Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) for Columbus,

Georgia so as to amend certain sections of the Unified Development Ordinance of

the Columbus Codes so as to correct certain errors.




Chapter 8 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 8.4.2 by deleting subsections A through YY and listing all definitions

in alphabetical order.

Chapter 8 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 8.4.2 by deleting the following definitions as follows:

DNR means the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

Drainage structure means a device composed of a virtually nonerodible material

such as concrete, steel, plastic or other such material that conveys water from

one place to another by intercepting the flow and carrying it to a release

point for storm-water management, drainage control or flood control purposes.

EPD means the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of

Natural Resources.

EPD Director means the Director of the Environmental Protection Division of the

Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

Erosion means the process by which land surface is worn away by the action of

wind, water, ice, or gravity.

Erosion and sediment control plan means a plan for the control of soil erosion

and sedimentation resulting from a land disturbing activity and identifies all

potential sources of pollution which may be expected to affect the quality of

storm water discharges from the construction site or common development.

Fill means a portion of land surface to which soil or other solid material has

been added; the depth above the original ground.

Final stabilization [means] all land disturbing activities at the site have

been completed and that for unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent

structures, 100% of the soil surface is uniformly covered in permanent

vegetation with a density of 70% or greater, or equivalent permanent

stabilization measures (such as the use of rip rap, gabions, permanent mulches

or geotextiles) have been used. Permanent vegetation shall consist of: planted

trees, shrubs, perennial vines; a crop of perennial vegetation appropriate for

the time of year and region; or a crop of annual vegetation and a seeding of

target crop perennials appropriate for the region. Final stabilization applies

to each phase of construction.

Finished grade means the final elevation and contour of the ground after

cutting or filling and conforming to the proposed design.

Land disturbing activity means any activity which may result in soil erosion

from water or wind and the movement of sediments into state waters or onto

lands within the state, including, but not limited to, clearing, dredging,

grading, excavating, transporting, and filling of land but not including those

practices as described in Section 8.4.3.

Stabilization means the process of establishing an enduring cover of vegetation

by the installation of temporary or permanent structures for the purpose of

reducing to a minimum the erosion process and the resultant transport of

sediment by wind, water, ice or gravity.

Watercourse means any natural or artificial watercourse, stream, river, creek,

channel, ditch, canal, conduit, culvert, drain, waterway, gully, ravine, or

wash in which water flows either continuously or intermittently and which has a

definite channel, bed and banks, and including any area adjacent thereto

subject to inundation by reason of overflow or floodwater.

Wetlands means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or

groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under

normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted

for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps,

marshes, bogs and similar areas.

Chapter 8 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 8.4.2 by adding the following definitions to read as follows:

Board means the Board of Natural Resources.

Buffer means the area of land immediately adjacent to the banks of state waters

in its natural state of vegetation, which facilitates the protection of water

quality and aquatic habitat.

Certified Personnel means a person who has successfully completed the

appropriate certification course approved by the Georgia Soil and Water

Conservation Commission.

Commission means the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation C Commission (GSWCC).

CPESC means Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control with current

certification by Certified Profession in Erosion and Sediment Control Inc., a

corporation registered in North Carolina, which is also referred to as CPESC or


Department means the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Design Professional means a professional licensed by the State of Georgia in

the field of: engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, forestry,

geology, or land surveying; or a person that is a Certified Professional in

Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) with a current certification by Certified

Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control Inc.

Director means the Director of the Environmental Protection Division or an

authorized representative.

District means the Pine Mountain Soil and Water Conservation District.

Division means the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) of the Department of

Natural Resources.

Drainage Structure means a device composed of a virtually nonerodible material

such as concrete, steel, plastic or other such material that conveys water from

one place to another by intercepting the flow and carrying it to a release

point for storm water management, drainage control, or flood control purposes.

Ephemeral Stream means a stream that under normal circumstances has water

flowing only during and for a short duration after precipitation events; that

has the channel located above the ground-water table year round; for which

ground water is not a source of water; and for which runoff from precipitation

is the primary source of water flow.

