Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


May 6, 2009

A meeting of the Planning Advisory Commission was held Wednesday, May 6, 2009

in the Council Chambers on the Plaza Level of the Government Center.

Commissioners Present:

Chairperson Scott Boyce

Vice Chairperson Cathy Hodge

Commissioners: Travis Chambers

Gladys Ford

Glen Heinzelman

Ronnie Smith

Staff Members: Will Johnson ? Planning Department Chief

Daniel Stegall ? Zoning Administrator

Tina Trant ? Planning Technician

Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Lucy Sheftall (excused)`

Others Present: Charlie Jarrell, David Erickson

CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Scott Boyce called the meeting to order at 9:01

a.m. He explained the rezoning process to the audience.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 15, 2009. Commissioner Hodge made a motion to

approve the minutes. Commissioner Ford seconded. They were approved



1. ZC0903-3: A request to rezone .21 acres located at 500 Fulton Avenue. The

current zoning is Neighborhood Commercial. The proposed zoning is General

Commercial. The property will be used for automotive repair. Charlie Jarrell is

the applicant.

Mr. Daniel Stegall read the Staff Report for this case.

Future Land Use Map: It is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. It is in

Planning Area D. The Land Use Designation shows Single Family Residential.

Policy Statements: N/A.

Compatible with Existing Land Uses: Yes.

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within a floodway and

floodplain area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to

issuance of a Site Development Permit.

City Services: The property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: The proposed project is not expected to have a negative impact

on the transportation network.

Traffic Engineering: The site shall meet the codes and regulations of the

Columbus Consolidated Government for commercial usage.

School Impact: No school impact.

Buffer Requirement: The development shall not be required to provide any

buffering for this rezoning request due to the immediate property being zoned

as Neighborhood Commercial.

Fort Benning Recommendation: None.

DRI Recommendation: None.

Attitude of Property Owners: Twenty-six (26) property owners within 300 feet

were notified of this rezoning request. The Planning Department received no

calls regarding the rezoning request.

Conditions: None.

Additional information: None.

Charlie Jarrell, 4621 C River Road, came to the podium. He is a representative

of the owner.

This building is vacant now but they want to lease it out for an automotive

repair shop.

Chairperson Boyce asked for discussion and a motion. Commissioner Ford made a

motion to approve this rezoning case because it is compatible with existing

land uses and it will not have an adverse impact in the community. Commissioner

Chambers seconded. It was approved unanimously.

2. ZC0904-2: A request to rezone 2.735 acres located at 6003 Warm Springs Road

The current zoning is Single Family Residential 3. The proposed zoning is

Residential Multi-Family 1. The property will be used for single family

residential. David Erickson is the applicant.

Mr. Daniel Stegall read the Staff Report for this case.

Future Land Use Map: It is consistent with the Future Land Use Map. It is in

Planning Area B. The Land Use Designation shows Single Family Residential.

Policy Statements: N/A.

Compatible with Existing Land Uses: Yes.

Environmental Impacts: The property does not lie within a floodway and

floodplain area. The developer will need an approved drainage plan prior to

issuance of a Site Development Permit.

City Services: The property is served by all city services.

Traffic Impact: The proposed project is not expected to have a negative impact

on the transportation network.

Traffic Engineering: The site shall meet the codes and regulations of the

Columbus Consolidated Government for commercial usage.

School Impact: No school impact.

Buffer Requirement: The development shall not be required to provide any

buffering for this rezoning request due to the immediate property being zoned

as Single Family Residential.

Fort Benning Recommendation: None.

DRI Recommendation: None.

Attitude of Property Owners: Forty-four (44) property owners within 300 feet

were notified of this rezoning request. The Planning Department received no

calls regarding the rezoning request.

Conditions: 1. All development along the border of Stone Creek Subdivision

shall be single family residential. 2. All single family lots shall meet the

following minimum dimensions: A. 5,000 sq foot lot area. B. 50 foot lot

widths. C. 5 foot side setbacks. D. 20 foot rear setbacks.

Additional information: None.

David Erickson, came to the podium. He is a representative of Tiger Creek

Development. This is basically a clean-up zoning. They want to build single

family houses.

Chairperson Boyce asked for discussion and a motion. Commissioner Chambers

made a motion to approve this rezoning case because it is consistent with

future land use and it is compatible with existing land uses. Vice Chairperson

Hodge seconded. It was approved unanimously.


