Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The regular meeting of the Columbus Board of Health was held in the

Administration Conference Room of the Health and Human Services Center on

Wednesday, February 28, 2007, at 1:00 P.M.


James H. Sullivan, M.D.

Isaiah Hugley, City Manager

Mrs. Brenda Dozier

James A. Lawrence, D.D.S.

Howard Willis, M.D.


Zsolt Koppanyi, M.D.

Bill Rumer, Attorney

Dr. Janice Carson, PH Director

Judy Thomas, Assistant to Mayor

Candice Nowicki-CDC Mgt. Assistant

Ed Saidla

Margaret Gosden

Eileen Albritton

Pam Middleton

Cheryl Johnson

Karon Bush

Sonya Tate

Dr. Sullivan called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the

minutes of the last meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Hugley, seconded by Dr.

Lawrence and approved by those members present.

Dr. Sullivan asked for approval of only one Excused Absence for Dr. Carroll who

had a previous commitment. A motion was made by Dr. Lawrence, seconded by Mr.

Hugley and approved by those members present to accept this Excused Absence.

Dr. Sullivan stated there is nothing on the Action List at the present time.

Dr. Sullivan stated that under Old Business only one item remains from the last

meeting regarding the five year audit contract bids. Dr. Sullivan called on Ms.

Gosden to give a report. Ms. Gosden stated that after the board meeting on

January 24, 2007, letters were hand delivered on the 6th of February requesting

bids with a deadline response date of February 23rd. Bids were requested from

Albright & Fortenberry & Ninas, Fountain-Arrington and Bass; and Robinson,

Grimes and Company. The letters were hand delivered and signed for by each

company. On February 15th, a call was received from Jina Stone of Robinson,

Grimes requesting additional information. She requested a copy of last years

audit report and asked if we were unhappy with our current auditors. Ms. Stone

also wanted a copy of the journal entries for FY06 and requested what we paid

our current auditor per year. Ms. Gosden stated she left a voice mail offering

to answer her questions inviting Ms. Stone to come by and review the audit

report. We would be happy to share the journal entries but would not be able to

give her information regarding the cost of the audit. Ms. Gosden stated that

she had not heard back from Ms. Stone by the 23rd of March and when no

response was received other than the proposed from Albright & Fortenberry, it

was assumed there was no interest in bidding. The bid amount was the same

previously submitted from our current auditor. Dr. Sullivan asked for comments

from the board members. Dr. Willis asked that a letter of documentation be

received from those who did not respond and this would be proof that bids were

asked for but not responded too.

Ms. Gosden suggested that a letter be sent from the health department asking

for a denial response from the companies in question. Mr. Hugley stated that

the City does not take that approach. A bid response is sent out, it is

documented who the bid goes to, if there is no return mail, it is assumed that

it was received and if we don?t hear back from you, and there is a sole bidder,

we then proceed with that sole bidder. Dr. Sullivan asked for a motion to

approve the five (5) year audit contract. A motion was made by Mr. Hugley,

seconded by Dr. Willis and approved by those members present.

Dr. Sullivan called on Ms. Gosden to report the FY08 City Budget information.

Ms. Gosden referred to the reports that Board Members received and she stated

that an increase is requested for FY 2008. She stated it has been several years

since an increase had been received. Ms. Gosden asked if there were any

questions regarding the budget report. Dr. Lawrence stated there appeared to be

a large number of vacant positions and his concern was with the filling of

these positions. Dr. Sullivan asked for a motion to approve the FY08 City

Budget. A motion was made by Dr. Willis, seconded by Dr. Lawrence and approved

by those members present.

Dr. Sullivan asked the board members to refer to a copy of the Columbus Board

of Health Resolution located in their books. Dr. Sullivan stated that this was

an important issue and stated this Resolution was written by Hal Lowery,

Barstow County in North Georgia. He feels that this issue needs to be

considered today. He stated this is the first time, in a long time, that almost

every board of health in the State of Georgia united and passed resolutions on

this subject. This Resolution has been accepted by Augusta, Macon, and counties

around Atlanta.

Dr. Sullivan read the Resolution (See Attached Copy) and the Board Members

followed along with their copies.

Dr. Sullivan asked for any suggested changes to the Resolution. Mr. Hugley

stated that it would be good to have all members of the board to show a yes by

their names not necessarily sign the Resolution. This would show individual

support from each member and the local delegation would see and would know who

is on the Board of Health here in Columbus. Dr. Willis asked how many Districts

are in the State. Dr. Koppanyi stated there are 18 Districts. Dr. Willis asked

if the other 18 Districts would agree to this Resolution. Dr. Sullivan asked

for a motion to accept the Resolution. A motion was made by Dr. Willis,

seconded by Ms. Dozier and approved by those members present.

