Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



May 14, 2013

Members Present: Chairperson Berry Henderson, Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner Pugh

and Councilors Mike Baker, Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. and Judy W. Thomas.

Councilor Bruce Huff arrived at 2:13 p.m. and Councilor Glenn Davis arrived at

2:38 p.m. Also present were Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, City Manager Isaiah Hugley,

City Attorney Clifton Fay, Deputy City Managers David Arrington and Lisa

Goodwin, Finance Director Pam Hodge and Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis.

Clerk of Council Tiny Washington was present but was seated in the audience.

Members Absent: Councilors R. Gary Allen, Jerry ?Pops? Barnes and Evelyn

Woodson were absent.

Call to Order: Chairperson Henderson called the meeting to order at 2:12 p.m.

in the Council Chambers, Plaza Level, of the Government Center.

The following documents were distributed around the Council table: FY14

Recommended Budget, Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT), Responses to Questions and

Requests made May 7, 2013, Booker T. Washington Neighborhood Development Plan,

FY14 CIP Budget- Recommended Allocation of Project Savings, Add/Delete List-

General Fund, Recommended Budget Schedule for Council Meetings - Department


Finance Director Pam Hodge provided an overview of the FY14 Budget Review

Session Agenda for this meeting and is listed as part of the following power

point presentation:


May 14, 2013


l Overview

l Other Local Option Sales Tax (OLOST)

l E911 Funding

l Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST)

l Department Presentations


? Revenues $256,538,967

? Expenditures $262,994,215

? Use of fund balances $ 6,455,248

l General Fund $6,274,435

l METRA $ 39,972

l Trade Center $ 140,841


? No change in the Millage Rates from FY13

? USD #1 = 17.88 mills

? USD #2 = 11.90 mills

? USD #4 = 11.00 mills

? 3.00% Increase in the Digest

? 96% Collection Rate

? NO subsidy to Integrated Waste Fund

? Subsidies to E911, Golf Courses, Parking Management, Naval Museum and Civic


? Value of one mill (Operating) $4,503,199

? Value of one mill (Debt) $4,944,536

? 2% Pay Plan advancement / adjustment included as Pension Reform Offset

? COLA included of 0.50% for active employees and 0.25% for retirees effective

January 4, 2014

? Health Insurance ? City remains the same at $5,650 and Employees premium will

increase in FY14, except for the Health and Wellness Center Plan

? General Fund ? Departments budgeted at 98.5% of FY13 Adopted Budget

Finance Director Hodge emphasized this is a 1.5% reduction of what the

departments were budgeted for in FY13. Part of the FY13 Budget did not include

the 2% contribution that was made for the employees, that was budgeted

separately; therefore, some departments would maintain that their department is

receiving a 3.5% reduction, which is true, its due to the 2% pension

contribution that?s included in FY13 but was budgeted in non-categorical and

not in the departments? budget. Therefore, it is a 1.5% over their adopted and

their revised budget would include that 2% pension contribution; it is not a

1.5% off their revised budget but a 1.5% off their adopted budget.


USD #1 USD#2 USD#4

Total Gen and Urban 8.18 6.13 5.98

METRA 0.82 0.82 0.82

Total subject to cap 9.00 6.95 6.80

Stormwater (Sewer) 1.24 0.20 N/A

Paving 3.44 0.55 N/A

Medical Center 3.00 3.00 3.00

Economic Development 0.41 0.41 0.41

Debt Service 0.79 0.79 0.79

TOTAL 17.88 11.90 11.00

Chairperson Henderson asked when was the 0.25 mills made a stand alone

millage increase, because he believed the 0.25 mills was just a reallocation

and a part of the 9 mill cap. Finance Director Hodge recalled that the 0.25

mills has not been a part of the 9 mill cap, but she would review this

information and determine when that was started.