ZC0904-1: Request to amend the text of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)

to amend typos and minor errors in Chapter 4.

1. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.2.5.C.5(A) by adding a new

sentence to the subsection.


Sec. 4.2.5. Bay or Garage Doors.

Section 4.2.5.C.5(A)

(A) The minimum height of not less than five feet shall be achieved within 12

months of installation of the buffering and screening when vegetation is

utilized for all or a portion of the installation.

Sec. 4.2.5. Bay or Garage Doors.

Section 4.2.5.C.5(A)

(A) The minimum height of not less than five feet shall be achieved within 12

months of installation of the buffering and screening when vegetation is

utilized for all or a portion of the installation. Height requirements shall

be measured from the grade or floor elevation of the development.

2. Explanation of Revisions: Amend 4.2.5.C.5(C) by deleting the last sentence

and adding a new sentence to the subsection.


Sec. 4.2.5. Bay or Garage Doors.

Section 4.2.5.C.5(C)

(C) A screening wall shall be permanent and constructed of masonry, brick, or

similar opaque materials, and shall be consistent with the color and style of

the principal structure. The wall shall not exceed four feet in height.

Sec. 4.2.5. Bay or Garage Doors.

Section 4.2.5.C.5(C)

(C) A screening wall shall be permanent and constructed of masonry, brick, or

similar opaque materials, and shall be consistent with the color and style of

the principal structure. Height requirements shall be measured from the grade

or floor elevation of the development.

Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.2.11.F. by adding new sentences to

Subsection F.


Sec. 4.2.11. Drive-in Windows.

Section 4.2.11.F.

F. Pass-by Lane. Each drive-through facility shall provide a pass-by lane

separate from the drive-through lanes. The pass-by lane shall provide a minimum

width of ten feet.

Sec. 4.2.11. Drive-in Windows.

Section 4.2.11.F.

F. Pass-by Lane. Each drive-through facility shall provide a pass-by lane

separate from the drive-through lanes. The pass-by lane shall provide a minimum

width of ten feet. Each drive-through facility shall provide a pass-by lane

separate from the drive-through lane, when the lane is also used for parking

access. The design shall be approved by the Director of Engineering.

4. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.3.8. by adding new Subsections D

& E.


Sec. 4.3.8. Parking Stall and Bay Dimensions.

Section 4.3.8

A. Minimum Dimensions. Minimum dimensions for parking stalls are indicated

in Table 4.3.1 and Figure 4.3.1.

B. Paving. All minimum dimensions of parking spaces, travel aisles, and

other vehicular circulation areas shall be paved. The City Engineer may approve

use of specialty paver brick or surfaces.

C. Parking Bays. Parking bays, which are the total of stall depth plus aisle

width shall provide for adequate maneuvering and parking space. Parking bays

shall be subject to the minimum standards as described in Table 4.3.1 and

Figure 4.3.2.

(End of section) Sec. 4.3.8. Parking Stall and Bay Dimensions.

Section 4.3.8

A. Minimum Dimensions. Minimum dimensions for parking stalls are indicated

in Table 4.3.1 and Figure 4.3.1.

B. Paving. All minimum dimensions of parking spaces, travel aisles, and

other vehicular circulation areas shall be paved. The City Engineer may approve

use of specialty paver brick or surfaces.

C. Parking Bays. Parking bays, which are the total of stall depth plus aisle

width shall provide for adequate maneuvering and parking space. Parking bays

shall be subject to the minimum standards as described in Table 4.3.1 and

Figure 4.3.2.

D. Location Near Sidewalks. Sidewalks located in front of parking spaces shall

have a minimum width of six (6) feet or provide bumper stops or curbing to

prevent the front of the vehicle from overhanging the sidewalks.

E. Parking Near Property Lines. All parking must be offset three (3) feet from

any property line, unless an adjacent parking/access agreement exists between

adjoining property owners.

5. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.3.11.C.2 to delete ?ten? and

replace it with ?twenty-five?.


Sec. 4.3.11. Change in Required Number of Spaces.

Section 4.3.11.C.2

2. Planned Developments. Any request for an increase of parking equal to or

greater than ten percent of required parking which affects a planned

development shall be considered as request for approval of a waiver by the

Council. Sec. 4.3.11. Change in Required Number of Spaces.

