Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




May 15, 2012

Members Present: Chairperson Skip Henderson and Councilors Mike Baker, Glenn

Davis, Bruce Huff, Charles McDaniel, Jr., Judy W. Thomas, and Evelyn Woodson

were present. Also present were City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney

Clifton Fay, Deputy City Managers David Arrington and Lisa Goodwin, and Finance

Director Pam Hodge, and Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington.

Councilor Jerry Barnes took his seat at 9:08 a.m.

Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner Pugh took her seat at 9:09 a.m.

Councilor R. Gary Allen took his seat at 9:10 a.m.

Members Absent: No one was absent.

Call to Order: Chairperson Henderson called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.

in the Council Chambers, Plaza Level, of the Government Center.

Chairperson Henderson explained that we have very few dates in this month

where we have an opportunity to review the budget. He said if we find ourselves

running short on time, we would schedule another meeting date toward to then of

the month.

Councilor Thomas pointed out that the flags around the building are at

half-staff for Peace Officers? Memorial Day. She said here in Columbus,

Georgia, we lost three retired officers over the weekend.


Finance Director Pam Hodge explained that the schedule has been changed

because the Police Department and the Sheriff?s Department are participating in

the funerals of public safety personnel we lost over the weekend. She said the

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 budget review meeting has been changed to Monday, May 21,

2012 at 9:00 a.m., and the last scheduled date is May 29, 2012.

Ms. Hodge pointed out that included in packets provided to members of

Council are copies of presentations for today as well as the integrated waste

recommended fee increases for non-residential, and responses to questions from

Council from the last meeting.


Expenditures $266,881,380

Revenues $259,978,307

Use of Fund Balances $ 6,903,073

- General Fund $6,430,848

- METRA $ 131,603

- Trade Center $ 340,622


No change in the Millage Rates from FY12

USD #1 = 17.88 mills

USD #2 = 11.90 mills

USD #4 = 11.00 mills

2.00% Increase in the Digest

96% Collection Rate

No subsidy to Integrated Waste Fund or Civic Center

Subsidies to E911, Golf Courses, Parking Management and Naval Museum

Value of one mill (Operating) $4,353,252

Value of one mill (Debt) $4,814,414

Pay Plan advancement / adjustment included as Pension Reform offset

COLA included of 0.50% for active employees and 0.25% for retirees effective

January 5, 2013

Health Insurance - City increase of $250 ($5,400 to $5,650) and Employees

premium increases in January 2013

$0 included for post employment retiree benefits


USD #1 USD #2 USD #4

Total Gen and Urban 8.18 6.13 5.98

METRA 0.82 0.82 0.82

Total Subject to cap 9.00 6.95 6.80

Stormwater (Sewer) 1.24 0.20 N/A

Paving 3.44 0.55 N/A

Medical Center 3.00 3.00 3.00

Economic Development 0.25 0.25 0.25

Debt Service 0.95 0.95 0.95

TOTAL 17.88 11.90 11.00


General ? 57.82% Other LOST ? 13.11%

Stormwater ? 1.91% Paving ? 5.44%

Medical Center ? 5.12% Integrated Waste ? 3.82%

E-911 ? 1.33% Economic Development ? 0.39%

Debt Service ? 4.49% Transportation ? 2.24%

Parking Management ? 0.14% Trade Center ? 1.07%

Bull Creek ? 0.55% Oxbow Creek ? 0.20%

Civic Center ? 2.37%


General Property Tax ? 28.49% Intergovernmental ? 1.22%

Investment Income ? 0.53% Franchise Fees ? 7.23%

License & Permits ? 0.94% Miscellaneous ? 1.07%

Business & Other Taxes ? 8.66% Sales & Use Taxes ? 28.49%

Transfers In ? 4.80% Fund Balance ? 2.58%

Charges for Service ? 14.16% Fines & Forfeitures ? 1.82%


Recreation & Culture ? 7.82% Public Services ? 10.42%

Community Service ? 10.03% Management Operations ? 6.81%

Mass Transit ? 2.25% Debt Service ? 4.65%

Non-Departmental ? 7.79% Capital Improvements ? 3.27%

Statutory, Boards & Commissions ? 1.54% Criminals Justice ? 5.65%

Public Safety ? 39.77%


Personnel Services ? 57.37% Operating ? 36.39

Capital ? 2.68% 2% Pay Adjustment ? 0.87%

CIP ? 2.69%


Revenues $35,000,000

Expenditures $35,000,000

Difference $0

2009 Other LOST Fund ? accounts for Other Local Option Sales Tax (OLOST), 70%

allocated to Public Safety, 30% allocated to Infrastructure.