? General - 57.4%

? Other LOST - 12.5%

? Paving - 5.7%

? Medical Center - 5.4%

? Integrated Waste - 3.9%

? Transportation - 2.4%

? Debt Service - 4.3%

? Civic Center - 2.2%

? Stormwater (Sewer) - 2.0%

? E911 - 1.5%

? Trade Center - 1.0%

? Bull Creek - 0.6%

? Economic Development - 0.7%

? Oxbow Creek - 0.2%

? Parking Management - 0.2%


? General Property - 29.8%

? Sales & Use Taxes - 27.7%

? Charges for Services - 14.1%

? Business & Other Taxes - 9.1%

? Franchise Fees - 6.8%

? Transfers In - 4.4%

? Fines & Forefeitures - 1.9%

? Fund Balance - 2.5%

? Intergovernmental - 1.3%

? Miscellaneous - 1.1%

? Licenses & Permits - 0.8%

? Investment Income - 0.5%


? Public Safety - 38.6%

? Community Services ? 10.3%

? Criminal Justice - 5.5%

? Statutory, Boards & Commissions - 1.4%

? Capital Improvements - 2.4%

? Non-Departmental ? 9.4%

? Debt Service - 4.5%

? Mass Transit - 2.4%

? Management Operations - 6.8%

? Public Works - 10.6%

? Recreation & Culture - 8.1%


? Personnel Services - 57.8%

? Operating - 37.1%

? Capital - 1.7%

? COLA / Pay Adjustment - 1.0%

? CIP - 2.4%


? Revenues $ 33,000,000

? Expenditures $ 33,000,000

? Difference $ 0

? 2009 Other LOST Fund ? accounts for Other Local Option Sales Tax (OLOST), 70%

allocated to Public Safety, 30% allocated to Infrastructure.


? Personnel $ 13,822,653 (59.8%)

? Operating $ 2,181,439 ( 9.5%)

? Capital $ 0 ( 0%)

? Debt $ 120,795 (0.5%)

? Reserve $ 5,792,142 (25.1%)

? Transfer $ 1,182,971 ( 5.1%)




o Police Department

? 100 Police Officers

? 9 E911 Technicians

o Solicitor General

? 2 Asst. Solicitor Generals

? 1 Deputy Clerk

o Muscogee County Prison

? 2 Correctional Officers

? 1 Sergeant

o Fire Department

? 6 Firefighters

o District Attorney

? 2 Asst. District Attorney

o Muscogee Court Clerk

? 1 Sr Deputy Clerk

? 1 Deputy Clerk II

o Marshal

? 5 Deputy Officers

o Sheriff

? 12 Deputy Officers

? 2 Sergeants

? 8 Correctional Officers

? 2 Medical Technicians

? 1 Lieutenant

o Recorder?s Court

? 2 Judicial Admin Technicians

o Crime Prevention / Intervention

? Director

o Probate Court

? 1 Deputy Clerk

o $3,060 Annual Supplement for sworn Public Safety officers in Public Safety



? Crime Prevention Program Grants $750,000

? Crime Prevention Administration $ 12,000

? Police Department $460,000

? Fire Department $100,000

? State Court Solicitor $ 14,000

? Public Defender $128,712 (includes 2 contract public defender)

? Cost Allocation/Risk Mgmt/Worker?s Comp $716,361

? Debt Service $120,795

? Reserve $5,792,142

o $1,500,000 Future Additional Jail Reserve

o $2,000,000 E911 Replacement System

o $2,292,142 Capital Reserve

o Transfer to E911 Fund $1,182,971

Councilor Henderson asked if any consideration had been given to adjust

the pay of the Recorder?s Court Judges, at which time, Mayor Tomlinson advised

that it is a matter of finding the funding, which is a challenge this year.

She recalled there was a proposed request for a restructure of the office that

would allow a cost saving; however, that request was pulled.

Finance Director Hodge said the summary of E911 Funding as listed below is

presented as a result of a request made at the May 7, 2013 Budget Review



? E911 Revenues

o Landlines, Wireless, Prepaid Wireless $2,765,004

o OLOST $1,574,518

o Total $4,339,522

? E911 Expenditures

o Personnel (63 Positions) $2,978,475

o Operations $1,361,047

o TOTAL $4,339,522


? 30% Infrastructure $9,900,000

o Roads/Bridges $2,642,601

o Flood Abatement / Stormwater $ 750,000

o Technology Improvements $ 250,000

o Facility Improvements $ 750,000

o Debt Service $5,403,045

o Cost Allocation $ 28,774

o Engineering ? 1 Project Engineer $75,580


o $ 2,500,000 ? Discretionary Funds

o $10,612,080 ? Columbus Riverwalk

o $23,771,059 ? Intercity Express Bus Park ?n-Ride

o $ 3,714,228 ? South Lumpkin Multi-Use Facility

o $21,224,160 ? US27/ Custer Road Interchange Reconstruction

o $61,821,527 ? TOTAL

*** *** ***

Finance Director Hodge called attention to the handout ?FY2014 CIP Budget

? Recommended Allocation of Project Savings?. She explained there was a

question regarding the funding source for all of the Capital Improvement

Projects and are outlined in this document.

