Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance amending Sections 3-104, 3-107, 3-108, 3-110, and 3-120 of

Ordinance No. 09-24, related to procurement purchasing limits, emergency

purchases and Risk Management settlements; and for other purposes.




Section 3-104 of Ordinance 09-24 is hereby amended by deleting paragraphs (3)

and (4) in their entirety and substituting new paragraphs (3) and (4) to read

as follows:

?(3) $5,001- $9,999 Competitive Sealed Quotations for purchases $5,001- $9,999

Any supply, material or contractual service, including construction, not under

an annual contract, with an estimated total cost not less than $5,001 but not

more than $9,999 shall be purchased on the open market, without regard for

formal advertising by obtaining competitive sealed quotations. The competitive

sealed quotation process will be administered by the Purchasing Division. This

requirement shall apply to the purchase of any single item or single purchase

of multiple items with an estimated total cost of $5,000 - $9,999. An official

purchase order of the Columbus Consolidated Government issued to the awarded

vendor(s) shall be used for the procurement.

Purchasing Authority - Finance Director or designee

(4) $10,000 + Formal Bid Process or Competitive Sealed Proposals

(Negotiation)for purchases $10,000 and above

Any supply, material or contractual service, including construction, which has

an estimated total cost of $10,000 or more shall be purchased through the

formal sealed bid process or through the competitive sealed proposal process.

These procurements shall be formally advertised. This requirement shall apply

to the purchase of any single item or single purchase of multiple items with an

estimated total cost of $10,000. The sealed bid process and the Request for

Proposal process will be administered by the Purchasing Division. An official

Purchase Order of the City shall be issued to the awarded vendor(s) for the

procurement, or when applicable, a contract shall be executed.

In addition, any supply, material, or contractual service required under an

annual contract, for any term length and regardless of the total cost, shall be

procured through the use of the formal bid process or Competitive Sealed

Proposal process.

Purchasing Authority: Columbus City Council


Section 3-107 of Ordinance 09-24 is hereby amended by deleting section 3-107 in

its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 3-107 to read as follows:

?3-107 Competitive Sealed Quotations- Purchases $5,001- $9,999

(1) Purpose

Any supply, material or contractual service, not under an annual contract, with

an estimated total cost not less than $5,001, but not more than $9,999 shall be

purchased on the open market, without regard for formal advertising by

obtaining competitive sealed quotations. The competitive sealed quotation

process will be administered by the Purchasing Division. This requirement shall

apply to the purchase of any single item or single purchase of multiple items,

from a single vendor, with an estimated total cost of $5,001 -$9,999. The same

procedures will be followed as outlined in Section 3-108, Formal Competitive

Sealed Bidding, with the exception of the following changes:

A. Using Agency Responsibility

The using agency will be required to supply, to the Purchasing Division, the

following information: 1) detailed specifications describing the required

good/service; 2) suggested vendors whom the using agency is aware can supply

the required good/service; 3) the time frame the good or service is required.

The using agency shall establish a project manager for the procurement.

B. Quotation Solicitation

The Purchasing Division shall administer the quotation solicitation. No formal

advertising is required.

C. Notice

Vendors will be given at least fifteen (15) business days to respond to a

competitive sealed quotation solicitation; however, the City may seek

competitive quotations in a shorter period, if necessary, as determined by the

Purchasing Manager.

D. Quotation Receipt and Opening

Sealed quotations will be received by the date and time established. There will

be no public opening for the competitive sealed quotations. However, the

quotations will be opened in the presence of at least two (2) witnesses, which

may include the Purchasing Division Director or designee, the Buyer for the

project, and the project manager or designee of the using agency. The results

of the solicitation will be made available to vendors upon request.

E. Evaluation

Quotation responses will be evaluated by the using agency and Purchasing Staff.

F. Purchase Authority

Documentation of award recommendation will be forwarded to the City Manager for

review. The Finance Department Director or designee shall approve Procurements

$5,001 -


G. Award

The award will be made to the lowest, responsible, responsive vendor(s).

