Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




APRIL 9, 2013

A meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to order at

9:04A.M., Tuesday, April 9, 2013, on the Plaza Level of the Government Center,

Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor and Honorable Evelyn

Turner Pugh, Mayor Pro Tem, presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson was Councilors R. Gary Allen, Jerry

Barnes, Glenn Davis Berry H. Henderson, Charles E. McDaniel, Jr., Judy W.

Thomas and Evelyn Woodson. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton

Fay, Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk Sandra Davis were

also present. Councilor Bruce Huff took his seat at the Council table at 9:07

a.m. Councilor Evelyn Woodson took her seat at the Council table at 9:09 a.m.,

and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh took her seat at the Council table at 9:20 a.m.

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ABSENT: Councilor Mike Baker was absent.

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INVOCATION: Led by Captain Mark Burnett, Chaplain of the Department of Fire/EMS.

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PLEDGE: Led by members of the Columbus Fire/EMS Department.

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Mayor Tomlinson said that Dr. Benjamin Blair, of Columbus State University

has conducted several studies for the City of Columbus and that he is here on


morning to present the results of those studies. She also pointed out the


of the Council have been provided with a copy of these studies, to include the

Natatorium Study, Department Directors' Salary Study and the Columbus

Economy Study.

The following information, as outlined below was presented by Dr. Benjamin


Local spending generates economic activity.

$ Spent Outside Region

Activity 1

Activity 2

Visitor $


Local Output (GDP)


Labor Income

Tax Revenue

Local spending generates economic activity.

A Market Assessment of the Columbus Natatorium

The Market Environment

Who is the Competition?

Who are the Potential Users?

Regular Users

Swim Clubs

High School Swim Teams

Who is the Competition?

Identified 39 aquatic centers and natatoriums in Georgia and Alabama with

similar facilities.

Who is the Competition?

James E Martin Aquatic Center, Auburn University

Lakeshore Natatorium, Carrollton, GA

Who are the Potential Users?

Regular Users

Recreation and Exercise

National Sporting Goods Association Survey + Local Demographics

1,563 regular daily swimmers in the Columbus MSA

two-thirds in Muscogee County

one-half age 55 or older

Core customer base

Who are the Potential Users?

Swim Clubs

Regularly participate in swimming competitions.

Willing to travel long distances.

Overnight Stays

Identified 82 swimming clubs in GA and AL

Provided a directory with contact information




High School Swim Teams

Regularly participate in swimming competitions.

Overnight Stays

Identified 292 high schools with swim teams in GA and AL: 230 in GA; 62 in AL

Provided a directory with contact information




After concluding his presentation, Dr. Blair made several comments as

outlined below:

Developing a core customer base of regular users will be important for the

natatorium?s bottom line but not for economic impact.

Significant regional economic impact will come only from attracting swim teams

to meets hosted by the natatorium. (Lags)

Nearly one-half of swim teams also compete in diving competitions. Not having

diving facilities may limit the ability of the natatorium to attract high

school swim teams to meets.

Need for significant advertising and marketing efforts to increase the

visibility of the natatorium.

Dr. Blair also pointed out the following information as outlined below:

Any significant regional economic impact of the natatorium will arise from

visitors, especially overnight visitors, to swim meets.

No plan or proposed schedule at the time this study was conducted.

Created our own three-year visitor scenario.

He also provided an Example Natatorium Swim Meet Schedule Scenario.

Two Participation Levels: High and Low

Expenditure Profile Adjusted for Columbus ?

Economic Impact on Columbus of Example Scenario

The largest impacts arise from meets with overnight stays.

Attracting additional family members is important.

A single annual 3-day swim meet attracting 500 swimmers and their families

could support 2 local jobs.

While the hosting of single-day high school swim meets generates little

economic impact, they will generate valuable experience and exposure for the


*** *** ***

A Comparison of Local Government Director-Level Compensation: Columbus

Consolidated Government and its Peers____________________

Online Survey

Sent to 10 Peer Cities in the Southeast

Asked for information regarding salary ranges, current salaries and other forms

of compensation for 23 upper-level management positions.

Received 8 responses.

Knoxville and Newport News did not respond.

Position-By-Position Comparison

Concluding Observations

(1) For 21 of the 23 positions in the survey, the CCG salary is below the peer

average salary.

(2) For the two positions which CCG was at or above the peer average, in one,

the Civic Center Director, there was only one other peer (Savannah); in the

other, CCG was the only city with that position (Job Training Director)

(3)For the group as a whole, the three positions with the highest average

salary were City Manager ($164,438), City Attorney ($135,423), and Public

Service Director ($128,945).

(4)For the group as a whole, the three positions with the lowest average salary

were Job Training Director ($75,517), Building, Inspection and Codes Director

($84,649), Internal Auditor ($85,441).

----------------------------------------*** ***


MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: Minutes of the February 26 and March 12, 2013

Council Meetings and the February 26 and March 12, 2013 Executive Sessions of

the Council of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia were submitted

and approved upon the adoption of a motion made by Councilor Allen and seconded

by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

----------------------------------------*** ***






____ ______

An Ordinance (13-9) ? Amending Section 3-1 of the Columbus Code pertaining

to alcoholic beverages by adding a new subsection 3-1 (hh) to provide a

definition of a Growler and by amending Section 3-15 pertaining to open


City Attorney Fay said the Finance Department has spoken with some of the

State enforcement officials with regards to this ordinance and said they are

recommending that the ordinance be amended to remove some of the wording from

the ordinance; which are ?or a brew pub license under State law?. He said we

would need a motion to amend the ordinance.

Councilor Henderson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried

unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with Councilor Baker

being absent for this meeting.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then made a motion to adopt the ordinance, as

amended. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those nine

members of Council present, with Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.




A Resolution (114-13) ? Requesting a Special Exception Use to operate an

ambulance service at 3554 Hilton Avenue. The current zoning for the property is

NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh made a motion to adopt the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Davis.

City Attorney Fay then asked if there was anyone who wanted to be heard on

this matter. There was one individual who wanted to be heard on this

resolution; therefore, City Attorney Fay asked the applicant to come forward

and outline to the Council what their plans are regarding this request.

Ms. Alia Mezayek, 4788 Brandywood Drive representing Muscogee Ambulance

then came forward and said they will be opening an ambulance service at this

location. She said it will be a non-emergency service, and they will only be

transporting dialysis patients from the nursing home to dialysis or from home

to dialysis. She said they also sometimes will transport the patients to the

hospital, as well as take them to their doctor?s appointments. She said they

will not be using any ambulance lights or sirens inside the facility, but would

do that outside. She said there will be no support for the ambulance. She said

everything will be outside of this building, and said the main use for this

building will be for billing and to keep the ambulance close to the nursing


At the request of Mayor Tomlinson, City Attorney Fay then read the three

conditions that are included in the ordinance, which is outlined below.

