Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # ___

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Agenda Report # ____

TO: Mayor and Council


INITIATED BY: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Recommendation: Approval is requested to enter into a one-year contract with

Columbus Police Department to award funding for Crime Prevention initiatives.

Background: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention has agreed to recommend the

funding of $50,000.00 to Columbus Police Department in effort to mentor

juveniles from ages 10-14 in middle schools to reduce drug usage, pregnancy and

gang activity among juveniles within the school system.

Analysis: Funds will be used to pay for quality programming as well as

mentoring for juveniles.

Financial Considerations: These funds are appropriated from the Other Local

Option Sales Tax, Crime Prevention Program and do not require a match.

Recommendations/ Actions: Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager

to enter into a one-year contract with Columbus Police Department to provide

funding for mentoring and quality summer programming for middle school children.


NO. _____




WHEREAS, Columbus Police Department has the DARE to be GREAT program to impact

the lives of juveniles to reduce the rate of drug usage, pregnancy and gang

activity and,

WHEREAS, the Columbus Office of Crime Prevention has authorized funding under

the Crime Prevention Program for this project in the amount of $50,000.00 to

the DARE to be GREAT Program.


The Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a one-year contract

through the Columbus Office of Crime Prevention with Columbus Police Department

for $50,000.00 for funding the DARE to be GREAT Program. Funds are budgeted in

the FY16 budget: Other Local Option Sales Tax, Crime Prevention Program.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held

the 23rd day of June, 2015 and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote

of ____________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting________________.

Councilor Baker voting________________.

Councilor Barnes voting_______________.

Councilor Buck voting_____________.

Councilor Davis voting________________.

Councilor Henderson voting____________.

Councilor Huff voting_________________.

Councilor Pugh voting_________________.

Councilor Thomas voting______________.

Councilor Woodson voting_____________.

__________________________________ ______________________________________






Local Assistance Grant Agreement

Grant Program Name: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Fiscal Agent: Muscogee County

Administering Agency: Columbus Office of Crime Prevention

Grant Recipient: Columbus Police Department/Dare to Be Great

Amount: $50,000.00

Budget: Contractual Services ? $20,000.00

Local Field Trips - $10,000.00

Daily pickup - $10,000.00

Supplies - $10,000.00

Total - $50,000.00

Program Contact Information

Name: Chief Ricky Boren Title: Chief/Director

Address: 510 10th Street

Phone #: 706-653-3173

Project Description

The Dare to be Great program is a summer camp that will provide children the

opportunity to experience a wide range of activities that will reinforce

positive behavior. The lessons focus on five major areas:

1) Providing accurate information about drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

2) Teaching students good decision making skills.

3) Showing students how to recognize and resist peer pressure.

4) Giving students idea for positive alternatives to drug use.

5) Prevention and serving as an immunization against teen pregnancy, obesity,

delinquency, youth violence and gang membership.

The camp is designed for children 10-14 years of age. Students will be

referred by teachers, counselors, principals and officers. Students are

accepted on a first come first served basis. The camp is designed to service

600 students for 9 weeks.

The program will take place Monday through Friday 11:00 AM until 5:30 PM. DARE

and GREAT officers will direct the program but outside speakers will be brought

in to work with the participants on special topics. Educational field trips

will be taken on Friday to enlighten the participants about their community and

the environment they live within. Recreation will also play a role in the

program as the day begins to end. Qualified college and high school students

will be selected and screened by sworn public safety officers to assist with

the program.

I, Chief Ricky Boren the duly authorized representative of the above named

Grant Recipient, do hereby agree to the following terms that outline the

requirements of Columbus, Georgia for organizations/agencies receiving funds

from the Columbus Office of Crime Prevention. I have been given the

opportunity to ask questions regarding these terms and fully understand my

organization?s obligations incurred by accepting this grant. I understand that

prior to the disbursements of any funds the following criteria must be met:

1. The above named Grant Recipient represents the beneficiaries of the Grant

and the above named individual is authorized to act in the name of Columbus

Police Department as the Grant Recipient.

