Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members





Approve resolutions for the 2012 Legislative Agenda of the Georgia

General Assembly, which the Mayor and Council deems appropriate. An agenda

report and resolutions are attached. Click link to access documents.


Authorization is requested for the acquisition of Parcel 2, Corporate

Ridge Parkway for the Intersection Improvement of Corporate Ridge Parkway @

Woodruff Farm Road Project totaling 0.023 +/- acres for Right of Way, 0.078 +/-

acres for Permanent Construction Easement and 0.038 +/- acres for Temporary

Construction Easement for County Road and/or Municipal Street purposes, and

authorizing the filing of a Declaration of Taking by the City Attorney or his

representatives for the acquisition of said land under the authority of the

official code of Georgia annotated, Section 32-3-1 et. An agenda report, map

and resolution are attached. Click link to access documents. (Approved)


Authorization is requested for the acquisition of Parcel 3, Corporate

Ridge Parkway for the Intersection Improvement of Corporate Ridge Parkway @

Woodruff Farm Road Project totaling 0.061 +/- acres of Permanent Construction

Easement and 0.097 +/- acres of Temporary Construction Easement, to also

include a Driveway easement. for County Road and/or Municipal Street purposes,

and authorizing the filing of a Declaration of Taking by the City Attorney or

his representatives for the acquisition of said land under the authority of the

official code of Georgia annotated, Section 32-3-1 et. An agenda report, map

and resolution are attached. Clik link to access documents. (Approved)


Approval is requested of items "A" thru "H": Click link to access


A. MTP Recycle Center Infrastructure (Approved)

B. Respirators, 3M FR-M40B (Approved)

C. ArcGIS Software License and Maintenance (Approved)

D. Change Order 4 for Asphalt Removal, Seeding and Landscaping Project


E. Dump Truck Rental (Approved)

F. Heating & Refrigeration Supplies (Approved)

G. Caterpillar D6 Bulldozer Tractors (Approved)

H. Chevrolet Tahoe SUV's (Approved)



Page 2



Authorization is requested to enter into a Rental Agreement with Columbus

Healthcare Resources, Inc., to provide office space for the Evidence-Based Home

Visiting Programs conducted under the guidance of the Cooperative Extension

Services' Positive Parenting Program that educate parents and young children,

without additional expense for rent and utilities to the City, beginning

November 1, 2011 and ending October 31, 2013. An agenda report and resolution

are attached. (Approved)

Emergency Purchases ? Information Only

Emergency Repair of Bulldozer:

On October 21, 2011, the Public Services Department requested approval for the

emergency repair of a bulldozer that is used at the Pine Grove landfill. At

the time of the emergency request, the landfill had one bulldozer and one

compactor functioning to move and compact garbage.

The bulldozer was purchased in 2005 years. The equipment is utilized on a

daily basis, eight (8) hours per day, and is operated by inmates. The cost of

a replacement bulldozer is estimated at $575.000.00.

The Public Services Department obtained a price quote for the repair of the

bulldozer from the manufacturer?s representative, Yancey Brothers, in the

amount $30,778.27. The City Manager approved the emergency repair on October

21, 2011.

Funds are budgeted in the FY12 Budget: Integrated Waste Management Fund ?

Public Services ? Pine Grove Landfill ? Auto Parts and Supplies;



2. Emergency Repair of Boiler & Cooling Tower at Muscogee County Jail:

On September 20, 2011, the Public Services Department (Facilities Maintenance)

requested approval for the emergency repair of the boiler at the county jail.

This boiler supplies hot water for heat to the 84 Tower and Recorders Court.

The Facilities Maintenance Manager received a quote from Banks Boiler Service,

in the amount of $13,775.00, to replace all the tubes, gaskets and set the

combustion limits. The City Manager approved the emergency repair on September

20, 2011.

On October 25, 2011, the Facilities Maintenance Manager requested approval for

the emergency repair of the frequency drive for the cooling tower at the

Jail. Banks Boiler Company damaged the cooling tower while repairing the

boiler. The Facilities Maintenance Manager contacted Holbrook Service Company

to provide a quote to repair the frequency drive, which is $5,585.00. The City

Manager approved the repair on the frequency drive on October 25, 2011.

Banks Boiler Service has agreed to subtract the cost of the repair for the

frequency drive from their boiler repair cost as follows:

Original boiler repair cost $13,775

Frequency drive repair cost - 5,585

New boiler repair $8,190

Funds are budgeted in the FY12 Budget: General Fund ? Public Services ? Other

Maintenance Repairs ? Bldg. Maint. Public Safety ? Muscogee County

Jail/Recorders Court; 0101 ? 260 ? 3710 ? REPA ? 6528.25


3. Emergency Purchase of Two Replacement Tire Changing Machines:

On October 27, 2011, the Fleet Division of Public Services requested approval

for the emergency purchase of two replacement tire changing machines to be

utilized at the Fleet Shop.

