Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




JULY 16, 2013

A meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to order at 9:00

A.M., Tuesday, July 16, 2013, in the new Citizen Service Center, located at

3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor


*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh were

Councilors Mike Baker, Berry H. Henderson, Bruce Huff, Judy W. Thomas and

Evelyn Woodson. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Clerk of

Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk Sandra Davis were also present.

Councilor Jerry ?Pops? Barnes took his seat at the Council table at 9:05 a.m.

Councilor R. Gary Allen took his seat at the Council table at took his seat at

the Council table at 9:54 a.m.

----------------------------------------*** ***

***-------------------------------------ABSENT: Councilors Glenn Davis and

Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. was absent.

----------------------------------------*** ***

***-------------------------------------INVOCATION: Led by Reverend Dr. E.

Jones Doughton, Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church.

----------------------------------------*** ***


PLEDGE: Led by the Puddle Jumpers Childcare Center.

----------------------------------------*** ***




Mayor Tomlinson said we have several items that were made referrals where

the Council has requested additional information on various subjects of

importance to the City.

She said we have proposed this ordinance which has been on the agenda

several times, but said we wanted to make sure that we got the input that the

Council feels that they need to move forward. She then asked if there was any

of the department heads who was present today and wanted to be heard on this

matter, but there were none.

Mayor Tomlinson said we have received a furry of emails from various

department heads and then opened up the floor for discussion from members of

the Council.

Several members of the Council expressed their views regarding this

proposed ordinance.

After the members of Council expressed their views and comments, City

Manager Hugley then responded to questions of members of the Council

regarding this proposed ordinance, pointing out that department heads would


be able to go through a process to make line item adjustments and can move from

one line item to another, but they just cannot exceed their total bottom line


Mayor Tomlinson then asked if there was anyone else who wanted to speak to

this subject, but there were none.

*** *** ***



Mayor Tomlinson said at our last meeting, we had an informative discussion

on this matter and said that the Council has asked for additional information.

Director of Community Reinvestment Amy Carbajal came forward and pointed

out that at the last Council meeting there was a request made for her to go

back and determine whether or not if there was a way for us to maintain the

Homeowner Rehab Program, which due to budget constraints she had recommended

that we

eliminate. She said she have spoken with our sub-recipient, Neighbor Works

about whether or not they would be interested in taking over that program for

us, and said they are not interested in doing that program for us. She said she

don?t believe that Wynnton Neighborhood Housing has the capacity to take on the

project either; which leaves us just with an internal program. She said she

just wanted to go through her budget with the Council and said that she has a

few examples that hopefully will illustrate why she is making the

recommendation that she is. She said she has done a comparison from last year?s

budget to this year?s budget.

Councilor Huff then asked Ms. Carbajal if she has spoken with Wynnton

Neighborhood Housing about the possibility of them taking over the program, to

which she said she has not. Ms. Carbajal said the current year that we are

working in with them; they are already on a limited expenditure basis with us.

She said she has concerns about their capacity to fulfill existing obligations

and she also has concerns about their capacity to take on the funding that has

been allocated to them for this year. She said she has had discussions with

them, whereby they will not release all the funds for this year until they can

complete some of the projects that they have left over from last year.

She said what has happened is they have inventory that they have had a

really difficult time moving and said that HUD has a time frame on that. She

said if they don?t get some money in those homes HUD is going to request

repayment on all of that. She said she don?t believe they have the capacity for

that and she can?t put them in a position to put more houses out there.

Councilor Huff said he didn?t want her to put them in that position; he

simply wanted to know if she has spoken with them about the same offer she

afforded to Neighbor Works to take over that program for us. He said he and

Councilor Barnes has worked with Wynnton Neighborhood Housing and said he just

wondered if that discussion has taken place, and they had an opportunity to say

they are having a problem putting bodies in houses and we can?t take on


Councilor Barnes then asked Ms. Carbajal if she has spoken with the

individuals at Wynnton Neighborhood Housing about her concerns; and said he

would like for her to engage in a dialogue with them with regards to giving

then an opportunity as far as the Homeowner Rehab Program because they have

done a lot in the community.

