Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Columbus Code by adding a new

Section 2-189 which authorizes the Land Bank Authority of Columbus, Georgia to

request the Muscogee County Tax Commissioner to initiate In Rem tax

foreclosures pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 48-4-75 et seq.; providing

notification to Columbus Council when such procedure is requested; and for

other purposes.




Chapter 2 of the Columbus Code is hereby amended by adding a new

Section 2-189 to read as follows:

?(a) Scope.

This Section is enacted pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 48-4-75 et seq., and is in

addition to and an alternative to non-judicial tax foreclosure or any other

current power of the Muscogee County Tax Commissioner or Land Bank Authority of

Columbus, Georgia. In addition to any other powers bestowed by Georgia law

upon the Muscogee County Tax Commissioner or Land Bank Authority of Columbus,

Georgia, the Muscogee County Tax Commissioner is authorized to undertake

judicial In Rem foreclosure of delinquent tax executions when requested by the

Land Bank Authority of Columbus, Georgia. When any such request is made in

writing by the Land Bank Authority to the Muscogee County Tax Commissioner, a

copy shall be forwarded to the Clerk of Council as notification of such request

to the Columbus Council.

(b) Conflict with State Law.

Should any portion of this section conflict with state law, the applicable

state law will control.

(c) Definitions.

(1) ?Interested party? means:

(a) Those parties having an interest in the property as revealed by a

certification of title to the property conducted in accordance with the title

standards of the State Bar of Georgia;

(b) Those parties having filed a notice in accordance with O.C.G.A.

Section 48-3-9; or

(c) Any other party having an interest in the property whose identity

and address are reasonably ascertainable from the records maintained by the tax

commissioner, clerk, or other records maintained in the county courthouse.

?Interested party? shall not include the holder of the benefit or burden of any

easement or right-of-way whose interest is properly recorded, which interest

shall remain unaffected.

(2) ?Redemption amount? means: the full amount of the delinquent ad valorem

taxes, accrued interest at the specified in O.C.G.A. Section 48-2-40, penalties

as determined in accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 48-2-44, and costs incurred

by the county in collecting such taxes as allocated in its discretion,

including without limitation the cost of title examination, attorney?s fees,

and publication of notice.

(3) ?Tax Commissioner? means: the collective office of the Muscogee County Tax


(4) ?Court? means: the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.

(5) ?Clerk? means: the Clerk of the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.

The petition.

(1) After an ad valorem tax lien based upon an approved digest has been

delinquent for 12 months, the Tax Commissioner may commence tax foreclosure in

accordance with this section and O.C.G.A. Section 48-4-75 et seq. upon written

request of the Land Bank Authority of Columbus, Georgia

(2) The Tax Commissioner may commence tax foreclosure by filing a petition in

the Muscogee County Superior Court. Said petition must include:

The Tax Commissioner as the petitioner;

(B) The property address;

(C) A legal description of the property;

(D) The tax identification number and/or the property and parcel number of the


(E) The calendar year(s) for which the taxes are delinquent;

(F) The principal amount of the delinquent taxes together with interest and

penalties; and

(G) The names and addresses of parties to whom copies of the petition are to be

sent in accordance with paragraph (c).

(3) The Tax Commissioner shall mail copies of the petition by certified mail or

statutory overnight delivery return receipt requested, to all interested

parties whose identity and address are reasonably ascertainable. Copies of the

petition shall also be mailed by first-class mail to the property address to

the attention of the occupants, if any, and shall be posted on the property.

(4) Simultaneous with the filing of the petition, the Tax Commissioner shall

file a lis pendens notice at the office of the clerk.

(5) Within thirty days of the filing of the petition, a notice shall be

published twice in the official organ of the County in which the property is

located. Said notice shall specify:

(A) The Tax Commissioner as the petitioner and as the person responsible for

collecting the delinquent taxes;

The property address;

(C) A description of the property;

(D) The tax identification number and/or property and parcel number of the


The applicable period of tax delinquency;

(F) The principal amount of the delinquent taxes together with interest and


(G) The date and place of the filing of the petition.

The hearing.

