Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

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Council Members

Land Bank Authority Board Meeting

June 3, 2015

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Land Bank Authority Board Meeting

June 3, 2015

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Land Bank Authority

Board Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2015

10:00 a.m.

A meeting of the Land Bank Authority Board was held on June 3rd, 2015, in the

Conference Room at the Land Bank Authority?s office located at 18 Eleventh

Street, Columbus, Georgia.

Members Present: Lance Hemmings Steve Anthony Brad Dodds

Patrick Coleman Justin Krieg

Members Absent: Carson Cummings Anne Hanna Merritt

Also Present: Rhonda Walters (Staff)

Call to Order/Establish a Quorum

Board Chair Lance Hemmings called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting on May 6, 2015, was made

by Steve Anthony. The motion was seconded by Justin Krieg. The motion passed.

Operational Items

Financial Update

Approximately $45,400 remains in the account. One invoice for travel expenses

to the Reclaiming Vacant Properties conference is expected to be submitted next


Certificate of Incumbency and Authority

Brad Dodds presented a draft document for review. One slight modification is

necessary to reflect the correct number (3) and titles of LBA Officers. Lance

Hemmings is Chair, Brad Dodds is Vice Chair and Steve Anthony is Secretary. The

revised document will be presented during the next meeting.

Website Updates

Additional updates to the LBA?s page on the City?s website are needed. Rhonda

Walters will contact Donny Kent for assistance with these.

Business Items

Property Updates

o 2235 Cornell Avenue

Adjacent property owners have not responded or otherwise indicated any interest

in purchasing the lot. Discussion followed. Steve Anthony made a motion to list

the lot for sale with a realtor. Patrick Coleman seconded the motion. Motion

approved. Jackie Leonard, Solid Source Realty, will be contacted to list the


o 2406 Winchester

This property may be a good option for acquisition through In Rem Foreclosure.

Discussion followed. A motion to pursue In Rem Foreclosure was made by Justin

Krieg. Patrick Coleman seconded the motion. Motion passed. Justin will contact

the Tax Commissioner?s Office in this regard.

o LBA Property in East Highlands

The LBA owns five lots in the neighborhood. All are undersized lots with

limited development potential. Lance Hemmings has previously approached the

Principal at Hannan Elementary regarding the donation of two of those lots that

are adjacent to the school. The lots could be used to develop a school garden

that serves as a gateway to the neighborhood. The next step would require

gaining approval from the Muscogee County School Board. Kia Chambers may be the

best contact. Lance will follow up. Rhonda Walters will identify adjacent

property owners for these lots prior to the next meeting to help determine next

steps for the disposition of these lots.

o Possible Transfer of Property List from NWC to LBA

NeighborWorks Columbus (NWC) has previously requested the possible transfer of

property in their inventory to the LBA until such time as NWC may be able to

develop it. This type of transfer was discussed by both organizations in late

2011 but never finalized. Justin Krieg explained how the process would work. An

operational agreement outlining specific terms and conditions is needed. Rhonda

Walters will try to get examples of similar documents prior to the next

meeting. Goal ? Hold lots no longer than 5 years and at no cost to LBA for

maintenance, etc.

Items regarding the Tax Commissioner?s Office

Discussion continued regarding various items that involve the Tax

Commissioner?s Office. Justin Krieg reported that he had spoken with David

Britt of the Tax Commissioner?s Office. David will need to confer with Lula

Huff regarding some items but was quite helpful overall.

Property Tax Delinquency List - The LBA would like to utilize this information

to encourage payment delinquent property taxes or, in some cases, to pursue In

Rem Foreclosure. Concerns regarding the possible reimbursement of costs

associated with such actions were raised. David Britt is working on identifying

a list of properties for In Rem Foreclosure later this year. Justin will

request a copy of the list when it is completed. Regarding reimbursement of

costs incurred by the LBA, David didn?t think that such costs would be much. He

will discuss it with Lula Huff for further clarification.

Ordinance No. 12-40 ? This ordinance reserves a portion of the taxes collected

for a period of 5 years on property conveyed by the LBA for the LBA?s use to

defray expenses. The LBA would like to pursue these funds. David Britt

suggested that the LBA prepare a list of properties that have passed through

LBA ownership and are now current on property taxes for presentation to the Tax

Commissioner. The list should include properties sold by the LBA after the

Ordinance was adopted on August 28, 2012. Rhonda Walters will work with Justin

to compile this list.

Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference

The national conference was very informative. Rhonda Walters attended. One of

the key recurring factors in many of the success stories presented was the

level of engagement and participation of stakeholders across various sectors of

the community within their city-wide campaigns to address blight. Other

critical components of these strategies included code enforcement, funding for

demolition and ?greening? activities, citizen involvement and buy-in from

community leadership. Several presentations from the conference are available

on the Center for Community Progress website.

Next Meeting

The next Land Bank Authority Board Meeting will be on Wednesday, July 1st,



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


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