Section 4.3.11.C.2

2. Planned Developments. Any request for an increase of parking equal to or

greater than twenty-five percent of required parking which affects a planned

development shall be considered as request for approval of a waiver by the


6. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.3.15.I to add the word ?feet?.


Sec. 4.3.15. Required Number of Loading Spaces.

Section 4.3.15.I

I. Refrigerated Trucks. Refrigerated trucks and other trucks which require

compressors, engines, refrigeration equipment, and similar equipment to be

continuously or periodically operational shall not park within 250 of any

residential zoning district during the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on

weekdays, and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

Sec. 4.3.15. Required Number of Loading Spaces.

Section 4.3.15.I

I. Refrigerated Trucks. Refrigerated trucks and other trucks which require

compressors, engines, refrigeration equipment, and similar equipment to be

continuously or periodically operational shall not park within 250 feet of any

residential zoning district during the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on

weekdays, and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

7. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.4.3. by replacing the word

?Chief? with the word ?Director? and changing the word ?five? to the word



Sec. 4.4.3. Review of Sign Applications.

Section 4.3.15.I

All sign applications must be reviewed and approved or denied by the Chief of

Inspection and Codes, within five working days of the date of the application.

Sec. 4.4.3. Review of Sign Applications.

Section 4.3.15.I

All sign applications must be reviewed and approved or denied by the Director

of Inspection and Codes, within fifteen working days of the date of the


8. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.4.4.Q.1 by replacing ?NC? with



Sec. 4.4.4. Exempt Signs.

Section 4.4.4.Q.1

1. Permitted. Menu boards shall be permitted in NC and CRD zoning


Sec. 4.4.4. Exempt Signs.

Section 4.4.4.Q.1

1. Permitted. Menu boards shall be permitted in UPT and CRD zoning


9. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.4.7.A by replacing ?Inspections

and Codes Division of the Department of Community and Economic Development?

with ?Department of Inspections and Codes?.


Sec. 4.4.7. Portable Signs.

Section 4.4.7.A

A. Annual Permit Required. A portable sign may be used only after obtaining

an annual permit from the Inspections And Code Division of the Department of

Community And Economic Development, and only under the conditions listed


Sec. 4.4.7. Portable Signs.

Section 4.4.7.A

A. Annual Permit Required. A portable sign may be used only after obtaining

an annual permit from the Department of Inspections And Codes, and only under

the conditions listed below.

10. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.4.7.B.7 by deleting Subsection 7

in its entirety.


Sec. 4.4.7. Portable Signs.

Section 4.4.7.B.7

7. Registration with Tax Office. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any

portable sign within Columbus, Georgia, to fail to annually register the

portable sign with the tax office of Columbus, Georgia. Evidence that the

portable sign has been registered with the tax office shall be required prior

to the issuance of an annual permit by the inspections and code division.

Sec. 4.4.7. Portable Signs.

Section 4.4.7.B.7


11. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.4.10.A.1 by deleting ?RO? and

replacing with ?UPT? and add number of signs permitted.


Sec. 4.4.10. Ground and Monument Sign Size and Height.

Section 4.4.10.A.1

1. RO and CRD Zoning District Ground/Monument Sign. 150 square feet; 20 feet


Sec. 4.4.10. Ground and Monument Sign Size and Height.

Section 4.4.10.A.1

1. UPT and CRD Zoning District Ground/Monument Sign. 1 sign. 150 square

feet; 20 feet high.

12. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.4.10.A.2 by deleting ?UPT? and

correcting Industrial zoning terminology.


Sec. 4.4.10. Ground and Monument Sign Size and Height.

Section 4.4.10.A.2

2. UPT, NC, RO, CO, CG, M/IL, and M/IHC Zoning District Ground/Monument Sign.

Sec. 4.4.10. Ground and Monument Sign Size and Height.

Section 4.4.10.A.2

2. NC, RO, CO, CG, LMI, and HMI Zoning District Ground/Monument Sign.

13. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.4.14. by correcting Commercial

and Industrial zoning terminology.


Sec. 4.4.14. Multiple Message Signs.

Section 4.4.14

Multiple message signs shall be permitted in CG, M/IL and M/IH zoning districts

under the following conditions.

Sec. 4.4.14. Multiple Message Signs.