2009 OTHER LOST ? Public Safety

Personnel $13,625,646 (55.6%)

Operating $ 1,893,766 (7.7%)

Capital $ 4,503,998 (18.4%)

Debt $ 117,998 (0.5%)

Reserve $ 3,500,000 (14.3%)

Transfer $ 858,592 (3.5%)



Current Personnel

Police Department

- 100 Police Officers

- 9 E-911 Technicians

Solicitor General

- 2 Asst. Solicitor Generals

- 1 Deputy Clerk

Muscogee County Prison

- 2 Correctional Officers

- 1 Sergeant

Fire Department

- 6 Firefighters

District Attorney

- 1 Asst. District Attorney

Municipal Court Clerk

- 1 Senior Deputy Clerk

- 1 Deputy Clerk II


- 5 Deputy Officers


- 10 Deputy Officers

- 2 Sergeants

- 9 Correctional Officers

- 2 Medical Technicians

- 2 Counselors

Recorder?s Court

- 2 Judicial Admin Technicians

Crime Prevention/Intervention

- Director

Probate Court

- 1 Deputy Clerk

$3,000 Annual Supplement for sworn Public Safety Officers in Public Safety




- Junior Marshal Program Director

Crime Prevention/Parks & Recreation-Boxwood

- 1 Recreation Specialist

- 2 PT Recreation Center Leaders

Juvenile Drug Court

- Juvenile Drug Court Coordinator

Several members of Council and Mayor Tomlinson discussed the funding for

these items during which Councilor Thomas requested to place these items on the

Add/Delete list.


Crime Prevention Program Grants $740,076

Crime Prevention Administration $12,000

Parks & Recreation ? Boxwood $18,240

Police Department $431,360

Fire Department $100,000

State Court Solicitor $14,000

Public Defender $124,974 (include one existing and one additional contract

public defender)

Cost Allocation/Risk Mgmt/Worker?s Comp $453,116

Councilor Thomas requested to delete the Parks & Recreation -Boxwood

$18,000, move the Fire Department as well as $24,500 for the Police Department

to the 30% Infrastructure side of the LOST. She also requested to delete the

State Court Solicitor?s funding.


Police Department $2,221,000

- 30 Pursuit vehicles w/tech packages

- 15 Unmarked Police Vehicles

- 5 Harley Davidson Motorcycle with radar

- 4 Full Size SUVs

- In-car video system replacements

Fire Department $784,000

- EMS Software/Hardware Package

- 1 Ambulance

- 1 Engine

- 2 Sedans

Muscogee County Prison $100,000

- Rack Oven Replacement

- Heavy Duty Mixer Replacement

- Heavy Duty Gas Grill Replacement

- Detail Turn-out Building

Marshal $131,700

- 2 Pursuit Vehicles w/tech packages

- Protective Body Armor

- In-car Video System

Sheriff $1,042,298

- 13 Pursuit Vehicles w/technology packages

- 7 non-pursuit vehicles

- 1 SUV

- Inmate Van Replacement

- Jail Kitchen Dishwasher

- Jail Kitchen Tilting Kettle

- Jail Kitchen Steamer

- 165 Protective Body Armor

Coroner $25,000

- 1 SUV

Recorder?s Court $200,000

- E-Ticketing Printing System

Debt Service $117,998

Reserve $3,500,000

- $3,000,000 Jail Pre-construction cost/design

- $500,000 Future Jail Personnel

Transfer to E911 Fund $858,592

Councilor Thomas made some comments about the Transfer to E911 Fund, to

which Ms. Hodge responded that she could provide the details on additional

expenditures and reduction in revenues.