Dr. Janice Carson and Candice Nowicki, entered the Board Meeting.

Dr. Carson introduced herself to the Board Members. Ms. Dozier introduced

herself to Dr. Carson since she was not on board for the previous meetings with

Dr. Carson.

Dr. Carson introduced her Assistant- Candice Nowicki, Senior Management

Official from the CDC.

Dr. Sullivan asked Dr. Koppanyi for the Director?s Comments. Dr. Koppanyi

referred to a copy of the Legislative Study Committee Report found in the Board

Members books. Dr. Koppanyi stated that several participated in a 4- day

Bio-Terrorism course for Radiation Hazards and Dirty Bombs, etc.

In regards to the Men?s and Women?s Health Fair, there were 1600 to 1700

persons participating. Vouchers were given out for the Prostate Exam, Mammogram

and Flu Shots.

Dr. Sullivan called on Pam Middleton to present the financial report to the


As a follow up to previous discussions, Ms. Gosden stated that the Fee Income

has been closely watched. This Board had opted to collect the fees in one

fiscal year budget and expend them in the next year as Prior Year Program

Income. Ms. Middleton provided a written report to Ms. Gosden showing where we

are in FY2007 compared to what was rolled this year from FY2006. The Fee

Income would be drastically down if it were not for Interest Income. For

example; Out Patient Flu is down $28,506, we are holding an overage of flu

vaccine. Basically any one of the Medicaid Programs you can name i.e. ESPT is

down $29,851, Rehab Service Option is down $32,123; Pregnancy Related Services

$6,144 and PCM is $21,821. Minor downward trends in the Out Patient Collection

Fees i.e. Immunizations $2,673; Out Patient TB $1,715, Out Patient Diabetes

$1,074 compared to $5,300 last year. Income is slowly being received from the

CMOs. If it were not for the Interest Income, we would have a major problem.

Ms. Gosden asked if there were any questions. The Fees rolling forward for next

year are some $73,277 short of what had been collected in FY06 to roll to FY07.

Environmental Health is up $8,139. The fees collected from the client across

the desk on the Discounted Services most all were up i.e. STD collected

$14,772; Child Health is up $2,721. Ms. Gosden asked if there were any


Dr. Sullivan asked Cheryl Johnson, Public Information Officer, to present the

presentation to the Board. Ms. Johnson introduced Ms. Sonya Cochran as the back

up PIO and stated that she is also with the Health Education Department.