Section 4.4.14

Multiple message signs shall be permitted in GC, LMI and HMI zoning districts

under the following conditions.

14. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.4.23.B.3 by deleting the last

sentence in Subsection 3.


Sec. 4.4.23. Inspection, Revocation and Penalty.

Section 4.4.23.B.3

3. Permit Fees. Before any permit is issued under the provisions of this

Article, the applicant shall pay fees as established by the Council. Unless

otherwise changed or amended by the Council, Table 4.4.1 establishes fees for

sign permits.

Sec. 4.4.23. Inspection, Revocation and Penalty.

Section 4.4.23.B.3

3. Permit Fees. Before any permit is issued under the provisions of this

Article, the applicant shall pay fees as established by the Council.

15. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.5.4.F.2(C) by correcting the

misspelling of ?percent?.


Sec. 4.5.4. General Standards.

Section 4.5.4.F.2(C)

(C) An expansion of the gross square feet of buildings or site's physical

development that cumulatively totals more than 50 percent since the effective

date of the original Buffer Ordinance (April 29, 1999).

Sec. 4.5.4. General Standards.

Section 4.5.4.F.2(C)

(C) An expansion of the gross square feet of buildings or site's physical

development that cumulatively totals more than 50 percent since the effective

date of the original Buffer Ordinance (April 29, 1999).

16. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.5.7 by deleting the word ?plant?

and replacing with the word ?tree?.


Sec. 4.5.7. Buffer Categories and Options for Side or Rear Yard Buffers.

Section 4.5.7

An applicant may choose the option to be used for rear and side yards based

upon the category of buffer as established in Table 4.5.2. A list of plant

species to be used in the buffers is provided in Table 4.6.5.

Sec. 4.5.7. Buffer Categories and Options for Side or Rear Yard Buffers.

Section 4.5.7

An applicant may choose the option to be used for rear and side yards based

upon the category of buffer as established in Table 4.5.2. A list of tree

species to be used in the buffers is provided in Table 4.6.5.

17. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.5.8 by adding new Subsection A &



Sec. 4.5.8. Required Street Buffers.

Section 4.5.8

All portions of a parcel proposed for development, redevelopment or expansion

that abuts a public street or highway right-of-way shall be buffered as

provided in Table 4.5.3.

Sec. 4.5.8. Required Street Buffers.

Section 4.5.8.A

A. All portions of a parcel proposed for development, redevelopment or

expansion that abuts a public street or highway right-of-way shall be buffered

as provided in Table 4.5.3.

B. Conflicts with Overhead Lines.

When the street buffer is within 20 feet of overhead utilities, small

maturing trees must be substituted for the required large maturing tree.

Substitutions must be two for one and be planted at either 25 or 50 feet


Substitutions must meet large maturing tree size specifications.

18. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.5.9.D by deleting ?RMD? and

replacing with ?SFR4?.


Sec. 4.5.9. Standards for Buffers.

Section 4.5.9.D

D. Exemption. Parcels zoned RE10, RE5, RE1, RT, SFR1, SFR2, SFR3 RMD, RMF1

AND RMF2 are exempt from the requirements of this Section.

Sec. 4.5.9. Standards for Buffers.

Section 4.5.9.D

D. Exemption. Parcels zoned RE10, RE5, RE1, RT, SFR1, SFR2, SFR3, SFR4, RMF1

AND RMF2 are exempt from the requirements of this Section.

19. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.6.4.B.8(A) by deleting

?Community and Economic Development Department? and replacing with ?Planning

Department, the Department of Inspections and Codes?.


Sec. 4.6.4. City Arborist.

Section 4.6.4.B.8(A)

(A) Cooperation. Cooperate closely with and assist the Public Services

Department, the Community and Economic Development Department, the Engineering

Department, the Parks and Recreation Department, the Development Authority and

the Downtown Development Authority, and all other City departments of this

government in a program to protect and maintain existing trees and green areas

and all City-owned and recreational lands and properties.

Sec. 4.6.4. City Arborist.

Section 4.6.4.B.8(A)

(A) Cooperation. Cooperate closely with and assist the Public Services

Department, the Planning Department, the Department of Inspections and Codes,

the Engineering Department, the Parks and Recreation Department, the

Development Authority and the Downtown Development Authority, and all other

City departments of this government in a program to protect and maintain

existing trees and green areas and all City-owned and recreational lands and


20. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.6.7.B.3(B) by revising the

subsection for more clarity.