Erosion means the process by which land surface is worn away by the action of

wind, water, ice or gravity.

Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control Plan means a plan required by the

Erosion and Sedimentation Act, O.C.G.A. Chapter 12-7, that includes, as a

minimum protections at least as stringent as the State General Permit, best

management practices, and requirements in section IV.C. of this ordinance.

Fill means a portion of land surface to which soil or other solid material has

been added; the depth above the original ground surface or an excavation.

Final Stabilization means all soil disturbing activities at the site have been

completed, and that for unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent

structures and areas located outside the waste disposal limits of a landfill

cell that has been certified by EPD for waste disposal, 100% of the soil

surface is uniformly covered in permanent vegetation with a density of 70% or

greater, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures (such as the use of rip

rap, gabions, permanent mulches or geotextiles) have been used. Permanent

vegetation shall consist of: planted trees, shrubs, perennial vines; a crop of

perennial vegetation appropriate for the time of year and region; or a crop of

annual vegetation and a seeding of target crop perennials appropriate for the

region. Final stabilization applies to each phase of construction.

Finished Grade means the final elevation and contour of the ground after

cutting or filling and conforming to the proposed design.

Land-Disturbing Activity means any activity which may result in soil erosion

from water or wind and the movement of sediments into state waters or onto

lands within the state, including, but not limited to, clearing, dredging,

grading, excavating, transporting, and filling of land but not including

agricultural practices as described in Section 8.4.3.

Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) means numerical units of measure based upon

photometric analytical techniques for measuring the light scattered by finely

divided particles of a substance in suspension. This technique is used to

estimate the extent of turbidity in water in which colloidally dispersed or

suspended particles are present.

NOI means a Notice of Intent form provided by EPD for coverage under the State

General Permit.

NOT means a Notice of Termination form provided by EPD to terminate coverage

under the State General Permit.

Outfall means the location where storm water in a discernible, confined and

discrete conveyance, leaves a facility or site or, if there is a receiving

water on site, becomes a point source discharging into that receiving water.

Permit means the authorization necessary to conduct a land-disturbing activity

under the provisions of this ordinance.

Phase or Phased means sub-parts or segments of construction projects where the

sub-part or segment is constructed and stabilized prior to completing

construction activities on the entire construction site.

Project means the entire proposed development project regardless of the size of

the area of land to be disturbed.

Properly Designed means designed in accordance with the design requirements and

specifications contained in the ?Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in

Georgia? (Manual) published by the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation

Commission as of January 1 of the year in which the land-disturbing activity

was permitted and amendments to the Manual as approved by the Commission up

until the date of NOI submittal.

Stabilization means the process of establishing an enduring soil cover of

vegetation by the installation of temporary or permanent structures for the

purpose of reducing to a minimum the erosion process and the resultant

transport of sediment by wind, water, ice or gravity.

Watercourse means any natural or artificial watercourse, stream, river, creek,

channel, ditch, canal, conduit, culvert, drain, waterway, gully, ravine, or

wash in which water flows either continuously or intermittently and which has a

definite channel, bed and banks, and including any area adjacent thereto

subject to inundation by reason of overflow or floodwater.

Wetlands means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground

water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal

circumstances do support a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life

in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes,

bogs, and similar areas.

Chapter 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 5.3.2.B.2(A) by adding subsection (4) to read as follows:

(4) The buffer shall not apply to any ephemeral stream. Unless exempted as

along an ephemeral stream, the buffers of at least 25 feet established pursuant

to part 6 of Article 5, Chapter 5 of Title 12, the "Georgia Water Quality

Control Act", shall remain in force unless a variance is granted by the


Chapter 5 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 5.3.2 by adding subsection D to read as follows:

D. The fact that land-disturbing activity for which a permit has been issued

results in injury to the property of another shall neither constitute proof of

nor create a presumption of a violation of the standards provided for in this

ordinance or the terms of the permit.