Buffers shall be required along all public right-of-way, including the Fall

Line Trace, subject to the approval of the City Arborist and Inspections and

Code Department. 2) There shall be no emergency lights and sirens used until

the ambulance reaches Warm Springs Road and Edgewood Road/Cherokee Avenue. 3)

Idling shall not exceed 15 minutes for any ambulances in service at the subject


Councilor McDaniel said he lives right off of Hilton Avenue and said that

ambulances run up and down Hilton Avenue all day and night going to the

hospital. He said he really don?t see where there would be anything different

than what you already have. He said the other ambulances won?t be affected by


Ms. Alia Mezayek said they are going to do the non-emergency for now and

said they will not use any lights and sirens. She said they are just going to

test the lights and siren and said they have another location for that. She

said they need this

location to be inside the city and closer to that facility. She said any kind

of testing and supplies would be outside at the other location.

Councilor McDaniel said he doesn?t see where there will be any difference

than what they have now.

Councilor Thomas said she knows that several months ago, we approved an

ambulance location right off of Warm Springs Road and said we put certain

conditions on that business and then asked the Director of the Planning

Department Rick Jones, how do these conditions line up with those, or are there

other conditions that we put on the Warm Springs Road facility that are not


Director of the Planning Department, Rick Jones said these conditions are

identical in terms of what they asked for, with regards to the facility off of

Warm Springs Road; in terms of making sure that we mitigated as much as we

possible can, any noise that may impact the surrounding neighborhood. He said

if you will recall the one that we had off of Warm Springs Road was adjacent to

a house.

He said these same conditions were applied where they couldn?t idle the

ambulances or turn the sirens on, as well as had to provide enough fencing or

landscaping between the residential property and this piece of property. He

said these are identical of what they asked for this piece of property and this


In responding to further concerns of Councilor Thomas, Director of the

Planning Department, Mr. Jones said that if the language is not clear enough

for the Council, then we could add some additional language that says there

will be some buffering along the back side of the property, as well as along

the east side; between the residents.

Councilor Thomas said she is concerned about those three properties on

Gurley Drive that touches this property. She said she went out and rode the

street and said from Gurley Drive, you can see through the property on these

residences onto this property that fronts on Hilton Avenue. She said there are

no trees or fences; however there is a cyclone fence, but there isn?t any other


After further discussion on this matter, Councilor Thomas said if we could

do something to add a buffer along the east side of the adjacent property and

then made a motion to amend the resolution to include the additional buffer.

Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh.

Councilor Woodson then asked if the petitioner understands the amendment,

to which City Attorney Fay pointed out that the ordinance will be amended to

state that the buffer shall be required along the east side of the subject

property, and along all public right-of-way including the Fall Line Trace and

then asked the petitioner if she understands that. She said yes.

City Attorney Fay then asked if there was anyone who wanted to be heard on

this matter before a vote is taken on the amendment.

Ms. Margaret Gosden then came forward and stated that she and her sisters

own the property located at 2240 Gurley Drive; which the back of their property

is identified as Number 2 on the drawing; and said it is as Councilor Thomas

described, a cyclone fence. She said there is nothing in terms of buffer except

on their side of the fence and in addition the problem that is created is not

immediate with the applicant and what she is intending to do in terms of non

emergency services. She said the issue that they have is once this door is

opened, it is open. She said we do have ambulances running up and down Hilton

Avenue all the time, but said it is a little bit different when it is in your

back yard and said it is literally in their back yard.

She pointed out that they have had this property since 1969, when they

came into possession of it as a result of their father?s estate. She said her

older sister resides in the property, but they own it jointly with her. She

said her concern is that her sister be able to live there peacefully and

quietly and not be awakening all hours of the night.

Ms. Gosden then spoke for some fifteen minutes or more in expressing her

concerns with this matter, which includes an ongoing study of rainwater and the

flooding problems that they have had associated with the area. She said Mr.

Arrington is aware of this study. She said they have a 1950s vintage

infrastructure to drain that creek to take in underground under Hilton Avenue

where it is deeper and wider. She said there has been a variety of development

that has caused an increase of water to be brought to that point. She said they

have met with the sanitary sewer people from Columbus Water Works and have

replaced a sewer, whereby they got an easement from the owner of this property,

as well as one from them because what they had was a sewer above grade. She

said they have corrected that, but said they have not gotten the results of

this study.

After Ms. Gosden expressed her concerns, members of the Council then made

comments regarding this matter, after which the Director of the Planning

Department was asked to come forward and then responded to several questions of

members of the Council.

Discussion continued on this matter, after which Councilor Henderson said

if Councilor Thomas wants to make a motion to amend the resolution so that it

requires a certain height buffer all along the contiguous property lines of

all residential zoned property, he thinks that will be acceptable.

Councilor Thomas said she wants the buffer to be between this property and

all the residential property, regardless if it is to the north, south, east or

west and however, we need to word that, the City Attorney can do that. She

said she is not as concerned about the Fall Line Trace, but said she is

concerned about those residences.

City Attorney Fay said we can amend the resolution further to say that

buffers shall be required adjacent to all residential property and along all

public right-of-way, including the Fall Line Trace, subject to the approval of

the City Arborist and Inspections Code Department.

Councilor Thomas then so moved to amend the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh.

After further discussion on this matter, and City Attorney Fay responding

to further questions of the Council, the question then called on the motion to

amend the resolution, which carried unanimously by those nine members of

Council present, with Councilor Baker being absent.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then made a motion to adopt the resolution, as

amended. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those nine

members of Council present, with Councilor Baker being absent for this


*** *** ***


City Attorney Fay said he we had a request from a zoning applicant that

was represented by Mr. George Mize, to rezone property located at 622 24th

Street; they had gotten a delay of their second reading zoning until May 14th;

however, they are now requesting it be put on second reading on April 23rd; so,

we would need a vote of the Council to allow this zoning petition to come back

before the Council on April 23rd for a second reading. He said there was an

environmental issue, but he understands that has been worked out.

Councilor Woodson so moved. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and

carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with Councilor

Baker being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***


Councilor Allen said he would like to request to have an executive session

on litigation and said he would like to see if we could get the Chief Tax

Assessor to come up and talk to the Council.