Dr. Sullivan asked Dr. Carson to speak. Dr. Carson stated that at #2 Peachtree

St. things needed to be done differently. Dr.Koppanyi had taken Dr. Carson out

in the field with his staff and hearing some of the things that they were

saying. The staff shared concerns about the number of requirements that they

had for reporting some other things that seem to them to be programs with

concerns. So back in October, they initiated what is called the State Office

Integration Project. All of the programs and services that are provided are

being looked at, all of the reporting requirements that they are asking the

staff at the local health departments to carry out and they are working to

consolidate them as much as possible. Such that when the new Master Agreement

comes out it will be signed at the beginning of the next fiscal year, they hope

to have reduced requirements in there and they hope to have as much

consolidation as possible so that the staff at the local level won?t have to

carry out redundant work. As they were going through the process of looking at

our programs and services, they thought it would be a good idea to also take a

look at Georgia Code to see what exactly Public Health needs to be doing. They

took a look at the mandated services and it is very clear in the law there is

delineation between the work of the State Office and the work of the local

Boards of Health. The law specifies that the local Boards of Health are

responsible for doing a community assessment to identify what the needs are and

then take a look at the resources that are required to meet those needs and

then come up with a budget that is then submitted to the county officials so

that they can get appropriate funding in order to help meet the needs that the

community has identified through the assessments. We recognize that when you

look at the current materials that Board of Health members have, as far as

orientation is concerned, that spells out the things that need to be done. Some

of the Board of Health members did not fully understand the needs or the

mandates that the State Law says that the Boards of Health are suppose to carry

out. So with that work there is one dated February, 2005 and in some of her

visits she has come upon some Board of Health members who felt that the Board

of Health and the County Commissioner?s responsibility was to only provide

facilities and equipment. Often as opposed to?no your job is to take a look at

what the community needs and then help to facilitate the delivery of services

to meet those needs. So, what we recognized was that Board of Health

orientation was not even in the orientation manual, just a guideline. There is

no standardized process in the State of Georgia for orientation of Board of

Health members. So we have pulled together a Board of Health Orientation Task

Force. I will invite any and all of you who are interested in coming together

with us to join with us as we work to come up with some new materials for Board

of Health members. We are hoping to prepare them in a manner that will be easy

for Board of Health members to utilize; rather it?s a DVD and a booklet

supplement. We will develop something new that will help Board of Health

members recognize what their roles and responsibilities are. I encourage Board

of Health members to go through the process because there are no mandates

stating that the Boards of Health be oriented. Dr. Willis stated that NALBO

does a wonderful job. Dr. Carson stated that she was glad that Dr. Willis

brought that up. She stated that they talked about working together as a task

force when she presented this to Fulton County. One of the Fulton County Board

of Health members actually is a member of NALBO and she shared that across the

nation there is no standardized process. NALBO is actually trying to work on

this issue. A GPHA representative recognized that several years ago there was

an orientation process that health directors went through, but that had stopped

and he is now on board with us working with the creation of these new

materials. We have some board of health members, we could always use more and

so I encourage you to give me a call and we will add you to the list of those

who are reviewing materials from other states and will help us then trap

something for the state of Georgia. This is just a part of what we are also

looking at as a much bigger process. Board of Health responsibilities are

outlined in the National Public Health Performance Standards. The Fulton County

Board of Health has gone through that assessment and the last that I spoke with

them, they were working on receiving their results of their assessment to see

how they were performing. Those guidelines also work to serve as a foundation

for a process that is called Voluntary Accreditation for Local Boards of

Health. The State of Georgia is now in the process of exploring the

accreditation process and what that would mean for local boards of health in

Georgia. It is recognized there are 18 states already that have initiated this

process. Our partner to the north, North Carolina, has already put into their

state code that by the year 2014, all of their local boards of health will

actually be accredited. They have also taken the next step of putting dollars

into the budget to assist those local boards of health in going through the

accreditation process. The task force began this month and a resolution has

been drafted to send forward to the State Legislature, hoping they would create

a study committee to work parell with us and to look at the issue of voluntary

accreditation for the local boards of health in Georgia. There has been some

concern that in the State of Georgia we have 159 counties and that some of

these counties have health departments that only have one staff member. How do

you accredit the health department with only one staff member? We realized that

as we go through this exploration process, these are issues that we need to

work out, but the feeling is that the train is already on the track and it?s

moving along and we recognize accreditation is going to be a national process

in fact they are looking to appoint an interinum director at the national level

sometime in May. This is an opportune time for us at the state to begin an

investigative process and if we could possibly craft something before

everything is finalized at the state level, it has been said that they have

already stated that those states that have the process in place that will meet

the national guidelines, they can be grand fathered in to the national system.

We are hoping that we can get to that point. So from the state office level, we

are looking at the mandated services, getting out the integration project,

doing the board of health orientation and also working on voluntary

accreditation. Dr. Carson stated that she is out and about in the field, she is

listening to what the health department staff members are telling her and

looking to what the board of health members are telling her and taking that

back to Atlanta and trying to make a difference. We realize first and foremost,

public health is not delivered at 2 Peachtree it?s delivered here at the local

level. Dr. Carson stated that she needed to be a good partner to the board

because she needs the board to be the service delivery bond for her. She stated

if she did not cultivate the relationship, then she is not doing her job. She

thanked the board members for letting her speak and she asked if there were any


There was a brief discussion between Dr. Willis and Dr. Carson regarding the

above issue.

Dr. Sullivan thanked Dr. Carson for her comments.

Ms. Nowicki with CDC also had comments to the Board. Dr. Koppanyi ask that the

CDC let us know before a press release, because this has happened in the past

and is very disturbing when you walk into your office at 8am in the morning and

there are stacks of phone slips about something you don?t have a clue about.

Ms. Nowicki thanked Dr. Koppanyi for letting her know about this and advised

him to let her know if this happens again to call her directly and she will

contact communications about the issue. Ms. Nowicki stated there are two

different things that can be done on a weekly basis; 1. she gets a list of

potential press issues that will come up and 2) and access to the portfolio to

the leadership level.

Dr. Sullivan asked if there was any other business to discuss. There being

none, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:


Pam Middleton, Secretary


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