Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members








Commissioners Present: Dhan Parekh, Chair, Paul Pierce, Vice Chair, Shelley

Dean, Secretary/Treasurer, John Miller, Donna Hix, and Marianne Richter

Commissioners Absent: Charlie Desai, Cameron Dean, and Felicia Hamilton

Ex-Officios Present: Cyndy Cerbin and Merri Sherman

Ex-Officios Absent: Richard Bishop, David Bevins, Ross Horner, Isaiah Hugley,

and Mayor Teresa Tomlinson

Staff Present: Peter Bowden, Shelby Guest, Kelli Roberts, Laura Ruffner,

Ashley Woitena, Joel Slocumb, and Linda Olvera

Call to Order??????????????????Dhan Parekh

The meeting was called to order at 3:36 p.m.

Introduction of new Board Member(s) and special guest:

? Marianne Richter, Executive Director of the Columbus Museum, replaces the

seat vacated by Ken Johnson.

? Alison Cox, GM of the Springhill Suites, will replace Dhan Parekh when he

comes off the Board in December. Ms. Cox has asked to attend meetings as her

schedule allows before she joins the Board in January.

? David Allred, partner, and Victoria Belton, Account Executive, with Stamp

Idea Group

Special Presentation:

Advertising Campaign Strategy & Reveal??.Stamp Idea Group

? David Allred and Victoria Belton presented to the Board the process of

research, conceptualization, development, and execution o the advertising

campaign for the Bureau. The campaign theme is ?Go All Out.? A variety of

examples wee shown, directed at all market segments in which the CVB

markets/prospects. Stamp also discussed possible partnerships with event

organizations, as well as other organizations that could use the ?Go All Out?

campaign as part of their messaging, which would in turn, further the reach and

market penetration of the CVB?s message.

Year End Report????????????.Peter Bowden

? The Board was shown year-end performance of the Bureau?s work from various

departments to include, Sales, Marketing and Visitors Center. Staff either met

or exceeded goals and where applicable, surpassed Fiscal 2014 year-end

numbers. Mr. Bowden, along with the Board, thanked the Staff for their work

and accomplishments.

Approval of the Minutes & Treasurer?s Report????Peter Bowden

On behalf of Treasurer, Shelley Dean, Mr. Bowden presented the Board minutes

from June meeting. John Miller made a motion to accept the minutes as read.

Shelley Dean seconded the motion, a vote was taken, and the motion passed.

Then the June financials were presented. Dhan Parekh made a motion to accept

the financials as read. John Miller seconded the motion, a vote was taken, and

the motion was passed. Lastly the financials for July were presented to the

Board. Dhan Parekh made a motion to accept the financials as presented. John

Miller seconded the motion, a vote was taken, and the motion passed.

Chair?s Report?????????????????Dhan Parekh

It was announced that the FY 2015 annual audit for the CCVB and Sports Council

is scheduled to begin Monday, August 24. The Board was informed that the

findings of the audit could be as early as the October Board meeting.

The CCVB has been invited to attend the September Sports Council Board meeting

to present the case for the merger of the Sports Council with the CCVB.

Adjournment????????????.Dhan Parekh

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


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