Council Action is not required.

H. Purchasing Instrument

After approval of the award recommendation, the Purchasing Division will issue

an official purchase order to the awarded vendor(s). All information

concerning the procurement will be kept in a project file in the Purchasing

Division as a matter of public record.


Section 3-108 of Ordinance 09-24 is hereby amended by deleting section 3-108 in

its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 3-108 to read as follows:

?3-108 Formal Competitive Sealed Bids- Purchases $10,000 and above

1. Purpose

All City procurements with an estimated total cost of $10,000 and above will be

awarded by the competitive sealed bid process except as provided in the

sections titled Competitive Sealed Proposal (Negotiation), Emergency

Procurement and Only Known Source Procurement. Procurements with an estimated

value less than $10,000 may be formally bid if deemed to be in the best

interest of the City by the Purchasing Division Manager. However, the purchase

will be approved by the authority specified for the total cost of the

procurement, per section 3-104, Purchasing Limits.

A. Project Manager

For any procurement large enough to require the use of competitive sealed

bidding, an officer or employee of the using agency involved in the procurement

shall act as project manager. The Purchasing Division Manager may assign

certain tasks and record keeping requirements related to the procurement. The

project manager will keep and make available to the Purchasing Division all

records required for the tasks assigned.

B. Request for Bid Advertisement

The using agency shall submit to the Purchasing Manager, applicable

specifications, requirements, justifications and cost center(s) to be charged

for the procurement.

C. Invitation for Bids

An invitation for Bids shall be issued and shall include specifications and all

contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement.

D. Public Notice

i) The public will be given adequate notice of the Invitation for Bids,

provided that, adequate notice shall mean at least fifteen (15) business days

before the bid opening date, which is stated in the Invitation. Notice shall

be published in a reasonable time before bid opening, contain a description of

the procurement in general terms, as well as, the place, date, and time of bid

opening, and appear in a newspaper (s) of general circulation. In addition to

publication in a newspaper, notice shall also be made by electronic means,

including the posting on the Internet and on the City's government access

television channel.

ii) Public Works construction projects shall be advertised in accordance with

Georgia State Law.

iii) The City reserves the right to mail invitations to vendors under the

following circumstances:

a. Solicitations for Specialized Equipment/Supplies

b. Solicitations for Specialized Services

c. Re-bid of Solicitations where normal advertising procedures netted

no responses.

d. Whenever deemed necessary by the Purchasing Division Manager.

Construction projects shall be advertised in accordance with Georgia State Law.

E. Bid Opening

Bids shall be opened publicly in the presence of one or more witnesses at the

time and place stated in the public notice. The amount of each bid, the

bidder's name and such other relevant information as the Purchasing Manager

deems appropriate shall be recorded, and retained for three years. The record

and each bid shall be open to the public in accordance with Section 1-301 of

the Procurement Ordinance (Public Access to Procurement Information).

F. Bid Receipt and Evaluation

Bids shall be unconditionally received without alteration or correction except

as authorized in the City's Procurement Ordinance. Bids shall be evaluated

based on requirements set forth in the Invitation for Bid, which may include

criteria to determine acceptability such as inspection, testing, quality,

workmanship, delivery, and suitability for a particular purpose. The criteria

that will affect the bid price and be considered in evaluation for award shall

be objectively measurable, such as discounts, transportation cost, and total or

life-cycle costs. The specifications presented in the Invitation for Bids shall

represent the evaluation criteria. No other criteria may be used to evaluate


G. Correction or Withdrawal of Bids; Cancellation of Awards

Correction or withdrawal of inadvertently erroneous bids before bid opening, or

cancellation of awards or contracts based on such bid mistakes, may be

permitted where appropriate. Mistakes discovered before bid opening may be

modified or withdrawn by written notice received in the Purchasing Division.

