Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members

Crime Prevention Board

Minutes of the Meeting

May 19, 2010

3:00 P.M.

Board Members Attending: Mike Gaymon (Chair), Peggy Connell, Sharon

Cox-Bevley, Julius Graham, Marjorie Newman, Kim Peters, Nancy Rinn

Also Attending: Mayor Jim Wetherington, Seth Brown, Director, Judy Thomas

(Mayor?s Office), Major Wanna Baker Wright and Sgt. Randy Brown (Columbus

Police Department), Richie Grantham (Crime Stoppers)

The meeting was called to order by Chair Mike Gaymon. The minutes were

approved as printed. The Chair reminded the group that a secretary will be

needed for the group beginning with the July meeting.

Mayor Wetherington administered the Oath of Office to Board Member Peggy


Update from Committees: Sharon Cox-Bevley, Chair of the Parks and Recreation

Subcommittee, gave a report to the Board. She and Seth Brown spent two days

touring the 14 Rec Centers with Parks and Rec Director Tony Adams. They talked

with staff at each center and discussed various youth programs. A

sub-committee of this committee will be established with Sharon, Margie Newman,

Tony Adams, two additional Parks and Rec managers, and three programs directors

from Shirley Winston, Frank Chester, and the Gallops Centers. A written report

will follow and will include recommendations to the Board.

Sharon has requested a map with GIS overlays to show crime stats, rec centers

and other non-profit organization locations. There was some discussion about

the three surplus properties that were used as Rec Centers but are now leased

to non-profit organizations: Belvedere, Boxwood and Primus King. Seth will

talk with the city property department head Joe Riddle to ascertain the status

of lease agreements.

The Parks and Rec chair suggested there may be a pilot program in one or two

places this summer, perhaps with CSU participating.

Next month under ?Updates from Committees?, a report will be presented from

Mike Gaymon (Employment and Jobs) and Kim Peters (Out of School Suspension


Director?s Report:

Nancy Rinn moved, Margie Newman seconded, that the Grant Application Approval

and Evaluation Tool materials be approved. Discussion followed and the

following points were made:

The rating of the applications will be done initially by the Director and then

will be sent to the Board for action.

Those projects that do not cost money must still be brought to the Board for


Board members are not authorized as individuals to speak for the Board. Any

sponsorship of programs must come from the Board.

The Board reserves the right to revise and amend the documents.

The motion passed unanimously.

The Director also reported:

He has established a Facebook Fan Page with 600 members in about one week?s


He has appeared on a radio talk show, and has given informational speeches to

various groups.

Family Connections Board

Marshall Middle School

Chattahoochee Valley Law Enforcement Association

He provided the Board with the monthly financial statement of the Office of

Crime Prevention.

He has worked with Betsy Covington and Scott Ferguson who helped and gave

suggestions for components of the Grant Application and Evaluation Tool.

Neighborhood Watch Program:

Major Baker Wright and Sgt. Brown presented information and an overview of the

Neighborhood Watch Program. Currently there are about 171 registered programs

and about 90 are active programs. The Board discussed the various elements

that go into making a viable program. The Police Department was thanked and

congratulated for its work in this area.

Crime Stoppers:

Richie Grantham, co-chair of Crime Stoppers, explained the program.

Although it is a volunteer program from the Chamber of Commerce, Major Wright?s

office staffs the hotline and disseminates information to the proper people.

One thousand is the maximum award given by Crime Stoppers.

Victory Coalition:

Mayor Wetherington reported to the Board that Carman Cavezza had

approached the Council with a request for $100,000 funding for the Victory

Coalition, a coalition of business leaders who are trying to revitalize south

Columbus. Council asked the Mayor to bring the issue to the Crime Prevention

Board to seek funding. By consensus, the Board recommended that the Victory

Coalition complete a Grant Application packet.

A general discussion of various issues was had at the close of the meeting.

Ms. Rinn suggested Board members check out the National Crime Prevention

Council web site at

The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Judy Thomas

Executive to the Mayor


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