Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


NO. __________

An Ordinance amending Chapter 16B of the Columbus Code to revise the employment

requirements, probationary employment period, performance evaluation policy,

and for other purposes.




That section 16B-1-3.2 is repealed in its entirety and replaced by a

new section that reads as follows:

Sec. 16B-1-3.2. - Hiring or rehiring of felons; exceptions; executive committee


In all departments of the consolidated government it shall be the policy

neither to hire nor to rehire employees who have been convicted of or pled

guilty or nolo contendere to felony offenses in any court of Georgia or other

states or in any United States District Court, and in pursuance of such policy

any department head who wishes to make an exception must submit a request to an

executive committee, composed of the mayor, the mayor pro-tem, the city

manager, the director of human resources, and a representative of law

enforcement to be appointed by the Mayor, which shall allow such exceptions by

a majority vote of the total membership of five and only after giving due

consideration to the needs of the government and the public interest involved

as well as the likelihood that such an exception will be conducive to the

rehabilitation efforts of the prospective employee involved. In evaluating a

candidate for an exception, the executive committee shall take into

consideration the severity of the crime and any recommendations that may be

offered by prison or parole or probation officers, opinions of past job

performance with the consolidated government or other employers, and the nature

or sensitivity of the position to be filled with emphasis on the question of

whether or not the previous crime is predictive of future job performance.


That subsection 16B-4-2.1 of the Columbus Code of Ordinances is

repealed in its entirety and replaced by a new section that reads as follows:

Sec. 16B-4-2.1. - Criminal records background check.

Based on the requirements of the job for which they are applying, all

applicants for initial employment or a new position with the consolidated

government shall consent in writing to a state and/or national criminal records

background check and/or shall provide fingerprints in such form and of such

quality as shall be acceptable for submission to the Georgia Crime Information

Center and the National Crime Information Center, The consolidated government

will use this information consistent with federal law, and all appropriate

notices required by such laws will be provided.


That ?16B-4-3 of the Columbus Code of Ordinances is repealed in its entirety

and replaced by a new section that reads as follows:

Sec. 16B-4-3. - Employment requirements.

All permanent positions shall be open to citizens of the United States and

persons legally authorized to work in this country who meet the requirements as

listed on the public announcement of the position. Such requirements may

include but shall not be limited to the following factors: Experience,

education, age, character, and physical condition. Applications will not be

accepted for permanent full-time employment from any person less than eighteen

(18) years of age, except high school graduates or equivalents and part-time

student employees.


That ?16B-8-2 of the Columbus Code of Ordinances is repealed in its entirety

and replaced by a new section that reads as follows:

Sec. 16B-8-2. - Duration.

The probation period for general government employees shall be six (6) months

in duration which may be extended at the discretion of the appropriate

department head for up to six (6) additional months; provided however, that the

probationary period for all sworn officers of the department of public safety

shall be for 18 months in duration with no further extensions.


That sections?16B-9-1 through 16B-9-6 of the Columbus Code of Ordinances

pertaining to employee evaluations areis repealed in theirits entirety entirety

and replaced by a new sections of the code that reads as follows:

Sec. 16B-9-1-Objective

The director of human resources shall prepare and administer a system for

evaluating the work performance of all employees in the classified service. The

purpose of the employee performance evaluation shall be primarily to inform

employees how well they are performing their work and how they can improve

their work performance. The performance evaluation may also be used in

determining pay grade or step reclassification; as a factor in determining

order of lay-off; as a basis for training, promotion, demotion, transfer or

dismissal; and for such other purposes as are allowed by law.

Sec.16B-9-2. ? Period of evaluation.

On original appointment or on promotions, as a minimum, all classified

employees, except temporary workers, shall be evaluated at least thirty (30)

days prior to the end of their probationary period. All employees shall be

evaluated annually thereafter.

Sec. 16B-9-3. - Evaluation.

That ?16B-9-3 of the Columbus Code of Ordinances is repealed in its

entirety and replaced by a new section that reads as follows:

An annual evaluation of each classified employee of the consolidated government

shall be prepared by an appropriate supervisor or appointing authority,

reviewed by the appropriate division head, department head and /or appointing

authority, and forwarded to the Human Resources Department for inclusion in the

employee?s personnel file.

Sec. 16B-9-4. - Review with employee.

The evaluator shall discuss each performance evaluation with the employee being

evaluated. If an employee disagrees with any statement in an evaluation, he

may submit, within ten (10) days following the conference with his supervisor,

a written statement, which shall be forwarded to the human resources director

and attached to the evaluation form. Assistance in writing this statement

shall be given to the employee, upon his request, by the department in which

the employee is located.

Sec. 16B-9-5. - Performance evaluations confidential

Performance evaluations will be maintained in the custody of the human

resources director or his representative and may be used by appropriate

consolidated government staff for all legitimate employer?s purposes including

personnel review board proceedings. The employee may at all times have access

to his or her own evaluations. Except as specified above, all governmental

officials handling evaluations shall maintain their confidentiality unless

required by State or Federal law to disclose the same.

Sec. 16B-9-6. - Changes in evaluation.

If for any reason an appointing authority shall request a revision of the

performance evaluation form after it has been officially submitted to the human

resources director, such request shall be in writing and shall set forth fully

the reasons for the request. The revised evaluation, when approved by the

human resources director, shall become the official performance evaluation. The

provisions of section 16B-9-4 will apply to any revised evaluation prepared

pursuant to this section.


That section 16B-9-7 of the Columbus Code of Ordinances is repealed in its



All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia,

held on the 28th day of February, 2012; introduced a second time at a regular

meeting of said Council held on the _________day of ____________, 2012, and

adopted at said meeting by the affirmative vote of ______ members of said


Councilor Allen Voting__________________.

Councilor Baker Voting__________________.

Councilor Barnes Voting_________________.

Councilor Davis Voting__________________.

Councilor Henderson Voting______________.

Councilor Huff Voting___________________.

Councilor McDaniel Voting_______________.

Councilor Pugh Voting___________________.

Councilor Thomas Voting________________.

Councilor Woodson Voting_______________.

____________________________________ _______________________________________




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