed the board the process for the new Website/Impoundment


Drale Short said good-bye and informed the board that Chris Brown, new Manager

for Special Enforcement, would be taking over her position.

Kathy McCarley stated that the board needed to elect a new chairperson.

Drale Short recommended that Tom Bryan finish out this year. The board agreed.

Tom Bryan informed the board that he would be lobbing the Mayor for more Animal

Control Officers.

Tom Bryan adjourned the meeting at 3:30 P.M.

Drale Short provided a tour of the new facility.

January 11, 2010

Tom Bryan, Chairman

Sylvia Bennett, Recording Secretary

C: Clerk of Council

ACAB Member


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