Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2014 AT 5:30 PM

The following Commission members were present for the entire meeting except as



Mr. Winfield G. Flanagan,

Chairman December 31,


Mr. Kerry W. Hand, Vice

Chairman December

31, 2017

Mr. Thomas G. O. Forsberg, Treasurer December 31, 2015

The following Commission members were absent:

Ms. Sherry Goodrum December 31, 2016

Staff members present:

Richard C. Howell, A.A.E., Airport Director

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary

W. Donald Morgan, Jr., Legal Counsel

Anthony Cooper, Chief of Public Safety

Jennifer Wright, Restaurant Manager

Sonya Hollis, Marketing Director

Richard Daniels, Maintenance

Lorrie Brewer, Chief Accountant

Rod Aide, Public Safety

Andre? Parker, Public Safety

Donnie Hickman, Public Safety

Shaundra Goodwin, Public Safety

Francine Johnson, Accounting

Ed Gibson, Public Safety

Others present:

Bill Hogan, RS&H; Carter Woolfolk, Yates, Woolfolk, & Turner Insurance; Gary

Kundey, Richard Desportes, Matt Hinkle



Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to adopt the minutes for the August 27, 2014

meeting as presented; seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand and unanimously approved by

the Commission.

Ayes: 3 / No: 0



Mr. Richard Howell reported due to a conflicting appointment Robinson, Grimes &

Company, P.C. would not be attending the meeting. They have offered and will

be happy to come explain any questions the Columbus Airport Commission may have

concerning the audit at a later date. The cash flow is better this year, with

some substantial variances with our two enterprise activities that both posted

declines, which is not good for us as we have discussed in previous meetings.

Staff is looking at a non-aeronautical revenue development to include a

marketing plan for Flightways Columbus which has been on hold as we move

forward with the strategic plan.They recommended we have an accounting manual

to outline beyond our purchasing policies our day to day activities in handling

cash. Staff is taking a look at that understanding it will require a lot of

work and will be a big project. Management requested the Columbus Airport

Commission approve the Fiscal Year 2014 Audit as presented.

Mr. Thomas Forsberg stated he had reviewed the audit which had been provided to

all Commissioner?s to review in advance therefore, made the motion as follows.

Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to consider adoption of the new mission statement

for the Columbus Airport as presented; seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand and

unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 3 / No: 0



Mr. Howell stated a couple months back he and the Columbus Airport

Commissioners had consulted together, the decision was made to terminate their

contract early with Michael Baker International, LLC without further activity.

Mr. Howell had put out a statement of qualifications in a national search in

August 2014, received a total of five responses. On the initial review, one of

the five received was unresponsive and was removed from consideration. The

recommendation was made to interview three of the respondents. The interview

team included Mr. Richard Howell, Mr. Winfield Flanagan, and Chief Anthony

Cooper. Reynolds, Smith & Hills out of Jacksonville, Florida (RS&H) was

chosen, a contract agreement has been provided. The contract will provide a

base of architectural and engineering services that we need for projects. RS&H

also, presents themselves to be like an extension of staff. In this capacity

they will assist with the PFC applications, training of staff in areas we are

not capable of training, accounting manuals and so forth as needed. The

contract agreement, was provided to Mr. Don Morgan for review. Mr. Morgan had

a family emergency and had not corresponded with Mr. Howell until today. Mr.

Howell wanted to bring it to the Airport Commission to appoint RS&H as the

aviation consultant pending the successful negotiations of the contract. FAA

policy states that should a contract not be negotiated with RS&H, then Mr.

Howell will come back to the Airport Commission with the next candidate on the

list. Mr. Howell recommended approval to appoint RS&H to provide aviation

consulting services pending completion of contract negotiations.

Motion by Mr. Kerry Hand to approve to appoint Reynolds, Smith & Hills to

provide aviation consulting services pending completion of Columbus

Airport as presented; seconded by Mr. Thomas Forsberg and unanimously approved

by the Commission. Ayes: 3 / No: 0

Mr. Howell introduced a representative from Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Mr. Bill

Hogan, who will be the Columbus Airport Commission?s Project Officer from RS&H

when the negotiations have been settled for the contract.

Mr. Hogan thanked the Columbus Airport Commission for the opportunity and is

looking forward to working with the Airport Commission and Columbus Airport

Staff in meeting their goals.



Mr. Richard Howell had stated in a past work sessions with the Commissioners

the proposal of adding this position. The concern was the budgetary impact of

adding a full time salary to the airport. Mr. Paul Phillips is slowly

recovering from his vehicle accident, and has been told by the doctors it may

be six months or more before he can actually stand and walk. Mr. Howell

congratulated the staff in pulling together and filling in during Mr. Phillips

absence, they have all done a great job in keeping up with theirs and Mr.