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__ _____________

Mr. Mike Turner and Ms. Pelatyah Hawkins, who are both members of the

Columbus Phenix City Inventors Association, came forward and gave the Mayor and

Council an update on those students who won in the Columbus Regional Science

and Engineering Fair, held on February 5 ? 6, 2013 that they sponsored.

1st Place Winner - Veer Shah ? Student at Arnold Magnet Academy.

2nd Place Winner ? Dasher Nolin ? Student at Pacelli High School.

3rd Place Winner ? Shelly Wells ? Student at Pacelli High School.

Ms. Hawkins gave a short power point presentation showing photos of the

winners along with their teachers and parents. She gave a brief description of

what each of the student?s projects was and the materials that were used with

their experiment.

She said their goal as an association is to encourage students and the

community to start to think more creatively and innovational. She said if there

is anyone here who has an idea for a service or a product, to please give them

a call.

She said they can be reached at (706) 225-9587.

Mr. Turner said they will be back to present to you the 2013 winners that

will be presented in 2014. He said the event will be presented by Columbus

State University and they will be involved as an association. Mr. Turner and

Ms. Hawkins then responded to questions of members of the Council.

*** *** ***



?BORN TO WIN?:________

Ms. Carmen Solomon, representing Greater Beulah Baptist Church came

forward and extended an invitation to the Mayor and Council, as well as the

community to attend their Second Annual Women?s Conference, entitled ?Born To


Ms. Solomon highlighted some of the activities and classes that will be

held during the conference.

Councilor Woodson asked Ms. Stephanie Hayes to come forward and tell a

little information about the group home that she has.

Ms. Stephanie Hayes, wife of Pastor Hayes then came forward and gave some

information about her group home, as well as, gave some additional information

about the Women?s conference.

----------------------------------------*** ***



City Manager Hugley said Deputy City Manager Arrington has two

presentations that he would like for him to do before he presents his agenda.

He said the first presentation he would like for him to do is the Public Safety

Training Center update and said he has a resolution on his agenda for property

acquisition at 3601 Gidden Road. He said after Mr. Arrington completes his

presentation, we can call up this item to address it so that we can allow our

Public safety personnel to get back to work.

He said he would also ask Deputy City Manager Arrington to make the

presentation on the TSPLOST criteria, as well as do a brief update on Forrest


City Manager Hugley said he would also like to delay Item Number Six on

his agenda.



HUGLEY:___ ______

A Resolution ? Authorizing the execution of a Quit Claim Deed for an

unimproved segment to Ivy Avenue to Ms. Suzanne H. Corley, 1057-1059 Talbotton

Road. The Georgia Department of Transportation is in the process of acquiring

property on Talbotton/Warm Springs Road for a widening project that will impact

this business. This property is needed to provide a driveway to the back of

the business making it accessible for parking. This property was declared

surplus on March 26, 2013 Ordinance 13-15


Deputy City Manager David Arrington said in January, the staff brought to the

Council the acquisition of property on Macon Road for the purpose of relocating

Fire Station 9 which was one of the projects included the 2008 L.O.S.T,

presentation. He said the project included the relocation of the Fire Station

from Jay Street over to the new site off Macon Road and it would also provide

at least accommodations for the future development of a First Training Center.

He said the one that is currently located off of 10th Avenue has limited time

left in its useful life and the City will have to replace those facilities in

the very near future; and said this was an opportunity for us to locate those

facilities in the center of town and make it more convenient for fire training.

He said at that time, however, there was some discussion about an opportunity

for the City to possibly partner with

The Georgia Public Safety Training Center on the development of a regional

Public Safety Training Center

He said last year around Thanksgiving, Mr. Tim Beardon Director of the

Georgia Public Safety Training Center had contacted the Mayor and City Manager

and had asked us to look for opportunities for us to partner with them on a

site to locate the Regional Police Academy; which is currently located on the

campus of Columbus State University. He said they were looking to relocate and

there was some concerns expressed by the Training Center about relocating the

Police Academy to an alternate site and they were looking to either locate

outside of Columbus, which would have been very expensive for us because we

would have to pay our police officers to travel to a site outside of Columbus.

Deputy City Manager Arrington said therefore we worked with them to look

for opportunities to develop a Training Center. He said we looked at spaces

that the City had available located off Schatulga Road, as well as some that

will become available in the near future with the relocation of the Muscogee

Manor property on Schatulga Road. However, during the course of those

discussions, the Training Center continued to talk with Columbus State


He also pointed out that the Public Safety Training Center was initially

reluctant to relocate to the facility due to the cost of renovations and

possible increase in rent payments to the Army Reserve Center on Macon Road;

however, it is his understanding from staff at the Public Safety Training

Center that Columbus State has agreed to renovate the facility to meet the

needs of the Regional Academy and to keep their rent at the current rate.

Several officials from the Public Safety Training Center toured the Army

Reserve Center last week. The location provides more square footage than their

current facility and will adequately accommodate their training programs.

This has apparently satisfied the short term needs for the Regional Academy.

He said according to Public Safety Training Center staff, they would still

like to work with the City on developing a joint use Emergency Vehicle

Operations Course. The course would require approximately 10 acres of land and

funding for developing the site.

After the conclusion of Deputy City Manager Arrington?s presentation,

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then made a motion to approve the resolution.

Seconded by

Councilor Woodson.

Members of the Council then expressed their views regarding this matter.

Deputy City Manager Arrington then responded to those questions and concerns of

members of the Council.

After the conclusion of further discussion on this matter, the question

was then called on the above motion to adopt the resolution, as outlined below,

which carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with

Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

A Resolution (115-13) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase 16+/- acres

of property on Gidden Road for relocation of Fire Station #9 and a training

center to be constructed some time in the future. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh

moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried

unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with Councilor Baker

being absent for the meeting.

*** *** ***


Deputy City Manager Arrington said the Forrest Road project, from Floyd

Road east to Schatulga Road is under right-of-way acquisition right now. He

said we have two consultants that are acquiring the right-of-way on our behalf.

He said there is a total of 168 parcels that are involved that they will need

to either acquire a right-of-way or an easement in order for this project to

continue. He said out of the 168 parcels involved, the consultants have made

contact with 159 of the property owners and have done title certificates on 24

of the properties, appraisals on 45 and has 25 options that have been signed

and 7 that are already proceeding to closing; which has taken place in a manner

of three months. He said they signed the contract with the consultants back

towards the end of the year. He said their contract requires them to be

complete with the acquisition process by December 3, 2013. He said as we get

toward the closing of their contract, which will be near the end of the year,

we will go ahead and have our consultants to put together the construction

plans to where we can put the project out; if not right before this date, then

immediately after this date for the construction on the phase of Forrest Road

from Floyd Road east to Schatulga Road.