City Manager Hugley said as Ms. Carbajal has indicated, she can have that

discussion with them, but said as Director, he want to make sure it?s clear

that if she goes beyond what she feels comfortable with, with an organization

and that organization is not able to meet the requirements of HUD; then HUD

will demand repayment. He said if HUD demands repayment because they have not

be able to do and she saw warnings sign; then, it is not Neighbor Works or any

other organization?s responsibility to repay, but it would be the City of

Columbus that would have to make the repayment.

He said there are some organizations that might apply for dollars and

indicated that they can do this, and we see that they can?t do it; then, we

won?t take the risk on the backs of the City or the taxpayers. He said even if

they say yes, based on what she needs, she may still say, I don?t think so. He

said that will be our recommendation to you, but said we will always be guided

by your directions.

Discussion continued on this matter with several members of the Council

expressing further concerns regarding this matter, and Ms. Carbajal responding

to questions of members of the Council.

After more than twenty-five minutes of discussion on this matter, Ms.

Carbajal then went into some details in outlining the following information, as

outlined below.

CDBG Allocation

2012/2013 CDBG

Total $1,408,537

Admin: $281,707 (20% Cap)

Salary and Benefits: $260,913

Cost Allocation: $28,878

Balance: $8,084

**After eliminating 1 position in Jan, 2013

2013/2014 CDBG

Total $1,411,869

Admin: $282,373 (20% Cap)

Salary and Benefits: $247,942

Cost Allocation: $23,990

Balance: $10,441

**After eliminating a second position July 2, 2013


2012/2013 HOME

Total $748,496

Admin: $74,849 (10% Cap)

Salary and Benefits: $46,428

Cost Allocation: $19,501

Balance: $8,920

2013/2014 HOME

Total $656,416

Admin: $65,641 (10% Cap)

Salary and Benefits: $47,588

Cost Allocation: $26,695

Balance: $8,642


Receive application for rehabilitation

Send inspector to develop cost estimate

Home #1: $58,960 estimated cost to repair

Home #2: $67,600 estimated cost to repair

Cost to the program for the inspection reports: $475 each, $950 total expensed

to admin account as applicant?s home is ineligible.

HOME Admin Balance: $8,642

Ms. Carbajal said due to the costs to repair these homes are no longer

eligible for the program because the cost to repair probably exceeds the

maximum, as well as they exceeded fifty percent of the value of the homes. She

said because we can?t do those two homes; therefore, they are not eligible

projects and any money you spend comes out of the Administrative Budget; and

said she doesn?t have any money in her administrative budget. She said a lot

of these homes comes back ineligible and said those costs have to come out of

the administrative budget, and said she doesn?t have those funds.


Funding for CDBG over the last 5 years has been reduced by 21%.

Funding for HOME over the last 5 years has been reduced by 41%.

Staff has been reduced by 30%.

Ms. Carbajal said that the HOME Program took a hit nationwide and said the

reason why is because jurisidictions were not being prudent with their

investments. She said they were making investments with sub-recipients and the

sub-recipients were not following through and said HOME basically got their

hands slapped; it was a punishment from Congress. She said this happened about

three years ago; whereby the Washington Post did an article on this. She said

the City of Columbus were not involved in that, but said it was a nationwide

issue and Washington Post

brought it out to the public; and the response from Congress was swift and

harsh and that is why they lost a lot of their HOME funding. She said a lot of

rules have changed since that time; one which is developers? capacity.

She said if you are working with developers and sub-recipients, you have

to be prudent in determining whether or not they have the capacity to complete

the program. She said this is a hard and fast rule past by HUD a year and a

half ago and they have implemented that.

Much discussion continued on the Homeowner Rehab Program with members of

the Council, as well as Mayor Tomlinson expressing strong views regarding this

matter and what the intent of this particular program when it was first

implemented; after which Ms. Carbajal responded to questions and concerns of

the Mayor and Council.