After bid opening, corrections in bids shall be permitted only to the extent

that the bidder can show by clear and convincing evidence that a mistake of a

nonjudgmental character was made, the nature of the mistake and the bid price

actually intended. After bid opening, no changes in bid prices or other

provisions of bids prejudicial to the interest of the City or fair competition

shall be permitted. In lieu of bid correction, a low bidder alleging a

material mistake of fact may be permitted to withdraw its bid if the mistake is

clearly evident on the face of the bid document but the intended correct bid is

not similarly evident, or if the bidder submits evidence which clearly and

convincingly demonstrate that a mistake was made.

All decisions to permit correction or withdrawal of bids or to cancel awards of

contracts based on bid mistakes will be supported by the Purchasing Division

Manager's written determination.

H. Receipt of One Sealed Bid

In the event only one sealed bid is received, no formal bid opening shall take

place. First, the Purchasing Division shall conduct a survey of vendors to

inquire of "no bid" responses and non-responsive vendors. If, from the survey,

it is determined by the Purchasing Division that specifications need revision,

the one bid received will be returned unopened to the vendor, with a letter of

explanation and a new bid solicitation prepared. If it is determined that

other vendors need to be contacted, the bid due date will be extended, and the

one bid received will remain sealed until the new bid opening date. The vendor

submitting the single bid will receive a letter of explanation.

If it is determined the one bid received is from the only responsive,

responsible bidder, then the bid shall be opened by the Purchasing Division

Manager or designee, in the presence of at least one other witness. The single

bid will be evaluated by the using agency for award recommendation.

I. Receipt of Tie Bids

In the event multiple responsive, responsible bidders are tied for the lowest

bid price and all other terms and requirements are met by all tied bidders, the

award recommendation shall be as follows:

1. Award to the local bidder, if one of the bidders has its principal place

of business in

Columbus, Georgia.

2. If all or none of the bidders has its principal place of business in

Columbus, Georgia, then award the bid to the bidder who has received the award


3. If neither bidder received the award previously, and neither of the tied

bidders has its principal place of business in Columbus, Georgia, then the bid

award shall be equally divided between the tied bidders.

4. If it is not feasible to divide the award and if all or none of the tied

bidders has its

principal place of business in Columbus, Georgia, and neither was awarded the

bid previously, then all bids will be rejected and the bid will be


J. Award

After evaluation of the bids, the using agency will forward a written award

recommendation to the Purchasing Division. The award recommendation shall be

reviewed by the Purchasing Division. The Purchasing Division Manager shall

approve the recommendation prior to placement on Council Agenda for Council


If the low bidder is not recommended for a bid award, the using agency must

submit, in writing, the reason(s) the low bidder is not recommended. The

Purchasing Division will notify the low bidder as to why his/her bid is not

recommended. The low bidder will be given the opportunity to respond to any and

all reasons their bid is not recommended. Final decisions to accept or reject

the responses and to recommend the bid award will rest with the Purchasing

Division Manager and the using agency.

If the low responsive and responsible bidder exceeds available budgeted funds

as certified by the approved budget for the pertinent fiscal year, the

Purchasing Division Manager is authorized to negotiate an adjustment of the bid

price to bring the bid within the amount of available funds. This should only

occur when time or economic considerations preclude re? solicitation of work of

a reduced scope. Any such negotiated adjustment shall be based only upon

eliminating independent deductive items specified in the Invitation for Bids.

K. Bid Award for Procurements $10,000 and over

Any procurement with a total cost of $10,000 or above must be approved by

Council action.?


Section 3-110 of Ordinance 09-24 is hereby amended by deleting section 3-110 in

its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 3-110 to read as follows:

?3-110 Competitive Sealed Proposals (Competitive Sealed Negotiations) For

Equipment, Supplies

or Professional Services - $10,000 and Above

(1) Conditions for Use

When the Purchasing Division Manager determines that the use of competitive

sealed bidding for any procurement is either not practicable or not

advantageous to the City, a contract may be entered into using the competitive

sealed proposals (negotiation) method. In addition, the competitive sealed

proposal process shall be used for the procurement of professional services.