*** *** ***

Finance Director Hodge then provided the following power point

presentation with regards to the title ad valorem tax (TAVT) and is listed as



? Established by House Bill 386

? Effective March 1, 2013

? Replaces the annual Ad Valorem ?Birthday Tax?

What happened on March 1, 2013?

? What changed when motor vehicles titled on or after March 1, 2013?

o Exempt from sales and use tax

o Not subject to ad valorem tax

o Title fee & registration fee still applies

o Subject to a state title tax & local title tax

------------------------------------------------------*** ***


NOTE: Councilor Davis arrived at 2:38 p.m.

------------------------------------------------------*** ***



? State of Georgia projects that the difference in the amount of sales tax and

annual ad valorem tax will be recovered by:

o ?New? title ad valorem tax collected on casual sales

? Target amounts have been set with 2012 base year

Tax Year Tax Rate State % Local %

2013 6.5% 57% 43%

2014 6,75% 55% 45%

2015 7% 55% 45%

2016* 7% 53.5% 46.5%

2017* 7% 44% 56%

2018* 7% 40% 60%

2019* 7% 36% 64%

2020* 7% 34% 66%

2021* 7% 30% 70%

2022-forward* 7% 28% 72%


? Local TAVT for 2013 = 43%

? Distributed between the county, local municipalities, Board of Educations

? Muscogee County

o 2/3 = CCG

o 1/3 = MCSD


? FY2014 Recommended Budget Approach

o Guarantee from the State of no loss of revenue

o Reduced Motor Vehicle portion of the digest by 5%

o Showed offset as TAVT

o Budgeted LOST at 96.5% of FY12 collections (current trend)

o Until sufficient history is accumulated, $0 Net Impact between Motor Vehicle

Ad Valorem Tax, TAVT, and LOST for FY14

? Target amounts have been set with 2012 base year

Referring back to comments regarding the .25 mills for the Development

Authority, or the 0.41 mills that is currently listed, City Attorney Fay

explained that it is outside of the 9 mill cap pursuant to the State Law that

allows a city to give up to 3 mills in assistance to the Development Authority.

-------------------------------------------------------*** ***



Finance Director Hodge advised that Judge Steven Smith would be the first

presenter instead of Mr. Len Williams with the Housing Authority; however, Mr.

Williams would come before the committee next. She then read from the list of

department heads that would be appearing to speak before the committee.


Judge Steven Smith came forward to outline the impact of the 1.5% budget

cut and is listed as follows:

? The 1.5% budget cut equates to $24,000

? Entire operating cost does not equal $24,000

? The only way to comply to the budget cut is to delete a position

He then explained the challenges of losing a position with the increase in

court cases. He pointed out that there are four Clerks, a part-time Associate

Magistrate and the Judge. In response to a question of Councilor Baker, Judge

Smith mentioned that the court is a revenue generator in the projected amount

of $120,000 for this year.

Finance Director Hodge responded to a question of Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh by stating that the court fees for Municipal Court were increased as part

of the General Fund revenue.

After making some comments, Councilor Thomas asked to put the $24,000 on

the Add list. Councilor Huff pointed out that there are other department heads

that would be coming forward and there may be others losing employees. Mayor

Tomlinson added that there are many departments reducing positions, some are

not currently filled but will be deleted; however, there are other departments

that may opt for furloughs to meet budget. City Manager Hugley further

expounded that there are departments with employees that will be laid off and

not be on the payroll come July 1st.

Councilor Thomas requested to know which departments are laying employees

off, how many employees, furloughs, etc. regardless of if the department is

coming before the Budget Review Committee or not. She expressed concerns that

departments are able to lay off employees without coming to Council.

*** *** ***


Mr. Len Williams- Housing Authority Director, approached the rostrum as a

document was being distributed around the table. (A copy of this document was

filed for the record.) He advised that he is present to discuss the proposed

revitalization of Booker T. Washington. Immediately, City Manager Hugley

explained that the request to be made by Mr. Williams is for not for FY14 but

for the FY15 budget; therefore, it is a future budget matter.

