Columbus Consolidated Government
Referrals From Mayor and Council-12/20/2005
Subject Double Churches - Development
Description Please have staff to check to see why trees have been removed at
the Double Churches Road development and provide report. (Skip Henderson
Received From
Assigned To Rachel Buice, Rick Jones, David Arrington, Lisa Goodwin,
Rufus Riggs
Please enter a date mm/dd/yy before any comments are added.
Response Please see information below:
This is the Silver Lake Subdivision on Double Churches Road, project number
-- Initial plan review on June 17, 2005,
-- Final plans approved August 12, 2005
TDU = Tree Density Units
- Area: 26.5 acres, less 3,9 acres for easements and pond= 22.6 acres.
- Zoning: SFR3, 6 TDU/acre required.
- Total TDU required for this subdivision: 135.6 TDU.
- Tree Save Area along western property line provides 132TDU.
- Additionally, a 50 foot minimum buffer exists along the western and southern
property lines providing excess TDU?s.
- 70 building lots planted with two 2 trees each provides an additional 70
- Planted Street and Side (Eastern) buffers will provide additional TDU?s.
Although trees have been removed for development, the project has ample TDU?s,
has Tree Save fencing in place and the developer and grading contractors have
been very cooperative since the project began.
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