The competitive sealed proposal process may be used for procurements with an

estimated total cost less than $10,000, if deemed to be in the best interest of

the City. If the total cost can be determined, the authority to approve such

solicitations will be as prescribed by Article 3-104, Purchasing Limits.

If, due to the required services, a total cost cannot be determined then the

award recommendation will be approved by Council.

A. Request for Proposals

Proposals shall be solicited through Request for Proposals. The Purchasing

Division shall establish the specifications with the using agency and set the

date and time to receive proposals. The request for proposal shall include a

clear and accurate description of the technical requirements for the service or

item to be procured.

B. Public Notice

Adequate public notice of the Request for Proposals shall be given in the same

manner as provided under the section titled "Competitive Sealed Bids."

C. Receipt of Proposals

Proposals must be received by the deadline date established. No public opening

will be held. No proposals shall be handled so as to permit disclosure of the

identity of any offeror or the contents of any proposal to competing offerors

during the process of discussion. A register of proposals shall be prepared as

part of the contract file, and shall contain the name of each offeror, the

number of modifications received (if any), and a description sufficient to

identify the item offered. The register of proposals shall be open for public

inspection only after contract award.

D. Evaluation Factors.

The Request for Proposals shall identify all significant evaluation factors

(including price or cost) and their relative importance. Mechanisms shall be

established for technical evaluation of the proposals received, determinations

of responsible offerors for the purpose of written or oral discussions, and

selection for contract award.

E. Discussion with Responsible Offerors and Revisions to Proposals

As provided in the Request for Proposals, discussions (negotiations) may be

conducted with responsible offerors who submit proposals determined to be

reasonably susceptible of being selected for award, to assure full

understanding of and conformance to the solicitation requirements. All

qualified, responsible offerors shall be given fair and equal treatment with

respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals, and such

revisions may be permitted after submissions and prior to award for the purpose

of obtaining best and final offers. In conducting discussions, there shall be

no disclosure of the identity of competing offerors or any information derived

from proposals submitted by competing offerors. If only one proposal response

is received, then the award recommendation shall be to the single offeror, if

the offeror meets all requirements.

F. Award.

After negotiations, the award recommendation must be presented to Columbus City

Council for final approval. Award will be made to the responsible offeror

whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the City, taking

into consideration total cost (if determined) and all other evaluation factors

set forth in the Request for Proposals.

After Council approval, a contract based on the negotiations (if negotiations

were necessary) will be drawn and signed by all necessary parties. If Council

does not approve the award, further negotiations may take place with the

recommended offeror or negotiations will begin with the next most qualified

offerer. The contract file shall contain the basis on which the award is made.

After contract award, the contract file, will be made public. Offerors will be

afforded the opportunity to make an appointment to review the contract file.


Section 3-115 of Ordinance No. 09-24 is hereby amended by deleting the

fifth sentence in its entirety and by substituting a new fifth sentence to read

as follows:

?When the emergency procurement procedure is used for purchases of $10,000 or

more, the City Manager will report the nature of the emergency and the vendor,

item(s) purchased, price, and recommended funding source to the Mayor and

Council at the next Council meeting.?


Section 3-120 of Ordinance No. 09-24 is hereby amended by deleting

Section 3-120 in its entirety and replacing it with a new Section 3-120 to read

as follows:


?Notwithstanding any provision of this ordinance or prior resolution, risk

management settlements not to exceed $10,000.00 may be approved by the City

Manager and the City Attorney from funds budgeted for risk management purposes.?


All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are

hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

25th day of October, 2016, introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the ______ day of ________, 2016, and adopted at said

meeting by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting____________.

Councilor Baker voting____________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting____________.

Councilor Garrett voting__________.

Councilor Henderson voting________.

Councilor Huff voting_____________.

Councilor Thomas voting___________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________.

______________________________ ______________________________



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