Chapter 10 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 10.4.1.A to read as follows:

A. Permit Required. No person shall conduct any land-disturbing activity within

the city without first obtaining a site development permit from the Department

of Engineering to perform such activity and providing a copy of Notice of

Intent submitted to EPD if applicable, unless the activity is otherwise exempt

from the soil erosion and sedimentation control provisions of the Land

Development Activities Chapter of this UDO.

Chapter 10 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 10.5.2.E to read as follows:

E. Data Required for Site Plan shall include all the information required from

the appropriate Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control Plan Review

Checklist established by the Commission as of January 1 of the year in which

the land-disturbing activity was permitted.

Chapter 12 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 12.4.2.A.1 to read as follows:

1. The Department of Engineering shall periodically inspect the sites of land

disturbing activities to determine if the activities are being conducted in

accordance with the plan and if the measures required in the plan are effective

in controlling erosion and sedimentation. Also, the Local Issuing Authority

shall regulate both primary and secondary permittees as such terms are defined

in the state general permit. Primary permittees shall be responsible for

installation and maintenance of best management practices where the primary

permittee is conducting land-disturbing activities. Secondary permittees shall

be responsible for installation and maintenance of best management practices

where the secondary permittee is conducting land-disturbing activities.

Tertiary permittees shall be responsible for installation and maintenance where

the tertiary permittee is conducting land-disturbing activities.

Chapter 12 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 12.4.2.A.4 to read as follows:

4. The District or the Commission or both shall semi-annually review the

actions of counties and municipalities which have been certified as Local

Issuing Authorities pursuant to O.C.G.A. 12-7-8 (a). The District or the

Commission or both may provide technical assistance to any county or

municipality for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of the county?s or

municipality?s erosion, sedimentation and pollution control program. The

District or the Commission shall notify the Division and request investigation

by the Division if any deficient or ineffective local program is found.

Chapter 12 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by deleting

Section 12.4.2.A.5 in its entirety.

Chapter 12 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 12.4.2 to add subsections C and D to read as follows:

C. Conformance with Erosion and Sedimentation Act of 1975. The Columbus

Consolidated Government will amend its ordinances to the extent appropriate

within twelve (12) months of any amendments to the Erosion and Sedimentation

Act of 1975.

D. Certification Requirements.

1. Persons involved in land development design, review, permitting,

construction, monitoring, or inspection or any land-disturbing activity shall

meet the education and training certification requirements, dependent on their

level of involvement with the process, as developed by the commission in

consultation with the division and the stakeholder advisory board created

pursuant to O.C.G.A. 12-7-20.

2. For each site on which land-disturbing activity occurs, each entity or

person acting as either a primary, secondary, or tertiary permittee, as defined

in the state general permit, shall have as a minimum one person who is in

responsible charge of erosion and sedimentation control activities on behalf of

said entity or person and meets the applicable education or training

certification requirements developed by the Commission present on site whenever

land-disturbing activities are conducted on that site. A project site shall

herein be defined as any land-disturbance site or multiple sites within a

larger common plan of development or sale permitted by an owner or operator for

compliance with the state general permit.

3. Persons or entities involved in projects not requiring a state general

permit but otherwise requiring certified personnel on site may contract with

certified persons to meet the requirements of this ordinance.

4. If a state general permittee who has operational control of land-disturbing

activities for a site has met the certification requirements of paragraph (1)

of subsection (b) of O.C.G.A. 12-7-19, then any person or entity involved in

land-disturbing activity at that site and operating in a subcontractor capacity

for such permittee shall meet those educational requirements specified in

paragraph (4) of subsection (b) of O.C.G.A 12-7-19 and shall not be required to

meet any educational requirements that exceed those specified in said paragraph.


All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are

hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

15th day of June, 2010 introduced a second time at a regular meeting of said

Council held on the ______ day of ________, 2010, and adopted at said meeting

by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting____________.

Councilor Anthony voting__________.

Councilor Baker voting____________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting____________.

Councilor Henderson voting________.

Councilor Hunter voting___________.

Councilor McDaniel voting_________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________.

______________________________ ______________________________




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