City Manager Hugley said on yesterday we were talking about the correct

spelling of Forrest Road and said he talked with the staff and said it is

spelled with two ?r?. He said he believes that we may have one or two signs

with just one ?r? and said we will get those signs corrected.

*** *** ***


Deputy City Manager Arrington said the Council had asked the staff to

provide a copy of the criteria that we were looking at as far as how to

allocate the discretionary funds through the TSPLOST and we provided you with

an email copy earlier this week and said there was a copy in the Councilors

packets for today?s meeting.

He said they looked first at what the State of Georgia, and what the

Transportation Investment Act gave them for guidance; which just says that all

the proceeds used by the local government should only be used for

transportation projects as defined in the Georgia Code. He said it also talks

about the project and defining it. He said it states that any new or existing

airport, bike lanes, bridges, bus or rail transit systems, freight and

passenger rails, pedestrians facilities, porch, roads, terminals and all

activities and structures usefully and incident to providing, operating and

maintaining the same. He said they use this as their guide in looking at the


Deputy City Manager Arrington said the criteria that they have established

represent our current transportation needs in the community. These needs and

the funding priority may change from year to year as additional improvements

are identified or repairs become necessary. Projected funding from the TSPLOST

Discretionary allocation will typically supplement other funding sources in

each category. He said it won?t be the sole source of funds for most of the

projects that they use, but it will supplement some other funding source in

each of the categories.

Mr. Arrington then went into further details in outlining the five

proposed criteria that they have identified.

Proposed Criteria ?

Road Improvements

- Criteria:

Supplemental funding for resurfacing, milling & resurfacing, rehabilitation of

streets based on the current Pavement Condition Index

Implement a program to begin paving approximately 6 miles of unpaved streets

maintained by the City

Implementing minor intersection improvements to improve traffic flow and reduce

accidents as identified in the Congestion Management Study and Annual Accident

Review process

Bridge/Culvert Repairs and Maintenance

- Criteria:

Perform necessary improvements and repairs to bridges under current weight

restrictions which adversely impact public safety and the delivery of public


To perform specialized maintenance of bridge and culverts beyond the scope of

Public Services

Maintenance and Safety Improvements

- Criteria:

Supplemental funding for maintenance and enhancements of existing and future

trails and gateway project areas

Installation of guardrails and other right of way safety improvements not

currently in compliance with recommended roadway safety standards

Supplemental funding for installation of traffic calming measures in

accordance with established City policies

Future Operations and Grant Matching Funds

- Criteria:

Leveraging local matching funds for state and federal transportation grants

Establishing funding for operational expenses for transportation projects

Alternative Transportation Projects

- Criteria:

Funding to expand the current network for walking/biking/jogging trails as

identified in the Alternative Transportation Plan

Installation of sidewalks in areas of high pedestrian traffic and incomplete

sidewalk networks. Installation of ADA ramps and other improvements to meet

ADA requirements

After the conclusion of his presentation, Deputy City Manager Arrington said

what the staff had proposed is that they would bring, using this criteria, a

proposed allocation to the Mayor & City Manager in this fiscal year budget

process and said we have yet to provide them with a full recommendation in the

budget process and discuss it; and then it would be submitted to Council for

their approval through the Mayor?s recommended budget.

Several members of the Council then expressed their views regarding this

proposed criteria, highlighting several questions and concerns regarding this

subject, after which City Manager Hugley and Deputy City Manager Arrington then

responded to questions of members of the . Several referrals regarding various

items were then made by the Council for a later response from the staff, which

is outlined below.


Councilor Woodson said she would like for the staff to look at private

roads and determine if there is any type of guidance or assistance that we can

offer to residents with regards to resurfacing the private roads.


Mayor Tomlinson said in the context of the process that?s in place, let?s

have the staff to check and look at Steam Mill Road for the possibility of

installing sidewalks.


Councilor McDaniel said he would like for the staff to check the schedule

to see when or if Hilton Avenue will be resurfaced from Averett Drive to

Edgewood Road, as this road is in terrible shape with several potholes, and it

is a heavily used road with a lot of traffic and its getting terrible by the



Councilor Thomas said we need to make sure that we don?t allocate any of

this money until we have it in hand. Also, let?s make sure that all councilors

receive a monthly report from revenue, expenditures and the balance, in the

same manner that we receive the other L.O.S.T. report; so that we will know

regularly how much is there and how much we have spent and how much is left.

She said she would like for us to bring this matter back at a Work Session to

discuss it further and come up with a different resolution.


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said she would like to have the staff to go back

and pull the criteria that we had established when we did the sidewalk

projects, as to where they would be installed; and provide a copy to the

members of the Council when we have the Work Session on April 30th.

----------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Councilor McDaniel left at this point in the meeting, with the time

being 11:30 a.m.

----------------------------------------*** ***



Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said when we talk about curbs and gutters as it

relates to sidewalks, there have been incidents of accidents, lives? lost,

persons injured on sidewalks because the driver veered off the road; therefore,

when we look at these projects, we need to look at existing sidewalks in

addition to new sidewalks; and what we need to go back and do from a safety

standpoint, what we need to do.


Mayor Tomlinson said she would like to have the staff to contact each

councilor and get some input as to exactly what they mean by criteria, and

exactly what they would like to see as one of the criteria.


Councilor Thomas said in setting the agenda for our Work Sessions for the

April 30th Meeting, She would like for us to make sure that the majority of

that meeting is set aside to discuss this issue with the criteria for the

TSPLOST so that we can have the conversations that we need to have.


Councilor Davis said he would like to have the staff to provide

information as to how the TSPLOST funds will be separated from the approved

line items within the budget.



HUGLEY:_____ ___

A Resolution ? Authorizing the approval of the TSPLOST Criteria for

discretionary projects.

----------------------------------------*** ***





COUNCIL:________________________________________ ________

A Resolution (116-13) ? Authorizing the naming of the Columbus Natatorium

the "Columbus Aquatic Center". The cost of signage will come from project

funds associated with the City Services Center project. Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Allen and

carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the time, with

Councilor McDaniel being absent for this vote and Councilor Baker being absent

for this meeting.

A Resolution (117-13) ? Authorizing the approval to enter into a

contractual agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation to receive

$3.5 million in Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax Funds for

activities for South Lumpkin Multi-Use Facility. This project will be 100%

funded from collection of TSPLOST funds and will not require a match.

Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the

time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker

absent for this meeting.

A Resolution (118-13) ? Authorizing the approval to accept a Quit Claim Deed

from Norfolk Southern for property located along the 600 block of 6th Avenue.

Norfolk Southern is donating land to the City to create a Memorial Garden to

commemorate the significance of the site. The property is located along the

600 block of 6th Avenue should be recognized as one of two of the original "Old

Colored Cemetery" in Columbus. Councilor Woodson moved the adoption of the

resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by

those eight members of Council present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel

being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***



THE COUNCIL:_________________________________________________

A Resolution ? Authorizing the approval to purchase furniture for the

Recycling Center from Malone Office Environments (Columbus, GA) in the amount

of $45,892.73. The furniture consists of a desk, a credenza, various types of

chairs, and various types of tables.

Councilor Woodson made a motion to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Mayor

Pro Tem Turner Pugh.

Councilor Thomas said if we approve this request we would have spent over

$935,000 within the last couple of months on furniture; almost a million on

furniture. She said when she questioned the $880,000 for the Citizen Service

Center, she was told that, yes, the people who are moving to the Citizen

Service Center currently have furniture, but that furniture was going to be

either used by the people who are moving into those locations or stored. She

said she find it hard to believe that if we are replacing $885,000 worth of

furniture in this building that we can?t find furniture to be recycled for the

Recycling Center. She said there are so many things that we can spend a

million dollars on other than furniture.

City Manager Hugley, in response to a question of Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh with regards to the cost of the furniture, said this is $45,845.00 for the

new Sustainability Center that is being constructed out by the landfill.

Several members of the Council expressed their views regarding the

purchase of the furniture for the new Sustainability Center.

City Manager Hugley said this is a brand new building and when the

building was designed and constructed, furniture and fixture would be conducive

to the new building.

After further discussion on this subject, City Manager Hugley responded to

further questions of members of the Council.

Prior to the question on the motion being called, Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh said she would like to delay action on this matter until such time as we

can find out if there is furniture available for the Sustainability Center.

Councilor Woodson said she could withdraw her motion for approval;

however, Mayor Tomlinson stated that there was a vote already in process and

that we needed to proceed with taking that vote.

There was then some discussion with regards to the parliamentary procedure

and whether or not a substitute motion could be made at this time. After some

further discussion, Mayor Tomlinson then ruled that a vote was in process and

that the question needed to be called on the motion, and then asked Clerk of

Council Washington to proceed with taking the vote, which resulted in the

resolution being defeated. Voting for the motion was Councilors Huff and

Woodson. Voting against the motion was Councilors Allen, Barnes, Davis,

Henderson, and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh. Councilor McDaniel was absent for the

vote and Councilor Baker was absent for this meeting.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then made a motion for the staff to do some

research and see if we have any furniture available to use for the new

recycling facility center, and if not the request should be brought back to the

Council for approval. Seconded by Councilor Woodson.

Councilor Henderson said this is already budgeted and this is the tail end

of the process and said he was going to vote to put it in there, but given our

situation, he voted against it to get the substitute motion on the floor and if

we find out there is no other furniture, then we can always move to reconsider.

He said that is where he is headed with this. He said if we don?t identify the

furniture, he will call for reconsideration.

City Manager Hugley said we will do an assessment and see what we


Mayor Tomlinson also said that she would like for the staff to do an

assessment on what furniture is available, and see what can be salvaged and

what can be used in the new recycling center.

The question was then called on the motion, which carried unanimously by

those eight members of Council present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel

being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***



COUNCIL:_____________ ______________________

A Resolution (119-13) ? Authorizing the purchase of bus route signs and

poles from Vulcan Signs (Foley, AL) for the estimated contract value of

$42,969.00. METRA Transit will purchase bus route signs and poles, on an ?as

needed? basis. METRA Transit will install and maintain bus route signs and

poles along City owned streets within Muscogee County. The term of the contract

shall be for two years, with the option to renew for three additional

twelve-month periods. Contract renewal will be contingent upon the mutual

agreement of the City and the Contractor. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the

adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously

by those eight members of Council present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel

being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

A Resolution (120-13) ? Authorizing the approval of engineering services

from W.K. Dickson, in the amount of $70,520.00, for additional engineering

services required for Forrest Road improvements. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh

moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Thomas and carried

unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the time, with

Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker being absent

for this meeting.

A Resolution (121-13) ? Authorizing It is requested that Council

approve payment to Tyler Technologies, Inc., Appraisal and Tax Division

(Dallas, TX), in the amount of $95,000.00, for the annual renewal fee for OASIS

Maintenance Support, covering the period January 2013 through December 2013.

Payment will be made in two installments in the amount of $47,500.00; the first

payment upon approval of this resolution, and the second payment after July 1st

. Councilor Thomas moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and

Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

A Resolution (122-13) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase of one (1)

asphalt sealer tank (Crafco SS125-DC), from Reynolds-Warren Equipment Co.,

Inc., (Lake City, GA), in the amount of $51,695.00. The equipment will be

utilized by the Street Division to prolong the life of the road. It will be

used to apply asphalt to various cracks that can cause a potential lift hazard

of cracked asphalt that otherwise is in good shape. This is a replacement

unit. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and

Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

A Resolution (123-13) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase of one (1)

Chipper Dump Truck (2013 Ford F-750 XL) from Wade Ford (Smyrna, GA), in the

amount of $74,619.00, via Georgia Statewide Contract #99999-SPD-SPD0000039. The

vehicle was approved in the FY13 Budget. It will be used by the Urban Forestry

and Beautification Division, of the Public Services Department, to collect tree

cutting debris. It is a replacement vehicle. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved

the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried

unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the time, with

Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker being absent

for this meeting.

A Resolution (124-13) ? Authorizing the purchase of Trophies and other

Miscellaneous Awards from Columbus Fire & Safety d/b/a Columbus Trophy & Screen

Print for the estimated annual contract value of $110,994.00. The contract

includes screen-printing services, as well as, the following items to be

provided on an ?as needed basis?: trophies, plaques, hats, resin figures,

medal trophy cases, tombstone trophies and acrylics, t-shirts and golf shirts.

The trophies and other miscellaneous awards are used by the Parks and

Recreation Department to give to participants in basketball, volleyball,

softball and boxing tournaments. The contract period shall be for two (2)

years, with the option to renew for three additional twelve-month periods.

