Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Region 6 Planning Board Meeting

Wednesday March 11, 2015


Irene Cheyne, Board Chair


Lavonne Harn


David Kitchens


Jim Risher, Vice Chair


Sandra Smith


Simi Barnes


Mary Jo Page


Geraldine Jackson


Edward Barnwell


Beverly Garland


Tommy Allen


Glenda King



Marlene Rozell


Dave Miller


Sher?londa Walker



Sheila Mallory


Julia Chibbaro


Betty Cason


James Robert Andrews

Randolph (resigned)

Neydi Belmonte


Jackie Begg (resigned)


Keith Brown


Joni Jones


Amy Kuhns


Tiffani Stacy

Muscogee (resigned)

Frank Dunford (resigned)


Bill Sawyer


Janet Wyche


Janet Wyche


Sharon Herbert


Lee Hubbard


Katherine McHan


Marilyn Roberts


Betty Cason


Angela Craig


Cathy McGill


DBHDD staff:

Lawonna Parks

Behavioral Health Executive Secretary

Chris Newland

Behavioral Health ? Regional Services Administrator


Richard Garland

Muscogee County guest of Beverly Garland

Jan Harp

Guest from Upson County





Call to order Irene Cheyne, Chair A moment of reflection was provided by Geraldine Jackson

Opening Remarks Board members, DBHDD staff, and guests were welcomed.

Personal Introductions and

Special Welcome

All participated

.Everyone in attendance introduced himself/herself shared something about


with the attendees. Irene Cheyne requested that all individuals share one trait

they want to improve on and develop further.

Distribution of Meeting

Information Folders

Lawonna Parks

Lawonna distributed folders packets containing:

1. The 2016 Annual Plan Priorities

2. The 2017 Annual Plan Strategies

3. The DBHDD Renewal Strategies

Review and Correction of Minutes from March 11, 2015

Irene Cheyne

Minutes from March 11, 2015 were reviewed without any corrections needed to be

done. MSP to accept those minutes.

Video presentation:

Ted Talks

Discussion on education in living with Autism?Science and Lived Ex experience.

Beverly Garland

Jim Risher

Board member name??

David Kitchens

Sandra Smith

Video Presentation: Autism?what we know (and what we don?t know yet).

Beverly presented the extreme need to begin work with Autistic individuals as

soon as possible. Ideally around age 6. She cited and gave an example of a

non-verbal child entered into the system and that he was denied Speech classes

in school because he wasn?t verbal. That situation is often the case and that

need must be addressed. Parents need to be certain that the schools are

following the proper guidelines for need. Beverly suggested that members of the

RPB should look at joining the National Autism Network to look at what can be

done that will make a difference. Individuals with Autism can be reached but we

will have to get to them with different methods than is used by the general

public. Her son is active in all activities in Muscogee county and is well

known in Columbus. She stated that parents need training for effectively

parenting the Autistic child.

Jim gave valuable information concerning his personal experience with Autism

disorder with his son (now 46 years old). He displayed all the classic symptoms

and still isn?t verbal, has ritualistic behavior, has a seizure disorder

(controlled with medicine) and as a toddler walked on his toes. Jim desired his

son to be in a group home about 10 years ago which let them to the Medicaid

waiver. Unfortunately he had to file a lawsuit to get his son put on the

waiver. His son was put into a program called South Metro in Forest Park, GA.

Today he is in a personal care home in McDonough Ga. With 3 other men and is

doing well.

________ has a daughter that is autistic. ______ stated that her daughter was

very stressful on her life as well as her husband?s. She feels she is always

the diagnostician and that has put a great strain. She must be engaged in

communication and often feels isolated and alone. At one point she was put in a

room with several 60 year olds while she was 20 years old. She currently is

cared for at home and attends several classes to improve her quality of life.

Diagnosis is always a problem with the Autistic individual.

Questions were presented by David and he ask if was there any programs for

parents to learn the skill needed to help their children? It was answered with

yes but few were available and also there is data driven therapy and is usually

done at home because the school systems aren?t usually cooperative. His next

question was do we need to initiate some type of training

program the schools that were in the area of each of the RPB members? Sandra

shared that when her child was in elementary school that she and some other

parents of Autistic students actually went into the schools to train teachers,

parapros and parents on the teaching the Autistic child. This topic is very

important to the Region 6 Planning Board.

Leadership Council meeting

With Commissioner Berry

And Deputy Commissioner


Irene Cheyne

Glynda King

Tommy Allen

Irene, Glynda and Jim met with the Commissioners on February 9, 2015 at the

DBHDD offices at 2 Peachtree in Atlanta, GA. The primary goal of this meeting

was to discuss changes DBHDD is considering to legislation related to the

Regional Planning Boards and Leadership Council Legislation. The DBHDD is

working toward centralization and several members of the DBHDD were in

attendance. The results of the meeting were favorable and lasted well over an

hour with Commissioner Berry. The Commissioner stated that he feels it is

prudent that a follow up meeting be scheduled in January 2016. DBHDD is

proposing legislation to change the name of the Regional Planning Boards to

Regional Advocacy Councils. In the past meetings were every two months to once

every four months, also in contrast to the number of representatives determined

by population (1 per 50,000 pop.) to 2 representative per county regardless of

population (one for DD and one for BH). Irene will be emailing more information

in reference to representatives per county. House Bill-512 can be reviewed

when it is emailed to all RPB members. There are 16 points of interest and if

we go to the State of Georgia website information can be found under House

Bill-512. A major change in the DBHDD is that all Regional Coordinators are

being eliminated and the legislation is to create a Complaint Department. Much

praise was given to Commissioner Berry for continuing the meeting well beyond

the time originally planned and was very supportive and open for discussion.