Phillips work! As Mr. Phillips will not be returning a void is left in the

organization and Mr. Howell felt it was time to move forward with this

initiative. This person will be a working manager position, a member of Senior

Staff, and will be responsible for grounds , airfield maintenance , and

facilities functions . The Maintenance Manager Position will bring together all

the maintenance staff activities inot one department, Mr. Howell will task the

successful candidate to create the structure for the employees who will report

to this position where synergies from three separate entities will work

together as one. The salary range will be $44,000-$55,000 with benefits. The

cost to the Commission will be $64,000-$79,000. Mr. Howell plans to start

salary out rather low, and as indicated in the employee manual, use the six

month probationary period and at the end of that consideration for a pay raise

will be reviewed at that time.

Motion by Mr. Thomas Forsberg to consider approval to create a new Maintenance

Manager Position to oversee a combined maintenance department working manager

position for the Columbus Airport as presented; seconded by Mr. Kerry Hand and

unanimously approved by the Commission. Ayes: 3 / No: 0


Mr. Winfield Flanagan reported with upcoming vacancies a committee needs to be

designated in forming a committee, to make recommendations.

Mr. Howell asked Mr. Don Morgan if Mr. Flanagan needed to designate who would

be on the committee.

Mr. Morgan stated yes, and the committee can be a committee of one or more.

Mr. Flanagan asked the Commissioners if they would like to be on the nominating


Mr. Forsberg and Mr. Hand shared their interest in joining the committee.

Mr. Flanagan. Nominated both Mr. Forsberg and Mr. Hand into the Commissioner

Nominating Committee.

Mr. Morgan stated with Mr. Flanagan?s nomination of both Mr. Forsberg and Mr.

Hand, no further action is necessary concerning the Commissioner Nominating


Mr. Howell stated according to the By-Laws with Commissioner Don Cook?s

resignation and the resignation of Commissioner Sherry Goodrum, three names per

position are to be provided to the City Council for consideration in submitted

a total of six names in January 2015.

At the November 2014 Work Session Mr. Howell confirmed with Mr. Morgan there

can be a special will call to accept the names at during that meeting.

Mr. Morgan reported that is true. As a reminder, he stated the City Council

request three names per position to be filled. He did verify with Ms. Tiny

Washington earlier in the day, the council still prefers that districts fifteen

and sixteen be split evenly.

Mr. Howell did specify Mr. Cook?s term was to end this year, effective December

2015, and Ms. Goodrum term is set to end as of December 2016. As her term was

incomplete Ms. Goodrum term will need to be filled through December 2016.


Mr. Winfield Flanagan swore in Mr. Rod Aide with the Oath of Office.

The Oath of Office was sworn on behalf of the Columbus Airport Commission and

the Columbus Airport Department of Public Safety as follows:




I, Rod Dale Aide, a Police Officer for the Columbus Airport Department of

Public Safety, Columbus, Georgia, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will, to

the best of my skill and ability, faithfully uphold the Constitution of the

United States, the Constitution of the State of Georgia, the Charter and

Ordinances of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia and the rules

and policies of the Columbus Airport Commission.

I will execute the orders of my Superiors and comply with the rules and

regulations governing the Columbus Airport Commission and the Department of

Public Safety. I will not persecute the innocent, nor shield the guilty from

prosecution or punishment, nor will I be influenced in the discharge of my duty

by fear, favor, or affection, reward or hope thereof. In all my acts and

doings, I will be governed by the rules and ordinances applicable to the

Columbus Airport Commission and the Department of Public Safety.

So help me God.

Signed Rod Dale Aide

Mr. Flanagan expressed his appreciation to Mr. Aide on behalf of the Columbus

Airport Commission.


Mr. Howell introduced those present and acknowledged the following Columbus

Airport Commission Employees with five years of service.

Mr. Donnie Hickman

Ms. Jennifer Wright

Mr. Matt Clark

Mr. Darryl Graham

Mr. Timothy Schimek

Mr. Jody Holland

Mr. Flanagan thanked the employees in appreciation for their years of service.

Mr. Howell stated those employees that were not present, would receive their

pins for their years of service at the Columbus Airport.


Mr. Howell introduced Ms. Lorrie Brewer, to provide a financial update.


Ms. Lorrie Brewer provided the following information:

The Airport sustained a loss of $(87,642) with an adjusted net profit without

depreciation and amortization of $69,837 in September. Year over year it

amounts to decrease in profit of approximately 10% (without depreciation in

comparison to last year (see Summary of Airport Revenues & Expenses).

Propellers Restaurant sales were down compared to last year; Flightways fuel

sales and flowage fees were down approximately $70K, hangar and other rents

down around $12K. Accruals were again made for the car rental revenues for

September as actuals were not all available at the time of closing.

Compared to last year, labor expense was down approximately $5K; professional

fees were down $47K; administrative, fuel and other expenses were down $6K and

utilities and other services showed little change.

Update on Airport Improvement Projects 37 & 38:

AIP 37 ? Taxiway C Relocation & Airfield Electrical Improvement Project

$3,923,867; Balance: $601,765.

AIP 38 ? Airport Perimeter Fencing & Crack Seal, Seal Coat & Mark GA Apron

Project $384,678; Balance: $140,882.

Cash flow was positive for the month (see the Cash Flow Summary).