2. The subject matter of this Agreement is primarily the provision of services

in the form of individualized summer programming through tutoring and


3. The Grant Recipient shall immediately notify the Agency if any of their

service providers are arrested. At the time Grant Recipient learns that one of

its service providers has been arrested, then Grant Recipient shall cease to

use such service provider in connection with programs funded by this Grant.

4. In the initial report submitted to the Administering Agency, Grant Recipient

shall provide: (a) the name of the chairman and the secretary of the advisory

committee; (b) the times and dates that the Grant programs are available ?

essentially a schedule of services; (c) the number of participants in the

program; (d) Description of the process used to identify individuals for which

services will be provided; (e) provide specifics on the evaluation process

that addresses how the process will work, how the statistical data will be

gathered, how it will be analyzed.

5. Grant Recipient shall provide an accounting system that shall separate Grant

Funds from other funds. The accounting system shall also separate Grant

related expenses from other expenses.

6. Grant Recipient shall submit to Agency a monthly report on the progress of

the programs. The monthly report shall provide statistical data that supports

the projects goals of reducing the recidivism rates of the participants within

the program.

7. Grant Recipient shall use Grant Funds strictly for the purposes outlined in

the Grant. Any changes to the programs must be submitted in writing to

Columbus Office of Crime Prevention for approval or the funding may be


8. Grant Recipient shall identify the members of its Board of Directors which

will assume liability if the CCG determines the funds have been misused.

9. Monthly report must be submitted to Seth Brown electronically by the 10th

day of the month. Once the report is approved it will be submitted to the

Office of Crime Prevention Board for evaluation.

10. The Grant Recipient shall use generally accepted accounting principles

(?GAAP?) to account for all financial transactions used to substantiate the

fulfillment of this Grant.

11. The Grant Recipient shall maintain all records of Grant-related financial

transactions for a minimum of three years after the completion of the Grant and

to make all records available for inspection and fully cooperate with any audit

or investigation requested or undertaken by the CCG, the State Auditor, the

Internal Auditor for Columbus, Georgia, or any other officials of the state or

federal government who have the authority to conduct audits.

12. The Grant Recipient shall comply at all times with the provisions of

Article I, Section II, and Paragraph VII of the Georgia Constitution regarding

the prohibition against Sectarian Aid.

13. The Grant Recipient hereby releases Columbus, Georgia from any liability

whatsoever and Grant Recipient hereby agrees to indemnify Columbus, Georgia

against any and all claims for damages, bodily injury or death arising from any

of the activities contemplated by this Agreement raised by any person. Grant

Recipient shall provide to Columbus, Georgia a certificate of insurance that

shows general liability coverage in the amount of at least $1,000,000 per

occurrence and which shows that Columbus, Georgia is named as an additional


14. All services must be provided by properly certified or licensed personal.

15. In the event there is any discrepancy in the language of the project

description and these numbered paragraphs, the language in the numbered

paragraphs shall control.


Signature of City Manager, Isaiah

Hugley Date


Approved as to form by City




Signature of Director of Finance, Pam




Signature of Grant Recipient Representative, Rick

Boren Date

Application for Columbus Office of Crime Prevention Grant

A. Applicant

Name of Organization: Columbus Police Department

Address: 510 10th Street, Columbus, GA 31902

CEO/Executive Director: Chief Ricky T Boren

Contact Person/ Title: Sgt Donald M Bush

Telephone and email: 706-653-3173 Email Address:

Has the applicant organization ever received a grant from COCP? X Yes


If yes, when was the grant made? 2014 Was a final report


X Yes _____No

B. Project

Project period (full life of project) July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2016

Where, specifically, will it occur? Muscogee County School District

Approximately how many people will benefit from the project? 600


How did you arrive at the above numbers? 10% of the 5th & 7th graders


When will funds be needed? May 1, 2016

Grant amount requested (must be no more than 90% of total project


Total project revenue and support (from line 3, pg. 6) None

Total project expenses (from line 12, pg. 7) $167,100.00

C. Project Budget

Project Revenue and Support

1. Revenue

Admission/Ticket income None

Other Revenue None

2. Support (indicate with * if already committed) None

Corporate support None

Foundation support None

Other private support None

Government support

Federal None

State None

Other County agency None

Organizations cash applied to project None


Project expenses

4. Personnel (give as much detail as possible) (In kind police

salaries $34,620)