Sec. 4.6.7. Tree Density Unit Requirements.

Section 4.6.7.B.3(B)

(B) Exclusion. Trees that are replaced within any utility easement cannot be

counted toward meeting tree density requirements.

Sec. 4.6.7. Tree Density Unit Requirements.

Section 4.6.7.B.3(B)

(B) Exclusion. Trees that are replanted within any utility easement or

street right of way cannot be counted toward meeting tree density requirements.

21. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.6.7.C.1 & C.2 by adding

additional language referencing height.


Sec. 4.6.7. Tree Density Unit Requirements.

Section 4.6.7.C.1 & 2

C. Minimum Caliper Sizes.

Small Maturing Trees. Minimum caliper size for small maturing tree species is

1.5 inches immediately after planting.

Large Maturing Trees. Minimum caliper size for large

maturing tree species is 2 inches immediately after planting.

Sec. 4.6.7. Tree Density Unit Requirements.

Section 4.6.7.C.1 & 2

C. Minimum Caliper Sizes.

Small Maturing Trees. Minimum caliper size for small maturing tree species is

1.5 inches at a minimum height of five (5) feet tall immediately after planting.

Large Maturing Trees. Minimum caliper size for large

maturing tree species is 2 inches at a minimum height of eight (8) feet tall

immediately after planting.

22. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.6.8.A.2(A) by deleting reference

to ?Low and Medium Density? and deleting reference to ?residential development



Sec. 4.6.8. Estate, Low and Medium Density Single-family Residential Lots and


Section 4.6.8.A.2(A)

(A) The issuance of a site development permit or a residential development

permit for any property to be developed as a residential subdivision within a

residential estate or low density medium density single-family residential

zoning district; or

Sec. 4.6.8. Estate and Single-family Residential Lots and Subdivisions.

Section 4.6.8.A.2(A)

(A) The issuance of a site development permit for any property to be

developed as a residential subdivision within a residential estate or

single-family residential zoning district; or

23. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.6.9.B by deleting the word ?,



Sec. 4.6.9. All Other Lots, Subdivisions, Commercial and Industrial


Section 4.6.9.B

B. Inclusion of Certain Trees. All trees required by any required zoning

buffer, street or perimeter trees and trees required to be planted in any

parking lot as provided in this Article or by any other legal requirement shall

be counted in calculating whether a property complies with the required TDU


Sec. 4.6.9. All Other Lots, Subdivisions, Commercial and Industrial


Section 4.6.9.B

B. Inclusion of Certain Trees. All trees required by any required zoning

buffer or perimeter trees and trees required to be planted in any parking lot

as provided in this Article or by any other legal requirement shall be counted

in calculating whether a property complies with the required TDU standard.

24. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.7.2.A.3 by deleting reference to

?residential development permit,?.


Sec. 4.7.2. Enforcement and Administration.

Section 4.7.2.A.3

3. Issuance of Certificates and Permits. A site development permit,

residential development permit, certificate of occupancy, or building permit

shall not be issued without the approval of the City Arborist signifying

compliance with the provisions of this Article.

Sec. 4.7.2. Enforcement and Administration.

Section 4.7.2.A.3

3. Issuance of Certificates and Permits. A site development permit,

certificate of occupancy, or building permit shall not be issued without the

approval of the City Arborist signifying compliance with the provisions of this


25. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.7.2.B.1 by deleting reference to

?Community and Economic Development Department? and replace with ?City Manager?.


Sec. 4.7.2. Enforcement and Administration.

Section 4.7.2.B.1

1. Cooperative Review. On any project, which the Community and Economic

Development Department determines to be a fast track, large economic

development project, the Arborist will work with the Community Project Team,

the Development Authority, the developer, and the company representatives to

comply with the 15 day permit turn around time.

Sec. 4.7.2. Enforcement and Administration.

Section 4.7.2.B.1

1. Cooperative Review. On any project, which the City Manager determines to

be a fast track, large economic development project, the Arborist will work

with the Community Project Team, the Development Authority, the developer, and

the company representatives to comply with the 15 day permit turn around time.

26. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.7.6 by deleting reference to

?Community and Economic Development Department? and replace with ?Planning

Department, Department of Inspections and Codes?.