30% Infrastructure $10,500,000

- Roads/Bridges $3,305,584

- Flood Abatement/Stormwater $750,000

- Technology Improvements $250,000

- Facility Improvement $800,000

- Debt Service $5,274,723

- Cost Allocation $44,638

- Engineering ? 1 Project Engineer $75,055

Councilor Henderson requested that Ms. Hodge include the formula in the cost

allocation as requested by Councilor Allen.

*** *** ***


Dr. James Worsley came forward and made the following presentation. He also

explained that what is being handed out to Council is a draft copy of the

natatorium business plan and a copy of today?s presentation, with attach

information sheet:



FY13 Budget $10,516,454

- Personnel Services $7,314,990

- Operating $3,201,474

- Capital Outlay


Natatorium Review


FY13 (April-June)

- Proposed 89 hour operational week

- Personnel Services - $119,847

- Operations - $193,665

- Natatorium Budget Total - $313,512

- Budget Reduced by $226,461

i. PT Administrative Clerks

ii. PT Lead Concessionaires

iii. PT Lifeguards & Concessionaires


2 ADDITIONAL Natatorium Options


Proceed with a 72-hour operational week

FY13 (April ? June)

Projected Expenditures - $264,258

Projected Revenue - $81,000

Projected Deficit - $183,258


Proceed with a 60-hour operational week

FY13 (April-June)

Projected Expenditures - $233,154

Projected Revenue - $70,000

Projected Deficit - $163,154

Upon conclusion of Dr. Worsley?s presentation, he responded to questions

and comments from members of Council.

*** *** ***


Mr. John Redmond, Internal Auditor came forward and presented the following

regarding his budget requests:


Proposed Budget Additions

? Add one additional Internal Auditor and related benefits - $66,180

? Continuing Professional Education & Related Travel - $2,002

? Office Supplies and Reference Materials - $1,600

? Local Mileage Reimbursement - $3,500

? Total $170,682 Internal Audit

? Total $266,881,380 City

? 0.064 % of Total City Budget

? Normal Internal Auditing Budget is 0.25% to .50% of Organizational Budget

Why More Audit Staff?

? To provide the necessary coverage to complete the Master Audit Plan within a

5-6 year cycle

? Prevent fraud and theft of city assets

? Enhance organizational efficiency

? Evaluate and recommend improved system of internal control

? During my interview process, Councilors stated that once I was on board and

established at audit plan, resources would be provided for additional audit


? Numerous comments by City Councilors acknowledging the need for additional

internal audit staff.

? Management Letter from External Auditors dated December 6, 2011 stating:

?Presently, the Consolidated Government has an Internal audit staff consisting

of one individual. In our opinion, and compared to other municipalities,

additional staff should be hired. Adequate staff should be in place to provide

monitoring and inspection of each area of the Consolidated Government on a

regular and on-going basis. The cost of hiring additional personnel would be

offset by increased accountability and improved operational efficiency. We

believe that implementing these items will enhance the overall transparency of

the Consolidated Government to its citizens.?

Mr. Redmond, at the request of Councilor Henderson further explained that

he has been here (employed with the city) for over four years and completed

four departmental audits and 35 payroll audits that have resulted in improved

efficiencies. He said anytime we can improve the controls and lessen the

likelihood of theft or fraud in our government, we are much better off


Following Mr. Redmond?s presentation, several members of Council commended

him for the work he has done and continues to do.

*** *** ***


Chief Jeff Meyer came forward and made the following presentation:


FY 13 Budget Request $24,669,941

1. Current budget less than $317,011 from FY11 Budget

General Operating Budget Unchanged from FY 2012 Budget with the following


Bi-annual promotion process decrease $145,000

Increases in utilities $ 7,253

Other Operating decreases $ 168

Five-Year FIRE/EMS Responses & Revenue Collections

Emergency Responses ? 27.3% Increase

Revenue Increase 32%

Future Budget Considerations

Future Growth

Operating Budget

Increase Call Volume

Training Complex

Replacement Emergency Vehicle

Replacement Equipment

Swift Water Equipment & Training

Training Complex

Classrooms and Offices

Logistics Facility

Four Story Burn Tower

Rescue Tower

Driving Course

CPAT Building

Natural Gas Simulator

Pump Test Pit

Fitness Track

Flammable Fuel Pit

Total Cost Estimate $10,835,000

Chief Meyer showed the Council a few pictures of the current training facility,

highlighting specifics of the building with regard to the year it was

constructed, repairs conducted over the years, current condition of the

building, and future of the training facility. He said part of the strategic

plan is to incorporate all of the training into one site that would include

moving to a more modern way of training. He said this is not a request for this

year but it is something to think about for the future.