Both of the current tire changing machines became inoperable at the same time.

Both machines are more than 15 years old. The repair costs would exceed the

purchase of new units, due to the age of the machines and the availability of

parts. The emergency purchase is requested before the Fleet Division is

forced to utilize outside contractors, which could cost the city up to

$2,200.00 a week. The tire shop changes up to 150 tires a week. On the open

market, a tire change could cost between $15.00 to $18.00 a tire.

The Fleet Shop contacted the manufacturer?s representative for the current

machines, Mohawk Rubber Sales of N.E., who quoted $5,964.28 to replace both

tire changing machines. The City Manager approved the emergency repair on

October 27, 2011.

Funds are budgeted in the FY12 Budget:



Page 3


November 9, 2011

1. Tire Leasing Services (Annual Contract) ? RFB No. 12-00017

Scope of Bid

Provide tire-leasing services to Columbus Consolidated Government, METRA

Transit System on an ?as needed basis?. Contract term shall be for two years,

with the option to renew for three additional twelve-month periods.

2. 2011 Cut and Cover Project ? 2nd Avenue and 11th Street, 17th Avenue, and

Robert E. Lee Drive ? RFB No. 12-0020

The project consists of sewer and water system improvements including but not

limited to approximately 640 feet of 8-foot by 4-foot box culvert; 315 feet of

60-inch gravity sewer; 280 feet of 42-inch gravity sewer; 220 feet of 36-inch

gravity sewer; 250 feet of 30-inch gravity sewer; 25 feet of 24-inch gravity

sewer; 25 feet of 18-inch gravity sewer; 45 feet of 15-inch gravity sewer; 80

feet of 16-inch gravity sewer; 125 feet of 10-inch gravity sewer; 75 feet of

8-inch gravity sewer; 60 feet of 6-inch water main; 440 feet of 18-inch Cured

in Place Pipe lining; 400 feet of 38-inch by 47-inch Cured in Place Pipe

lining; 55 feet of 43-inch by 54-inch Cured in Place Pipe ling; 390 feet of

54-inch Cured in Place Pipe lining; road reconstruction; erosion and

sedimentation control; and all associated restoration connections and

appurtenant work. The work will be performed at three different sites.



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November 16, 2011

1. Pre-Qualification for Cured-in-Place Pipe Rehabilitation of the Storm System

Located throughout Columbus, Georgia ? RFQ No. 12-0002

Scope of RFQ

Columbus Consolidated Government (the City) requests vendors to apply for

pre-qualification for Rehabilitation of Storm System. The project includes the

installation of cured in-place pipe for rehabilitation of approximately 50,000

feet of (material) storm sewer pipe, ranging in size from 10-inches to

102-inches in diameter, located throughout Columbus. Contractors who are deemed

pre-qualified in this RFQ process will be requested to submit bids in the

future for installation of cured-in-place pipe for rehabilitation of other

portions of the storm sewer system. The amount of future cured in-place pipe

installation is approximately 100,000 feet ranging in size from 10-inches to

102-inches in diameter. The length, diameter, and scope of CIPP rehabilitation

per contract will be at the discretion of the City. Minimally, the City

desires to qualify three (3) contractors.

2. Radar Certification for Public Safety Departments (Annual Contract) ? RFB

No. 12-0019

Scope of Bid

Provide radar recertification services for the 451 radars and 5 speed lasers

currently installed in the Columbus Consolidated Government Public Safety

Department Fleet. The contract period will be for one (2) years with the

option to renew for three (3) additional twelve-month periods.

November 18, 2011

1. Mental Health Services for Muscogee County Jail (Annual Contract) ?

RFP No. 12-0006

Scope of RFP

Provide comprehensive Mental Health Services for inmates at the Muscogee County

Jail. Contract will be a five-year contract renewable each year upon its

ratification by both parties. The first 90 days of the contract shall be

considered as a probationary period. If the probationary period is successful,

the contract will continue through June 30, 2012, and will automatically renew,

annually, for the period of five years, on July 1st of each year.

November 30, 2011

1. Stump Grinder ? RFB No. 12-0021

Scope of Bid

Provide one (1) Deutz Diesel Stump Grinder, Model 7500 with 79 HP, or

equivalent, to be used by the Urban Forestry and Beautification Right-of-Way

Maintenance Division of the Public Services Department for grinding stumps from

City right-of-ways and other City properties.


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