(paid teachers? salaries $26,880.00)

Subtotal, Personnel $61,500.00

5. Consultants and professional fees


Subtotal, Consultants and professional fees ___________

6. Supplies and equipment Shirts, pencils, Arts & Crafts, Snacks

needed for the

summer camp duration, food for Summer Families Component &

Family day;

Incentives (hats, t-shirts, backpacks, etc) and

(custodial services)

Subtotal, Supplies and equipment $18,127.00

7. Travel (Itemize) Transportation to/from school and for Field


Subtotal, Travel $87,387.00

8. Printing and copying 300 Activity booklets with 10 color

pages in each booklet


Subtotal, Printing and copying $86.00

9. Marketing and publicity N/A



10. Mailing/postage None

11. Telephone/fax None

Subtotal, Other None


I. Organization

The Columbus Police Department?s mission statement is to deliver effective and

responsive law enforcement services to all citizens of the city of Columbus in

a fair and equitable manner. As an integral part of the Columbus community, we

are committed to communicate with those we serve and to join with them in

establishing priorities to enhance the quality of the life for the entire

community. The primary responsibilities of a Police Officer are the protection

of life, property and personal liberties; the preservation of the peace; the

prevention of crime; the proper enforcement of all laws and ordinances; the

arrest of violators of the law; and the preparation of cases for proper

presentation in court.

II. Background

Since 1831, the Columbus Police Department has been proudly serving

our community. Originally comprised of one lone employee, the Columbus Police

Department currently has over 450 sworn officers. For over 20 years, the Crime

Prevention Unit has been responsible for educational, informational and various

community service programs for the pro-active purpose of preventing and

reducing opportunities for criminal behavior. The Crime Prevention Unit is

under the Administrative Services Bureau. The current management structure of

the unit consists of one Sergeant and four D.A.R.E. certified officers. The

Columbus Police Department first began to experience gang problems in the fall

1989, not long after the movie ?Colors.? Many youths in the city began

identifying themselves as gang members and started wearing gang colors. In the

spring of 1990 the Columbus Police Department formed the Gang Task Force made

up of officers within the department. In 1995 the Columbus Police Department

and Muscogee County School District decided to implement the G.R.E.A.T. Program

in all middle schools in Muscogee County. The current management structure of

the G.R.E.A.T. Program consists of one Sergeant and two officers who are

G.R.E.A.T. certified. The D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T. units are geared towards

providing positive police encounters with the citizens of Columbus. The

officers in these units are frequently engaged with children in the community

through each programs? curriculum based classes, after school programs, and

Vacation Bible Schools.

III. Project Description & Objectives

The Columbus Police Department?s DARE to be GREAT crime prevention program will

consist of two components (school & summer) to provide children the opportunity

to enjoy a wide range of activities. In the school component, Muscogee County

students will receive the regular curriculum that the traditional D.A.R.E. and

G.R.E.A.T. programs offer during the school year. The summer camp component

will be based on, and continue building on, those lessons. These lessons focus

on five major areas:

? Providing accurate information about drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

? Teaching students good decision-making skills.

? Showing students how to recognize and resist peer pressure.

? Giving students ideas for positive alternatives to drug use.