Whitewater Project Rescue Equipment

Chief Meyers pointed out that this is not included in the FY2013 budget and

is requesting it be added, if Council sees fit. Following a few minutes of

discussion with regard to funding, Councilor Henderson requested to add the

request of Chief Meyer to the Add/Delete Budget list.

Capital Projects

*** *** ***


Warden Dwight Hamrick, Muscogee County Prison (MCP), came forward and

stated that with regard to MCP general fund, personnel services is down 0.21%

and operating is up .076%. He said he is not asking for any additional

personnel at this time but the total operational request is $11,586, which is

an overall increase for utilities, fuel, and printing services. He said last

October there was a surprise audit from Georgia Department of Corrections,

Office of Audit and Compliance in which the MCP did not fare very well, with 63

findings that translated to 63 policy violations. He said there were also 34

recommendations. He also explained that last week?s audit they had 11 findings

and said recommendations.

Warden Hamrick said there are kitchen equipment that are non-repairable

that have been sitting in the kitchen for over nine years. He provided some

additional information on the age of the equipment as well as the amount of

money that has been paid to repair said equipment, as well as the needed

equipment for the kitchen. Warden Hamrick also provided information on an

outside turnout (detail) building that has been requested in previous budget

years. He said $15,000 was approved for this building in FY2012 but the

building actually cost $50,000. The $15,000 only covered the expense for the

architect to draw it up; He said the wiring to the building was cut; the

building was destroyed and hauled away which made the electronic gates

inoperable. He said a pre-fabricated building was brought in and set on

concrete blocks for officers to use to keep up with inmates accountability but

the windows to this building has since rotted and wind comes into the building.

Responding to a question from Councilor Henderson, Warden Hamrick said the

request for this building is currently in the budget to be funded from the LOST.

Warden Hamrick also requested a walk-through metal detector, a cell phone

detection system, and a Boss Chair. Following some additional discussion

regarding Warden Hamrick?s requests, Councilor Barnes requested to place these

items on the add/delete list.

*** *** ***


Mr. Charles Tate, Director, Information Technology came forward and stated

that he does not have a presentation but he has six positions he would like to

have the salaries looked at. He said these are positions where he has had the

greatest turnover and he is willing to give up a position he currently has

vacant to cover the cost of the salaries in the budget.

Responding to a question from Councilor Thomas, Mr. Tate said over the

years he has had to lay people off, move positions, and try to do creative

management without adding people on.

Mayor Tomlinson pointed out that the positions mentioned by Mr. Tate has

been turned over to University of Georgia but has not come back. She further

commented on departments request for pay adjustments and reclassifications.

Following additional discussion by Council, Mayor Tomlinson, and Mr. Tate,

Councilor Woodson requested to place Mr. Tate?s requests on the add/delete

list, but she was informed that these positions are already included in the

recommended budget.

Councilor Henderson requested a list of funded but unfilled positions and

how long they have been unfilled.

Mr. Tate made some additional comments about concerns some members of

Council have regarding the allocation of the Other Local Option Sales Tax, with

Council requesting to move some of the public safety items over to the

infrastructure side of the LOST.

*** *** ***


Cpt. Lockette came forward and addressed the Council on behalf of Marshal

Countryman, who was out of town on training. Cpt. Lockette provided some

background information on the establishment of the Marshal?s Office, it?s

primary functions, as well as numbers of processes conducted in the last month.

He said their biggest challenge for the budget year is the Junior Marshal

Program that needs to be funded. He pointed out that the Crime Prevention Board

has not made a decision as yet as to funding for this program, but he

appreciates Council considerations in providing funding to this program. Cpt.

Lockette also made references to having a director in place to make sure the

program functions correctly.

