Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members

Columbus Consolidated Government

Community Development Advisory Council


Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2014

The regularly scheduled quarterly meeting of the Community Development Advisory

Council (CDAC), was held at the Columbus Consolidated Government, Annex

Building, in the Annex Conference Room, 420 10th Street, on June 17, 2014.

Members Present: Adrian Chester, Jack Hayes, Kim Jenkins, Charles H. McDaniel,

Zak Shahid, Carla Thomas, Olive Vidal-Kendall

Members Absent: Clementine Cochran, Gloria Enfinger, Gladys J. Ford,

Christy Lemieux

Also Present: David Arrington, Deborah Meadows, Denise McWhorter


Chairperson Jack Hayes called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.


Minutes from the February 25, 2014 Called Meeting and minutes from the

regularly scheduled quarterly meeting on March 18, 2014 (no quorum present),

were presented for approval. CDAC Member Adrian Chester made a motion to

accept the minutes of both meetings as presented. CDAC Member Charles McDaniel

seconded the motion. Motion passed by all members present.


Change in Continuum of Care (CoC) Funding

Deputy City Manager David Arrington addressed the change in funding for

Continuum of Care (CoC) since the called meeting on February 25, 2014 when the

FY15 recommended staff allocations were approved by the CDAC.

At the time of the February 25, 2014 meeting, we didn?t have the Housing and

Urban Development (HUD) funding that would be allocated for that year. We

based our recommendations on the anticipated funding.

Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2014

Page 2

CDBG was $70K less than anticipated, while HOME was approximately $40K more

than anticipated. At that time, CDAC was advised we would proportionally

reduce the funds for the agencies based on whatever reduction we had, with the

exception of the commitment to the Continuum of Care (CoC) and the 10 Year Plan

to Reduce Homelessness both commitments made by City Council.

In the column on the right of the handout, there is one change in funding,

shifting CoC administration from Homeless Resource Network (HRN) to Home For

Good, with Home For Good retaining responsibility for the HMIS system.

Since that recommendation and having met with both agencies, it became very

evident to us that for a variety of reasons, that transition wasn?t going to be

done immediately. Recently we met with both agencies and will be working

together with some technical assistance from Housing and Urban Development

(HUD). There is another meeting planned for next week to begin the technical

assistance and use it as a guide moving forward. Consequently, the funding

allocations brought to the CDAC and recommended, will have to be modified for

Homeless Resource Network (HRN) to continue with Continuum of Care (CoC)

program administration and HMIS system. It was determined at the last meeting

with both agencies, that funding to Homeless Resource Network would be

increased so they are able to get through the end of the year. By that time,

we will have technical assistance from HUD giving us better guidance on how to

keep moving forward. The transition may be a 1-2 year long process.

Allocations that have gone to City Council reflect these changes and HRN

continuing program administration through the end of the year. If necessary,

we will come back to the CDAC in the Fall and if needed, shift the balance of

funding that will probably go to Home for Good, over to HRN so they can receive

the full allocation.

There are some concerns on some interim rules going into effect in August and

October. CoC is a little behind on meeting some compliance deadlines. We need

to focus first and foremost on meeting the compliance deadlines for August and

October, then focus on the administration of local program administration of

our Continuum of Care long term.

Member Kim Jenkins had a comment that she was under the impression at the

January meeting, that Homeless Resource Network and Home For Good would split

the funds. David Arrington answered that since the January meeting, the bigger

concern has become dealing with the interim rules.

Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2014

Page 3

Member Kim Jenkins also asked why doesn?t Continuum of Care agencies do

presentations for the CDAC, noting that they have not been a part of that

process. David Arrington responded that City Council mandates the funds for

those two programs, Continuum of Care and the 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness.

However, he feels in looking toward next year, that it would be beneficial if

presentations were made to the CDAC by those agencies, if for no other reason

than informational purposes.

Sub-Recipient/Agencies Annual Contracts

Once the final allocation of funds from Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are

received, the contracts with our sub-recipients/service providers will be

processed. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recommended they would like to

see a more program based and outcome based contract and reporting process with

our sub-recipients/service providers.

CDAC Member Olive Vidal-Kendall mentioned adding a mid-year review for our

sub-recipients/service providers to see if they are on target. We did include

semi-annual reviews as a part of the contracts. Olive Vidal-Kendall also

suggested we may want to consider having workshops for our

sub-recipients/service providers on how to do the reporting that is required.

That suggestion will be explored.

Application and Award of Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Grant

The City applied for and was granted a $400K grant from the Department of

Community Affairs (DCA). The City, NeighborWorks Columbus, Inc. and the City?s

Community Reinvestment Department will be using the DCA Grant of $400K and

program income of $1 million dollars from the Neighborhood Stabilization

Program (NSP) through the Community Reinvestment Department. The combined funds

of $1.4 million dollars will be used for housing for military, veterans and

spouses of veterans. The ground breaking took place yesterday. A lot of good

will be done in the community in a relatively short period of time through this

partnership. The City is always looking for opportunities to create

partnerships of this kind.

CDAC By-Laws

CDAC Chairperson Jack Hayes acknowledged the fact that the CDAC members present

have all received a copy of the By-Laws. Those not present will be mailed a

copy. In looking at page 3 of the By-Laws, it states that the CDAC may have

?officers?, i.e., a chairperson, vice-chairperson, etc. Currently, the only

officer is the Chairperson.

Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2014

Page 4

The question was asked if anyone in attendance would like to volunteer for the

position of Vice-Chair, but there was not a volunteer from the members present.

The discussion of a need for a vice-chair will be revisited at the next

quarterly meeting.

Conflict of Interest Policy

A copy of the memo from the City Attorney regarding conflict of interest

guidelines for members serving on Boards, Commissions, Committees, etc., within

the City was given to all of the CDAC members present. Members not present will

receive a copy by mail.

The next regularly scheduled quarterly Community Development Advisory Council

Meeting is Tuesday, September 16, 2014.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Columbus Consolidated Government

Community Development Advisory Council (CDAC)

Regular Quarterly Meetings

Meeting Attendance Record

P = Present

A= Absent

C= Cancelled Meeting

Name March

18, 2014 June

17, 2014 September 16, 2014 December 16, 2014

Chester, Adrian A P A

Cochran, Clementine A A P

Enfinger, Gloria A A A

Ford, Gladys J. A A P

Franklin, Andrea A A Resigned

Hayes, Jack (Chairperson) A P P

Jenkins, Kim P P A*

Lemieux, Christy A A A

Martin, Colin T. N/A N/A P

McDaniel, Charles H. P P P

Reese, Tremaine ?Teddy? N/A N/A A

Shahid, Zak N/A P P

Thomas, Carla A P A*

Vidal-Kendall, Olive A P P

* Indicates excused absence


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