? Prevention and serving as an immunization against teen pregnancy, obesity,

delinquency, youth violence, and gang membership

With the summer camp we will seek to enhance the community and enrich the lives

of children in Columbus, Georgia by providing a safe, supportive, and

structured educational program. It will support the overall health and well

being of the targeted age group. The program will offer quality educational,

recreational, and cultural programs that promote social, physical,

intellectual, and emotional development of each child. The camp will include

educational classes in which they learn conflict resolution, goal setting,

healthy self-image, career exploration, and communication skills. They

participate in recreational activities and team building games. The summer camp

will also provide relationships with positive role models and build the

children?s self-esteem

IV. Target Group & Selection Process

This summer camp program will be for children who range from approx 10-14 years

of age. Students can be selected based on their leadership skills and actions

demonstrating them to be exemplary role models for their peers. Adult

personnel such as teachers, principals, and police officers can refer

students. Parents will also be able to submit applications for their children

to attend. The students will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

V. Expected Outcome

This summer camp program will provide education in a fun learning environment

for area children. Many of our youths occupy their summer time in

non-productive ways. Often, this leisure time leads to mischievous and even

criminal activities. This undesirable behavior might have otherwise been

avoided if youths had an opportunity to attend such a camp as the Columbus

Police Department hopes to provide. During this program our expected outcomes


? Strengthen protective factors among target groups at risk for drug, alcohol,

and tobacco use.

? Provide information pertaining to the negative effects of drugs.

? Demonstrate and model productive behaviors that promote healthy lifestyle


? Provide disadvantaged area children an opportunity to enjoy safe activities

at no cost to them.

? Help develop better problem-solving skills

? Increase students ability to work together constructively.

? To reduce recidivism among juveniles offenders

? Increase the number of middle school youth who demonstrate increased negative

views about gangs and criminal activity by 10% over the prior year.

? Increase the number of school-aged children who improve their positive

perception of law enforcement by 10% percent over the prior year.

? Increase the number of families (parents and youth between the ages of 10 and

14) receiving cooperative lessons designed to facilitate communication and

decision-making skills by 10% over the prior year

VI. Success

DARE Summer Camp:

The camp was held from June 2 through June 30, 2014 at Fort Middle School. The

students were fifth graders going to middle school and recent graduates of the

DARE Program. There were representatives from several elementary schools in

Muscogee County. We had 53 students apply for the camp and maintained an

average of 26 students daily.

We were challenged to create new experiences for the students due to lower

funding this year. We implemented some new ideas by incorporating

presentations from other departments within the agency and others from within

the community. One of our new speakers was the 2013 Ms Plus America winner,

Angela Szpak. She spoke to the students about being self confident and gave

them information on skin protection. The highlight of her presentation was

when she showed the range of her Opera voice. The students were highly

impressed. We continued to reinforce the DARE curriculum and ideals.

Additional classes were also given on self-esteem, bullying, and public

speaking. The children received Math and English lessons to assist them going

into middle school. For our celebration at the end of camp, we had a local

business bring out inflatable water slides and Chester?s BBQ provided the food.

The success of the summer camp continues to be measured in two ways. One

method of measuring success was to determine the recidivism rate of the

students over a one-year period. Since our first summer camp in 2012, only one

student was charged for Criminal Trespass and was later charged with Disorderly

Conduct. That child hasn?t been arrested again since then. Another

measurement of the summer camp?s success is the feedback received from surveys.

According to surveys completed by the students and parents, positive responses

were given. Many participants stated that out of town field trips would make

the camp more appealing. Based on the success of past GREAT summer programs

that included trips outside of Columbus, we agree that such events definitely

draw higher interest. However students and parents communicated they would

attend again and would speak favorably about the camp to others. According to

the surveys, the DARE Summer Camp was a success.

Being able to secure funds earlier allows us to confidently promote the camp

throughout the school district. For example, we received over 300 applications

from interested students this year. We are looking forward to an even better

summer camps in the future. We plan to build on the experience we?ve gained

through the previous camps and continue to provide children a safe, fun, and

educational alternative during the summer.

GREAT Summer Camp:

Our G.R.E.A.T. Summer component set out to achieve continuous education in the

areas of goal setting, social skills, life skills, self esteem building and

general education on current events and issues facing today?s youth. We

continued to enforce and review negative views of gangs and gang membership. We

instilled in students how to avoid bullying and how to report acts of bullying

against other kids. We also taught them the invaluable skills of teamwork and

healthy behaviors while working with others. During this year?s summer camp, we

had a total of 15 guest speakers. These classes provide a learning environment

for students, while giving them the hands on experience of the focused subject.