Following Cpt. Lockette?s presentation, he responded to questions from

members of Council regarding sworn personnel salaries increase, overtime pay

for sworn personnel, and lateral promotion.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked Clifton Fay to provide the Council with

information that outlines salaries for departmental transfers.

*** *** ***


Mr. Bill Thrower came forward and stated that he is appreciative of the

Budget Review Committee for approving the purchase of one new vehicle as well

as an increase in the operating budget. He said the only addition he is

requesting is consideration for another vehicle to replace an older Malibu

because of mechanical trouble with the cranking device, which goes out on a

regular basis.

In response to a question from Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh, Ms. Hodge said

she would go back and look at the capital replacement program but she do

believe he had one vehicle that met the miles and years of service for

replacement, which was included in the budget. She said she would check on the

Malibu, but she does not believe it was schedule for replacement at this time.

She said when looking as replacement, we look at mileage, age, maintenance

schedule, and cost.

Mr. Thrower also pointed out that the size of the Malibu does not

accommodate the materials and equipment that coroners are required to carry

while out in the field. He said the trunk is very small and they have to carry

things in the back seat and this may become a safety issue for the driver

and/or passenger.

Following additional discussions regarding Mr. Thrower?s request, Councilor

Thomas then made a request to place the vehicle (SUV) requested by Mr. Thrower

on the add/delete list.

*** *** ***


Mr. Seth Brown, Crime Prevention Board Director came forward and explained

to the budget committee that 90% of his budget goes towards programming or

grant funded programs ($740,000) and the rest is ordinary office expense and

salary for the director. He then provided the committee with an update of the

program to date to include the number of organizations receiving funds and the

type of programs funded, working with other city departments, and the status of

the application from the Junior Marshal?s Program.

Following the presentation by Mr. Brown, he responded to questions and

comments from members of Council/budget committee.

Dr. Robert Wright, Chairperson for the Crime Prevention Board also came

forward and made a few comments about the Crime Prevention Program and goals of

the program moving forward.

*** *** ***


Judge Warner Kennon came forward and thanked the Budget Committee and the

City for their support. He then turn the presentation over to Ms. Mary Bodie,

who provided an overview and the budget of the Juvenile Court and Juvenile Drug

Court. She also provided statistics as to the success of the program. She

explained that the Drug Court has been operational since October 2001 and all

the positions have been grant funded under federal grants through the U.S.

Department of Justice under Justice Programs. She said when she came onto the

program in July 2006, that grant had run out and they were in dire need of

trying to get the program funded. She said in July 2007, they were able to get

most of the staff funded through the city and she mentioned to the city that

she would continue to write grants to keep the Drug Court Program Director

position funded, which she had done and the program director position has been

funded this way for 11 years. She said when the federal grant expired in 2006,

the program director position was funded by way of a state grant through the

Judicial Counsel of Accountability Courts and every year that grant has reduced

in allocation amounts.

Ms. Bodie provided some additional information with regard to funding and

grant allocations, after which she requested the budget committee provide

funding for the Drug Court Program Director?s position. She said this is the

last position in the Drug Court that is grant funded- all other positions are

funded through the city. She also pointed out that the Juvenile Drug Court

would be receiving a national recognition over the next few months.

Responding to a question from Councilor Huff, Ms. Bodie said the salary for

the Drug Court Program Director (without benefits) is $38,574.00. Mayor

Tomlinson then pointed out that in the budget, this position is funded at

$55,331 (this includes benefits and pension impact).

Councilor Henderson said this is part of the other lost funds we asked to

be put on the delete list to send back to the crime prevention board to be

vetted to make sure it is acceptable.

Councilor Huff said if the Crime Prevention Board does not fund this

position, he would like for it to be added back to the City?s budget. After

Mayor Tomlinson explained that the Crime Prevention Board would not be able to

make a decision before this budget proceeding is complete, Councilor Huff then

requested to add the position of the director of the Juvenile Court back to the

city?s budget.

