Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Planning Department

February 28, 2019

Honorable Mayor and Councilors

City Manager

City Attorney

Clerk of Council

Subject: (REZN-11-18-2155) Request to amend the text of the Unified Development

Ordinance (UDO) in to amend Section 4.6.12 Tree Protection and Planting Plan

Requirements to amend existing paragraph F and Section 13.1.1 New Definitions

for Sections to amend existing Definitions to read as follows:


(Explanation of Revisions)

1. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 4.6.12 (F).


N/A Section 4.6.12 (F) Tree Protection and Planting Plan Requirements

F. Removal of protected trees.

(a) It shall be a violation of this Article for any person, organization,

society, association or corporation, or any agent or representative thereof,

directly or indirectly, to cut down, remove, damage or destroy, or shall

authorize the cutting down, removal, damage, or destruction of any protected

tree, as defined in Section 13.1.1 hereof, or shall commit any act or authorize

the commission of any act which physically removes a protected tree or causes a

tree to die, such as damage inflicted upon the root system by heavy machinery,

chemicals or paving, changing the natural grade above the root system and tree

damage permitting infection or pest infestation unless such removal is

specifically permitted in accordance with paragraphs (b) below.

(b) Removal of Protected Trees: Any Beautification Plan Tree or Public

Protected Tree or Exceptional Specimen Tree may only be cut with permission of

the City Arborist or in the event of his denial, the Tree Board. Any

Beautification Plan Tree or Public Tree which poses imminent danger to the

public health, welfare or safety or any tree that needs to be removed on an

emergency basis to restore public utility service may be removed with specific

permission, authorization and approval from either the City Arborist, the

Public Works Director, City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Mayor, Chief of

Police or Chief of Fire & EMS.

2. Explanation of Revisions: Amend Section 13.1.1 (New Definitions).



SECTION 13.1.1 New Definitions.

Protected Tree means a Beautification Plan Tree, a Public Protected Tree, or an

exceptional specimen tree.

Beautification Plan Tree is any tree or shrub planted in any one of the

following circumstances: (a) as part of the Columbus Georgia Beautification

Plan which was established by Resolution No. 576-08, as the same may be amended

by future Council?s (b) in the State right of way pursuant to a DOT Special

Encroachment permit or with the permission of GDOT;(c) pursuant to a landscape

plan which is part of a streetscape beautification program approval by the

Columbus Consolidated Government and funded by governmental or private funding

or (d) any planting done by or with the permission or acquiescence of the

consolidated government on right of way of a city street or state highway.

Public Protected Tree means any tree located on lands owned by the consolidated

government, its authorities or other constituent units (?CCG entities?) or any

land upon which easements are imposed for the benefit of CCG entities, or upon

which other ownership control may be exerted by CCG entities including

rights-of-way, parks , public areas and easements for drainage, sewer, water

and other public utilities, with a DBH of six inches or more.

Exceptional Specimen Tree means any tree which upon application is determined

by the Tree Board to be a unique and intrinsic value to the general public

because of its size, age, historic association or ecological value or any tree

designated a Georgia State Champion, United States Champion or World Champion

by the American Forestry Association. The City Arborist shall keep a record of

all specimen trees so designated and their location.

Additional Information:



The Planning Advisory Commission (PAC) considered this text amendment at their

meeting on February 06, 2019. By a vote of 8-0, the PAC recommended approval.

The Planning Department recommends approval.


Rick Jones, AICP

Director, Planning Department


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