Contract renewal will be contingent upon the mutual agreement of the City and

the Contractor. Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those eight members of

Council present at the time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote

and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

A Resolution (125-13) ? Authorizing the approval of the contract for

auditing services from Albright & Fortenberry, & Ninas, LLP, to be utilized by

The Finance Department. The services are needed to provide the Finance

Department with the professional services of an external Certified Public

Accountant to perform financial and compliance audits. The audit shall be

conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, promulgated

by the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA) and in

accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General

of the United States and the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. The

examination shall be made in compliance with applicable laws of the State of

Georgia and the Columbus Consolidated Government. The contract will be for five

consecutive fiscal years beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013,

and ending with fiscal year ending June 30, 2017, with an option to renew for

an additional five, one-year terms, and subject to annual review and the

availability of an appropriation for audit services.

Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the

time, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker

being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***






FOR THIS MEETING:_____________________________________________________

A Resolution (126-13) ? Authorizing the approval of the annual contract

for the purchase of fire hose from NAFECO (Decatur, AL) on an ?as needed basis?

for the estimated contract value of $29,548.50. The contract will provide fire

fighters with fire hose to be used during structural fire fighting; the term of

the contract shall be for two years, with the option to renew for three

additional twelve-month periods, contingent upon the mutual agreement of the

City and the Contractor.

A Resolution (127-13) ? Authorizing the purchase of one (1) Tandem Axle

Fuel Lube Truck (2014 Freightliner M2 112 66,000GVW) from Peach State Truck

Centers (Norcross, GA), in the amount of $212,207.00, via Georgia Statewide

Contract #99999-SPD-10000039-0002. The vehicle was approved in the FY13 Budget.

It will be used by the Street Division, of the Public Services Department, to

fuel off-road vehicles throughout the City. This is a replacement vehicle.

A Resolution (128-13) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase five (5)

Service Trucks [2013 Ford F250 Regular Cab V8 Long Bed 4x2 (3/4 ton)] from

Allan Vigil Ford (Morrow, GA), in the amount of $117,040.00 ($23,408.00 each),

via Georgia Statewide Contract #S-90795-B32. These vehicles were approved in

the FY13 Budget under the Vehicle Replacement Program. Vehicles #9981, #9668,

#9667, #9979, and #9805 were declared salvage due to high mileage, age,

mechanical and safety issues, and high operation cost. Three (3) of the trucks

will be used by Facilities Maintenance and the remaining two (2) will be used

by Parks & Recreation. The Facilities Maintenance trucks will be used by

employees to service City buildings and facilities. The Park Services trucks

will be used by employees to maintain City parks and recreation buildings

throughout the City. These are replacement vehicles.

A Resolution (129-13) ? Authorizing the approval for the purchase and

installation of television studio equipment from The WH Platts Company

(Norcross, GA), for CCG TV, to be housed in the new City Services Center

currently under construction. Request for proposal invitations were mailed to

fourteen vendors and specifications were posted on the City?s website, the

Georgia Procurement Registry and OnVia Demand Star. A Non-Mandatory Site Visit

was conducted on February 27, 2013.

*** *** ***

Several members of the Council requested information from City Manager

Hugley, which are outlined below for a response back from the staff at a later



Councilor Thomas said she would like for the staff to provide a report

back to the Council when negotiations are completed on the Auditing Services

and TV equipment.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said he would like for the staff to look at putting up a

?Children at Play? sign to be installed along Union Street, which is a small

street where are a lot of kids are outside playing.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said he would like for the staff to check on the property

located in the Benning Hills area that has had a ?D? painted on it for awhile

now; to determine where it is in the demolition process.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said he would like for the staff to check on the status of

the request to have speed tables installed on Bedford Avenue between Old

Cusseta Road and Moline Avenue; where a citizen is having trouble getting out

of his driveway.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said he would also like for the staff to have the

appropriate department to look into the speeding problem on Pecan Street.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said that he received a telephone call from Mt. Pilgrim

Baptist Church and Reverend Harris is having his anniversary the fourth Sunday

and said he wanted to know if it was the proper time to send the information

back to the Board of Honor. He said we did mention it. He said we had a

discussion with regards to his resume and what he had contributed to the City.

City Manager Hugley said he will check into it and see what has happened.

*** *** ***


Councilor Barnes said he would like for the staff to provide an update on

the traffic calming device for Rosewood Drive; when will they be coming in and


*** *** ***


Councilor Thomas said she would like for the staff to provide an update

with regards to a previous conversation she had with the Engineering Director

about an area on the east side of 1st Avenue at 11th Street and 12th Street

when it rains in the first four or five parking spots, they are submerged with

water; to see what has been done in this regard.

*** *** ***


Councilor Thomas said she would like for the staff to proceed with setting

the dates for the budget meetings in order that the Council can put them on

their calendars.

*** *** ***


Councilor Henderson said he would like for the staff to look at setting up

a meeting with the Little League officials to discuss the issue with parking on

Double Churches Road and come up with some type of solutions for parking for

those parking during the Little League games. He said a solution has to be

made because people are getting tickets during games because there is nowhere

for them to park.

----------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Councilor Allen left at this point in the proceedings, with the time

being 12:15 p.m.

----------------------------------------*** ***



Councilor Henderson said he would like for the staff to check and see what we

can do about installing shelters at all bus stops because when it rains, there

are people standing out there waiting at the bus stops without shelters. Also,

let?s look at considering the partnership that we had at one time.

Councilor Davis said he would also ask the staff to look at installing a

bus shelter at the bus stop across from Cracker Barrel on Bradley Park Drive.

*** *** ***


Councilor Davis said he would like for the staff to look into some

concerns of pouring concrete and other things from the residents in and around

the area of Whitesville and Williams Road where the construction of the new

Muscogee Manor facility is being built.

*** *** ***


Deputy City Manager Arrington said they previously came before the Council

to discuss the downtown street studies that was being conducted by the City and

indicated that we had planned on going out and having public meetings

concerning the matter. He said there had been some confusion in the community

because there were a number of studies that had been ongoing and in part they

related to the need to convert the one-way streets to two-way in the Uptown

area. He said he came a month or so ago to the Council with Mr. Matt Swift and

the Pastor of St. Luke Church and said they talked about those three studies.

He said they had a similar discussion in the public meetings to try to clarify

to the public exactly the origin of the discussion and why it was occurring.

He said the presentation that the Council has before them on today is the

same presentation they presented in the public meetings and said in the back of

that presentation, is a summary of the number who attended and their

preferences on the options they discussed.