Mr. Williams explained the design option is planned to be 100 units

off-site on Ft. Benning Road, 3-story building for seniors 55 years and older.

It would be located at the current site of the Chapman Homes with those

residents already relocated to the cottages at Arbor Pointe. He said we would

then come back with Phase II at the Booker T. Washington site, which is the

northern part of the site and the site nearest Victory Drive and Veterans

Parkway would be left for future development. He pointed out that the only

change is in the off-site location and that we are able to complete it for $.5

million less. He then requested from the city to receive $1 million for the

first phase and $1.5 million for the second phase beginning year 2015. He

proposed $400,000 a year for the first five years and $500,000 on the last

year, which would be year 2019.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh recalled that the city would receive a part of

the funding from the sell of the commercial property. Mr. Williams agreed with

the statement, then proceeded to explain that the Housing Authority would be

contributing $7.77 million and the city would be contributing $2.5 million,

which works out to 24% for the city and 76% for the Housing Authority whether

that would be a sell or a ground lease, we would share in that proportion.

*** *** ***


Ms. Donna Newman- Engineering Department Director, came forward to

highlight the impact of the 1.5% budget reduction and is provided as follows:

? Total 1.5% reduction- $125,432

o Cut in radio budget- $78,000

o Cut one vacant position

o Cut $35,584 out of the service contract

The impact would effect response time for Motorola if there is a major

problem at one of the tower sites, create delays in getting public safety

vehicles back on the street due to the four employee crew being able to

maintain and install sirens and light bars, radio repairs and response times

would be slower.

Councilor Davis asked about the traffic control center, at which time,

Engineering Director Newman explained that it is beginning to come on line;

there are three cameras that are up but are not fully functioning. The

part-time position that was granted for that was taken out of the budget;

therefore, this function would have to be done with the existing budget with

the existing staff. The position was never filled because the center never was

up and running.

Chairperson Henderson asked Finance Director Hodge to check into the

impact to the budget if the part-time employee for the Traffic Control Center

was brought on line in January.

*** *** ***


Ms. Tiny Washington- Clerk of Council, approached the rostrum to outline

the reductions made to the Clerk of Council and Council?s budgets and are

provided below:

? Line item reductions

o Office Supplies

o Records and Documents

o Travel, Schools and Conferences

o Education and Training

Total 1.5% reduction equates to $8,400. Clerk of Council Washington then

offered the following recommendations:

? Restore the Office Supplies line item in the amount of $1,182 to allow for

the ordering of Resolution, Ordinance and Minute binders to store the original


? Restore the Travel, Schools and Conference in the amount of $1,500 to allow

the Clerk of Council to maintain the certifications by attending training



Clerk of Council Washington continued by outlining the reductions to the

Council?s budget and are provided as follows:

? Total 1.5% reduction equates to $9,400

o Travel budget deleted in its entirety

o Reduction in membership dues by discontinuing one the memberships

Chairperson Henderson suggested putting on the delete list for the

Council?s budget to cut for one year all of the funding for Travel, Schools and

Conferences, as well as, the Education and Training. Also, delete the

membership dues for the National League of Cities and add $2,682 back into the

Clerk?s budget with $1,182 for Office Supplies and $1,500 for Travel to retain


*** *** ***


Ms. Pamela Hodge- Finance Department Director, approached the rostrum to

briefly outline the cuts made to the Finance Department?s budget and are

provided below:

? Reduction equated to $100,603

o Operating Expenses reduction of $26,923

o Reduced almost all of travel expenses

o Part-time vacant position not funded

o Revenue Division Manager unfunded (filled position)

*** *** ***


Ms. Amy Carbajal- Community Reinvestment Director, came forward to provide

a power point presentation to outline the budget and to highlight the impact of

the reduction. (A copy of this document was not filed for the record.)

? 2012 / 2013 CDBG ALLOCATION

o Total ? 1,408,537

? Administration ? 281,707

? Salary & Benefits - $260,913

? Cost Allocation - $28,878

Deficit of $8,000

? 2012 / 2013 HOME ALLOCATION

o Total ? 748,496

? Administration ? (Capped at 10%)

? Salary & Benefits - $46,770

? Cost Allocation - $19,501

Balance of $8,500


*** ***----------------------------------------------------------

NOTE: Councilor McDaniel left the meeting at approximately 3:45 p.m.