*** *** ***


Mr. Robert Wadkins, Public defender, came forward and explained that they

are the people who provide the checks and balances with the judges, which

guarantee the indigent people of this community a fair trial. He said they are

paid to be adversarial to Law Enforcement, Judges, and District Attorneys and

they appreciate what this Council has done and hope that they will adopt the

committee?s recommendations. Mr. Wadkins then provided some additional

information with regard to supplements, and the reason being is that they have

to see everyone that comes into the jail, within 72 hours ? make recommendation

to the drug court and mental health courts and remain with the individuals

until these courts have completed their jobs. He said the DA gets $50,000.00 in

supplements to do with as she sees fit to handle these things, even though we

(Public Defenfer?s Office) keep lawyers in the drug and mental health courts,

and participate in the process for the committee to approve or disapprove as

well as keeping investigators in the courts. He said his office does not

received a supplement and his lawyers are now stretched between two mental

health courts that runs a great deal of time, and a drug court that has gotten

very large and successful over time and they (Public Defender?s Office) are a

big part of that. He said their caseload has also increased and he thinks they

should receive the same amount to go into these special courts as the DA

because they do at least the same amount of work, if not more. He said he knows

they probably would not receive this funding this budget cycle but he hope the

Council would keep this in mind for the future because he does not know how

much longer they (Public Defender attorneys) can go without being reimbursed.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked how many Assistant DA?s we have, how much

is the supplement each of them receive, what is the $50,000.00 base on vs. how

many public defenders we have and what is their salaries? Mr. Wadkins then

provided an explanation of the funding the Public Defender?s Office receive

from other counties in the circuit, stating that the counties pay a percentage

base on the caseload. He said there was never any money provided to them in

these alternative courts. He said a few years the Council voted to provide them

with $16,000.00 in supplements but he has not seen any of it. Councilor

Henderson said they will follow-up on the missing supplement funding.

*** *** ***


City Attorney Fay pointed out that there is a handout being distributed

around Council?s table. He proceeded with his presentation pointing out that

his office has lost a lawyer and a paralegal in the last 12 months, but the

paralegal spot has since been filled at a Grade 15, that will be placed in the

budget ordinance to be formally reclassified at the pay grade 15. He pointed

out some information regarding the pay scale for Augusta/Richmond County,

Georgia and then requested that Council consider an increase for Mrs.

Radcliff?s position, based on her 20+ years of services of an additional

$1726.00 that will go to a (grade) 14F on the pay scale. He said he is not

asking for any capital equipment or car allowances, but what he is asking is

that the lawyers in the office be paid in a comparable manner as similar size

cities in Georgia. He said he hope this Council would also consider putting

Mrs. Sheftall?s pay grade at a 25D; pay the Assistant City Attorney just as

they pay the Deputy City Manager; and he is also asking for a 29A for his

position which is less than they pay the City Manager here or the City Attorney

in Augusta.

Upon completion of City Attorney Fay?s presentation, Councilor Barnes made

a few comments regarding City Attorney?s Office after which he requested to add

the requests for City Attorney Fay and that of Mrs. Radcliff to the add/delete

list. Councilor Barnes said he would also like to do something for general

government employees as well as employees who have been with us for a while.

Ms. Hodge then pointed out that this is the last department presentation

for today and the next Budget Review Session would be on Monday, May 21 at 9:00

a.m. Budget Chairperson Henderson noted this is a change from Tuesday because

there were some conflicts with other member of Council.

In response to a question from Councilor Woodson, Councilor Henderson

explained that there are a number of items that are yet to be discussed and

what they will do is take an assessment and see how many to start discussing

after Monday?s budget meeting and depends on how far we get, we may have to

call another meeting for the following Monday because we will only have one

more and meeting with which to go through the add/delete list. He also advised

those (Council) with items on the add/delete list to go ahead and request any

additional information from staff they may need to assist in balancing out the


Councilor Henderson then requested that Ms. Hodge add some time at the end

of Monday?s meeting for miscellaneous issues Council may have.

Ms. Hodge then pointed out that the Risk Management position was already on

the schedule to be addressed at next Monday?s meeting.

There were some additional discussions with regard to future budget

meetings, the pension and reserve funds, pension plan, and pension plan draft

ordinance for discussion purposes.

*** *** ***

With there being no further questions/comments regarding this session of

the budget proposal, the meeting was adjourned with the time being 1:50 P.M.

Tiny B. Washington, CMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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