Deputy City Manager Arrington then went into some details and gave a brief

summary reviewing some of the key points that they discussed with them in their

presentation; pointing out that they are proposing to convert 10th Street to

two-way traffic to address the things that he had previously mentioned. He said

they would then come back in three or five years and take another look at 11th

/12th after they have the full impact of Whitewater operations and we see what

other things are occurring in the Uptown area for the expansion of Columbus

State University and the increased traffic. He said it may be that there is a

need for us to continue to have the one-way streets because of the capacity

issues, but said right now that is not the case.

He said another recommendation that they are proposed to move forward with

is to construct a intersection bulb out at 3rd Avenue /11th Street; which will

shorten the time it takes for pedestrians to get from one side of 11th Street

to the other side. He said we feel like this will improve safety in that area

and they can do within the next fiscal year.

Deputy City Manager Arrington said they will be discussing these proposals

with the Mayor & City Manager with the FY-14 budget process and whether or not

they will be included in that proposed budget.

Councilor Thomas pointed out that she attended one of those meetings and

that Deputy City Manager Arrington did a good job in making that presentation.

She said she had a number of telephone calls and conversations with some of the

people along 11th Street about this issue; and they, to the person, are very

pleased with Mr. Arrington?s presentation and the recommendations that the

staff has here. She said they particularly like the bulb out concept so that it

is a shorter timeframe for the kids at St. Luke to be out in the street. She

said she would like to thank Deputy City Manager Arrington for all the time and

effort that he has put into this, as it shows. She said she thinks that we are

well on our way to coming to some resolutions to some of those issues.

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said after the widening of Moon Road, there was a fire

hydrant put on the side of the road facing a hill and said there was some

concern by one of the property owners that in case of a fire, they wouldn?t be

able to get the fire hose onto the hydrant and said he asked Director of

Engineering Donna Newman to check into it. He said he made a telephone call on

Friday and said he was told that all fire hydrants have to face the road

according to the way they are installed and that the hill will be


Director of the Department of Engineering said they have contacted the

Columbus Water Works because they are responsible for the design and

installation. She said they have put the Water Works and Fire Department in

contact and they will make any changes that are necessary.

*** *** ***


Ms. Pam Hodge, Finance Director, came forward and presented the following

with regards to the monthly finance update for the February 2013. She said this

is a little dated and said the March report will be ready in the next week or


She said on the other Local Option Sales Tax (L.O.S.T.), this is the Local

Option Sales Tax through January, that?s reported through February, we have

collected $19 million this fiscal year, which is down 4.66% from the same

period of time last year. She said we are experiencing a reduction in our

sales tax. She said we are seeing that in the other Local Option Sales tax, as

well as our original L.O.S.T.

She said she has included in the report, by department how the funding has

been spent; and said as Councilor Thomas mentioned on the TSPLOST, she will do

a similar report for the TSPLOST that we do for the L.O.S.T. and report that to

the Council monthly. She said after two months of collection, for January and

February. She said the first month on our discretionary funds was a $163,000

and on the second month, which was Friday was $212,000; and said in total what

has been collected for our region is $2.9 million for January and $3.8 million

for February.

Ms. Hodge said that is collections for the entire region and 75% of the

funding is held by the State at GSFIC, 25% of the funding is discretionary and

it is disbursed through the counties. She said she will have report to include

with the March report on how much is collected in each one of the counties in

our region, as well as how much was disbursed.

Operating Funds for General Funds ? 2.47% up from where we were last year.

Ms. Hodge said the funding majority by property tax, which is storm water,

paving, Medical Center Fund, Economic Development and Debt Service. She said in

looking at the percentages, we are at 95, 96 & 97% of budget. She said most of

the taxes have been collected for those funds so we have almost met budget on

those particular funds; up about 2 or 2.5% from where we were last year, which

was the increase in our digest; which is what they expect.

Integrated Waste ? down 1.93%

E911 Fund ? up 4.62% (new revenue source for pre-paid phones)

Transportation ? up 8.96%

Parking Management ? down 9.35%

Trade Center ? down 2.13% , but their revenues are in line with their


(Revenues - $1.4 million, Expenditures ? $1.46 million)

Bull Creek ? down 3%, but their revenues tracking close to expenditures $

806,000 versus $847,000 in expenditures.

Oxbow ? up 2.04%

Civic Center Fund ? down 11.33%

Health Insurance Fund ? Ms. Hodge said through the end of February our

revenue is $1.1 million less than our expenditures. She said we are seeing a

negative trend in our health insurance fund and as we are putting the Health

and Wellness Center on line we will be reporting back to the Council each


She said we are looking at ways to offset that $1.1 million and said we had

come before the Council on last year to propose a rate increase for the

employees, but said we have put that on hold and will be looking at it again in

January 2014.

Mayor Tomlinson said we do need to go ahead and get the dates for the

budget meetings so that the Council can make plans. She said she would also

like to get a draft of the spreadsheet to the Council, and said she would like

to have meetings with them individually with the budget situation that we will

be facing this year.

----------------------------------------*** ***





(1) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Valley Partnership

Joint Development Authority.

(2) Biographical Sketch of Ms. Christy Lemieux, Mayor Tomlinson?s nominee to

replace Mr. Bernard McCrary on the Community Development Advisory Council.

(3) Biographical Sketch of Mr. Adrian Chester, Mayor Tomlinson?s nominee to

replace Mr. Marvin Moore on the Community Development Advisory Council.

(4) Biographical Sketch of Ms. Jeanette Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh?s

nominee to replace Mr. Alfred Hayes, Jr. on the Crime Prevention Board.

(5) Application of Elizabeth Hurst to temporarily close the 900 block of

Broadway- northbound in front of River Center, on Saturday, April 13, 2013 from

8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., in connection with the ?Superhero 5K?.

(6) Application of Wanda Y. Jenkins to temporarily close Dogwood Avenue from

Mimosa Street to Fern Street, on Thursday, April 18, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to

1:00 p.m., in connection with the ?Columbus Cottage Program Key Ceremony?.

(7) Application of Elizabeth Hurst to temporarily close Front Avenue and Bay

Avenue from 10th Street to 11th Street, on Friday, April 19, 2013 at 7:00 a.m.

through Sunday, April 22, 2013 at 12:00 p.m., in connection with the ?Uptown

Frogtown Hollow Music Jam?.

(8) Application of Joanne Cogle to temporarily close the outer lane of S.

Lumpkin Road from Waterworks Road into Ft. Benning; Broadway from 6th Street to

10th Street and 10th Street from Broadway to Bay Avenue, on Saturday, April 20,

2013 from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in connection with the ?Iron Man Half


(9) Application of Elizabeth Hurst to temporarily close Front Avenue and Bay

Avenue from 10th Street to 11th Street, on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 7:00

a.m. to Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 12:00, in connection with the ?Uptown Bash on

the Banks?.

