Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members





APRIL 28, 2011


The monthly meeting of the Columbus Iron Works Convention and Trade Center

Authority was held in the Board Room of the facility, at 12:00 noon, on

Thursday, April 28, 2011.

Authority Members Present: Vice Chairman Jed Harris, Mr. Colin Martin, Dr. Kim

Peters and Ms. Gloria Strode

Authority Members Absent: Chairman Lori Auten

Administrative Members Present: Mr. Larry Campbell, Executive Director, Ms.

Cindy Ware, Finance Manager and Ms. Chasity Hall, Secretary


At 12:06 P.M., Vice Chairman Jed Harris called the meeting to order.


Vice Chairman Jed Harris asked if all members present had received and read the

minutes from the previous meeting. With no corrections or additions to be Mr.

Colin Martin, made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 24, 2011

meeting. Dr. Kim Peters then seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted

as written.


A. APPROVAL OF MEMBER ABSENCES Vice Chairman Jed Harris explained to the

Authority that his absence at the previous meeting had been due to out of town

business. After a brief discussion, Mrs. Gloria Strode made a motion to

approve his absence. Dr. Kim Peters seconded the motion and it was unanimously



A. CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL Larry reported that although there had been no

advancement in the project it was still in the works and contact continued

between the Development Authority and the potential developer.

B. FY?12 BUDGET Larry stated that as mentioned in the previous meeting he

and Cindy had attended a budget meeting with the city on Tuesday, March 29,

2011. Larry added that in the meeting, the city had reduced the revenue amount

projected for the Hotel/Motel Tax and the Beer Tax as well as omitted the money

allocated for employee raises all together.

C. HOTEL/MOTEL TAX Larry reported again that to the best of his knowledge

the simplified report that would show the monies collected from the hotel/motel

tax and how it is distributed still had not been finalized. Larry added that

there had also been no advancement in the distribution of the money from the

online settlement. Larry stated that the money is hotel/motel tax and should

be divided among those agencies that receive a portion of the tax.

D. RESOLUTION Larry reported that he had spoken with Clifton Fay, City Attorney

about the possibility of increasing the current two-week time frame for holding

similar events as set in1988 to a 30-day time frame. Larry added that Mr. Fay

had stated that if that was the wish of the Authority it would not be a

difficult thing to do. After a brief discussion, Dr. Kim Peters made a motion

to which Ms. Gloria Strode seconded supporting a thirty-day protection for

similar events. This does not however include gun and knife shows because they

are controlled by state law.


A. MARCH 2011 See attached report.

On a motion made by Mr. Colin Martin and seconded by Dr. Kim Peters the March

2011 financial report was approved as prepared and presented by Ms. Cindy Ware.


With no further items of business to discuss, Vice Chairman Jed Harris

adjourned the meeting at 1:15 p.m. The next regular meeting, which is held the

fourth Thursday of each month, will be Thursday, May 26, 2011 in the Board Room

of the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center.

Jed Harris, Vice Chairman Larry Campbell,

Executive Director

Trade Center Authority Columbus, GA Convention

and Trade Center


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