Ms. Sonya Hollis provided the following information:

We have been at Fort Benning for the Newcomer?s Briefing for all new

military persons new to the area and Fort Benning. This month so far we have

been able to get in front of 317 soldiers and family members with 94 being

first timers at Fort Benning with information on the Columbus Airport.

We are currently working on a plan for Non Aeronautical Revenue through

advertising in the airport. Several avenues have been reviewed and discussed

and we will be working on creating a media kit to move forward with advertising

options in the terminal and gate areas.

Pictures from the 3rd Annual Legislative Appreciation Luncheon have

been shared on all of the Columbus Airport Social Media pages.

Social media Update:

? Facebook Likes up by 3%

? Twitter Followers up by 6%

? Linked In connections up by 2%


Ms. Jennifer Wright provided the following update on Propellers:

? Propeller?s sales increased by 9.9% compared to 2013.

? Jennifer Wright is staying on course with following through with Propeller?s

strategic plan for fiscal year 2015.

? Jennifer Wright has been able to reduce total expenses for the past 3


? Propeller?s has a new fall menu out.

Mr. Hand complimented Ms. Wright and her staff on their great job provided

today for the Legislative Luncheon! Mr. Flanagan shared his appreciation too.

Mr. Howell reported the FAA will begin a project next week that will run

through January 2015. The PAPI lights for both Runway 6 and 24 have the power

boxes for the PAPI?s inside the runway safety area. The project will move the

boxes outside the safety area, set up some frangible mounts on the PAPI boxes

themselves. The upcoming holidays will delay the project a bit due to FAA

moratoriums. The other part of the work will be work on the MALSR that will be

to move and make changes on stations six thru ten. The plan is to work in

between flights so there will be no impacts to the 139 operations. A

preconstruction meeting was held earlier today. They have some design work to

do on a ditch by the 2/4 PAPI, which Mr. Howell will review prior to approval.

Mr. Howell stated it looks like a good project and they are moving forward with

it at this time. Another project is that that the FAA is also going to replace

the Runway Visual Range Unit with a new unit. The Runway Visual Range Unit was

two short towers that looked at each other and measured the distance you can

see down the runway. Now the Runway Visual Range is a single pole. Mr. Howell

has been talking with the FAA for many months regarding this project as the FAA

has been waiting on the final record documents for the our lighting vault

because much of the mainline electrical was redone, so they have no idea what

the electrical looks like coming into the airfield.

In regards to what Ms. Brewer provided in her report Mr. Howell has received

close out documents this week for AIP-37 and AIP-38 from the consultant. He

has not had an opportunity to review the documents to date. They are working

on record drawings to provide us. This will be one of the last items they will

be doing for us as we close out the association with Michael Baker

International, LLC.


Mr. Richard Desportes, Speedbird Aero, who runs the maintenance facility on the

field in Hangar 19 for the last five years. He has been around the airport

since 1978 when he began learning to fly, and began renting a hangar. He is

aware some years back there was a General Aviation Committee at the Columbus

Airport, and is requesting the Columbus Airport Commission to allow him to

reassemble another General Aviation Committee. He feels this will boost

general aviation business and provide a voice pipeline between the general

aviation side and the Commission, and promote it. There are stagnant airplanes

in about twenty-five hangars here on the airport with a total of one hundred

plus hangars. Mr. Desportes would like to volunteer his time in keeping up

with development at the airport.

Mr. Forsberg stated he is very supportive of the General Aviation Committee.

Mr. Howell reported the General Aviation Committee as written in the by-laws

would be a membership of five to seven people, one member being a Commissioner,

meet a minimum of quarterly and report back to the Columbus Airport Commission

quarterly. Mr. Howell currently communicates with the tenants with email blast

and town hall meetings, and supports anyone willing to take on this which will

give him a great voice to talk with the tenants in developing general aviation.

Mr. Flanagan reported to move forward in January 2015 with forming the General

Aviation Committee.

Mr. Forsberg with this the chairman calls, no motion is necessary?

Mr. Morgan stated yes as it is in the by-laws and the Columbus Airport

Commission needs to reinstate the committee.

Mr. Matt Hinkle stated he was one of the first served members of the first

General Aviation Committee. None of the members were clear as to what exactly

the General Aviation Committee?s mission was during that time. It is not a

complaint pipeline. A lot of items were taken care of, such as with the

assistance of rewriting the T-Hangar Lease. We need to know what we are open

to, with goals to go forth with, as to not lose focus.

Mr. Forsberg thanked Mr. Hinkle for the positive feedback on the General

Aviation Committee.

Mr. Howell introduced and expressed his appreciation to Mr. Richard Daniels in

really stepping up to the plate in filling in by spending a lot of extra time

at the airport, with airfield lighting, necessary repairs as needed, locating

inventory we were not aware we had, along with fulfilling his own job duties

along with the job duties of Mr. Paul Phillips. Appreciation was expressed and

those in attendance applauded Mr. Daniels for a job well done!

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5.59 P; .M.


____________________________ _____________________________

Mary Scarbrough, Secretary Winfield

G. Flanagan, Chairman


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