*** ***----------------------------------------------------------


o 2014 Budget (2013 minus 1.5% - $100,783)

? Salary & Benefits - $48,495

o 2013 Expenses to Date

? Legal - $11,509

? Appraisals - $2,725

? Contractual Services - $1,200

? Surveys - $6,300

? Demo, acquisition, postage - $3,358

Community Reinvestment Director Carbajal then asked for additional funds

in the Real Estate budget to assist with the offset of operating costs for CDBG

and HOME. She shared that if we get any additional cuts from HUD; then, she

would be looking to cut another position in CDBG.

She pointed out that if we have to cut an employee; then, we would have to

cut a program. Therefore, we would be looking to cut the Homeowner

Rehabilitation Program. She then explained the reasons that this program would

be slated to cut. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh expressed her concerns with

eliminating this program.

When asked by Councilor Henderson for the dollar amount requested,

Community Reinvestment Director Carbajal replied $40,000.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh requested to place the $40,000 on the Add list.

Councilor Baker maintained that if this would be permanent funding for the

payroll position out of the General Fund; then, where this permanent funding

source would come from needs to be taken into consideration.

*** *** ***


City Manager Isaiah Hugley, approached the rostrum to outline the impact

of the 1.5% reduction and is provided as follows:

? The 1.5% reduction equates $35,272

? Request for full-time position for CCG-TV removed

? Personnel Services reduction - $16,122 (Reduction of one temporary part-time

employee in CCG-TV)

? Operations- 19,150

City Manager Hugley explained that with the reduction of the one temporary

part-time employee in CCG-TV, some services would be eliminated and are listed

as follows:

? Discontinue three in-house TV Programs- Public Education Report, Public

Health Report and Latino in Columbus Spanish Program

? No longer provide video production services to CCG departments

? Discontinue videotaping some townhall meetings, departmental meetings and

events after 5:00 p.m.

He then expressed concerns in that there is no support for the current

CCG-TV Manager and one temporary part-time position has been eliminated;

therefore, the level of service the citizens have become accustomed to may not

be available.

He said what he would like, but cannot ask for, is to convert the

temporary part-time position to a full-time position; the current CCG-TV

Manager is not able at this time to take a real vacation.

When asked about the cost, City Manager Hugley said it would take

approximately $40,000. After conferring with Finance Director Hodge, City

Manager Hugley made a correction in that $25,000 is needed to convert the

temporary part-time position to a full-time position.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked to put the $25,000 on the Add list.


Mayor Teresa Tomlinson, also appeared before the Budget Review Committee

to outline how the 1.5% reduction would impact the Mayor?s budget and is

provided as follows:

? Travel account is not funded

? Cutting Sister City membership

? Loss of Grant Subsidies from foundations for certain memberships (U. S

Conference of Mayor?s, COPS Program, etc.)

? Cutting operations- $9,866

? Furloughs of $1,740

She mentioned the City Attorney was asked to research to find if the Mayor

could be furloughed; however, by virtue of State Law and the Constitution, the

Mayor cannot be furloughed. In response to a question of Councilor Thomas,

Finance Director Hodge determined that it would be approximately eight furlough

days depending on the position.

*** *** ***


Finance Director Hodge announced that the next Budget Review Committee

Meeting would be on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. There are departmental

presentations scheduled for that meeting.

Chairperson Henderson advised that he would be out-of-town on May 21,

2013; therefore, Councilor Baker has agreed to chair the meeting on that day.

In response to a question of Chairperson Henderson, Finance Director Hodge

explained that a lot of departments may have unfunded a position but not

eliminated the position; therefore, it would show up on the personnel sheet as

an authorized position. Chairperson Henderson then asked that Finance Director

Hodge update the Personnel Sheet that was provided. (A copy of the referenced

document was not filed for the record.) He also asked that the Personnel Sheet

include any personnel changes; for example, inter-departmental transfers, etc.

*** *** ***

There being no other budget related items to discuss, Chairman Henderson

announced that the meeting is adjourned with those six members present with

Councilors McDaniel having left the meeting and Councilors Allen, Barnes and

Woodson being absent for this meeting with the time being 4:20 p.m.


Sandra T. Davis

Deputy Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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