*** *** ***



______________________________________ __________

Board of Tax Assessors, Nos. 10-13 & 11-13.

Board of Water Commissioners, January 14 & February 11, 2013.

C.I.R.C.L.E., February 12, 2013.

Convention & Trade Center Authority, January 24, 2013.

Convention & Trade Center Authority, March 14, 2013.

Golf Authority, March 26, 2013.

Hospital Authority, February 26, 2013.

Housing Authority, February 20, 2013.

Planning Advisory Commission, February 20, 2013.

Taxicab Commission, February 27, 2013.

Councilor Henderson made a motion that these minutes be received Seconded

by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present at the time, with Councilors Allen, McDaniel and Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh being absent for this vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this


*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Daniel Smith, who served

on our Animal Control Board passed away a few weeks ago and said that Council

must nominate someone to fill that unexpired term. She further pointed out that

his widow has expressed an interest in serving out his term of office on the


Councilor Thomas then nominated Ms. Carla Anthony to fill this unexpired


Councilor Woodson asked that Clerk of Council Washington get a copy of

Mrs. Smith bio and bring it forward. Clerk of Council Washington said we will

bring this back at the next regular meeting for Council?s action.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that at the last meeting, Mr.

Vincent Allen was nominated to serve another term of office on the board and

advises that he may now be confirmed. Councilor Woodson so moved. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those six members of Council

present at the time, with Councilors Allen and Henderson and Mayor Pro Tem

Turner Pugh being absent for this vote and Councilor Baker being absent for

this meeting.

She further pointed out that we still need a nominee for Mr. Tyler

Townsend?s position, as he does not wish to be reappointed for another term of


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the terms of office of

Ms. Addie Cunningham, District Three

representative, Mr. Abdur Hassan, Council District Four representative, Mr. Jim

Irwin, Council District Seven representative, Mr. Walter Lewis, Council

District One representative, Ms. Sharon Pierce, Council District Eight

representative and Mr. Robert Wetzel, Council District Two representative terms

of office expired on March 1, 2013. She further pointed out that Ms.

Cunningham, Mr. Hassan, Mr. Irwin and Mr. Lewis are eligible to succeed

themselves for another term of office.

Councilor Barnes then nominated Mr. Lewis for another term of office.

Councilor Henderson then moved he be confirmed. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem

Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present

at the time, with Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent for this vote and

Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***


(C.I.R.C.L.E):___________________ ____________

Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Sudhir Patel does not

want to serve another term of office; therefore, the Council will need to

nominate someone to fill this term, which expired on March 1, 2013. There were

no nominations.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Ms. Katonga Wright was

nominated at the last meeting to fill the unexpired term of Ms. Kim Peters, who

resigned and advised that she may now be confirmed. Councilor Woodson so moved.

Seconded by Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those seven members

of Council present at the time, with Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent

for this vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out the Mayor is nominating Ms.

Christy Lemieux to succeed Mr. Bernard McCrary, who is no longer a resident of

Muscogee County and Mr. Adrian Chester to succeed Mr. Marvin Moore, who does

not wish to serve again. She further pointed out that they may now be


Councilor Henderson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried

unanimously by those seven members of Council present at the time, with

Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker

being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the terms of office of

Ms. Sharon Cox Bevley, Mr. Robert Wright,

Mr. Winston Bailey, Ms. Nancy Rinn and Mr. Alfred Hayes on the Crime Prevention

Board expired on March 31, 2013.

She further pointed out that Ms. Bevley, Mr. Wright, Mr. Bailey and Ms. Rinn

was all eligible to succeed themselves. She also pointed out that Mr. Hayes

does not wish to be reappointed for another term of office.

Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Wright, Ms. Bevley are

the Mayor?s appointments and Mr. Bailey, Ms. Rinn and Mr. Hayes are the

Council?s appointment.

She said we have placed a call in to these individuals, but have not heard

back from them as of yet; however Mayor Tomlinson said she has heard back from

Mr. Wright and he would like to serve again; therefore, she will nominate him

again. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved Mr. Wright be confirmed. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present at the time, with Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent for the

vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

Councilor Woodson moved Mr. Bailey be confirmed for another term of

office. Seconded by Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those seven

members of Council present at the time, with Councilors Allen and McDaniel

being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

Councilor Davis pointed out that he will have a nominee for Mr. Alfred

Hayes? seat at the next meeting. Clerk of Council Washington also pointed out

that Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh is nominating Ms. Jeanette Davis for Mr. Hayes?

seat as well. She said she would bring this back at our next regular meeting

for Council to take a vote.

*** *** ***


Regarding an earlier request of City Manager Hugley to go into an

executive session to discuss a personnel matter, Councilor Henderson made a

motion to allow the Council to go into an executive session. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present at the time, with Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent for the

vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***

At 12:52 p.m. the regular session was adjourned to allow the Council to go

into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter.

*** *** ***

At 1:05 p.m., the meeting was called back to order at which time Mayor

Tomlinson pointed out that the Council met in an executive session to discuss a

personnel matter, but there was no votes taken.

*** *** ***

Mayor Tomlinson said there is one item on the Clerk of Council?s Agenda

that we can go back to and clear up while we are still in session and then

called on Clerk of Council Washington.

Clerk of Council Washington then pointed out that on the Board

appointments we can go ahead and confirm Ms. Sharon Cox Bevley, who the Mayor

is nominating for another term of office. Councilor Woodson so moved. Seconded

by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those seven members of

Council present at the time, with Councilors Allen and McDaniel being absent

for the vote and Councilor Baker being absent for this meeting.

*** *** ***


Councilor Barnes said this month is organ donation month and said the

Agape Group Foundation will be having a table set up in the 1000 block of

Broadway on April 20th. He said there are 6,000 transports done each and there

are more than 117,000 people on the organ transplant list nationwide. He said

as he mentioned at the Proclamation session, that is the best gift that you can

give anyone is an organ.

He said Ms. Natasha Banks and Ms. Shanna Robbins will be there at the table

that is setup and said if there is anyone who is interested to please go by and

visit the table on April 20th.

*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before the Council, Mayor

Tomlinson she said would entertain a motion for adjournment. Mayor Pro Tem

Turner Pugh so moved. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously

by those seven members of Council present at the time, with Councilors Allen

and McDaniel being absent for the vote and Councilor Baker being absent for

this meeting, with the time of adjournment being 1:05 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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