(1) The Tax Commissioner shall request a judicial hearing not earlier than

thirty (30) days after the filing of the petition. At such hearing any

interested party has the right to be heard and to contest the delinquency of

the taxes or the adequacy of the proceedings. If the court determines that the

information set forth in the petition is accurate, the court may render its

judgment and issue an order finding and ordering as follows:

(A) The taxes are delinquent;

(B) Proper notice has been given to all interested parties;

(C) The property as described in the petition shall be sold in accordance with

O.C.G.A. Section 48-4-75 et seq;

(D) The Order of the Superior Court shall provide that the property shall be

sold free and clear of all liens, claims and encumbrances other than:

Rights of redemption provided under federal law;

(ii) Tax liens I favor of Georgia governmental entities other than the

petitioner which are superior to the ad valorem taxes identified in the

petition by virtue of O.C.G.A. Section 48-2-56;

(iii) The holders of easements and rights-of-way described in O.C.G.A. Section

48-4-77(1)(c); and

(iv) The holders of the benefits or burdens of any real covenants filed of

record as of the date of filing of the petition.

(v) The sale shall become final and binding sixty (60) days after the date

thereof in accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 48-4-81.

(2) If, upon production of evidence, the court determines that any interested

party died within the six-month (6) period of time immediately preceding the

filing of the petition, the court may postpone the hearing for a period of up

to six (6) months, to allow the administrator or executor adequate time to

close the estate.

The sale.

(1) At any time prior to sale, any interested party may redeem the property by

payment of the redemption amount to the petitioner, whereupon the petitioner

shall dismiss the proceedings.

(2) Following the hearing and order of the court in accordance with O.C.G.A.

Section 48-4-79, a sale of the property shall be advertised and conducted on

the date, time, place and manner which are required by law of sheriff?s sales.

Such sale shall not occur earlier than 45 days following the date of the order.

(3) Except as otherwise authorized by law, the minimum bid price shall be the

redemption amount. In the absence of a higher bid, the petitioner may continue

the sale to a specific advertised time on the same sale date or may resubmit

advertisement to sell the following month. The Land Bank Authority of

Columbus, Georgia may bid in an amount equal to the minimum bid price and, if

no higher bids are made, thereby become the purchaser on behalf of Columbus,


(4) From and after the moment of the sale and tender of the successful bid

price, the sale shall be final and binding, subject only to the right of the

owner of the property to redeem the property upon payment into the court of the

full amount of the minimum bid price. Such right of redemption of the owner

shall exist for a period of sixty (60) days from and after the date of the sale

and shall be in accordance with the following provisions:

(A) Redemption by an owner shall result in a dismissal of the proceedings, and

the petitioner shall refund to the purchaser the full amount paid by the

purchaser at the sale;

(B) For purpose of redemption, ?owner? shall mean the owner of record of fee

simple interest in the property as of the date of filing of the petition,

together with such owner?s successors in interest by death or operation of

law. This right of redemption shall not otherwise be transferable; and

(C) This right of redemption shall automatically terminate and expire upon

failure to redeem within the 60-day period after the sale.

(5) If the property is not redeemed, then within ninety days (90) days after

the sale, the Tax Commissioner shall cause to be executed and delivered to the

purchaser a tax deed, together with a real estate transfer tax form.

(6) Within ninety (90) days after the sale, the petitioner shall file a report

of the sale with the court, stating whether a sale took place, the sale price,

and the identity of the purchase.

If the sale price exceeds the minimum bid amount, the petitioner shall deposit

the surplus into the registry of the court. Such surplus shall be distributed

by the court to the interested parties, including the owner, as their interests

appear and in the priority in which their interests exist.

(g) Funds may be allocated in the discretion of the Columbus Council to the

Land Bank Authority budget to defray expenses the Land Bank Authority in

carrying out the purposes of this Chapter. The Land Bank Authority may pay

costs of in rem foreclosure actions filed by the Tax Commissioner, including

attorney?s fees, title examinations, surveys or any other costs related to such

legal proceedings. The Land Bank Authority may receive grants and donations of

funds or property as permitted by law.?


All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance

are hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

____ day of ___________, 2011, introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the ______ day of ________, 2011, and adopted at said

meeting by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting____________.

Councilor Baker voting____________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting____________.

Councilor Henderson voting________.

Councilor Huff voting_____________.

Councilor McDaniel voting_________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________.

Councilor Thomas voting___________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________.

______________________________ ______________________________




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