Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: June 22, 2011 - Place: CHD - Health & Human Services Bldg. LDR Classroom

Presiding: H. Banks Carroll, M. D.

Attending Members: Carolos Wise, M.D., William DeNamur D.M.D., Todd Jarrell,

M. D.

Absent Members: Mrs. Brenda Dozier., Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, Isaiah Hugley

Others Present: Dr. Beverley Townsend, David Arrington for City Manager, Ed

Saidla, Eileen Albritton, Pam Middleton, Joanne Strickland, Karon Bush, Sheila

Mayfield, Jerome Deal, Carol Popwell

Agenda TopicDiscussionDecisionResponsibility

I. Call to orderDr. Carroll called the Columbus Board of Health to order at

1:00pm. NoneNone

II. Approval of MinutesDr. Carroll asked if there were any questions or

comments on the previous minutes received (May 25, 2011). Dr. Carroll asked for

a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by Dr. Jarrell seconded by

Dr. DeNamur and approved by all members present.


III. Excused AbsencesDr. Carroll stated there is one Excused Absence for the

meeting, Mrs. Dozier.Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the Excused

Absence. A motion was made by Dr. Jarrell seconded by Dr. DeNamur and approved

by all members present.None

IV. Financial ReportDr. Carroll called on Joanne Strickland to present the

financial report to the Board.Ms. Strickland stated the financials are on

target for eleven (11) months of operation, based on the adjustments relevant

to the planned furlough days. None

V. Old BusinessDr. Carroll called on Joanne Strickland. Ms. Strickland


Final approval for FY12 Budget. Changes are based on increase rate of fringe

benefits and projected amount of Grant In Aid.

Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the FY12 Budget. A motion was made by

Dr. Wise seconded by Dr. DeNamur and approved by all members present.


VI. New BusinessDr. Carroll called on Ed Saidla. Mr. Saidla discussed:

Equipment purchase for two (2) HiLo Exam Tables (one for Columbus DCS, the

other for Americus DCS) ? cost $9,174.00. Funding of purchase by the Ryan

White Program.

Equipment purchase of a Scanner for storing medical records ? cost $2,800.00.

Funding would be split between all programs and counties within WCHD since it

will be used to create digital copies of client records by all.

Dr. Carroll called on Pam Middleton. Ms. Middleton discussed:

Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54 that

established new categories for fund balance.

Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the expense for the HiLo Exam tables

for DCS. A motion was made by Dr. Jarrell seconded by Dr. Wise and approved by

all members present.

Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to approve the expense for the Scanner for

storing medical records. A motion was made by Dr. Jarrell seconded by Dr. Wise

and approved by all members present.

Dr. Carroll asked for a motion to accept the GASB No. 54 resolution to

designate committed and assigned funds. Motion was approved by all members





VII. District Health Director?s ReportDr. Carroll called on Dr. Townsend is to

give the Director?s report. Dr. Townsend presented the following;

July 1st we will be the new Department of Public Health. A strategic planning

workshop will be formed in the near future.

Signed onto the committee for the Grant in Aid. This will give me the

opportunity to learn how the formula will be applied.

Attended the Georgia Academy of Family Physician summer meeting last week. Was

nominated to be the GAFP alternate District Director for District 3.

Reminder of Eileen Albritton?s retirement celebration.




Dr. Carroll expressed his appreciation from the board for her many years of

service to the board, for her professionalism, informative, compassionate, and

a wonderful employee. And someone he has respected through the years.





VIII. Adjourned

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Dr. Carroll,




Respectfully submitted by: Carol Popwell, Secretary AUGUST 24, 2011

1:00 PM



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