Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item #

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Agenda Report #

TO: Mayor and Council

SUBJECT: Street Name Change

INITIATED BY: Engineering Department


Recommendation: Approve the Ordinance renaming Gunboat Drive to Chastain


Background: The Engineering Department received a request from Chastain

Properties to change Gunboat Drive to Chastain Drive. There are three parcels

of land that have a Gunboat Drive address, and two of them are owned by the

Estate of Joseph B. Chastain. The Engineering Department sent out a survey to

the only adjoining property which is not owned by the Estate of Joseph B

Chastain. One response (see attached) was received on 6/24 after the initial

first reading from Cathy Thomas opposing the street name change. She expressed

concerns related to the changes that would be required for her mother in law

with an address change.

Analysis: There are three parcels of land that have a Gunboat Drive address

with Chastain Properties owning two of them. The Board of Honor met on July 15

and failed to take action on the proposed name change with the exception of

referring it back to Council with a recommendation to extend the 1st reading in

order to give the opposition a chance to be heard.

Financial Considerations: The City will install new street name signs to

reflect the name changes. The new street name signs will be paid for by

Chastain Properties.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement: The City will be responsible

for maintenance and up keep of the installed street name signs. Costs incurred

will be charged to the Traffic Engineering operating budget.

Legal Considerations: Council must pass an ordinance approving the name change.

Recommendations/ Actions: Approve the ordinance renaming Gunboat Drive to

Chastain Drive.


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