The guest speakers included: The ?Right from the Start Program? with Mrs.

Veronica Austin, which taught campers about life skills, abstinences and good

decision making skills. The campers also gained knowledge and experience from

the Columbus Police Department?s Bike Control Unit (Bike/Helmet Safety), K-9

Unit, ID Unit (Identification/Crime Scene Investigations), Motor Squad Unit

(Motorcycle Patrol). They were also taught by Muscogee County Marshal?s Office,

the effects of cyber-bullying, and they received basic CPR & First Aid skills

from an instructor from Columbus Technical College. They also witnessed a

Martial Arts demonstration along with a demonstration from the Columbus Fire

Department. All of our guest speakers donated their skills and time to the

camp. The students were also given several opportunities to participate in

field trips locally. We received feedback from parents who attended our final

event on the progress of their children and how this program positively

encouraged them.

In conclusion, through the collaborative efforts of GREAT Officers, Guest

Speakers, Staff and multiple agencies, the GREAT Summer Program was an overall

success for 2014. We will continue to build on the current curriculum and

explore opportunities learned for future GREAT Summer Camps.

VII. Participants

The summer camp program will have 600 students attend the D.A.R.E. / G.R.E.A.T.

summer camp. Students sign up for the summer program at their schools and all

those who sign up are selected on a first come, first serve basis. All

applicants will be accepted without regard to race, color, religion, creed,

gender, national origin, disability, or any other legally protected status.

VIII. Significance

The program will help create a higher quality of care for our community?s

children during the school summer break. It will keep them off the street by

giving them constructive and proactive structure. It will build interpersonal

skills with other children from different parts of the community and improve

social skills. This summer camp will help bridge the gap between elementary

and middle school and provide a positive learning environment. As it pertains

to gangs, the city of Columbus currently has ten street gangs with a membership

of about 450 members. The 10 street gangs are Uptown (UPT), Wilside, East

Wynnton (E-Dub), Southside Boys, Down South Georgia Boys, 1440, Gangster

Disciples, Hilltop Mob, The Delray Boys, 3rd Ward and Oakland Park Posse of

Columbus. These gangs are located throughout Columbus, Georgia. They are also

very active recruiting youth from our middle schools. The summer camp will be

significant to the community because it will help students become responsible

members of their communities, by setting goals for themselves, resisting

pressures, learning how to resolve conflicts and understanding how gangs and

crime impact the quality of their life. The D.A.R.E. / G.R.E.A.T. summer camp

will culminate with a certificate of graduation, a new philosophical outlook

towards police, and the tools needed to resist gangs and crime.

IX. Administered

The program will take place Monday through Friday during the daytime hours

(11:00 am until 5:30 pm.). It will include 30-45 minute classes; a critical

time to engage school aged children in structured activities. It is operated

and supervised by D.A.R.E. / G.R.E.A.T. Officers. The D.A.R.E. / G.R.E.A.T.

Curriculum, guest speakers, and others classes are taught in the morning. In

the afternoons we will have one hour of open recreation followed by the AWANA

Games. On Fridays we take the students on field trips to such places as

activity parks and/or educational and historical tours. Qualified college &

high school students will assist as counselors. They will be selected and

properly screened by the sworn officers. The program will compliment what

children are learning in school and strengthen their sense of responsibility of

being a productive individual within their community.

Officers assigned to the D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T. programs are highly

qualified to carry out this program. These officers are charged with the

enhancement of the community?s understanding of the role of the police and to

assist the police in understanding the needs of the community. The ultimate

goal of the D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T. programs are to provide an outreach through

community service, to enhance a positive rapport without losing patrol

effectiveness, and enable our department to establish a closer and more

effective relationship within all areas of the community. Further more, the

D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T. officers undergo at least (80) hours of special

training in areas such as child development, classroom management, teaching

techniques, and community skills. Both the D.A.R.E. and G.R.E.A.T. curriculums

are designed to be taught by officers whose training and experience give them

the background needed to impact the lives of our young citizens.

X. References

Additional reference letters and other materials are included in this packet.


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