Ms. Carbajal said this information was brought to the Council during the

Budget Review Committee and she had said that if the program receives

additional cuts from HUD this year, the results will most likely be in the

following areas:

Elimination of the Homeowner Rehab Program

Albany, Fulton County ? Eliminated Program

Dekalb County ? Facing Similar Issues

Reduced number of Project Care Program recipients or possible elimination of

the program depending on level of HUD budget cuts.


After more than an hour and a half of discussion on this presentation, with

the Mayor and members of the Council expressing many concerns and questions

regarding the Homeowner Rehab program, Ms. Carbajal then responded to questions

of members of the Council and then said her recommendation today is that we put

the Homeowner Rehab program on hold for a year; finish the projects that we are

in the process of finishing.

After the conclusion of her presentation, members of the Council continued

to expressed their further views and concerns, with Ms. Carbajal responding to

questions. She said

and then wait throughout that we then re-evaluate the viability of the program

when funding allocations are announced in 2014 for the next fiscal year.

*** *** ***


David Arrington, Deputy City Manager came forward and gave a detailed

presentation regarding the Transportation Special Purpose Sales Tax, as it

relates to the Timing of Disbursement, as well as the Funding/Criteria, as

outlined below.


Recommended Allocation Process

Recommended Project Selection Criteria

Fiscal Year 2014 Recommendation

Process Timeline


Projects submitted to Council during the first quarter of the calendar year for

review and approval based on allocation criteria. Funding allocations will be

included in the following fiscal year budget.

Project selection consistent with allocation criteria

Critical Infrastructure

Maintenance and Safety Improvements

Matching Funds and Future Operations

Alternative Transportation Projects

Projects funded on a ?Pay-As-You-Go? basis

Maximize leverage opportunities



Supplemental funding for resurfacing, milling & resurfacing, rehabilitation of

streets based on the current Pavement Condition Index

See Attached List

Implement a program to begin paving approximately 6 miles of unpaved streets

maintained by the City

Implementing minor intersection improvements to improve traffic flow and reduce

accidents as identified in the Congestion Management Study and Annual Accident

Review process

Bridge/Culvert Repairs and Maintenance

Perform necessary improvements and repairs to bridges based on the GA DOT

Bridge Report which are under current weight restrictions and adversely

impact public safety and the delivery of public services

See Attached List

To perform specialized maintenance of bridge and culverts beyond the scope of

Public Services


Supplemental funding for maintenance and enhancements of existing and future

trails and gateway project areas

Installation of guardrails and other right of way safety improvements not

currently in compliance with recommended roadway safety standards

Supplemental funding for installation of traffic calming measures in accordance

with established City policies

Annual Allocation


Leveraging local matching funds for state and federal transportation funding

Maximum Leveraging Capacity $500,000/yr for MPO funds

Establishing funding for operational expenses for transportation projects


Funding to expand the current network for walking/biking/jogging trails as

identified in the Alternative Transportation Plan

Installation of sidewalks in areas of high pedestrian traffic and incomplete

sidewalk networks. Installation of ADA ramps and other improvements to meet

ADA requirements


Submit Resolution to Council for Approval of Process

Allocation Process

Project Selection Criteria

Recommended Fiscal Year TSPLOST 2014 Allocation

Projected budget - $2,500,000

Process will be Pay-As-You-Go

TSPLOST Discretionary Fund Balance

January to May receipts $1,002,025

Council to consider future allocation of TSPLOST Fund Balance in FY 2015 Budget


July 23, 2013 ? Resolution submitted for Council approval of Allocation Process

and Project Selection Criteria

February 2014 ? Recommended project list submitted to Council for discussion

May 2015 ? TSPLOST project list submitted in Fiscal Year 2015 recommended


*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before the Council, Mayor

Tomlinson then entertained a motion for adjournment. Councilor Barnes so moved.

Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those eight members of

Council present for this meeting, with Councilors Davis and McDaniel being

absent, with the time of adjournment being 11:33 a.m.

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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