Sec. 4.7.6. Cooperation with Other Departments.

Section 4.7.6

There shall be close cooperation between the City Arborist, the Public Services

Department, the Community and Economic Development Department, the Engineering

Department, the Parks and Recreation Department and all other City departments

when their work affects public trees. The City Arborist shall review and

comment on the proposed landscaping plans of all recreational lands and other

public properties within the City and any plan or project of any department of

this City which requires the removal of any tree.

Sec. 4.7.6. Cooperation with Other Departments.

Section 4.7.6

There shall be close cooperation between the City Arborist, the Public Services

Department, the Planning Department, the Department of Inspections and Codes,

the Engineering Department, the Parks and Recreation Department and all other

City departments when their work affects public trees. The City Arborist shall

review and comment on the proposed landscaping plans of all recreational lands

and other public properties within the City and any plan or project of any

department of this City which requires the removal of any tree.


X = Portions to be deleted

X = Portions to be added

27. Explanation of Revisions: Delete ?Up to 20? and replace with ?21-40? and

delete ?21-100? and replace with ?41-100?.

Number of Parking Spaces Length of

Stacking Area (ft)

21-40 (Up to 20) 40

41-100 (21-100) 60

101 or more 100

28. Explanation of Revisions: Amend the Legend of Figure 4.3.1 by deleting

portions of Legend C and adding language to Legend D.

GRAPHIC LINK: Figure 4.3.1.


A=Stall Angle

B=Stall Width

C=Vehicle Projection for 19 feet Stall Length

D=Aisle Width, One Way

E=Curb Length per Car

F=Wall to Wall Width for Double Aisle

G=Overlap Center Width for Double Aisle

29. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Table 4.3.3 by adding language to ?Boat,

Trailer and Marine Sales? and correcting a typo regarding ?Building and

Construction Trades Office and Shop?.

Category of Use Parking Spaces Required Additional Standards

(GSF= Gross Square Feet)

Commercial and Personal Services

Boat, Trailer and Marine Sales 1 per 250 GSF of office area

1 per 2,000 GSF of shop area

Building and Construction Trades Office and Shop 1 per 250 (259) GSF of office


1 per 2,000 GSF of shop area

30. Explanation of Revisions: Delete Table 4.4.1 (sign fees) in its entirety.

31. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Table 4.5.1 by deleting reference to ?RMD?

and replacing with ?SFR4?; by deleting ?A? between commercial zonings and

replacing with ?N/A?; and by deleting ?C: between industrial zonings and

replacing with ?N/A?.

Zoning of Adjacent Parcel Zoning of Parcel to be Developed Redeveloped or


RE10, RE5, and RE1 RT, SFR1, SFR2, and SFR3 SFR4 (RMD), RMF1, RMF2, and MHP RO,

NC, GC, CO and SAC LMI, HMI and TECH PUD, PCD, PID and Overlay

RE10, RE5, and RE1 N/A N/A 1 B C D TBD 2

RT, SFR1, SFR2, and SFR3 N/A N/A B C D TBD


RO, NC, GC, CO and SAC N/A A A N/A (A) C TBD




1 N/A means Not Applicable.

2 TBD means to be determined by individual approval for planned development or

overlay district.

32. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Table 4.5.4 by deleting ?12? under Shrubs

and Ornamental Grasses and replace with ?18?.

Standard Large Maturing Tree 2 Small Maturing Tree 2 Shrubs Ornamental


Minimum Size at Planting 1 8 feet 5 feet 18 (12) inches 18 (12) inches

Minimum Caliper at Planting 1 2 inches 1.5 inches N/A N/A

Overhead Utility Wires Not located within 20 feet of overhead wires N/A N/A N/A


1 Measured 6" above the top of the root mass immediately after planting.

2 See Table 4.6.5 to identify large and small maturing tree species.

33. Explanation of Revisions: Create a planting template (new Figure 4.6.1)

and place in the UDO at the end of Section 4.6.15. Tree Planting Standards.

See attached.

Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve this Text Amendment. Vice

Chairperson Hodge seconded. It was approved unanimously.

VI. NEW BUSINESS: There are 6 nominations for two members.


ADJOURNMENT: 9:16 a. m.



Scott Boyce, Chairperson Daniel Stegall, Zoning



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