He stated he wants to improve communication between the Regional Planning

Boards and DBHDD.

2017 Annual Plan Progress to-Date

DBHDD Organizational

Changes Update

Irene Cheyne

Chris Newland

DBHDD staff and RPB Members met in Columbus, GA at the Region 6 office to be

updated on DBHDD Organizational Changes on February 3, 2015 from 2:00 pm until

3:30 pm. The plan that is being used is the plan that was used in 2014-2015

and including updates. The final plan is due for completion on March 21, 2015.

Irene made references to the print out of the Plan included in the information

packets. Irene will see that RPB members are emailed a copy of the report and

another meeting of Members will be taking place in Columbus in April 2015.

MSP to have a Conference Call Meeting on April 15, 2015 to finalize acceptance

of the Annual Plan for 2016-2017. (David Kitchens/Jim Risher).

Chris believes we are making positive changes for the good. Optimism must be

embraced in order to get to transition to administrative services, a redesign

of the Core and the reorganization of the Department itself. The

administrative service in the Region area is Value Options and Beacon Health

are the contracted providers. The Core providers are transitional service

centers with 26 State wide and we contract with other providers. The non-profit

groups to provide a minimum of service. The goal with this is that there is a

higher level of

accountability. We are transitioning to a fee for service payment plan. The

requirements need to provide easy access for high quality care. DBHDD will have

4 new divisions that will be developed and it is expected that this will all be

implemented by November 2015.

Information Updates

Irene Cheyne

Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities needed to find information for



TRANSPOSE IT I DON?T KNOW WHO SPOKE UP). People that volunteered to work with

the counties are:

1. Katherine McHan-Peach County

2. Beverly Garland-- Chattahoochee County

3. David Kitchens-----Sumter


Discussion of the LC

Meeting with Commissioner

Berry and Staff

Irene Cheyne

Glynda King

Irene provided the group with a handout on the Leadership Council meeting

summary with Commissioner Berry and staff that was designed by Irene Cheyne,

Glynda King and Jean

Logan and Glynda shared the highlights. Commissioner Berry and Deputy

Commissioner Fitzgerald discussed the logic behind the reorganization of DBHDD

operations. This is done to facilitate consistency throughout the State of

Georgia, clarification of roles and responsibilities, and identifiable

accountability. A local presence is emphasized to increase the local and

regional voice accuracy. Commissioner Berry commended the work of the advocates

and affirmed his commitment to advocacy input. The DBHDD website was also

mentioned by the advocates as needing to be more user-friendly.

Center for Advocacy Vision Statement

Irene Cheyne

David Kitchens

Our final handout also supplied by Irene, was read by David. The Vision

Statement for The Center for Advocacy: ?The Center is a concept based on the

belief that citizen involvement is essential to the success of DBHDD?. The

Center is a metaphorical gathering place within DBHDD in which stakeholders are

electronically connected with each other to enable collaboration and

coordination among regional planning boards, quality improvement councils,

community service boards, and advocacy organizations. The goal is to build the

power of community to serve DBHDD in a low-cost, inclusive, and effective way.

Most of the work is done virtually but some groups in DBHDD service will still

meet in person. The Center?s work is prioritized by a volunteer Leadership

Council and supported by paid DBHDD staff. The Center is a place of public

involvement. It?s work may include:

? Volunteer recruitment, placement and training

? Grass roots innovation and natural supports development

? Financial resource development/social marketing

? Model program replication

2017 Annual Plan Process and the Community Forums, the Next Steps

Irene Cheyne

Irene said she was told by Deputy Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald?s office that

the Annual Plan is in flux, and was discouraged from trying to meet with the

staff. We had 210 respondents to the surveys and Irene prepared and passed

handouts on the following:

? 2016 Annual Plan Priorities?Adult Mental Health

? 2016 Annual Plan Priorities?Children and Adolescents with Serious Emotional

Disorders/Addictive Diseases

? 2017 Annual Plan Recommendations?Adult Mental Health

? 2017 Annual Plan Recommendations?Children and Adolescents with Serious

Emotional Disorders/Addictive Diseases

? 2016 Annual Plan Priorities?Developmental Disabilities

? 2017 Annual Plan Recommendations?Developmental Disabilities

? 2016 Annual Plan Priorities?Addictive Diseases (Adults)

? 2017 Annual Plan Recommendations?Addictive Diseases (Adults)

The Board members were asked to break into groups to study the above results

from the Community Surveys and Community Forums. We broke into 3 groups. After

discussion Irene presented a motion to accept this as the adoption of the

Planning Process. MSP. (Approved by David Kitchens, seconded by Geraldine

Jackson & Katherine McHan)

Joint Review and Determination Committee

Irene Cheyne

Irene requested volunteers for the Joint Review and Determination Committee and

there were 3 volunteers: David Kitchens, Beverly Garland and Jim Risher.

New Business

Irene Cheyne

1. RPB informed about NAMI Conference on Saturday, April 25 from 9am

until 5pm.

2. Mercer University DD Advisory Council is looking to stakeholders.

3. DBHDD Leadership Council meeting on Friday, March 27 will be

from 10am until

1:30 pm and will be NOW/COMP participant self-directed


4. DBHDD is working toward a full complement of Region 6 Board



Irene Cheyne

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, from 1-4 p.m. at the

Upson County Senior Center.

MSP to adjourn the meeting at 4:02 p.m.

Minutes recorded and submitted by Melinda R. Brooks.


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