Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



O R D I N A N C E S:

(1) 2nd Reading - An Ordinance providing for the levy, assessment, and

collection of taxes for the public school system of Columbus, Georgia; and for

other purposes. (Budget Review Committee)

(2) 2nd Reading - An Ordinance providing for the demolition of structures; and

for other purposes. (Mayor Pro-Tem Pugh)

(3) 2nd Reading - An Ordinance for parking enforcement in the parking lot of

the Columbus Consolidated Government?s Annex Office Building located at 420

10th Street in Columbus, Georgia; repealing any conflicting ordinances; and for

other purposes. (Mayor Pro-Tem Pugh)

(4) 1st Reading - An ordinance amending and re-adopting Article V of Chapter 14

of the Columbus Code pertaining to Noise; and for other purposes. (Advertised

Public Hearing) (Councilors Allen, Baker and Garrett)

(5) 1st Reading - REZN-06-18-1135: An ordinance amending Sections 7.8.1(F) and

7.9.3(A) of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) for Columbus, Georgia so as

to add a variance provision pertaining to single entrance subdivisions; and for

other purposes. The Planning Advisory Commission and the Planning Department

recommend approval. (Mayor Pro-Tem Pugh)

(6) 1st Reading - REZN-05-18-0956: An ordinance rezoning 4603 17th Avenue.

The current zoning is SFR3 (Single Family Residential 3) zoning district. The

proposed zoning is General Commercial (GC). The proposed use is parking lot

and building expansion. The Planning Advisory Commission and the Planning

Department recommend approval. Applicant: Jean Ross. (Councilor Garrett)

(7) 1st Reading - REZN-05-18-0957: An ordinance rezoning 6801 Flat Rock Road.

The current zoning is LMI (Light Manufacturing / Industrial) & SFR1 (Single

Family Residential 1) zoning district. The proposed zoning is PMUD (Planned

Mixed Use Development) zoning district. The proposed use is mixed use

(lodging, residential, assisted living & retail). The Planning Advisory

Commission and the Planning Department recommend approval. Applicant: JMC

Flatrock Partners, LLC. (Councilor Allen)

R E S O L U T I O N S:

(8) EXCP-05-18-0955: A resolution authorizing a special exception to allow the

operation of a used auto/truck sales at 2900 4th Avenue. Auto/Truck sales, new

and used, in excess of one-half (.5) acre but less than two (2) acres located

within the LMI (Light Manufacturing / Industrial ) zoning district require a

special exception. The Planning Advisory Commission recommends denial and the

Planning Department recommends approval. Applicant: Dennis Deal. (Councilor


(9) EXCP-05-18-0865: A resolution authorizing a special exception to allow a

personal care home type II at 2305 Amos Street. The property is zoned RMF1

(Residential Multifamily 1) zoning district. The Planning Advisory Commission

and the Planning Department recommend approval. Applicant: Greg Johnson.

(Councilor Huff) - Applicant requests postponement until August 14, 2018.


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