Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The Columbus Consolidated Government

Planning Department

Post Office Box 1340 Columbus, Georgia 31902-1340

Telephone (706) 653-4116

Fax (706) 653-4120




Applicant: George W. Mize Jr.

Owner: PH Columbus Land Holding, LLC.

Location LLC.

Location: 2357 & 2367 Warm Springs Road as well as 3705, 3713, 3721, 3803,

3809, 3817, 3823 & 3829 Gurley Drive Parcels # 187-001-001, 187-001-002,

187-001-003, 187-001-004, 187-001-005, 187-001-006, 187-001-007, 187-001-009 &


Acreage: 10.96 Acres

Current Zoning Classification: NC (Neighborhood Commercial) / RO (Residential Office) and RE1

(Residential Estate 1)

Proposed Zoning Classification: RO (Residential Office) with condition for buffering if the

structures footprint is not changed

Current Use of Property: Vacant land (Old Blue Cross Blue Shield Building)

Proposed Use of Property: Office

Council District: District 8 (Garrett)

Planning Advisory Commission's Recommendation: Approval with condition based on the staff

report and compatibility with existing land uses.

Planning Departments Recommendation: Approval with condition based on compatibility with

existing land uses.

1. As long as the footprint of the existing building(s) remains the same and/or

no additional building is placed or constructed on the property, then the

existing parking, buffering and tree densities shall be permitted and allowed

to remain as is. If the footprint of the existing building(s) change or new

construction is started then all buffers shall be in effect.

2. If the developer requests a traffic signal at the ingress and egress

point on Warm Springs Road, they will be required to submit a traffic impact

analysis. If the analysis meets required warrants then the developer may

request a signal be placed at their cost that meets the specifications of the

Engineering Department.

Fort Benning's Rcommendation: N/A

DRI Rcommendation: N/A

General Land Use: Consistent

Planning Area D

Land Use Designation: Mixed-use and Office Professional; Mixed-use is the

predominant land uses to be encouraged in Midtown. These properties lie within

the intersection area of Woodruff Road/Hilton Avenue and Warm Springs Road.

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within the floodway and floodplain

area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to issuance of a

Site Development permit, if a permit is required.

City Services: Property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: This rezoning request will have a positive impact on the projected

traffic on Warm Springs Road should the buildout and completion of the

development take place. The level of service (LOS) for the connecting street of

Warm Springs Road will not change the LOS of C. The projected increase of

traffic generated from this development would be 658 AADT. The estimated trip

generation for an office building with current square footage for this site is

950 AADT.

Surrounding Zoning: North ? SFR3 (Single Family Residential) and NC (Neighborhood


South ? RO (Residential Office) and NC (Neighborhood Commercial)

East ? SFR3 (Single Family Residential) and RO (Residential Office)

West ? RO (Residential Office), SFR3 (Single Family Residential) and NC

(Neighborhood Commercial)

Reasonableness of Request The request is compatible with existing land-uses.

School Impact N/A

Buffer Requirements

As long as the footprint of the existing building(s) remains the same and/or no

additional building is placed or constructed on the property, then the existing

parking, buffering and tree densities shall be permitted and allowed to remain

as is. If the footprint of the existing building(s) change or new construction

is started then all buffers shall be in effect.

Attitude of Property Owners: Seventy two (72) property owners within 300 feet of the

subject properties were notified of the rezoning request. The Planning

Department received zero calls and zero emails regarding the rezoning.

Additional Information: This building was previously zoned C-2 before the adoption of the

UDO in 2005. During the conversion, the property changed to NC. This zoning

has maximum gross square feet of 5,000. The current structure is well over the

districts maximum and has been vacant for over 6 month. Thus, making the

current structure unusable under the current zoning.

The developer is requesting that should the office building be

remodeled for another office use (with interior alteration of the building

only) that as long as the footprint of the existing building(s) remain the same

and/or no additional building is placed or constructed on the property, then

the existing parking, buffering and tree densities shall be permitted and

allowed to remain as is.



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